Endless Journey: Infinite Realms Chapter 371 A Glimpse at the Past 5

Chapter 371 A Glimpse at the Past 5


Out of nowhere, the Great TimeMaster suddenly clicked her fingers, which led to the scene ending in darkness.

"This scene is already done. Now go and see the next one." The Great TimeMaster said with her face as smooth as paper. Her voice was frigidly cold, that even Professor Frances could not help but shiver from hearing it.

Before the viewers could make sense of what they watched, the Great TImeMaster waved her fingers as the colors around them began to be distorted again.

"..." This time, the Great TimeMaster did not enthusiastically speak up at all, as she only stared silently at the space in front of her.

"..." Professor Frances and her other two allies did not dare to make a sound during this time period, as they knew that doing so might just incur the wrath of the Great TimeMaster.

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The color distortion lasted for 10 more seconds before it revealed the fourth scene about the past.


Professor Frances raised her eyebrows as she saw the scene, realizing that things have gone downhill for the Past TimeMaster.

Numerous torture techniques displayed themselves on the new scene, with each one only targeting the Past Great TimeMaster alone.

Whipping, beating, starvation, air deprivation, skinning, nail pulling, forced feeding, name any kind of torture that was known, and it was most likely been used on the Past Great TimeMaster.

Even when the Past Great TimeMaster was pregnant, her torturers, who were the members of the Celestial Sect, did not act lightly at all.

In fact, some of the horrific things that they did to her appeared to be done with an intent to make her suffer a miscarriage.

Fortunately for the Past Great TimeMaster, none of these has managed to make her lose her unborn child.

One can say that the one who really suffered was the Past Great TimeMaster, whose face and body was almost reduced to an unrecognizable form.

Her body was barely alive by this point, and the only thing that was keeping her up was her determination to let her unborn child live.

All of these torture on the Past Great TimeMaster flashed by like a video compilation, which forced Professor Frances to keep up as new torture styles keep on showing up quickly.

By looking at all the torture that had been done on the Past Great TimeMaster, it is easy to assume that even a strong-willed person will be unable to stomach on seeing it all.

Alex and Alina were the prime examples of this, as both of them looked pale and sick from the torture scenes, with Alina almost close to the point of throwing up.

Professor Frances was the sole exception, she appeared to be not perturbed by what she had just seen.

After all, the professor had done torture on people before, which made her used on the existence of torture itself. In fact, Professor Frances can say with confidence that she had done worse things to people before, that could be too much even for the tenacious Past Great TimeMaster.

"Tsk, this foreigner can sure take a beating. Too bad she will also have to die once we get what we want from her..." One of the Past Great TimeMaster’s torturers muttered as his eyes raked all over the Past Great TimeMaster’s almost broken body. "Oh, she’s still carrying her child? Damn, this child must be a talented child."

"Of course the child will be a talented one. After all, it is the spawn of Senior Brother Jian Chen." Another torturer said as he wiped the blood splatter on his arm. "Senior brother might have been a law-breaker, but you should still praise him for his talent. It’s just too bad that he was killed in his mission."

"Hah? Do you realy believe that c**p?" The first torturer exclaimed as he gave the second intruder a bewildered look. "Do you really think that Senior Brother Jian Chen died fighting a criminal?"

"Of course I do. It’s what the sect told us." The second torturer said as he slowly poured a healing potion on the Past Great TimeMaster’s body. He watched with satisfaction as the broken parts of the Past Great TimeMaster started to heal themselves slowly. "Why are you even doubting that?"

"I heard some rumors that Senior Brother Jian Chen was killed by his master because of his sins against the sect." The first torturer replied as he joined in on pouring the healing potion. "Of course that sin was him marrying this foreigner."

"Hey, that’s-

"I know that it sounds blasphemous, but if you think about it, there’s just no way that the sect will let off Senior Brother Jian Chen that easily." The first torturer said as he shook his head. "Listen to my theory: When the sect discovered Senior Brother Jian Chen’s relationship with the foreigner, his master immediately killed him as punishment. The sect then lied about his death, in order to make his death honorable. After all, Senior Brother Jian Chen was one of the best disciples of our sect. If news of him leaked out that he died because of his wife, the honor of the whole sect will surely be sullied."

"Hush it. The foreigner can hear you." The second torturer hissed as the barely healed Past Great TimeMaster suddenly trembled on the floor. "Look at her reaction. She must have heard you talking about the matter about Senior Jian Chen’s death."

"So what if this woman hears it? I think it is even better if she hears it!" The first torturer said as he gave the Past Great TimeMaster a sadistic look. "Aren’t we torturing her to obtain information about her origins? Since physical torture is not doing its work, then maybe making her anguished is the right way!"

"...Yeah, good luck with that." The second torturer said as he watched the face of the Past Great TimeMaster , which was now contorted in rage.

The blood covering her face made her look more terrifying, although her torturers seemed to be unfazed by it.

"Hey, why are we even torturing her for information? Couldn’t we just, you know, use our soul power to scour her soul?" The second torturer asked as he scratched the back of his head. "Wont’ that make everything easier?’

"That would be the case if this foreigner is an Immortal Cultivator. But she’s not, and that makes it almost impossible for us to perform a soul scour." The first torturer said as he shrugged his shoulders. "So we have no choice but to do it the old fashioned way..."

"Sigh, I really don’t like torturing people, but we have no choice now but to do this to this woman." The second torturer slowly said as he threw away the now empty bottle of healing potion.


The second intruder then tilted his head as he looked at the Past Great TimeMaster with curiosity. "Hey, what do you think gives this woman the will to live? If it were me, I would have already given in after just 2 days of torture. But this woman lasted for 2 months already, and from the looks of it, she can still last longer than that!"

"Hmph, I don’t really know, and I don’t care." The first intruder replied as he spat on the floor.

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"So we’re back to square one again..."

"Not exactly." The first torturer said as he suddenly let out an excited smile. "There’s a new torture technique that we can use on this foreigner, and I think that there is a high possibility of making her talk with this new technique!"

"Oh please tell me what this new torture technique is. I can’t wait to see it..." The second torturer replied in a bored tone. From the way that he talked, it was easy to see that he had already said this same line before.

"Oi, have some confidence in me, will ya?" The first torturer replied as he clicked his tongue. He then gave a kick on the Past Great TimeMaster’s shoulder, which elicited a hiss of pain from her.

"If hurting this woman will not work, then maybe threatening her baby’s life will." The first torturer said as his eyes landed on the Past Great TimeMaster’s stomach. "Hehehe, I’m sure that it will work well..."

"Huh? Are you sure that will work?" The second torturer asked as he tilted his head. "Didn’t we try everything that we can to kill the baby in its unborn state? All those attempts failed, so what makes you think that we can threaten this baby once it was born? I think this will just be a bust."

"Hmph, I think that the reason that we cannot kill this baby while it’s still unborn was because it is under some kind of protection." The first torturer said as he cleaned his hands. "I think that this protection was the one that has been keeping this baby alive in this condition."

"Yes, that could be right. But how does that make your plan possible?"

After hearing this question from the second torturer, the first torturer suddenly appeared to be terrifying, as a malicious leer appeared on his face.

"Hehehe... do you think that this protection will stay once this baby was born? I think not!" The first torturer exclaimed as his leer widened. "I think that this protection only works while the baby was still on this woman’s womb! Once this baby comes out of this woman, it will be surely as vulnerable as a young chick! That will be the best moment for us to swoop in and take that baby! Hehehe... once we take that baby with us, making this foreigner talk will just be a piece of cake!"

"I’LL KILL YOU!" The Past Great TimeMaster, who was laying on the ground in a catatonic manner, suddenly leapt high into the air as she stretched her hands towards the first intruder.


Her face was warped with more fury now, and the killing intent emanating out of her body was enough to freeze her two torturers.

Professor Frances narrowed her eyes as she all of these happening, as she inwardly thought that maybe this is the new turning point of the Past Great TimeMaster.

Unfortunately, the killing intent has only managed to freeze the two torturers in a short amount of time.

"Hmph, f**king b**ch!" The first torturer shouted as he sent a backhanded blow at the Past Great TimeMaster. The Past Great TimeMaster crashed back to the ground, with her livid gaze still concentrated on the two of them. "If we were only allowed, I would have killed you now!"

"As long as we don’t get what we want from her, we won’t give her the sweet release of death..." The second torturer muttered as he poured another healing portion on the shoulder of the Past Great TimeMaster. The cracked bones on her shoulder healed themselves quite nicely, before they were broken again by another kick from the first torturer. "Oi, torture time is over already! You should wait until the next shift first!"

"Yeah, yeah, I know that..." The first torturer grumbled as he gritted his teeth. "I just can’t resist kicking this woman...

"You know what, why don’t we leave now? I’m also getting hungry already..." The second torturer muttered as he re-chained the limbs of the Past Great TimeMaster. "It’s almost past noon already."

"Now that you said it, I’m also getting hungry too." The first torturer replied as he stopped his assault on the Past Great TimeMaster. "Come on, let’s get eating already."

"Yes, yes, I’m coming now." The second torturer said as he turned his back towards the Past Great TimeMaster. He then began to drool as he seemed to imagine himself eating a great meal.

"Eating is life..." The second torturer muttered merrily as he started walking towards the exit. "Sigh... living in this age is really a great fortune for me!"

Unfortunately for this man, he was unable to reach the exit of the torture room, as a sudden fluctuation of power burst out of the Past Great TimeMaster’s body, which forced him to stop on his tracks.


Both the torturers looked back at the Past Great TimeMaster with vigilance, as they thought that this woman was cooking up an attack on them.

But to the surprise of the two, they did not see any indication of the Past Great TimeMaster making a move.

Instead, what they saw was the Past Great TimeMaster clutching her stomach in pain, with beads of sweat rolling down from her face.

As for the power fluctuation, the watching Professor Frances noticed that it actually came from inside the stomach of the Past Great TimeMaster.

The two torturers seemed to also have noticed the same fact as second later, as both of them suddenly trembled as they looked at the stomach of the Past Great TimeMaster.

Their faces were showing enhanced emotions right now, with the first torturer bordering that of excitement and the second torturer bordering that of exasperation.

"Hey, are you thinking what I am thinking?" The first torturer said as he glanced at his partner with excitement. "Tell me that you thinking of that too!

"Yes, I think that I think that same thing as you." The second torturer replied as he let out a sigh. "You should be excited now, right?"

"Of course I am." The first torturer replied as his eyes narrowed in pleasure. "After all, this foreigner is about to give birth right now!! Hahaha! Now I can implement my ’baby plan’ already!"

"Well good luck with that." The second intruder murmured as he continued leaving the room. "Just watch the foreigner here. As for me, I will call for a good midwife that will deliver the child safely. We wouldn’t want a prized good to be damaged after all."

"I get it. Just go now."

"Okay, make sure that she won’t make any unnecessary moves, ok?"

"Do you think that this woman can still attempt to escape with the way that she is in right now? Hmph, even a puppy can easily stop her from moving!"


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