Endless Journey: Infinite Realms Chapter 372 A Glimpse at the Past 6

Chapter 372 A Glimpse at the Past 6

What happened after this conversation went by as a blur.

After the second torturer spread out the news that the Past Great TimeMaster was about to give birth, the higher-ups of the whole Celestial Sect immediately gave the commandment to make the Past Great TimeMaster’s birth as easy as possible.

From the looks of it, these people were highly interested on taking a glimpse on the baby of the Past Great TimeMaster, as its special case was something that the higher-ups have never seen before.

An unborn baby has actually managed to survive even when her mother was being tortured? With this kind of tenacity, it is highly likely that this baby is special!

With this command from the higher-ups, the Past Great TimeMaster was immediately brought to a luxurious room, which looked to be only reserved for high-ranking people.

This room was filled with high-quality spiritual artifacts, and there was also multitude of items here that were meant to be used for medical purposes.

Upon arrival, the Past Great TimeMaster was gently laid down on a comfortable-looking bed, as 5 midwives looked after her with seriousness in their eyes.

Behind these midwives, all the Elders of the Celestial Sect, including the current Sect Leader were present as they waited for the birth of the child.

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"Agh!" In face of this suddenly royal treatment, the Past Great TimeMaster was unable to say anything about it, as she was more focused on letting out screams of pain.

Her body would also occasionally jerk all around her, as she seemed to be unable to take the pain that she is feeling right now.

"Good... This is good! The more painful the birth is, the better the child will be!" Old Man Yuan, who was one of the Elders inside the room, slowly said as he gave the Past Great TimeMaster a greedy look. "Hehehe... Sect Leader, what should we do with her baby once it was born? Should we kill it, or should we..."

"Of course we will raise it with care." The Sect Leader replied as his golden robes swished around him in a regal manner. He ignored the splatter of blood seeping on the bed as he only gave the writhing Past Great TimeMaster a warm look. "Jian Chen left his child here in our care, so of course we have to take care of it. We wouldn’t want to disappoint him, right?"

"Wow. What a hypocrite." Professor Frances thought to herself as she watched the conversation. "At first, you tried to kill both the Past Great TimeMaster and her baby since they were the products of Jian Chen’s sin. But now that you have seen that the baby could possibly be a prodigy, you actually said that you will take care of it? Hah, so Immortals were actually this shameless! I could not fathom why Alex likes them..."

"Hehehe, it’s really bad that Jian Chen died. If he didn’t, he could have been the one who will take care of the baby. Sigh, poor baby." Old Man Yuan said without looking even remotely sad. "Jian Chen, your sacrifices will never be forgotten by us. Be rest assured. We will raise your baby as a fine person and a pillar of the Celestial Sect! That is the best thing that we can do for you!"

"Utterly shameless. I think even Alex will also be amazed by the thick skins of these people..." Professor Frances muttered as she shook her head. "Are all Immortals really like this? Geez, now I don’t know if I should still feel sorry for the current Immortals..."


The scream coming out of the mouth of the Past Great TimeMaster reached its fever pitch as her body arched up in the air in a contorted manner. Her whole body jerked out of control as the midwives let out panicked shouts.


All the veins and arteries on her face bulged as she let out another shout, which seemed to have taken the life out of her body.

"Thud." Her whole body then fell back on the bed in a limp manner, with only slight twitches from her fingers indicating that she was still alive.

Everyone went silent after the Past Great TimeMaster’s collapse, as if they were waiting for what they wanted to see.

"Uwaa! Uwaa! Uwaa!!!"

The cries of a baby suddenly filled up the room, which led to a flurry of movements form the Elders.

"Give the baby to me." Old Man Yuan exclaimed as he grabbed the newborn baby out of the midwife’s hold. He held the baby in a gentle manner, which was a great contrast to his rough personality.

He looked at the newborn baby with a greedy smile, as if he was trying to gauge its worth right now. "Hehehe, now let’s see if this baby is special..."

"Oi Yuan, why did you grab it first? I am the Sect Leader, so I should have been the first!" The Sect Leader complained as he peered at the newborn baby. "Now piss off. I want to inspect the baby too."


"Yuan, why are you suddenly silent? Did you discover anything special?"



"Come and see it for yourself." Old Man Yuan quietly replied as he passed the newborn baby to the Sect Leader.

The Sect Leader held the baby in a similarly gentle manner before he started inspecting it too. "Okay, so what do we see here? This baby is- hm?"

Just like Old Man Yuan, the Sect Leader was rendered silent by the baby too.

"Sect Leader, is everything okay?" One of the Elders asked as he looked at the baby with wariness. "Is the baby dangerous? If it is, we can personally kill it now."

"Kill this baby? Hell no!" The Sect Leader suddenly barked out as he gave a livid glare at the Elder. "There is no way that we will allow this baby to be hurt now! Heck, I will personally kill anyone who will hurt this baby from now on! I swear to do that with my life in line!"

The Sect Leader said these words with an extremely intense expression on his face, that aside from Old Man Yuan, everyone else inside the room felt overwhelmed by what they just saw.

This overwhelmed feeling continued to bloom when Old Man Yuan started laughing maniacally.

"Hahahaha! Hahahaah! Hahahaha!"

Soon, the Sect Leader joined in the laughter too, creating a two-piece orchestra of pure, ambitious laughter.

"Ahahahaha! AHahahaha!"

"Hahahaha! Hahahaha!"

At this point, one of the remaining Elders stepped forward, as he attempted to ask the two why they were acting like this.

But this Elder’s attempt to speak up was cut-off, as Old Man Yuan started to speak in a pleased manner.

"I thought that this baby would only be a divine child, or an immensely talented practitioner. But as it turns out, this baby was even better! Hahahaha!" Old Man Yuan said as he started wiping tears of joy from his eyes.

"This baby is not just a normal practitioner. This baby will be the one that will make the Celestial Sect the greatest sect in the world!" The Sect Leader shouted out as he raised the baby in an exultant fashion.

"See this baby? This baby right here is the Reborn Soul of this World! With this baby in our hands, we are assured to be the overlords of this world!" Old Man Yuan said as he jumped in the floor in excitement. "Hahaha! Now, the time for the Celestial Sect to shine has come!"


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Everyone inside the room began to celebrate after this, as if what Old Man Yuan just said was the greatest thing that they could ever hear.

Even the midwives has started to celebrate too, with some even clapping their hands in exultation.

"Long Live the Celestial Sect!"

"Long Live the Celestial Sect!"

"Long Live the Celestial Sect!"

Amidst the sudden celebration inside the room, there was one person that was being duly ignored.

The Past Great TimeMaster lay unmoving at her bed, with her glassy eyes staring without focus at the ceiling.

Her whole body was covered in blood again, and this time, there was nobody that bothered to heal her.

"Long Live the Celestial Sect!"

"Long Live the Celestial Sect!"

"Long Live the Celestial Sect!"

The mouth of the Past Great TimeMaster started to slightly open, as if she was struggling to make herself speak.

It took her a few more seconds before she could fully move her mouth, and she used this opportunity that croak out a request.

"Can I.... hold my daughter? Please?"

The celebration inside the room went back to dead silence after everyone heard the request of the Past Great TimeMaster.

All of them stared uncomfortably at the Past Great TimeMaster, who they seemed to have only remembered now.

"Hey, since this woman is not talking about her origin, let’s kill her already." Old Man Yuan said as he moved his body to hide the baby away from the view of the Past Great TimeMaster. "She had already given us this baby, so she had no more uses for us. Wouldn’t keeping her alive become counter-productive for us?"

"I get your point Yuan." The Sect Leader replied as he lowered his hold on the still crying baby. "Since this woman is useless now, we shall kill her already. But before we do that, why don’t we let her hold her baby for one last time? Consider this... as her reward for providing us with a baby like this!"

"Hehehe... I see that you are still as compassionate as ever, Sect Leader." Old Man Yuan said as he shook his head. "You know what? Fine, let’s allow this b**ch to hold her baby now. After all, this will be the only time that she can hold her baby..."

The Sect Leader did not waste any time as he immediately placed the baby right on the waiting arms of the Past Great TimeMaster.

Even though her limbs appeared to be thin and weak, the Past Great TimeMaster has managed to keep her hold on the baby, who has now stopped crying.

"Annie... Your mommy is here with you, so don’t be sad now, ok?" The past Past Great TimeMaster cooed as she started rocking the baby in her arms. "Your mommy is here, so don’t be scared anymore..."

"Hmph, what a touching scene..." Old Man Yuan said, with his voice dripping with sarcasm. "I could not help but cry here."

"Hush it." Sect Leader said as he gave Old Man Yuan an admonishing look. "Let’s allow this woman to have her moment. Maybe this will make the baby calmer once she dies later."

"Oh you’re right. Why did I not think of that?"

The Past Great TimeMaster continued talking to her baby as time went on, which made the baby giggle and sometimes laugh.

Everyone who saw this had their heartstrings tugged, as this heartwarming scene was just too much to bear.

"Sect Leader, let’s kill this woman now. I don’t think I can endure this kind of scene anymore." Old Man Yuan complained in disgust. "Ugh... you don’t know how much I want to vomit now!"

"Fine, let me have the honor of killing her. After all, I am the Sect Leader." Sect Leader replied as he started walking towards the mother and daughter pair.

The Past Great TimeMaster stopped what she was doing to her child as she saw the Sect Leader approaching her direction.

She only let out a sigh, which sounded both heavy and gloomy.

"So you’re going to kill me now? How efficient of you bastards." The Past Great TimeMaster said as she clutched her baby close to her bosom. "I can’t do anything against it now, aren’t I?"

"Ever since you have arrived in this world, your death was all but guaranteed." The Sect Leader said in an imperious tone as he raised his hands. "Just be happy that you were able to live a good life with a loving husband. That’s the best that you can get here in this world."


"So, do you have any last words for your baby?" The Sect Leader asked as he kept his arms raised. "I applaud your tenacity, so I will allow you to say a few more words to your child. Whatever you want to say suffices, and I will not care if you will just curse us."

"...How considerate of your bastards." The Past Great TimeMaster mumbled as she looked down at her baby. "You want me to give my final words to Annie? Fine. Listen closely to what I will say, as this will be the last time that you will hear this."

The Past Great TimeMaster then brought her baby close to her mouth as she started saying her ’final words’.

"Annie, mommy might not see you again, but you should know that even if I will be gone, I will always stay forever in your heart. So even if I die, please know that I will be there for you. So please don’t cry..."


"Annie, I... I am not scared of dying, as I will join your daddy in the afterlife. We will wait for you there, but don’t die that quickly, ok?’


"Annie, I love you, and I will continue to do so everyday."






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