Endless Journey: Infinite Realms Chapter 432 The Abyss is looking at you

Chapter 432 The Abyss is looking at you

"Mr. Alexander, if you ever try to-"

"Yes, you don’t need to threaten me, Miss Wisteria. I know the things that I should do." Alex replied lazily as he let out a yawn. He then placed his hands on his hips as a small smile appeared on his face.

"Hmm... now that I can see it, my bladder is actually full. Excuse me for a second Wisteria. I just have to use the comfort room. Just... bring me to the students after that."

"Comfort room? Do you even need to use that?"

"My bladder needs to be refreshed, so you cannot stop me.’ Alex replied as he started walking away from Wisteria. The direction where he’s heading shows that he’s directly headed to the comfort room.

"...What a sleazy person. If it weren’t for my paid debts, I would not have stayed with you here." Wisteria muttered to herself as she saw Alex entering the comfort room. Her eyes were narrowed as she watched the closing of the door, taking note of every single thing that happened around that room.

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She appeared to be suppressing her feelings of discomfort and suspicion against Alex, although it can be seen that she still regarded Alex as an untrustworthy person. The next words that that she muttered to herself just proved this point.

"But remember this, Mr. Alexander. If you ever do something that is too much in my opinion, I will forget about all those debts that you paid for me. I will stop you, even if it’s my life that will be on the line!"


"Hoooh.... Okay. Time for plan B-1." After Alex entered the comfort room, he immediately used his power to lock the access to it. He made sure that nothing can enter this room right now, and that it will be only Alex that can stay here.

He also used his Virtual Esper Body to monitor any surveillances inside the room. Upon seeing that there was only an old camera, which was only focused on the handwash section, Alex cracked his knuckles as he waved his hands.

"Okay... so there’s no surveillance that can catch what I will do next. I must do this quick, so that everything will work out."

Alex’s hand wave allowed him to access his Storage, which had been waiting to be used by him since earlier.

At the moment that he established the connection, Alex did not waste his time as he pulled out three objects out from his Storage.

He then quickly closed his connection to his Storage, leaving nothing but only small ripples on the space around him.

"Good. These three objects are still in working condition. This means that I can make things work as long as I time it right..." Alex muttered to himself as he stared at the three object on his hands.

Each one of these objects were small in size, although there was something about their appearances that can make anyone who sees them regard them with importance.

A pincushion filled with needles, a small circular mirror, and a blank sheet of paper were the three objects that Alex is holding right now, and he was holding them with such care that it appeared as if he was treating them as precious treasures.

After observing the three objects for a few seconds, Alex took a small breath as he hid the pincushion right inside his breast pocket, while the sheet of paper was folded and tucked in the right pocket of his pants.

As for the mirror, Alex continued his gentle hold on it.

"...Out of all the lifespan that I gained from the last mission, these three things were the ones that I quickly bought." Alex thought to himself as he began to tighten his grip on the mirror. "I could have bought more stuff, but when I looked at these three, I know that they are the ones that I should buy. It’s a good thing that I followed my instincts, as this mirror is the one that will salvage my situation..."


Alex’s grip on the mirror became so tight that the mirror itself started to show cracks on its smooth surface.

Alex’s face, which was displayed flawlessly on the mirror’s surface, began to appear segmented as the cracks on the mirror’s surface widened.

"..." In face of this, Alex did not falter as he continued to strengthen his grip on the mirror.

Eventually, the mirror was unable to resist Alex’s grip anymore.


The mirror, which was in a perfect circular shape earlier, has now shattered into five separate pieces. Each of these pieces had different shapes and sizes compared to each other, something that is typical from any shattered mirror.

The only thing that was different here was the fact that the mirror pieces began to glow after the mirror shattered.


Red, blue, black, gold, and white were the colors of the glow that came from the mirror pieces, with each color prevalent on each piece. The glow that came from these pieces were so bright that it appeared as if a miniature sun has materialized inside the room.

If it weren’t for the preventive measures that Alex did earlier, the glow from these mirror pieces could have left out of the room, which might make the people outside suspicious.

As he stared at this kaleidoscopic display of colors, Alex took a deep breath as he pulled the mirror pieces closer to him. There was only pure resolve in his eyes as he began to open his mouth.

He continued to pull the mirror pieces closer at this point, with his hands now headed towards his mouth.

Anyone who sees what Alex was doing will clearly realize what he was planning to do, as his mouth just continued to open as the mirror pieces approached his lips.

"Hoooh... here we go then.... Thanks for the food!"

Alex then jammed the mirror pieces right inside his mouth, packing every single piece of them without leaving anything outside.


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Crunching sounds filled the room as Alex began to chew, with his face exuding a nonchalant aura.. His eyes however were moving erratically with his every chew, making anyone who sees it wince.

Alex clearly was in pain as he chewed the mirror fragments, and from the looks of it, there’s nothing that he can do to avoid it.

"Hmm...mgngh... hmm...mghr." These were the only sounds that Alex made with his preoccupied mouth. Each of these sounds appeared to have a message of their own, as a slight pattern can be observed on these sounds. But as for what these sounds could mean, there is just nobody that can understand it.



"5 minutes have already passed by, and yet Alexander is still not out of the room? Is he... doing something suspicious again?" Wisteria, who had spent the last 300 seconds pacing nervously around her spot, thought to herself as she glanced warily as the door of the comfort room.

The wariness that she was feeling against Alex earlier has now intensified, especially now that Alex secluded himself inside the comfort room.

There’s just no way that Alex is just urinating inside the room. 5 minutes is just too long for that.

And besides, someone as powerful as Alex can just use his power to stop his metabolism from working. Why would he still need to pee, when he can just use his power to regulate his water cleansing?

"Okay, that’s it. I’m opening the door to the comfort room already." Seeing that there’s still no signs of movement from inside the comfort room, Wisteria let out a disgruntled sigh as she quickly walked towards the door of the comfort room.

She then stretched her hand towards the handle of the door knob, as she decided to just open the door.

But before her hands can even touch the door knob’s metal surface, the door suddenly opened, leaving Wisteria hanging in her outstretched pose.



"Is there a problem, Miss Wisteria?" In front of the surprised Wisteria, she saw Alex who had just opened the door.

This sudden appearance by Alex left Wisteria at loss for words, as she realized that she had been caught by him doing something ’suspicious’.

"Oh... I was just worried for you. After all, you took a long time in there..." Wisteria hastily replied as she scratched the back of her head. She tried to put up the most sheepish smile on her face as she talked to Alex, hoping that it might throw him off the loop. "Well, I can see now that you are fine. I am relieved by that."

"Okay. Now get out of the way. I want to leave already." Alex curtly said as he pushed Wisteria out of the way. He then stared back at Wisteria as he gave her a cold look. "Now, bring me to your students. I don’t like to wait anymore."

"Oh right... just follow me." Wisteria, who was preparing herself to talk against a sly and cheerful Alex, was floored once more as she realized that Alex was treating her in a colder manner right now.

This is something that made Wisteria feel out of place, as the felt that something was wrong with the ’Alex’ that she is talking with right now.


This suspicion of hers just grew as she observed Alex’s current appearance.

Alex still had the same handsome look on his face, although his attire and facial expressions had changed drastically.

His previously light and casual uniform was now replaced by an all-black wardrobe.

Alex was now wearing a black, leather jacket paired with a dark undershirt and an ebony scarf. His caramel-colored pants were replaced by a tight, black slacks with his black shoes appearing much darker compared to before.

Alex was also wearing a pair of black bangles on his arms, which was complemented by the black earrings that hung on his ears.

This set-up was topped off by Alex’s black hat, which fit snugly on top of his head.

Alex’s sly and sleazy face from earlier was non-existent at this point, as Wisteria could only see a cold demeanor on his face.

There was no more warmth that is emanating out of the current Alex, which made Wisteria almost back away from him.

"What the hell? Alexander just stayed inside the comfort room for a few minutes, and now he became like this? It’s like... he became a changed person!" Wisteria exclaimed to herself as she did her best to stay calm.

Her previous assumptions about Alex were all shattered again, as the current Alex was someone who just threw Wisteria’s thoughts back to the gutter.

"What the hell.... The Alexander that I am looking at right now looks like he can kill me without any remorse. That’s something... that only a monster can do! How... how can Alexander suddenly be like this?"

While Wisteria was having these thoughts in her mind, she was also gathering her power inside her body, just in case that something wrong happens here.

She just cannot feel safe with the way that Alex is looking right now, and the longer that she stays with him, the more that she feels more unsettled by him.

"Wisteria. Stop moving like this. The Abyss is getting irritated by your slow movements." Out of nowhere, Alex suddenly said these words to Wisteria. "If you continue wasting my time like this, the Abyss will be your enemy."

"What in the world... are you saying, Mr. Alexander?" Wisteria replied with a hitch on her tone as she gave Alex a blank look. "What is this Abyss, and why are you talking like you know it?"

"...You are not fit to know that. Just understand that if you don’t follow my demands, the Abyss will seek you out and punish you." Alex replied, keeping the same cold tone that he had since earlier. "If you don’t want to face the Abyss’ divine punishment, then you better listen to me."


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