Endless Journey: Infinite Realms Chapter 433 The Dao and the Abyss

Chapter 433 The Dao and the Abyss

In the end, the confused and befuddled Wisteria was left with no choice but to lead Alex along, as she realized that she can’t do anything against him right now.

Even if the current Alex was way different on how he used to be, there’s just nothing that Wisteria can do about it...

"You have been talking about this Abyss since earlier. What is this Abyss that you are saying?" As they approached their destination, Wisteria found herself unable to hide her curiosity at Alex. "And why are you treating this ’Abyss’ like it’s your god?"

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"Be careful with your words, Miss Wisteria. You never know, the Abyss might get offended with what you said..." Alex replied abruptly as he gave the woman a sullen glare.

"Oh ok. So you still don’t want to talk about it? Fine..." Realizing that Alex is now too cold to entertain her words, Wisteria can only shake her head as she made a hasty retreat. "I’ll respect your silence, just like um, what you want..."



A period of brief and awkward silence then plunged itself amongst the duo, as the both of them had nothing to say at each other right now. Only the sounds of their footsteps and faint cries could be heard as they walked, creating an atmosphere that was just uncomfortable to her.

This state persisted right until they reached the classroom.

"Alexander, our students are holing in inside this room. Whatever happened outside were all witnessed by them, so don’t be irritated if they start crying here." Wisteria said in a low tone as she grabbed the handle of the door knob. She then began turning it, as she attempted to open the door.

But before she could do this, the formerly quiet and sullen Alex suddenly spoke up, with this lethargic eyes now focused directly on Wisteria herself.

"Before we enter the room, I have to introduce 2 people to you first." Alex slowly said as he adjusted his hat. His black attire appeared to wiggle as he moved his body, something that Wisteria took note of.

"We’re already here, and you suddenly want to introduce some people to me? That’s..."

"Suspicious, yes I know it!" Alex snarled angrily as he glared at Wisteria. There was more anger in his eyes as he continued talking, which made it appear as if Wisteria did something to piss him off more.

"Wisteria, say ’suspicious’ one more time, and the Abyss will surely strike you down. If you don’t want that to happen, then don’t act like you are scared right now. You will just meet some of my friends. There’s no need to be this wary. If you continue acting like this, the Abyss will treat you like trash..."

"...It’s just meet and greet, right? Fine. Show me these people." Wisteria grumbled as she let go of the door. She then crossed her arms as she started the waiting process. "So how long should we wait here? We can’t just delay ourselves for too long..."

"Stop acting like that. The ones that I will introduce to you are here already." Alex snapped as he crossed his arms too. He then swiveled his head as he looked to his left, as if he was trying to stare at something at this direction. "Look at where I am looking right now. See them? They’re the ones that I want you to meet. Now, look at them and memorize their faces. If you don’t follow this instruction, I will personally command the Abyss to end your life!"

"..." Even though Alex’s threat sounded both empty and somewhat narcissistic, Wisteria still chose to listen to him.

She moved her head as she stared at where Alex was looking at, and after she did this, Wisteria immediately froze from what she saw.

"What?" This was the only thing that Wisteria can say as she processed the sight in front of her. There was only disbelief in her face as she took in the appearances of the two people that Alex was about to introduce to her.

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How could Wisteria not be surprised?

She just saw two people who looked exactly the same as Alex, and these two were actually staring back at her right now!

The first of these 2 people was just like what Wisteria had observed. He looked exactly like Alex too, and there’s no difference between his face and Black Alex’s face.

The only difference was that instead of wearing black, this Alex look-alike was wearing a pure white robe set.

This Alex’s hair was white too, and the white fur sash wrapped around his shoulder made his appearance purer.(He is now called White Alex)

White Alex also had a calm and gentle expression on his face, which makes him appear as if he was the opposite of Black Alex.

The second person on the other hand was a different case.

Sure, this person looked like Alex, but that is if Alex was in his younger years.

This second person, who was hiding behind White Alex’s back, was actually a young kid who was around 8-10 years old.

There’s nothing remarkable that can be seen from this kid, although Wisteria can see that this kid looks like a young version of Alex.

Compared to the cold Black Alex and the refreshing White Alex, the kid appeared to be the most withdrawn and conservative of them all.

Even when Wisteria tried her best to make herself appear harmless, the kid just continued to hide on White Alex’s back.

"That guy who wears all-white is my twin brother. As for the kid, that’s his son." Black Alex curtly said as he gave the two new arrivals a nod. "Don’t be rattled if I look like these two. The white one is just my twin brother, so I can only look like him. The kid on the other hand is a rare case, so just ignore what he looks like. If you don’t ignore him, then the Abyss will strike you down."


"Oh hello there, Alexander. So this is the woman that you want me to meet? How nice for you to call me here." White Alex said in an amicable tone as he gilded towards Wisteria. Yes, this man glided towards her. Not walk. Not fly. Glide.

"Make this quick Xander. We still have schedule to fulfill." Black Alex rudely said as he pinched his nose bridge. "Even if you are my twin brother, the Abyss will still not forgive you if you go tardy. The same thing goes for your kid too."

"Alexander, your heart has been clouded by that evil place. Instead of colluding with that filthy place, why don’t you spend some of your time meditating and trying to discover who you really should be?" White Alex replied in a low tone. "As long as you are not yet a Trascendent, then you can still look for your Dao.... So don’t waste your time anymore. Use your heart and accept the Dao!"

"Dao this, dao that. In face of the Abyss, your Dao is nothing!" Black Alex snapped back as he gave White Alex a sneer. "Come on, your Dao Heart has no way of surviving against the bombardment of the Abyss Will. So instead of lecturing me here, just keep your mouth shut about the Dao and do your job here!"

"Alexander, we have to talk about this more later." White Alex, who still stayed amicable even under the abrasive words that Black Alex said, muttered as he shook his head. He then looked back at Wisteria, who was staring at the conversation between the two with an open mouth.

"Hello again, Miss Wisteria. Just like what I said earlier, it’s nice to meet you." White Alex said as he attempted to shake Wisteria’s hand. "Hmm... from what I can see, you have the talent to sense the Dao. Are you perhaps interested on searching the Dao with me? I assure you, your life will change as long as you find your Dao..."


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