Endless Journey: Infinite Realms Chapter 503 Start of the Massacre

Chapter 503 Start of the Massacre

Alex’s allies did not waste their time bickering with Alex longer. With him giving them the go signal to let loose, Alina and Blue Alex quickly focused their attention on Malthus and the Generals, while Black Alex and Queen Mother began drifting lazily towards the Supreme Puppets.

These movements of theirs elicited panicked reaction on their targets, as the killing intent released by Alina and Queen Mother was enough to inform them of their end.


The remaining Generals tried their best to run away, but with their powers all stripped by the Black Ooze, the speed that they can move was only limited. This included the Generals that are hiding in secluded spots of the Four Moons World, who now realized that they can’t just watch the battles in safe condition.

No matter where these Generals are, they are unable to keep themselves safe. All of them are now under target of the Synthesis Virtual Body, bringing them to a sure-death fate.

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"No!!" Sir Xote, who was the strongest out of all the remaining Generals, can only watch in despair as the armored Virtual Body loomed all over him and the Generals. He can feel the lofty Mental Power coming from this Virtual Body, which was enough to stir the space all around it.

Some of this Mental Power were able to affect Sir Xote too, bringing him to a paralyzed state that rendered him unable to move.

The same thing happened to the other Generals too, making them look like socks left on the floor.

While the Generals were beginning to despair on their fate, the Synthesis Virtual Body began to talk, with its deep but also sharp voice shaking the already unstable land on this planet.

"As long as I am present, all states of matter and energy shall be under my control." The Virtual Body said, with Alina and Blue Alex’s body glowing brightly as it talked. "You people tried to kill me, so I shall elicit a punishment on you! Now, begone and return to the universe as primordial particles!"



The Virtual Body then raised its right index finger, pointing its sharp tip towards Sir Xote.

As this finger filled his vision, Sir Xote’s body began to shake as all the atoms making up his body started to break down.

Even if the atoms were one of the hardest things to break in the universe, it just popped like a bubble under the stern power of the Virtual Body.

The atoms quickly broke down into electrons, protons, and neutrons, with no energy released in the process.

The protons and neutrons the split themselves into multiple Up Quarks and Down Quarks[1], while the electrons began to transform into electron neutrinos, muons, muon neutrinos, taus and tau neutrinos[2].

This splitting up essentially reduced Sir Xote into a horde of fundamental particles, with his whole body disappearing in an instant. The quarks, electrons, and leptons obtained from his body began diffusing into the surroundings, leaving nothing on Sir Xote’s spot but scraps of his body.

The concept of ’Sir Xote’ was already gone at this point, with his body and soul ceasing to exist. They are now part of the universe once more, although they are now at the form of particles.

Once Sir Xote had been dealt with, the Virtual Body used the same power on the other Generals, this time with much faster results.


It took the Virtual Boyd five seconds to finish off all the Generals, a record which will surely make Alina and Blue Alex happy.

These two however was not that interested on celebrating yet. There’s still one enemy left to kill, and unlike the Generals, this enemy was of a much higher importance.

"Malthus, do you have any last words to say? As a Traveler who schemed agasint this world, your death is something that had been pending to arrive..." It was Alina who spoke at this point, with her steely gaze focused on Malthus. There was no hint of arrogance or pity on her eyes, as she seemed to treat Malthus as an execution target.

"Hahaha! Hahahaha!" In face of certain death facing him, Malthus seemed to have lost his sanity. He began laughing crazily after hearing Alina’s words, with his body bleeding from the fall earlier.

"Any last words? Hahahaha! Why would I speak up, when I am about to die? You cowards, are you scared of the Goetic Order Realm avenging my death? Hehehe, yes, you better be scared!" Malthus shouted out, with this Demonic Tower standing still behind him. His eyes began tearing up at this point, but instead of tears, only blood came out of them.

"Hehehe, once you kill me, the Goetic Order Realm will send its agents to kill you! Hahahaha! Let’s see how you can deal with them!"

"So you won’t plead for your life then?" Alina mused as she tilted her head. "And here I thought demons are beings who don’t like to die. It seems like I am mistaken."

"F**k you, sl*t! The whole multiverse is just a large forest! It’s the strongest who wins! I am weaker than you, so for me to die is just! But don’t think that you can get away from this!" Malthus continued to shout in a deranged tone. His face seemed to be burning at this point, although Alina knew that it’s just an illusion spurned by this demon’s insanity. "Once you kill me, the whole Goetic Order Realm shall hound you for your life! Hahahahahaha! Let’s see if you can still act smug like this!"

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"All your words are just empty threats. If they are really dangerous, then we will just have to fight back." Alina replied as she let out a sigh. "N ow then, it’s time for you to join the Generals. Go and have your eternal sleep already."

"Eternal sleep my ass! I swear once I die, you will-"


Malthus’ mad ravings were silenced immediately once the Virtual Body used its power on him.

His body and soul broke down, with all of his powers and sealed potential popping into the void as particles. There was nothing that Malthus was able to do to prevent this from happening. He just died, with no achievements obtained this time.

And just like that, a Traveler was killed.


As Malthus’ particles dispersed in the air, Alina and all the bodies of Alex heard Asteria’s voice resounding inside their minds.

They did not act surprised from hearing this voice, although the mention of the reward was enough to make them happy.

"One good action equates to one good reward. Killing enemies seems to be beneficial to my progress. I must record this on my database." Blue Alex murmured. After saying these words, he and Alina began to move themselves away from the area.

But before they could leave, their attention was caught by an object that should not be here.

Malthus’ Demonic Tower, which was also targeted by the Virtual Body’s attack earlier, was actually not destroyed.

It just stood silently on the ground, with its body appearing to be unscathed from the Virtual Body’s attack on it.

Such kind of state was enough to baffle Alina, although this confusion only lasted for a second.

"Oh right... from what Alex and Kierra had told me before, Demonic Towers were created from the Goetic Order Realm itself. That makes them treasures above the level of Transcendence... Hmm, that must be the reason why we cannot destroy this." Alina said as she gave the Demonic Tower an amused look. "Blue Alex, what do you think should we do with this tower? Should we just leave it here?"

"No can do. According to my calculations, it will be better if we use this Demonic Tower to benefit ourselves." Blue Alex replied quickly as his eyes whirled. "If it were me, I would like this Demonic Tower to be given to Kiera. With her powers being similar to Malthus, there is a high chance that she can take the Demonic Tower under her control..."

"Kiera? Hm, now that you say it, that’s actually possible... Since that’s the case, then we shall bring this tower with us." After Alina made this declaration, the Virtual Body behind her leaned in, with its left hand stretched towards the Demonic Tower.

The Virtual Body then pulled the Demonic Tower up easily, with no resistance presented on the Virtual Body at all.

Once the Demonic Tower’s whole body was exposed to the air, the Virtual Body let out a low grunt as it placed the tower on its right shoulder.

"Thud." This move made the Demonic Tower look like a pulled-out weed, with its body looking like just an inert and danger-less object.

Once this was done, both Alina and Blue Alex looked at the area around them, which was covered with nothing but sand.

This sight made Alina’s eyes twitch, as a rare expression of sheepishness could be seen on her face.

"The attacks that we did on the Generals and Malthus was still unstable. Even if we had managed to kill them, there are still a lot of collateral damage involved." Alina said, with her eyes staring at the mountains and lands that had been forcefully dissipated by their power. "It seems like we still need to hone this power for longer if we want to use this better..."

"With the time that we have left, I doubt that we can fine-tune this power to usable levels." Blue Alex replied as the Virtual Body began to move. "Even Black Alex and Queen Mother had no time to fine-tune their powers too. I am sure that just like us, they are struggling to make their attacks stable too..."

"Don’t tell those words to Queen Mother. She will surely get angry to you..." Alina replied as she furtively looked at the place where Queen Mother was in right now. "Speaking of powers, I can see that Queen Mother and Black Alex still have not killed their targets. Are they playing with their targets, or are they having a hard time killing them?"

"According to my calculations, it is already inevitable for Queen Mother and Black Alex to kill their targets much later than us. Their powers appeared to lie more on the Conceptual Side, unlike ours which is based on Actual Phenomena..." Blue Alex said as he shook his head. "The difference on our kill time will be on seconds, so don’t be worried for them."

"Is that so? If those two are fine, then let’s focus back to ourselves." Alina replied as she crossed her arms. "So what should we do now? Should we go to Golden Alex, who is vulnerable at this point, or should we go to Professor Frances, who’s already at the climax of her Soul Ritual?"

"Why don’t we just wait until Queen Mother kills her targets? Once she was done with her job, we can just accompany her." Blue Alex answered quickly. "It’s better if we go together after all."

[1] These two are also called quarks, a kind of fundamental particles that make up the universe.

[2] These are all leptons, a kind of fundamental particles that make up the universe. Electron is a lepton too, if you are wondering.

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