Endless Journey: Infinite Realms Chapter 504 Fall of the Emperor!

Chapter 504 Fall of the Emperor!

Life and Death, Beginning and End.

Life is the Beginning of living creatures, while Death is their End.

The Beginning of all Life is still unknown, but their End had always been Death.

These two pairs of opposing concepts have existed since the start of time, and there’s no doubt that they will persist until the entropy extinguishes everything.

But even with their prevalence, not much can still be understood from them.

For some, Life is just an accident, something that the universe did not intend to have. For others, Life is an intelligent design, created by an omnipotent being.

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As for Death, many treat this is the inevitable End of Life. Whether it was implemented because of some flaws are still unknown, but Death is a prevalent concept that nobody can escape. Not even those who had Transcended the Laws.

Even the Multiverse itself can also experience Death, which was machinated by Entropy. All vibrations and energy in the Multiverse will be dispersed by Entropy at the End of time, turning everything into cold, Lifeless objects.

Whether someone can find a way to stop Entropy from Ending everything is still unknown, as it is an unstoppable concept that not even the strongest of beings can violate.

These confusing but overpowering properties makes the concepts of Life-Death and Beginning-End as some of the domineering and all-encompassing Laws in the Multiverse. There’s nobody that can avoid these Laws, making anyone equal under it.

With their effects on everything, many covet to take control of these Laws. Those who can get hold and take control of these concepts are touted to be unstoppable beings. After all, not many can stop those who takes control of Life and Death.

One of these people naturally included Alex, although he knew to himself that he was still far from obtaining such capabilities. He knew that he must at least reach the level where he can touch the Laws before he can think of playing with these concepts.

But after the evens of today’s mission, Alex realized that he had to change his mind regarding these Laws.

"Okay I see.... So that Wooden Dragon is related to the Concept of Life-Death itself? Hehe, so that’s why it was hard for Queen Mother and Black Alex to control that dragon..." Alex thought as he saw everything that the wooden dragon had done. "It’s power was really difficult for them to control..."

With his senses, Alex can feel that the concept of Life was concentrated solely on the horn of the dragon, while the concept of Death was present on the dragon’s tail. The other parts of the dragon had none of these concepts, making them look inert compared to the horn and tail.

Out of these two body parts, the dragon was only using its tail to attack its targets. The horn was just stably placed on the dragon’s head, with the dragon seemingly unwilling to use it at all.


By judging the effects made by the tail, one can say that there’s no need for the horn to be used at all.

All objects that the Wooden Dragon had touched with its tail experienced the Concept of Death instantly, with none escaping its effects, not even those with powers.

The living creatures dropped dead in an instant, while non-living objects began to break down into pure energy and particle clouds. It was as if the dragon’s tail had induced instant death on the living creatures, and instant entropic destruction on the non-living objects.

Such sight was enough to make Alex whistle, as he saw that even the Supreme Puppets were unable to resist the power of the tail.

"Oh yeah, that hits the spot. Hit them more with that!" Alex murmured as Ray and the other Supreme Puppet flopped down to the ground after getting smacked with the dragon’s tail. Any signs of their life were gone from this point, making them appear as actual corpses.


"Yeah, now that’s what I am talking about! Go, my allies and kill them all!" Alex thought in glee as the wooden dragon began to chase down its other targets. "Hehehe, you chose the wrong day to oppose me, little fools! Now, go and enjoy the treatment by my Woody[1]!"


Even if Alex was c some distance away from the wooden dragon, he can still perfectly see the fear and desperation on the eyes of the targets that it was chasing.

Vera and Noelle were running away from the dragon at the best speed that they could do, but their lack of powers and the wooden dragon’s sheer size left them no space to escape.


One tap from the tail was enough to end the life of these two, making them flop to the ground as corpses, just like what happened to Ray.

Their eyes that were bright from fear had already turned into dim orbs, making them look eerie, especially with their blank stares.


At the sight of these two bodies, Alex shook his head as Golden Alex let out a disappointed sigh. Sure, he felt a sense of loss upon seeing their end, but in their current situation, there’s nothing else that he can do but to kill them.

"Noelle and Vera, since I already killed Ray, your deaths are bound to come in a few seconds. So don’t blame me for killing you. You two are about to die anyway, so I just made it faster." Alex thought as he saw the wooden dragon grab the body of the two.

"Oh, and I have to apologize to you Vera. Your Divine Sensory Organ is just too special, that I want to obtain it." Alex added as he gave a furtive look at Vera’s nose. "So forgive me for the extraction process that my companion will do to you later..."

With the deaths of Vera and Noelle, all the targets that Alex wanted as dead have been sent to their end already. There’s nothing left for his allies to attack, making the whole area turn stale for a second.

This staleness of course disappeared quickly when one of Alex’s allies began to question what had just happened.

"Oi Alina... is the real power of Power Synthesis? I did not expect it... to be like this!" Delia, who was just about to use her spear to annihilate their enemies, said in a trembling tone as she stared at the killing spree made by Alex’s allies.

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From the look on Delia’s face, it appeared as if she was greatly surprised with what she had seen. She did nothing to hide this surprise, as she continued to complain to Alina. "Even if our enemies are still powerless, you should have a little harder time killing them! But... but that bulls**t Virtual Body and that Wooden Dragon only needed few attacks in order to win? Bulls**t! I call this bulls**t! You and that World Tree are just broken!"

"Don’t think of us that way, especially if you can’t perform Power Synthesis with your Companions." In face of Delia’s words, Alina only gave this calm but also scathing reply. "If your Companions had a compatible power with you, then you can also perform a Power Synthesis that can rival ours. Too bad for you, you can’t...."


"You better praise your luck that we became allies. Because if we were not, then I could have been already using my power to end you now." Alina added coldly, making Delia hastily close her mouth. "So if I were you, I would just stay quiet and watch the situation here unfold. There’s nothing that you can do here anyway, so just behave! Just let us locate the Legacy Weapon, and everything will be fine."

"Behave? What the f**k are you saying? Do you think I can just let you take the Legacy Weapon? B**ch, I am a Traveler, so I cannot just-"

"Miss Delia, our Main Mission does not say that one of us can take the Legacy Weapon alone. It just said that we should take it. That means that it’s possible that two Travelers can obtain it." Golden Alex out of nowhere said, interrupting Delia’s talk. "If you understand that, then you know what you should do next. Just... stay on the sidelines and let me do my job. You already helped me out a lot with your black ooze, so allow me to finish this."


"Once I kill Emperor Litch, we will open the treasury that contains the Legacy Weapon. Once that happens, both of us will obtain the Legacy Weapon, which makes us succeed on the Main Mission! That’s a win-win situation for us!" Golden Alex continued to say, ignoring Delia whose face was turning purple now. "You want to be done with this world, already, right? If you want to, then let me take things from here!"


Even if Delia did not say anything after that, it was obvious from her body language that she agrees with what Golden Alex said. Her sagging shoulders and her resigned face just made that more obvious.

Upon seeing this, Golden Alex let out a hearty laugh, making his injured face look happy.

"Good choice Delia! I promise you that you will never regret this!" Golden Alex said as his eyes gleamed.

He then continued to laugh, this time with his eyes staring at a different person. "Now that I have ’dealt’ with all you, its’ time for me to experience the main course..."Hehehehe, with all the obstructions here gone, there’s nothing else that will distract me from you, Emperor LItch!"

With all their enemies dead, there was only one enemy left alive that Alex had to kill. That enemy of course was no other than Emperor Litch.

"You really made things hard for me, you s**ty Emperor. You even found a way to make yourself back to the peak again! Sigh, I am really curious how you managed to do that, but I know that you will not answer me. So I will just kill you, since that’s the best I can do to you here!" Golden Alex, whose face now held an unmistakable look of greed on it, said as he began sauntering towards Emperor LItch’s injured body. He did not hide his intention to kill at all, making even Alina sigh from the sheer murderous intent that he was releasing.

"Oh my, Emperor Litch. Your fall seems to be fatal. Are you sure that you’re still alive? Oh right, you’re still alive. I can sense you glare at me after all..."

The fall that Emperor Litch experienced earlier was no small deal. With his magic and Conqueror’s Aura gone, Emperor Litch received a full-brunt impact on his fall.

Most of his bones are broken, while his organs are bleeding internally from the impact.

His handsome face was already mutilated beyond recognition, with the dust and dirt making him look more like a monster.

But even with these injuries, everyone nearby can still feel that Emperor LItch was alive. In fact, he seemed to still be far away from dying at this point, even with all the injuries that he just received.

"You.... You will regret doing this to me.... You lowly clone..." A sinister, hissing voice could be heard coming out of Emperor Litch’s throat, which made Golden Alex stop on his tracks. "Hehehe... don’t hink that you have won now... lowly clone... Even if you kill me today... the concept of Emperor LItch... will not end... Sooner... you will face me once more.... And once that time comes.... I will be prepared for you...."


"I still have a part of me left in my capital... Hehehe, once you kill me here, that part that I left will wake up... and he will be the new Emperor Litch... This time... that Emperor LItch will be prepared against you... You... you will never be able to beat him like me!"


"Do you see all these things that I did here? Hehehe... all of these are just made by me to know all of your powers.... Hehehe, how does it feel now... lowly clone? I made you use... everything that you have..... With that.... the new Emperor Litch can prepare countermeasures against you.... Hehehe... do you regret fighting me now?"


"Hehehe, you must be scared now, clone.... Well if I were in your shoes I will be scared too.... Hehehe... but do you think I will spare you? No... Since you did all these things to me... I will make sure that the new me will be making you suffer! So just you wait clone... The new Emperor Litch shall be coming to end-"

"Shut up, Emperor LItch. I don’t need you making appointments with me!" Golden Alex suddenly shouted, cutting off Emperor LItch’s mad ravings. "You want to kill me? Well, you don’t have to worry. Once I have the time, I will be visit the capital of the Undying Empire! There, I will end you and your clones once and for all!"

"What? Clone, you are-"

"Okay, I don’t like hearing you talk anymore. It’s time for you to die." Golden Alex said before stomping Emperor Litch’s head with his foot.


Golden Alex ignored the blood splattering on his foot as he continued on stomping on Emperor LItch’s head, with each stomp much stronger compared to before.

"Stomp. You think. Stomp. That you have. Stomp. Outwitted me? Hmph. Stomp. I knew from the start. Stomp. That you. Stomp. Might have. Stomp. A spare part! Stomp. Since you. Stomp. Confirmed it to me. Stomp. Then I will be coming for you! Just you wait!"


With that last stomp, Emperor Litch became completely headless. Blood sprayed out of his neck as his limbs convulsed, making him look like a chicken that had its neck slit.

In face of this macabre death, Golden Alex only smiled, with his face stained by the spraying blood.

"Hmph, who cares if you still have a part of you left in the Undying Empire? Once I reach Half-Transcendence, I will be coming for your remaining parts, Emperor LItch!"

[1] Really, Alex?

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