Endless Journey: Infinite Realms Chapter 646 A White Capsule?

Chapter 646 A White Capsule?

Alex’s confession came out smoother than what Alina expected, but she couldn’t care less of how Alex admitted his secret.

Now that Alex has spilled what he’s been hiding, Alina will naturally want to make him cough everything up.

"Alex, since you have admitted that you have been corrupted, perhaps you can talk about how got corrupted in the first place." Alina murmured as she repressed her irritation at Alex. She had decided to just scold him later, once everything had been sorted out." Surely you can do that, right?"

"Of course I can explain everything to you, but I think that now is not the time." Contrary to what Alina expected, the ’honest’ Alex actually still refused to talk more. "Can we just have this talk later?"

"What? Are you trying to dodge my questions again Alex? Because if you do, then-"

"I am not trying to dodge you, Alina. It’s just that we have some visitors here, and they do not come in peace." Unfazed by Alina’s temper, Alex gave this reply, which on its own was enough to make Alina stop on her tracks. "Surely you don’t want to have a talk with these visitors coming, right?"


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".... Tsk, so that’s what I have been sensing with my Dark Magic since earlier. Damn it, and here I thought I can have some good time with you..." Alina did not show any inclination of denying Alex this time, as she herself can verify what he said. "Ugh, why do they have to come here? They’re just bothering us!"


Through Alina’s powerful Dark Magic, she can sense approximately around 20 humans, all who were flying straight towards her current location.

Their power levels varied from Second to Sixth Stages, making them appear as a somewhat powerful group. Alina can also detect presences of powerful weapons and vehicles on this entourage, which just improved their over-all rating.

Alina was not sure on what these people looked like or what their powers could be, but her Dark Magic can detect the innate hostility and killing intent inside these people.

"20 powered humans are coming here, and they are interested on the act of killing." Without waiting for Alex to say anything, Delia gave out this observation of hers. "I am not sure if they are our targets, but it is better for us to be prepared...."


Alina sounded a little worried at this point, something that is to be expected, given the fact this world has greatly limited her capabilities.

Alina’s Esper Power, which was her strongest ability, was extremely weakened in this place.

It was as if the suppression of this world has targeted her Esper Ability alone, and its effects were really devastating.

All the overwhelming Mental Energy inside Alina’s mind became extinguished like a blown candle, turning them into just useless lumps of energy floating in her mindscape.

This prevented Alina to easily use most of her Esper Abilities, and the best that she can do now was to slice a small pebble with her space slash.

Aside from this, her frightening Virtual Body was affected too, as it was turned into nothing more but a small, emaciated doll. This form made her Virtual Body extremely weak, and the lack of her Mental Energy just made things worse.


Because of this suppression, the only powers that Alina were able to use were her Dark Magic and Chronomancy, two powers which were surprisingly doing well in this world.

Her Chronomancy can be said to be just a bystander, as it did not receive any change in this world. It did not get weaker, and it did not get stronger. It was just there, waiting to be used by Alina.

As for her Dark Magic, its situation was opposite of her Esper Power. It actually received a boost, and a rather large one at that.

More specifically, her Dark Magic became twice as powerful as what it should originally be.

Such boost was able to offset Alina’s disappointment in her Esper Power, although she was still not that happy with her situation.

Yes, her Dark Magic might be twice as powerful now, but that does not make her situation better.

After all, her enemies could have a better power in this place...



Since Alina’s power was affected by this world, there is a high possibility that the powers of her allies were affected too.

Alina of course has no idea on how affected her allies were, but she has a hypothesis on what of her allies’ powers ’could’ have been affected.

"Since my scientific power was suppressed in this world, then this world is a world catering to fantasy-related powers." Alina discreetly thought to herself as her eyes observed Alex and the others silently. "That is the reason why my Chronomancy and Dark Magic were accepted here."

"However, this world is not strictly for fantasy powers. If my thinking is right, this world is more aligned to fantasy powers with ’Evil effects’" Alina added to her mind as she frowned. "That’s could explain why my neutral Chronomancy was just normal, while my ’evil’ Dark Magic was boosted greatly."

"Hmm... if that’s the truth, then Queen Mother’s abilities will just be ok. Professor Frances will be fine too, and she might even get some boost here. As for Alex, it is obvious that only his Abyss and Immortal Powers will be working here... Alex’s Immortal Power will just be normal, since it is neutral. But as for his Abyss Magic, I think it will be a different case."

"...Since Alex’s Abyss Magic was extremely evil, there is a possibility that its power was not just doubled. It could actually have been tripled or even quadrupled! F**k, if that’s the truth, then things are really bad!"

At this point, even the normally calm Alina could not help but be worried from the discovery that she made.

There is no way that Alina can be happy now, even if she knew that Alex’s powers could have been boosted too.

How could she be happy, when it was Alex’s Abyss Power that was boosted?

Alex just straight-up admitted that he was corrupted by his Abyss Magic, and now there is a possibility that this power was actually boosted in this world?

No matter which way one looked at it, Alex’s situation is really bad!

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And the fact that Alina has no idea on how to solve Alex’s situation just made this worse!

But what can Alina do now? Would she just demand Alex to stop using his powers and do his best to suppress himself?

No, Alina cannot do that.

She was already familiar Alex’s attitude, and she knew that if she tries to suppress him, it will just make things worse.

The best that Alina can do now was to let Alex do his own thing, and just try to resolve his dilemma once things had settled down.


"Alex, I don’t like your way of dodging my questions, but in this situation, I wholeheartedly agree with what you’re saying." Alina had no choice but to say these words, as this was the only proper way to deal with Alex right now. "We have to deal with these visitors, or else things will just get messy."

"You don’t need to tell it to me twice, Alina. I have been prepared for these visitors since earlier, so I could fix this situation much faster than what you expected!" Alex shouted out eagerly, making his intention to fight noticeable. "Just watch from the sidelines, Alina. I will be beating these visitors up before you can even finish counting!"


The bright tone in Alex’s voice made it apparent that he was happy with Alina’s decision to let him fight, but his happiness just made Alina feel more worried inside.

"Hey Alex, why don’t you let me fight with you too? That way, we can-"

"Sorry Alina, but my Abyss Sprites are raring to fight. So please be quiet, my love."

"What? Did you just call me-"

"Shhh..... Can you feel it, Alina? Can you feel the excitement of my Abyss Sprites? They have been long imprisoned inside my body, and today was the first day that they can come out!"

"Hey Alex! Stop grinning crazily like that! If you do, you will just-"


Before Alina could continue her tense chat with Alex, a large, white, elongated capsule the size of a human body suddenly landed in front of her.

The size and the absurd appearance of this capsule was enough to silence Alina, and she appeared to have lost her words as she stared at the capsule’s sleek body and elongated shape.

"What the?"

The sudden appearance of this capsule alone was enough to surprise her, but it was what happened next that made things interesting.


Just a few nanoseconds after it apepraed, the capsule’s body split open like a sliced mango, revealing a pulsating ball of pure energy in its core. This ball did not show any hints of it being dangerous, but its presentation has certainly made Alina wary of it.

"Thun thun. Thun thun."

All the colors present in the universe seemed to exist on the energy ball’s body, creating a pulsating light display that made it look beautiful. It was so beautiful, that the usually picky Asteria began to cheer upon seeing the ball.

"Thun thun. Thun thun."

This ball appeared nothing like any other, and even Alina can say that this is the first time that she had seen something like this.

"Thun thun. Thun thun."

With this kind of thing presented to her, Alina naturally felt curious, and she began to have the desire to obtain it.

Alina knew that if she had some time in her hands, then she could have used this time to make more sense of this ball of energy.

She just needs a few seconds with her All-Seeing Eyes, and she’s confident that she can discover the essence of this ball.

"Thun thun. Thun thun."

Unfortunately for Alina, she won’t be able to do anything else to the energy ball from this point.


Without any warning, the ball of energy suddenly exploded, bringing a fearful blast of deadly energy that quickly covered the whole area.

Fire, lightning, gamma rays, gravitational blasts, dark matter, and many more exotic types of materials and energy were released in this explosion, creating an effect that was way beyond what a normal bomb can do.


The whole building that Alina was standing in has evaporated in a flash due to the explosion, and all the tiles on the floor disappeared as if they were carved out from space.

Speaking about ’space’.... it was also affected by the blast, as countless distortions and holes in space were present at the moment. It took as much as a few minutes before these distortions disappeared, although their damage was already done.


Nothing was spared from this explosion, including the hooded worshippers, who were all torn into burning pieces from the extreme power of the blast.

As for Alex and his companions, their presence seemed to have disappeared after the explosion, which is obviously not a good news.

"Boom boom boom!"

And as if the sudden disappearance of Alex and his allies were not enough, three more explosions came out from the energy ball, which just added more damage to the already-cratered ground.

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