Endless Journey: Infinite Realms Chapter 647 Church, House, and Temple

Chapter 647 Church, House, and Temple

With the strength and frightening power unleashed by the three consecutive explosions, it was already an inevitability that the whole area will be silent.

There is nothing else in this area that can make a sound after all, not with the extent of the explosions.


But amongst the scattered ashes and countless fires, a small voice could be heard, echoing out quite nicely on the desolate crater.

"Did we get them?"

The voice, which was both high-pitched and nasal in nature, was full of curiosity, as if its speaker was trying to discover something.

"Hey father, did our bombs work? We have to be sure, or else our enemies could run away..."

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Such quality of voice was already irritating on its own, but the sense of nagging that its speaker had implied just made it sound much more aggravating.

"Hey father! Don’t just stand there and stare at the ground! Let’s go in and scour for survivors!"

The owner of this voice was not Alex, neither his allies.

Instead, the voice came from a small 13-year-old kid, whose face did not show any signs of maturity.

"Hey father! Let’s move out!"

This kid was currently riding on top of a flying disk, a vehicle which allowed him to float above the area of the explosion.

Such proximity allowed some of the smoke on the area to waft towards the kid, although he just swatted them away like flies.

"Hey father, don’t be an idiot there! Let’s start moving!"

This kid, who showed no indication of being serious, was continuously shouting out these words while staring down at the area of the explosion.

His small eyes held no sense of innocence in it, as he seemed to treat the whole cratered area below him as nuisance.

"Father.... Please start your job! I can’t wait anymore!"

The kid was wearing a pure- white robe embroidered with the design of birds, along with a wide-hipped pants that flowed freely along the wind.

A small fedora lined with metal edges could be seen on top of the kid’s head, and there was also a small shawl wrapped on his neck.

The combination of these clothes made the kid look somewhat ridiculous, but the people standing near him did not treat him that way.

Instead, the kid was being treated with respect and deference, a treatment that is only suited for a king.

"Hey father! How long will you stay standing like that? Let’s go and look for survivors already!"

As the kid continued to say these words, he began to impatiently stomp, an action that caused the floating disk he was riding on to wobble a little.

[Wobble wobble...]

"Ah father, what is wrong with my disk? Why did it not offset my stomps? This is useless!"

This small kid might look weak, but that stomp of his held enough power to destroy a block of metal.

Such power is enough to destroy normal materials, but luckily for the kid, his flying disk had managed to hold up to his stomp.

But even then, the kid seemed to still be extremely disappointed.

"Tsk, father. I think you should give me a new disk already. This one sucks!"


With the demeanor and attitude shown by this kid, it is hard for anyone to treat him well, as what he was doing was just too much for his age.

But just like what happened earlier, the people accompanying the kid did not react adversely to his attitude.

"Young Master Han, there is no need for you to come down. It is my job to confirm the deaths, so please stay still." Behind the kid, an old man with a beard as long as a spear gave this answer.

His voice sounded full of respect, and there was no sense of animosity on him as he continued conversing with the kid. "You will just dirty your clothes if you come down Young Master Han...."

"Hah? Who cares if I dirty my clothes? I have never been in this place before, so I want to venture it! Or do you think I am weak for these things?" The kid, who had been called as Young Master Han, seem to be unhappy with what the old man just told him.

He even scowled at the old man, a gesture that showed his displeasure. "Father, I am already stronger than you, so let me go down too!"

"Young Master Han, you may be the current master of our clan, but I cannot allow you to just do what you want. Who knows, there is a chance that a trap is waiting for us below. I cannot allow you to be in such danger, so please just stay here." The old man appeared to be hurt upon seeing Young Master Han’s expression, but that did not deter him from stopping him. "I will go down by myself, ok?"

"Tsk, why do I even have to listen to you? You may be my father, but I am the current clan master! Shouldn’t my words be followed too?" Young Master Han’s unhappiness had visibly increased after the continuous denials of his father, and it made him look even angrier than ever. "Yes, my words should be followed, so-"

"Young Master Han. Even though you are the current clan master, you are still a kid. As such, there are matters that you cannot decide on your own. One such matter is your security..." The old man replied nonchalantly, as he seemed unfazed under the kid’s menacing glare.

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"My security? But father-"

"Young Master Han.... As long as you have not reached the ripe age of 15 years old, all the matters pertaining to your security shall be handled by yours truly, your father. So as much as you want to go down, I cannot allow it."


"Don’t be sad, Young Master Han. I reckon that nothing interesting will happen when I go down. Our targets are dead anyway, so this will be fast."



"Tsk, fine. Go by yourself, father. But if you see anything good, you must give it to me, okay?"

"I promise that, Young Master Han."

"Good! Now get moving!"

"As you wish, Young Master."



Finally, the argument between the old man and Young Master Han was finally resolved.

It might have wasted few precious minutes, but as long as the Young Master was satisfied, anyone could have done what the old man did.


With his baggage now ’free of its load’ the old man was finally able to do his job, which was to scour the explosion crater for any signs of life present in it.

Such job was a menial task for the old man, but it was one that he takes seriously....

"Sigh, my son is still as stubborn as before. I wonder when he will get to be a mature person? I wish it will happen sooner already..." The old man thought to himself as he descended to the crater, which was still full of flames and scattered lightning.

The sight of these rampant energy made the old man frown, but he ignored it as he focused his senses on detecting life.


Out of his pocket, the old man drew out a small scanner-like device, one which emitted countless laser lights from its edge.

These laser lights were currently shot out by the old man towards his surroundings, an action that was reminiscent of a cashier scanning a barcode.

Of course the old man was no doing such thing, as this device was meant for something else.

"Let’s see, let’s see. According to my servants, they were able to detect around 100+ people huddled in this place. All of these people emanate the power of the Abyss, so that makes them a viable target." The old man murmured to himself as he continued sweeping the device around him.

"My servants did not tell me how powerful these people are, but considering that they are gathered inside an Abyss Temple, they are most likely just mortals corrupted by the Abyss. With that kind of power, it is impossible for them to survive the ’Sunrise’ bomb that we unleashed here..."

"Yes, there should be no one alive in this place anymore..."

Although he was highly sure that there was no one else left alive in this area, the old man did not stop on sweeping his scanner around him.

He has to be 100% sure that nobody was alive here, as he knew that failing on his task will just make it worse for him.


Although the old man was doing his job properly, his expression did not show that he was happy with what he was doing.

Instead, the old man appeared to be full of resentment, as if he was unsatisfied with today’s events.

"Sigh, why does an Abyss Temple have to appear here in our country? This temple could have appeared near the Blighted Plains or near the Void Sea. But no, it appeared near our clan! Argh, this sucks!"

The old man did not hide any resentment on his voice as he let out this curse, one which he was obviously alluding to the Abyss. He even spat on the ground at the utterance of the ’Abyss’ as if it was a vile thing to be said.

"Tsk, I should have been playing a nice game of chess with my friends, but now I am forced to work here! Tsk, the Abyss is really irritating!"

Just by basing on his words alone, the old man seem to harbor a large anger against the Abyss. But as for why he was actually angry against the Abyss, the old man did not explain it.

He just continued scanning the area around him, which was already 80% completed at this point.

"Ugh, I swear once I am done in this place, I will resume hunting the remaining Acolytes of the Abyss Temple in my territory! That will be the only way that I can be happy today!" The old man uttered as he let out a sadistic grin. "Yes, I will hunt down every single one of them!"

His whole body then trembled in excitement, as if he was thrilled with his latest idea. "Hehehe, that damned Abyss Temple had been kidnapping a lot of our residents for the past year, so for the members of the Abyss Temple to suffer is just proper!"

[Wobble wobble...]

His scanner slightly wobbled at this point, as if the scanner was resonating with the old man’s feelings. The old man did not notice this, as he became more and more immersed with what he was saying.

"Hehehe, I don’t care what the Holy Order Church or the Goetic House was saying. The Abyss Temple must be eradicated, and I will make sure that it will not rise again!"

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