Endless Journey: Infinite Realms Chapter 734 A Relic from the Past!

Chapter 734 A Relic from the Past!


Queen Mother resisted the urge to curse once she noticed this detail, as the sight of this crown allowed her to realize what happened.

"So all this time, I was not able to distance myself away from this giant. Instead, I was trapped in a space-time distortion, rendering me unable to leave this place."

"That’s the reason why even when I laterally left the giant’s proximity, I still found my body approaching it."

"...So basically speaking, I am stuck in a space-time loop. No matter where I go, I will always end up returning near the giant’s body."

To say that Queen Mother was dismayed by her discovery was an understatement, as she knew that her next hours here on this place are bound to be torturous!

She will actually be stuck on this area for god-knows-how-long, and she had no idea on how to even escape from here.

Such situation is unbearable for Queen Mother, so even when she’s contented to not move, she had no choice but to take action for her own sake.

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"As for what is causing this space-time distortion, I can only say that it is related to that crown that this giant was wearing...."

"I am not that versed in the arts of space-time magic, but my acquaintance with Alina tells me that this crown’s ability to manipulate time and space is extremely exquisite."

"No... this crown is not just similar to Alina. It’s ability to manipulate space and time is even better than her!"

"That explains why I failed to detect the space-time distortion when it affected me!"

Queen Mother’s beautiful face wore a more unpleasant frown this time, with her additional discovery further marring her optimism.

How could she even be optimistic, now that she realized that her body was trapped by a space-time ability?

"Tsk, if Alina was the person trapped in this place, she might find a way to escape. After all, space-time is her main focus. But for me? Even if I use all my power here, all that I can do is create havoc..."

If it were other abilities that trapped her body, then Queen Mother might have a way to resolve it.

But space-time abilities? These are the types of abilities that she was extremely helpless against!

"Argh! Break break break!"

To demonstrate this point, Queen Mother unleashed a barrage of punches, all aimed at destroying the spatial folds that surrounded the area.

Each attack that she released carried the concepts of Strength, Destruction, and End, which allowed her punches to obliterate the very fabric of space-time itself.

"Boom boom boom!"

With this power, it only took Queen Mother a moment to destroy the space around her, essentially producing a hole in reality that if she enters, might allow her to escape the predicament that she was in.

This hole however only lasted for an instant, as it immediately closed at the moment that it appeared.

"I knew it. My punches might be able to destroy space easily, but the power of that crown quickly repairs the space that destroyed..."

Queen Mother unleashed more barrages this time, with the power contained them even stronger than her initial punches.

"Boom boom boom!"

Just like her first attack, these new punches were able to destroy the space around her, and the holes created were much larger than the first hole. Some were even large enough for Queen Mother to fit her body with, and they seem to be safe enough to be crossed through.

But just like the first hole, all these holes were quickly patched up, leaving Queen Mother sighing in more disappointment.

"Tsk, and here I thought there is a limit on the power of that crown. So it can heal the space, even with my full-powered punches? This is bad..."

Queen Mother’s aggrieved expression made it obvious that she wanted to continue her attempts to escape, but the reality made her unable to do anything else.

What would she even do, when her best attempts to escape had already failed?

Queen Mother had just used 100% of her power in order to destroy the space around her, but even that was quickly resolved by the crown.

She did not even enjoy the possible applications of the holes, as the crown’s superior space-time manipulation had completely sealed her in.

"Sigh... so what should I do now?"

If Alina was just beside Queen Mother in this situation, then they will have no problems regarding this crowned giant. The former will just have to create a dimensional gap by herself, and that will be the end of it.

Unfortunately, that was not the situation that Queen Mother was in.

"...Sigh, so am I being punished now for ignoring my allies? Come on, I know that I had been a jerk for the past few days, but I think this punishment is too much."

"There is no way that I will learn a lesson when my body is being trapped by an extremely powerful space-time artifact!"

"This is just straight-up murder! That’s just it!"

Queen Mother can complain all that she wants, but she knew that it will not help her leave this place. In fact, she had the feeling that if she continues to complain, it might set off the ’sleeping’ giant.

If this giant indeed wakes up, that will make Queen Mother’s situation even worse, and it could possibly lead to her death too.

"...Ah whatever. What am I even complaining about?"

"Instead of wasting my time spouting nonsense here, I might as well do my duty, which is to gather data about everything in this place."

"Sigh, inspecting and gathering data is really tiring, but what else can I do now? At least this way I can find a way to escape this place..."

Since her attempts to escape had failed, the morose Queen Mother decided to observe the giant again.

This time however, what she observed was not just the details about the giant. She instead focused her eyes more on the crown itself.

"Since Alina wants me to collect data regarding the strange entities that I see here, then I will start with this giant. Oh, but that crown takes more priority for this time..."

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Since this crown was the object that trapped her in the first place, then its identity might give her the key to escape.

She just hopes that her observation will yield something, or else she would be stuck here for a long time.

"That giant might look special, but it was that crown that I should pay more attention. After all, that’s the reason why I am here. Unraveling its identity might help me escape, and it might even allow me to wield the crown for myself."

"Of course if that fails, then I just have to resume observing the giant itself."

"Which I really don’t want to occur, since I have the feeling that this giant is not that special at all..."

Before her laziness could urge her to sleep again, Queen Mother started flying towards the intimidating crown. Which to her surprise was actually easy, as she found no spatial or temporal obstacles that prevented her from nearing her destination.

This naturally made Queen Mother happy, as the prospect of getting near the crown grants her the chance to observe it better.

But since her mind was still wary because of the trap that she was placed in earlier, Queen Mother did not fully commit herself on approaching the crown.

She kept a distance of around 100 meters away from the object, a distance that was just near enough for her to observe it, and also far enough for her to run away in case something bad happens.


Once she felt that all things had clicked on her favor, Queen Mother hastily dedicated her attention on the crown, imprinting all of its attributes and details inside her mind.

She ignored everything else around her, and she even forgot to fix her posture.


It took Queen Mother an hour before she finished observing, which is a lot of time for an advanced creature like her.

Such long time was enough for somebody else to do more ’useful’ stuff, and Queen Mother would be lying if she said that her time was not wasted by her actions.

Fortunately for her, she did indeed discover something else in the crown, one that made her feel less disturbed with her wasted time.

"So.... let’s see what makes this crown special. Hm.... From this distance, I can say that the crown is made up of special metals. Aside from that, there is nothing else that I can see...."

"Oh, I can sense Chronium and Sage’s Silver on that crown’s body. Those metals are extremely rare, and it will be hard to find them during this era."

"Sage’s Silver can only be found during the Primordial Era, and it was mostly used for conducting the Divine Energy of the True Gods. After the fall of the True Gods, all Sage’s Silver were hoarded by the Monarchs, and any hints of it reappearing were quickly dealt with by them.

"As for Chronium, it was a metal that when forged, is extremely useful for creating weapons related to Dimensional Magic. In fact, Chronium can even amplify certain Chronomancy and Spatial Abilities, which is the reason why the Great TimeMaster treats its well."

"Hm... from what I remember, there is only one ton of Chronium left in the market, making it one of the most expensive metals in the Multiverse. Which means that the Great TimeMaster was lucky to even have a hold on it....."

With her knowledge boot camp with Alina, and her own affinity with earth and metals, Queen Mother was able to deduce the materials making up the crown.

This deduction naturally had her feeling confident, but that feeling was quickly wiped away once the implications of her discovery hit hear head-on.

"...Wait a second. So this crown is made up of two rare metals, with one only found during the Primordial Era? And the other one so rare that it’s practically non-existent?"

"Since that’s the case, then how the heck was this crown created then? I mean, it was made up of 100 tons of Chronium, and 300 tons of Sage’s Silver! That amount just hovers around impossibility, given the actual states of these two metals!"

"Tsk, so does this mean that the crown is an impossible object too? But I can see it with my very own eyes now..."

"...Okay, since this crown is definitely existing, then it only means one thing."

"This crown must have been created at a time when both Sage’s Silver and Chronium were plentiful...."

Since both Sage’s Silver and Chronium are extremely rare these days, then it means that the crown was not made during the current Era.

It was just too hard to gather the said materials, and any attempts to do so will catch the attention of powerful beings.

All these instances point out to only one possible Era, which an idiotic Queen Mother found no problem deducing.

""This crown was created during the Primordial Era, as all evidences point to that...."


With the virtue of this discovery, Queen Mother began to feel more confident about herself.

And this confidence just increased, as she had discovered something else.

Aside from its date of creation, Queen Mother was able to deduce the full identity of the crown too.

"Since I now know the age of this crown, the next question will be: What is the crown’s use?"

"If you look at the metals making it up, which is Sage’s Silver and Chronium, then it is easy to reach a conclusion."

"Sage’s Silver is for channeling a True God’s Divine Energy, while Chronium is for channeling Space and Time Magic."

"Primordial Era. True God. Divine Energy. Space and Time Magic"

"By linking these factors together, it is easy to deduce what this crown is!"

"This crown is obviously an object used by a True God during the Primordial Era, whose power is related to the manipulation of Space-Time itself!"

"As for who that True God is, the list that I know only gives me one answer."

"This True God is no other than Korno, The True God of Space and Time!"



"...So this the real identity of this crown? t’s actually a weapon used by Korno himself?"

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