Endless Journey: Infinite Realms Chapter 735 Madness

Chapter 735 Madness

The True God of Life and Creation EARC.

The True God of Beginning and End IGEB.

The True God of Magic and Mysteries MAGOI.

The True God of Elements and Realms TNEME.

The True God of War and Deception PECED

The True God of Space and Time KORNO.

The True God of Order and Chaos THEAD.

The True God of Reality and Illusions TILEA

The True God of Dragons and Giants ALWAYN

The True God of Sin and Virtue AILED

And the True God of Knowledge ELWON

Each of these names alone are enough to induce awe and wariness from Queen Mother, who quite frankly, does not want to meet any objects related to them.

Of course Queen Mother knew that with her Main Mission, there is no possible way for her to distance her body from objects affiliated with True Gods.

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The best that she could just wish for was to encounter these objects for minimal amounts of time....


This attitude was something that the normal Queen Mother would never have, as she was too cooperative and helpful to even be wary of anything.

But the current Queen Mother does feel wary, hence her negative reaction in regards to the crown and her discovery on it.

"Ugh. So out of all the things that I could encounter, I met the one that I never wanted to meet? What in the fresh hell is this..."

Because of her agitation from the True Gods, the fact that Queen Mother encountered a treasure related to a True God did not make her happy at all.

Instead she was incensed, as she knew that there is no way out for her now.

Queen Mother had just been near a True God Artifact after all, a situation that she felt was unfavorable for her....

"...So what should I do now? If I don’t treat this matter well, it might be me who suffers in the end."


Queen Mother did not exactly explain why she thought that seeing a True God Artifact will be unfavorable for her.

But her contorted face showed that she’s worried enough, and that she’s interested on doing everything that she can in order to move herself away from the artifact. The latter however is still an impossibility, as she was still trapped inside the Space-Time loop.

"...Alina, Alina. Alina. Why did I allow myself to be brought by you here? I thought that with my luck, I can avoid seeing these things that I loathed to see. But now here I am, staring at one of these cursed objects!"

With her body unable to deal with the trap around her, and with her mind still reeling from her discovery, Queen Mother could only shake her head as she silently cursed her fate.

"Ugh, I might be a tree, but I can also feel sick too, you know. So please, please come here and do something about this."

"Because with my condition now, I doubt I can deal with what this crown might do to me..."

And her distaste about her fate just increased when she remembered the exact details of each True God.

"Just the past deeds of those True Gods alone were bad enough, and the way their artifacts were tied to these deeds were even more worrying."

"So the fact that there is this crown, hovering just in front of me, is something that does not bode good news at all."

"In fact, it will be considered a miracle if I can even survive this encounter...."

Queen Mother was not exaggerating here.

What the True Gods did in the past were indeed both horrifying and awe-inspiring, which was the reason why they were eradicated in the first place.

"But this is just an artifact, so what could happen to me might not be that bad, right?"

"Yeah, it should not be bad. After all, those True Gods are already dead...’"

As for what these deeds are, Queen Mother does not have exact knowledge of it all, as the Church of Wisdom limited the info that they gave to her.

But even with these limited knowledge, Queen Mother had already learned to develop a great animosity for anything related to True Gods.

In fact, she believed that those who read this info will be thinking that same way as her...



---The True God of Life and Creation EARC.---


"The Origin of all Life"

"The Master of all Creatures, Evil and Good.

"The Patron of World Souls and World Trees."

"The Architect of the Universe."


Life, Sentience, and Creation.


Druids, High Elves, Nature-Based Beings, World Trees, and World Souls.


He is the creator of the first World Soul and World Tree. He is also the one who created laws that encouraged the creation of new worlds and beings.

He encouraged creativity from his worshippers, and it led to the flourishment of arts and literature.

He also likes murdering these very same beings, for reasons unknown. And if he fancied it, he can create monstrous entities to torment his followers.

These ’sadistic deeds’ happened in secret of course, since doing it in the open will invite despise from his followers.

He was killed by the other True Gods, who wanted to use his body in order to replenish their own life.



The True God of Beginning and End IGEB.


"The Lord of all the Paradoxes."

"The Instigator of all Wrongs and Rights in the Multiverse."

"The Accomplisher of Impossibilities."

"The Loop that Encompasses all Beings."


Paradoxes, Uncertainty, and Impossibilities.


Chaos Wraiths and anyone who believes in his name.


He is the trickster that wreaked havoc in the Multiverse.

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His abilities not only brought suffering and pain against mortals who did not worship him, it also brought headaches to his fellow True Gods.

This bothersome power of his made him a big target by his enemies, and most of his life was spent ’playing’ with them.

One of the most notorious events during the Primordial Era was caused by IGEB, on where he conned countless True Gods to ’accidentally’ kill their followers.

He was eventually killed by the Immortal Paragon.



The True God of Magic and Mysteries MAGOI.


"The Purveyor of Magical Arts."

"The Seeker of the Unknown."

"The Dominator of the Mind."

"The Goddess who weaves the threads of Fate."


Magic, Soul, and Destiny.


Magicians, Wizards, Warlocks, and Mages.


Known as the craziest of all the True Gods, MAGOI’s pursuit of magic was short-lived.

She only lived for 10, 000 years, a time period where magic flourished quickly to its peak.

She became crazy during her death, with her maddened state shockingly affecting all her worshippers.

Her death was then followed by a riot by her followers, who unleashed destruction and despair under her crazed influence.

1% of the Multiverse’s population was culled due to this event, and Monarchs had to intervene to kill all the insane magic wielders.



The True God of Elements and Realms TNEME.


"The Foundation of all Elements."

"The Engineer of all Realms."

"The Seeker of the Balance."

"The Scale that Judges us all."


Elements, Realm Creation, Justice.


Elementals, Realm-Beings, Law Enforcers.


With his nature aligned for stability and justice, TNEME was the most stable and fair True God.

He judges anyone fairly, and those who deserve forgiveness will be pardoned.

During the end of his life however, TNEME went mad, and he began absorbing the life of his worshippers just to extend his lifespan.

He was eventually killed by the coalition of other True Gods, who he left with no choice but to attack him.



The True God of War and Deception PECED


"The Conqueror of all Beings."

"The Ruler with an Iron Fist."

"The Minister of Lies and Falsehood."

"The Surveyor of Boundaries."


War, Distortion, Deception, Conquest.


Anyone that has been conquered under his name.


With his power aligned for war and conquest, PECED became the True God with the most territories under his rule, second only to SOAHC.

He had a bloodthirsty nature, one that made him cruel to his enemies and even to his followers. Those that he did not like were killed, and most were enslaved and toyed with by his soldiers.

His capabilities gave him an advantage against the Monarchs, allowing him to kill a number of them.

He fell at the Final War, where dozens of Monarchs had to sacrifice their life just to end his.



The True God of Space and Time KORNO.


"The Ferryman on the River of Time."

"The Keeper of the Dimensions."

"The Holder of all Seals."

"The Wanderer of all Realms."


Space, Time, Sealing, Journey.


Nomads, Wanders, Void Creatures, Dimensional Entities.


As one of the most elusive True God in existence, KORNO is a being who is in charge of maintaining the stability of the whole Multiverse.

He has little time for his worshippers, as he dedicates most of his time travelling, visiting other places, and fixing dimensional instabilities. He also grants safe passage to other beings, as long as they pray or worship to him first.

On his free time, he likes torturing people who offended him, sometimes by trapping them inside a time loop or by spatially contorting their bodies to the limits.

He was killed in the Final War, when the Giant King Nagi stabbed his body from behind with the God-Slaying Spear.

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