Endless Journey: Infinite Realms Chapter 736 In and Out???

Chapter 736 In and Out???

The True God of Order and Chaos THEAD.


"The Right-Hand of Soahc."

"The Enforcer of Order."

"The Harbinger of Disaster."

"The Keeper of the Laws."


Order, Chaos, Minor Destruction, Minor Law Manipulation.


Devils, Demons, Arch-Golems, Humans.


Commonly known as the closest confidant of SOAHC, THEAD is a True God that is both acquainted with the opposing sides. He is a beacon that upholds the principles of the True Gods, and he is a fair friend to all the Monarchs.

His rule was accomplished through proper words and behavior, and none of his followers experienced unjust situations under his wing.

Any evil-doers were struck down by his might, and those who performed good deeds in his name were always rewarded.

In fact, his fairness was so great, that many followers of TNEME prefer THEAD more. This led to a minor conflict between these two True Gods, which THEAD managed to win by just a hairbreadth.

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This gallant attitude also earned him the admiration of True God AILED which shockingly led to a marriage between the two.

His fair reign met its end when THEAD was personally killed by the Immortal Paragon.



The True God of Reality and Illusions TILEA


"The Holder of Secrets."

"The Revealer of all Illusions."

"The Leader who envisions Reality."

"The Dweller of the Virtual World."


Reality, Illusions, Virtual Creation, Hidden Secrets.


Hidden Beings, Illusionists, Fae, and Enchanted Souls.


Born between the bond of AILED and THEAD, TILEA reigns over the concepts of real, unreal and everything in between.

She has the power to create anything, and she used it to create a safe haven for her followers during the Final War. She also pushed the advance of Illusory Arts, allowing it to reach a state so high, that only Monarchs can hope to crack her illusions.

Due to the dissociative nature of her abilities, TILEA’s personalities were split into two during the war, with one personality pushing for the escape of everyone into her Virtual World.

The other one proposed the creation of a new Multiverse, which would be the new home of the True Gods and their worshippers.

Creating a new Multiverse might seem impossible, but it can be pulled off if all True Gods will supply their power to her.

Both proposals were rejected by everyone, and she was killed in front of both her parents.



The True God of Dragons and Giants ALWAYN


"The Monarch of all Dragons."

"The Father of all Giants."

"The Holder of the Greatest Body."

"The Vessel of the World’s End."


Dragon Arts, Giant Wizardry, Physical Strength, Entropy.


Dragons, Giants, and all species derived from these two.


As the God of the strongest and savagest beings in the Multiverse, ALWAYN was an arrogant True God who treats other beings as trash.

He only believes himself to be the right one, and opinions of other True Gods will always be ignored by him.

Out of all the True Gods, he only listens to SOAHC, as he was the only True God that was powerful enough to beat ALWAYN into submission. All the other True Gods either lost or drew a tie, just like THEAD.

His savagery and strength might be a headache for the True Gods, but it served its purpose during the Final War, with ALWAYN killing many of the enemies.

This made him a notorious True God compared to others, and he treated his enemies with no respect.

The whole Multiverse sighed with relief when he was finally killed.



The True God of Sin and Virtue AILED


"The Paragon of Virtue."

"The Planter of Sin."

"The Leader of all Angels and Demons."

"The Bane of the Abyss Realm."


Sin, Virtue, Celestial Magic, Souls.


Angels, Demons, and all the enemies of the Abyss Realm.


She was the only True God that was created by the other True Gods. She did not come into existence naturally, as the other True Gods engineered her birth.

Her existence was meant to be used against the Abyss Realm, as her abilities were a perfect counter for the latter.

She can emulate the Abyss’ power of Sins, and her selected Virtues can slay most of the Abyss’ children.

Her foray into the Multiverse was initially successful, and she contributed to most of the injuries that the Abyss suffers up to this day.

By the time that the Final War began, AILED’s legion of angels and demons actually developed the chance to end the Abyss for good.

But due to the nature of her birth, AILED fell into a sudden berserk state, one that made her kill and consume her followers in an instant.

Her madness then spread everywhere, turning her power of Sin against her allies.

In the end, what happened to AILED lead to the deaths of her allies, one that further led to the loss of the True Gods.

She was finally killed by the Celestial Monarch, who eventually became the ruler of the Celestial Realm.



The True God of Knowledge ELWON

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"The Eye that peers through the Unknown."

"The Divine Teacher of All."

"The Cursor of Progress."

"The Madness that Consumes all Sentient Life."


Knowledge, Wisdom, Corruption, Souls.


All that seek the path of knowledge.


As the True God who holds the power of Omniscience, ELWON knows everything that happens, and he also knows what happened in the past and what would happen in the future.

His nature forces him to teach all those who seek his knowledge, and it also pushes him to discover all the mysteries in the Multiverse.

These traits as expected eventually drove ELWON mad, and his affinity with the realm of Madness made his crazed state even worse.

His madness alone led to the death of all his followers, and those who caught his fancy were killed and dissected for his experiments.

His death was swift however, and it ended the terror that he could have spread.



The True God of Death and Destruction Soahc


"The Father of all Gods."

"The Overlord of the Multiverse."

"The King of the Underwold."

"The End of Everything, and the Bane of Life."


Destruction and Death.


All creatures are under his rule, and even when other True Gods appeared, everyone still worshipped him.


He was the strongest of all True Gods, and it was through him that the Multiverse’s chaotic eras had finally ended.

His powers over destruction and death gave him the edge over everyone, and he held sole control on the state of life in the Multiverse.

If SOAHC could will it, he can directly end the Multiverse and let it be reborn under his will.

He was the sanest True God of all, but he was also the maddest.

His followers might have benefited from him, but they also suffered, with some of them tortured on SOAHC’s personally created hell.

Nobody was fully happy over his reign, which was the main fuse that started the Final War.

He met his end in the Final War, dying on the cooperation between the Immortal Paragon and the Abyss Realm.



SOME MINOR TRUE GODS WHOSE NAMES DESERVE SOME SMALL MENTIONS.(Note: These Minor True Gods all ended up mad at the end of their lives, which was the reason why they are not famous. Their followers just did not have enough time to survive before being infected with their madness.)

The True God of Desire COSTA

DOMAINS OF POWER: Desires and Emotions.

The True God of Fertility THOM

DOMAINS OF POWER: Fertility and Childbirth.

The True God of Light and Darkness ACHIL

DOMAINS OF POWER: Light and Darkness

The True God of Slaughter AWR

DOMAINS OF POWER: Slaughter and Massacre

The True God of Destiny and Fate KENLI

DOMAINS OF POWER: Destiny and Fate.

The True God of Love ERONA

DOMAINS OF POWER: Love, Sex, and Infidelity.

The True God of Games and Entertainment EXOS.

DOMAINS OF POWER: Games and other objects meant to entertain people.

The True God of Arts EASEL.

DOMAINS OF POWER: Paintings, Sculptures, and other works of art.



Queen Mother’s trip to her memory lane ended at this point, as she just finished looking up everything that she knew about the True Gods.

This sudden end made her a little disappointed, as she felt wanting for more knowledge about these ancient beings.

But since this is just what she had, then Queen Mother will just make do with it.

"See those things that I just thought up? No matter how you look at it, you can see that all those True Gods are not right in the head."

"Sigh... and this just makes me wonder about our alliance with the Church of Wisdom. Why did we even ally with this religion? The god that this church is worshipping is obviously wacko for goodness’ sake!"

"This church even admitted by themselves that their God ELWON was one of the maddest True Gods in the past!"

"Tsk, this should have been an enough warning sign for all of us to not ally with this freaking cult..."

At this point, Queen Mother had basically given up her attempts to blame anyone.

Why would she even waste her time doing such stuff when this won’t help her escape at all?

"Okay Queen Mother. Stop thinking about those True Gods already and just focus on your goal."

"You should be trying to escape now, so forget anything about cursing these ancient beings!"

"You will have a better chances of living if you escape, so don’t dilly-dally like this!"

While her body was still unwilling to move, Queen Mother’s mind had no interest of sleeping at this point.

She knew that her life was at stake here, so she did not spare any expense of discovering a way to escape.

She ran her mind once more to its limits, hoping that maybe she could think of something that will be of use to her!

"So... what should I do now? I know that this crown is a weapon used by KORNO, and that it has the power to manipulate space-time."

"That observation means that if I want to escape, I must use an ability or an item that will let me deal with this situation."

"Unfortunately for me, I don’t have anything related to these options..."

But no matter what Queen Mother thought, she could not think of any probable action that will lead to her freedom.

Each of her choices were either unavailable due to her inability, or because it was only her allies who can perform these choices.

Either way, Queen Mother realized that she’s powerless to leave this place.

"Wait, does this mean that I am stuck? No. No. No. Please don’t let it be like this!"

"I can’t just be a damsel in distress who stays in this s***y place! Come on, there should be a way for me to leave!"

"Argh Think! Think Queen Mother! You should f**king think right now!"

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