Extra’s Magic Chapter 152 Weak

My attack left Theo reeling, and his friends hesitated for a moment, unsure of how to proceed without one of their members. It was a small window of opportunity, and I seized it, launching a flurry of attacks at the two swordsmen in front of me.

Slash... Parry... Strike!

Their movements were slow and predictable, making it easy for me to anticipate their attacks and swiftly counter. Within moments, I disarmed one of them, and the other retreated, clearly intimidated by my display of skill.

However, they were not done yet.

Three of them were still relatively unharmed and well. While I knocked out the weapon from one of them, he quickly swapped it with another one from his Spatial Ring.

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Meanwhile, Oscar was still locked in combat with the other demon worshipers. His spear danced through the air, creating a dazzling display of silver as he expertly fended off their attacks. He seemed to be in his element, and each strike he made was precise and calculated.

Unfortunately, he had to fight against 5 guys at once and it was clear that this was taking a toll on his stamina.

While he could still hold his own, I knew I needed to step in and provide backup.

"I have to end this fast..."

My heart pounded in my chest as I faced the two remaining swordsmen. The adrenaline surged through my veins, sharpening my senses and focusing my mind. I gripped my longsword tightly, its hilt familiar and comforting in my hands.

The first swordsman lunged at me, and I sidestepped his attack with ease, my footwork agile and precise. As he recovered, I seized the opportunity and swung my blade in a wide arc, aiming for his side. He managed to parry the strike, but I followed up with a quick thrust that forced him to retreat a step.

The second swordsman tried a different approach, opting for a series of rapid strikes. But his movements were telegraphed, and I easily blocked each one, maintaining my calm in the midst of the chaos. I knew that patience would be key, and so I focused on observing his patterns.

Meanwhile, the archer in the distance continued to be a nuisance, shooting arrows in my direction. I had to time my movements carefully to avoid both the incoming projectiles and the swordsman’s attacks. Darting and weaving, I managed to keep them at bay while slowly closing the distance.

My opportunity to strike back came when the first swordsman attempted a powerful overhead swing. He had put a lot of force behind it, leaving himself momentarily vulnerable. With a swift sidestep, I evaded the attack and brought my blade down on his exposed flank. My strike found its mark, and he fell to the ground with a groan.


But there was no time to celebrate. The archer was reloading for another shot, and the second swordsman was growing more aggressive, realizing he was now alone. I focused on the archer, charging towards him as he struggled to notch an arrow.

As I closed in, he managed to draw the bowstring, and I knew I had only one chance. With all my strength, I lunged forward and swung my sword with a powerful horizontal sweep, aiming to knock the arrow away before he could release it. My blade collided with the arrow mid-air, sending it off course harmlessly.

The archer now defenseless, I tackled him to the ground, knocking the bow from his hands and disarming him. I held my sword to his throat, signaling for him to surrender. Fear filled his eyes as he realized he was at my mercy, and he nodded in submission.

However, I only smiled, plunging the blade straight into his throat, making him split blood and gasp for his final breath.

There was no way I was going to leave any of these Demon Worshippers alive.


The second swordsman, who was still relatively unharmed, lunged at me while his companion drank a health potion to recover from the wound I had inflicted on his flank.

As the second swordsman charged, I braced myself for the clash of steel. His attacks were fierce and aggressive, but I met each one with calculated precision, deflecting his strikes and countering with my own. It was clear that he was skilled, and he fought with determination, but I remained focused, searching for an opening.

His companion, the one I had disarmed earlier, was back in action, having consumed a health potion to mend his injury. He now joined the fray, attacking from my blind side, making the situation even more challenging.

My mind raced as I fought, analyzing their movements and adjusting my tactics accordingly. I couldn’t afford to make any mistakes, as the consequences could be dire.

Just as I managed to disarm the second swordsman, knocking his weapon to the ground, I felt a sudden presence behind me. I instinctively twisted my body, avoiding the blade that swung at my back, only to realize that Theo had rejoined the fight with his greatsword.

His attack had caught me off guard, but I quickly regained my composure and parried his strike. The force behind his swing was immense, and I could feel the impact resonate through my arms, but I held my ground, refusing to yield to his strength.

"Bastard, hiding his strength"

His words only fueled my determination. I knew I had to end this quickly, for Oscar’s sake and for the important lives that were at risk if these Demon Worshippers were allowed to escape.

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With renewed focus, I engaged both swordsmen simultaneously, using my agility and speed to keep them off balance. I parried Theo’s strikes while delivering swift and precise counterattacks to the second swordsman. It was a delicate dance of blades, and every movement mattered.

Theo was relentless, his greatsword cleaving through the air with terrifying force. I knew that a direct confrontation with him would be dangerous, so I focused on evasion and finding openings in his defense.


The first swordsman swung his blade at me with fierce determination, but I deflected his attack with a well-timed parry, using the momentum to retaliate with a swift counter strike. He staggered back, momentarily off-balance, and that was all the opening I needed. With a fluid motion, I lunged forward and delivered a precise thrust to his chest, incapacitating him.

One down, two to go.

The second swordsman’s attacks intensified, sensing that they were losing their advantage. But I held my ground, moving gracefully between their strikes, never giving them a chance to overwhelm me.

Theo, with his greatsword, attempted to catch me off guard with a powerful vertical swing. I leaped backward, narrowly avoiding the deadly arc of his blade. His attacks were ferocious, but they also left him vulnerable. As he recovered from his missed swing, I saw my chance.

With calculated precision, I closed the distance between us and performed a swift low sweep with my longsword, targeting his legs. The maneuver caught him off guard, and he stumbled, losing his footing for a moment.

Now was my opportunity.

With a quick pivot, I turned my attention back to the second swordsman, who had been relentless in his assault. He lunged at me with a series of quick strikes, but I anticipated his moves and deftly parried each one. My movements were fluid and economical, conserving my energy for the decisive moment.

As the second swordsman’s attacks grew more desperate, I saw a pattern in his movements. He tended to favor his left side, exposing his right flank. I seized the opportunity and unleashed a flurry of strikes, keeping him on the defensive.

The tide was turning in my favor.

With a final, well-placed strike, I disarmed the second swordsman, sending his weapon flying. He stumbled back, disoriented and defenseless.

Now there was only one enemy left standing - Theo.

He had regained his footing and was seething with rage, his eyes fixed on me with a deadly glare. His greatsword felt heavy in his hands, but he showed no sign of giving up.

"Bastard, you’ll pay for what you’ve done!"

Theo snarled, his voice dripping with malice.

However, before he could even do something, I beheaded the disoriented swordsman with a swift and decisive strike, making it clear to Theo that he was the last one left, and his chances of victory were slim.

I could see rage and fear gathering in his eyes, however, the only emotion that crossed my face was a sadistic joy.

"Come on, you seem like you want to kill me!"

Swinging my Authority back and forth I slowly approached his massive figure that towered over me.

Although he was taller, bulkier and more imposing, at that moment he was like a fly before me.

A bug I could easily swat away.

For some reason, his eyes that were gazing at me with rage began to tremble as well as his hands.

I could see, feel...


I could smell fear emanating from him.

And that made me lick my lips...

It’s not that bad.

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