Extra’s Magic Chapter 153 Wrapping Up

"Come on, you seem like you want to kill me!"

Approaching Theo’s massive figure, I couldn’t help but sneer.

My face was contorted with a big smile as I taunted him, fully aware of the growing fear that danced in his eyes.

I could smell fear emanating from his trembling body.

"Psychotic cultist!"

Cursing at his face, I kept swinging my Authority, letting its blade slice through the air with a satisfying whoosh.


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Suddenly, Theo whispered under his breath as he took a step back, his voice barely audible.

His words sent a shiver down my spine, but I didn’t let it show.

A Demon had called me the same thing before...

And now he’s dead.

’It’s time to wrap this up...’

Tightening my grip on the Authority, I charged forward, swinging my blade at Theo with all my might.

However, Theo wasn’t yet fully defeated.

Although he was scared of imminent death, he mustered whatever strength he had left and blocked my attack with his greatsword, creating a clash of steel that reverberated through the air.

"Aren’t you a pathetic being?"

I chuckled, my voice dripping with disdain, as I pushed against Theo’s resistance.

His strength was above mine but at this moment, it didn’t matter.

"Simping for Rose..."

Continuing to speak, I quickly spun around and delivered a swift kick to Theo’s side, knocking him off balance.

Before he could even stumble and regain his stance, I lunged forward delivering a quick and powerful punch to his jaw, causing his head to snap back and blood to trickle from his lip.

"Annoying me..."

Following up with an edacious knee to his gut, I relished in the sick satisfaction that came when my strike landed true.


I observed as he fell to the ground and as his Greatsword clattered beside him.


He tried to block my Longsword with his bare hands, but it wasn’t as effective as he thought it would be.


My Blade, coated with swirling Shadows and enchanted with my Weapon’s first movement ’Shadow Strike’ cut through his hands and connected with his chest, piercing through his defenses.

I could see the pain and desperation in his eyes but I felt no mercy at that moment.

You side with demons and betray fellow humans, and yet you expect mercy?

Turning my head toward Oscar who was currently fighting the other group of people, I quickly noticed blood staining his clothes and countless minor wounds on his body.

He was currently battling 4 Students while one of them was lying in a pool of blood with a large hole in his chest.

I instantly knew that the wound was left by Oscar’s silver spear.

As the chaos unfolded around us, I couldn’t help but revel in the thrill of the battle. Adrenaline coursed through my veins as I locked eyes with the two foes before me. The one with the katana had a confident smirk, while the wielder of the scythe looked eerily calm.

My swift and deadly movements caught their attention, drawing their focus away from Oscar for a moment.

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Without wasting any time, I lunged at the katana-wielding opponent, using my speed and agility to close the distance between us. The clang of metal echoed as our weapons collided, and I could feel the force of his strike reverberate through my arm. But I didn’t falter; instead, I channeled that energy into a powerful counterattack.I think you should take a look at


With a graceful twist of my body, I swept my leg in a low arc, aiming for his feet. He tried to jump back, but it was too late. My foot connected with his ankle, causing him to lose balance. Taking advantage of his stumble, I swiftly swung my longsword at his exposed side.


The blade found its mark, slicing through his defenses and drawing a pained grunt from him. Blood seeped from the wound, but he wasn’t done yet. Gritting his teeth, he recovered quickly and retaliated with a flurry of swift strikes. I blocked and parried, each movement precise and calculated.

Meanwhile, the scythe-wielding opponent circled around, attempting to catch me off guard. But I kept him in my peripheral vision, not letting him get the upper hand. Oscar, freed from one of his adversaries, shot me a brief nod of gratitude before focusing on the remaining foes he was facing.

"You have to kill me quick~"

I smiled at the scythe-wielder, goading him to come at me. He obliged, swinging his weapon with a deadly arc. I dodged and weaved, staying just out of reach. His strikes were heavy and powerful, but I relied on my agility and speed to keep him at bay.

With a quick burst of speed, I closed the distance and delivered a series of swift strikes. He managed to block some of them, but a few landed, leaving shallow gashes on his arms and chest. He growled in frustration, and his attacks became more frenzied.


Meanwhile, the katana-wielding opponent’s attacks were getting sloppier, his movements slowing down. I could see the fatigue setting in, and I knew it was only a matter of time before I could capitalize on his weakness.

The adrenaline-fueled dance of combat continued as I weaved and dodged, parried and struck. Every clash of our weapons reverberated through the air, creating a symphony of steel. With each movement, I felt a rush of exhilaration and focus, fully immersed in the art of battle.

The katana-wielder’s attacks grew more desperate, and I exploited his fatigue. Timing my strikes carefully, I found openings in his defenses and exploited them, delivering precise cuts that drew crimson lines across his body. He grunted in pain but refused to back down.

The scythe-wielder, on the other hand, seemed to revel in the chaos of the fight. His strikes were wild and unpredictable, making it challenging to anticipate his movements. But I remained agile, keeping him at bay while searching for an opportunity to strike.

As the battle raged on, I noticed Oscar fighting with unyielding determination, taking down his opponents one by one. Bloodied and bruised, he held his own, proving himself a formidable ally in this life-and-death struggle.

Back to my foes, I managed to disarm the katana-wielder with a well-timed strike, sending his weapon clattering to the ground. Seizing the advantage, I pressed on, pushing him further back. His fear was palpable now, and I could see doubt creeping into his eyes.

The scythe-wielder, undeterred by his comrade’s predicament, continued his onslaught. But I adapted to his fighting style, anticipating his erratic movements and countering with precision. Our weapons clashed, sparks flying with each impact.


In a moment of daring, I saw an opening and went for it. Ducking under his wide swing, I closed the distance between us and delivered a powerful knee to his gut, momentarily stunning him. As he staggered back, I followed up with a swift and forceful strike to his chest, sending him sprawling to the ground.

Seeing his partner defeated, the katana-wielder’s resolve faltered even further. With a renewed burst of speed, I closed in on him, driving him back until he was cornered. The fear in his eyes was now unmistakable, and he dropped to his knees, surrendering.

But my battle instincts were still on high alert. I circled him cautiously, not letting my guard down. As I approached, he raised his hands in submission, his breath heavy with exhaustion.

However, my blade sliced through his neck, ending his life in one swift motion.

The scythe-wielder, though wounded and defeated, hadn’t given up entirely. He struggled to rise, gripping his weapon with determination. Despite the pain and fatigue, he managed to find his feet once more, refusing to bow down.

I admired his resilience but knew that I had to end the fight swiftly. With a final surge of strength, I charged forward, aiming to disarm him again. Our weapons clashed once more, but this time, I felt the advantage shift in my favor. With a well-executed maneuver, I disarmed him and sent his scythe flying across the ground.

This, however, didn’t stop him from continuing to resist.


He spoke his first words and quickly pulled out sharp daggers from his belt.

With a controlled breath, I studied his movements, looking for any signs of weakness or patterns. His attacks were swift and agile, and he darted toward me with deadly intent. I parried his initial strikes, feeling the impact reverberate through my arms, but I maintained my ground.

Swish... Clank... Parry...

The dance of steel continued, each clash an intricate display of skill and determination. He was skilled, no doubt, and his daggers moved with a grace that demanded respect. But I was no novice either, and I fought with the fierce conviction of someone who had faced countless adversaries before.

In a moment of opportunity, I seized my chance. As he went for a high strike, I anticipated his move and quickly sidestepped, closing the gap between us. With a swift, upward swing of my Authority, I aimed for his exposed neck.


My blade found its mark, slicing through the air with deadly precision. His eyes widened in shock as he realized his fate, but it was too late to change the outcome. The enchanted edge of my weapon cut through flesh and bone, cleanly severing his head from his body.

"Oscar, are you done?"

Not even turning around, I spoke into the quiet garden as I wiped blood from my blade.

"Yeah, just a few wounds..."

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