Extra’s Magic Chapter 171 Combat Exam (12)


With my legs now somewhat responsive, I knew I couldn’t afford to waste any more time. The Frostfire Tiger’s fiery gaze held a mix of anger and determination, and I understood that this battle was far from over. My body ached, my limbs trembled, but my resolve burned brighter than ever.


I rolled to the side just in time to evade another blast of frost breath that erupted from the Tiger’s jaws. The ground where I had been moments ago was coated in a thick layer of ice, a chilling reminder of the danger I faced.

My mind raced as I assessed my options. The Tiger was relentless, and its strength seemed unyielding. But I wasn’t ready to admit defeat. I had come too far, endured too much, to let this creature best me now.

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As the Tiger lunged at me with its massive claws, I used the momentum of my roll to spring back onto my feet. With a quick flick of my wrist, I hurled another set of explosive rocks toward the creature. The resulting explosions rocked the platform, causing the Tiger to stumble and roar in frustration.


I seized the opening, darting forward with my longsword raised high. My heart pounded, and my breath came in ragged gasps, but I didn’t falter. The Tiger swiped at me with its paw, but I anticipated the move and ducked beneath the deadly strike.


An arrow whizzed past me, striking the Tiger’s side with precision. Katarina’s support was invaluable, her presence a reminder that I wasn’t alone in this battle. The Tiger’s roars of pain echoed through the air, a symphony of agony that only fueled my determination.


I swung my sword with all the strength I could muster, aiming for the Tiger’s wounded hind leg. The blade bit into flesh and bone, eliciting a roar of agony from the creature. I gritted my teeth, pouring every ounce of my energy into the strike.

But the battle was far from one-sided. The Tiger’s tail whipped around, striking me across the chest and sending me sprawling. Pain flared through my body, but I forced myself to my feet once more, my vision swimming with determination.

Grrr... f𝚛ee𝐰𝗲𝐛n𝐨v𝚎𝗹.com

My chest heaved as I struggled to catch my breath, the pain from the Tiger’s strike radiating through me. I clenched my teeth, frustration and desperation bubbling up within me. This Frostfire Tiger was unlike anything I had faced before. Its power was overwhelming, and my every move seemed feeble in comparison.

With my fingertips, I felt the Timekeeper’s watch hidden deep in my jacket’s pocket. Time manipulation was a last resort, a risky move that could easily backfire. But as I watched the Tiger’s movements, its every twitch and motion a blur, I knew I had no choice.

With a quick surge of mana, the world around me seemed to slow. My own movements became deliberate, almost leisurely, as if I were wading through thick water. It was disorienting, but it gave me a fighting chance.


The Tiger’s attacks came at a crawl now, each swipe of its claw a measured advance. I could see the fire in its eyes, the determination burning just as fiercely as before. Despite the slowed time, it was a relentless force, and I struggled to keep up even in this altered state.


Katarina’s arrows still found their mark, each one a testament to her skill and precision. But even in this slowed time, the Tiger’s wounds seemed to heal slowly, and its resilience was unnerving. I needed to end this, and soon.


I focused every ounce of my energy on my sword, aiming for the Tiger’s weakened hind leg once more. The blade cut through the air, and I could see every detail of its trajectory as it closed in on its target. But just as the blade was about to strike, the Tiger’s tail whipped around again, this time moving with a deliberate slowness that caught me off guard.


The impact sent me flying, my body crashing against the platform’s icy surface. Pain radiated through every inch of me, and I struggled to hold onto consciousness. The Timekeeper’s watch had kept me in the fight, but I couldn’t escape the reality that this battle was slipping through my fingers.


The Tiger’s roar seemed to stretch on forever, a distorted symphony that mocked my efforts. I gazed at the watch, its dial still turned toward the slowed time. But even with this advantage, I had reached my limit. My body was battered, and my spirit waning.

As the Tiger’s fiery gaze bore into me, its movements still deliberate and unhurried, a single thought crossed my mind...

"Fucking hell..."

Slowly, I began to raise from the ground, aching and bruised but determined to continue the fight.

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Although my body was barely functioning, it was nothing that a health potion couldn’t fix.

"Aura Blade..."

Golden particles began to gather in my right hand as I channeled Mana into the skill.

A dagger made out of pure Mana materialized in my grasp, making the Tiger’s advance halt for a second.

Its icy-blue eyes bore into the weapon and it didn’t take another step forward, instead, the creature began to charge its Frost Blast attack, preparing to unleash a wave of freezing energy.


I needed to act quickly.

The charging Frost Blast meant I had only moments to strike. Pushing through the pain, I dashed forward, determination igniting my every step. The taste of victory was tantalizingly close, but I had to be swift and precise.


Every throb of pain in my body seemed to meld into a singular, blinding focus. My surroundings blurred as I closed the distance between me and the Tiger. With a primal roar, I plunged my Aura Blade forward, aiming for the creature’s chest. The blade shimmered with anticipation, ready to cut through flesh and bone.

But just as my Dagger was about to make contact, the Frost Blast erupted in a blinding wave of freezing energy. I could feel the icy tendrils reaching out, threatening to engulf me in their numbing grasp. Instinctively, I twisted my body, the freezing energy grazing me and leaving an agonizing chill in its wake.

My Dagger of pure Mana managed to pierce through the Tiger’s flesh, but it didn’t reach any vital point. The creature’s agonized howl filled the air, its pain a twisted symphony that harmonized with my own. I gritted my teeth, frustration and desperation warring within me.


I was thrown backward by the force of the blast, my entire body half-frozen and struggling to regain my balance. Every inch of me screamed with pain, the cold seeping into my bones and threatening to immobilize me. But I couldn’t give in. Not now, not when victory was still within reach.

As I staggered to my feet, my vision blurred and my breath hitched in my chest. The Tiger, wounded and furious, continued to charge its energy for another Frost Blast. I had to act quickly if I had any hope of turning the tide.

But then, a sudden rain of arrows descended upon the Tiger, each one finding its mark with a satisfying thud. Katarina’s support was unwavering, her skill with the bow a lifeline in this desperate moment. The Tiger roared in pain and frustration, its focus diverted for a precious instant.


Taking advantage of the distraction, I fumbled with the vial of a Health Potion in my pocket. My fingers trembled, the cold and adrenaline making them clumsy, but I managed to uncork the vial and down the potion in one swift motion. The soothing warmth spread through my body, knitting my wounds and revitalizing my energy.

For a brief moment, I felt a surge of renewed strength. The pain and exhaustion were still there, but they were pushed to the background as I focused on the battle at hand. With my Aura Blade still, in hand, I pushed myself forward once more, ignoring the ache in my chest and the burn in my limbs.


I dashed toward the Tiger once again, my determination propelling me forward. The creature was still recovering from the rain of arrows and hadn’t yet fully charged its Frost Blast. This was my chance. My Aura Blade glowed with ethereal energy as I brought it down with all the force I could muster, aiming for the Tiger’s vulnerable neck.

But the Tiger was quick to react, its fiery gaze narrowing as it saw my advance. With a sudden burst of strength, it lunged to the side, narrowly avoiding my strike. The Blade sliced through the air, a mere hairsbreadth away from its intended target. The frustration that swelled within me was almost palpable, a bitter taste that lingered on my tongue.


The Tiger’s growl was primal and furious, its movements swift and deliberate as it regained its footing. I knew I had to keep the pressure on, to find a way to break through its defenses and end this battle once and for all.

As the Tiger’s attention turned back to me, I took a deep breath, channeling all my energy into my next move. The pain in my body was a constant reminder of the battle’s toll, but my resolve remained unshaken. This was a fight I couldn’t afford to lose.

With a primal roar of my own, I charged forward once more, my Aura Blade gleaming in the icy light. The Tiger’s fiery gaze met mine, a clash of wills that reverberated through the air. The platform seemed to shrink around us, the only things that mattered at this moment were the creature before me and the determination burning within my heart.

And as our paths collided once more, the clash of steel against fur and the roars of pain and defiance echoed in a symphony of battle

All I knew was that I would need to finish this battle soon.

My mana reserves were already running low.

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