Extra’s Magic Chapter 172 Combat Exam (13)


The Tiger’s pained howls fueled my determination, its massive form still a formidable foe despite its wounds. The clash of our blades resonated with the weight of a battle that had stretched on for what felt like an eternity. Each strike, each dodge, was a calculated dance of survival and aggression.

As the Tiger reeled from my latest strike, I could see the exhaustion etched into its features, a mirror of my own weariness. But there was no time for rest. No room for hesitation. This was it, the moment I had been fighting for, the opportunity to deliver the final blow and end this battle once and for all.

"Come on..."

I channeled the last vestiges of my mana into my Aura Blade, allowing it to glow with an otherworldly brilliance. Every fiber of my being screamed with exhaustion, but my resolve remained unbroken. The Tiger, sensing the impending threat, snarled and prepared to counter.

But this time, I had a plan. I feigned an attack to the creature’s right, baiting it into a defensive stance. It was a risky gambit, one that required perfect timing, but I knew it was my best shot. As the Tiger shifted its weight to counter my feint, I spun on my heel, my Aura Blade whistling through the air as it arced towards the creature’s exposed flank.


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The blade connected with a satisfying thud, and I felt it sink deep into the Tiger’s flesh. The creature’s roar of agony was like music to my ears, a sign that victory was finally within reach. I held onto my weapon, pouring every ounce of strength I had left into the strike, determined to make it count.

But the Tiger, even in its wounded state, wasn’t ready to give up just yet. With a final surge of energy, it swung its massive paw at me, catching me off guard. The blow sent me tumbling backward, my grip on the Aura Blade loosening.

As I lay on the icy platform, pain radiating through every inch of my body, I felt a mix of frustration and desperation. This battle had pushed me to the edge, and I could feel the threads of exhaustion threatening to pull me into darkness. But I refused to surrender. Not now.


With sheer willpower, I forced myself back onto my feet, my breath ragged and labored. My vision wavered, but the sight of the wounded Tiger pushed me forward. I forced myself to keep holding the Aura Blade, gritting my teeth against the pain. It was now or never. I needed to finish this.

Gathering the last reserves of my mana, I reached for the hilt of my Aura Blade, pulling it from the Tiger’s side with a determined yank. The creature roared again, its fiery gaze fixed on me, but I didn’t flinch. This was my moment, the final strike that would bring an end to this relentless battle.

With a surge of energy, I charged once more, my steps unsteady but resolute. The Tiger weakened and wounded, tried to raise its massive paw to defend itself, but it was too late. My Aura Blade sang through the air, a brilliant arc of power aimed directly at the creature’s neck.

Time seemed to slow as the blade neared its target. The Tiger’s eyes widened, its last moment of defiance. But it was too late. The blade struck true, slicing through flesh, bone, and sinew with a satisfying finality.

A deafening silence followed the Tiger’s fall, its body crumpling to the ground. I stood there, panting, my chest heaving with exertion. The weight of the battle bore down on me, and I couldn’t help but take a moment to catch my breath. The platform seemed smaller now, the battlefield reduced to the space between me and the fallen creature.

As the adrenaline began to ebb away, the pain surged back with a vengeance, every wound and bruise screaming in protest. I swayed, my legs threatening to buckle beneath me, but I remained upright, fueled by sheer determination. I had come so far, endured so much, and this moment of victory was worth every sacrifice.

I forced myself to take a step closer to the fallen Tiger, my Aura Blade still clutched in my trembling hand. The creature lay there, its once-fiery gaze now dull, its powerful form reduced to a lifeless husk. A mix of relief and sadness washed over me, a reminder of the cost of this victory. This battle had pushed us both to the brink, and now it was over.

But there was no time for reflection. I knew there could be no room for complacency. My senses were on high alert, my instincts honed by the fierce struggle we had just endured. I scanned the area, making sure there were no other surprises waiting to spring upon me.

As I did, I could feel a presence approaching, a familiar energy that carried a sense of relief. Katarina, my temporary companion, emerged from the shadows, her bow still at the ready. She had been my steadfast support throughout this battle, her arrows a lifeline when I needed them most.

"You did it..."

She said, her voice holding little to no emotion.

"But you look like you’ve been through hell."

I managed a weary smile, acknowledging the truth of her words.


She nodded, lowering her bow now that the immediate threat was gone.

"We make a good team."

Indeed, we did. Together, we had faced this formidable foe, weathered its relentless assault, and emerged victorious. It was a testament to our resilience, our unwavering determination.

However, I wouldn’t call us a perfect team, we were quite out of sync, hence there is room for improvement in our coordination and tactical execution.


With a deep breath, I retrieved the Timekeeper’s watch from my pocket, its dial still turned toward the slowed time. It had been my lifeline in this battle, a risky but necessary tool that had given me the edge I needed.


Cutting off the Mana supply, I carefully slid the Timekeeper’s watch back into my pocket.

There might still be a fight soon, so I didn’t dare to place it into my Spatial Ring, preferring to keep it close at hand, ready to be used again if circumstances demanded it.

"Anyways, thank you for your assistance"

I said turning toward Katarina and pulling out my phone to send her the Arcons promised.

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"Good luck with your exam..."

I slightly bowed my head and wished her well before taking my leave, knowing that our paths will cross again in the future.

If everything goes well, right after I acquire the Shadow Mana Art from the Dungeon, I will reach out to her again to discuss future plans.

I might even reveal that I had seen a glimpse of the future and knew the world was going to be destroyed, however, this was still information that I needed to keep to myself for now.

"You too..."

I could feel her gaze lingering on my back as I walked through the snow, slowly ascending the steep path that led out of the hollow.

I didn’t even attempt to search for the Tiger’s core since I had already used ’Mana Perception’ to check if he had it and he didn’t.

Anyways, I needed to focus on my objective...

Recover and go collect as many points as I can in order to maximize my chances of achieving success in the Combat Exam.

I need to be in the Top 30 at least.

Crunch... Crunch...

Now I have 462 Points.

A small smile appeared on my face as I realized that I was steadily making progress toward my goal.

’Anything to avoid Robbin’s wrath...’



A man was standing in the midst of an empty field, his cloak billowing in the wind.

Behind him there were a few tents pitched and many Students with various wounds were gathered, recovering from the intense battles they had fought.

These were the students that had already faced the exam.

His eyes were closed, but the Mana and wind around him rippled as if he were communing with the element.


Robbin’s eyes flickered open and he glanced toward the north.

’They really did it...’

A small smirk appeared on his lips as the Wind whispered various messages, transferring information about the students who were still trapped in the Dungeon, trying to hunt as many monsters as possible.

’He really doesn’t want me to increase the training...’

Robbin snickered under his breath, making other people in the camp look at him as if he was mad.

Well, he kinda was, but this was not the point.

’I guess I’ll have to find another way to push him to his limits.’

Ruffling his brown hair, Robbin turned toward the students and smirked.

"Hey, losers, the Boss monster was a D Rank monster and it was defeated by two students..."

Robbin continued talking, receiving a few death glares but he couldn’t care less.

"And yet most of you died to an E or F Rank monster... Fucking useless!"

Ignoring the resentful glares, Robbin closed his eyes and focused on observing the Dungeon once again.

If they wanted to shut him up, they better perform at their highest potential and prove him wrong.

Or else they’re simply useless to humanity.

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