First Demonic Dragon Chapter 251 Bloody Battles

As soon as the words left Seras’ lips, her family knew that they would not be able to stop what was to come.

They had never seen this level of bloodthirst from her before, and it was already difficult to keep her contained and under wraps within the house.

Now that Mammon had quite literally pushed her nuclear button, there was no longer a force in Luxuria capable of keeping her contained and stable.

Evidently Mammon could also sense the turbulent danger he was now facing as his bulbous red face was now dripping with sweat.

Seras took a single step forward, and disappeared from everyone’s vision.

"She’s coming!" Mammon warned.

The red skinned demon conjured up a dome of earth to protect himself and his generals closest to him.


A bright red spearhead pierced through the top of Mammon’s earthly dome, and his eyes very nearly leapt out of his skull when the weapon suddenly began to wiggle and liquify.

’Not good!’

Opening up an exit within the dome, Mammon hurriedly threw his body outside of it just as several needle like projectiles flew in every direction.

His generals were not quick enough to avoid them, and soon the air was filled with the sound of their screams as they were pierced all over.

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Mammon didn’t know if they’d survive and right now he did not really care.

His sole interest was on capitalizing on this moment, so he couldn’t worry about something so unnecessary.

Sers was currently standing on top of his dome of earth, a look of pure madness on her face an with her spear still embedded in the dirt.

"Enough games you crazy bitch!"

Mammon manipulated the dome by turning it into pointed pillars that pierced the legs of Seras all the way up to her thighs.

Blood flowed from her wounds like a river, and she was now firmly locked in place.

So why didn’t Mammon feel any safer?

For the first time, Seras’ maddened expression cracked and was replaced with a frenzied smile that revealed all of her pointed teeth.

"Perfect. I wouldn’t have felt as fulfilled if you didn’t struggle before you died."

It was at this moment that Mammon remembered that Seras was a true dragon just like her husband.

And even if there was still a wealth of things she had to learn about being one, the danger she posed was significant.

Seras flexed her powerful legs and the pillars of earth impaling her shattered like glass on concrete.

Her wounds began to heal at a speed visible to the naked eye, and she jumped off the earthly dome as she headed directly for Mammon.

"Don’t come near me!!" He roared as his body began to glow with a dull red power.


The earth below began to rumble, and giant hands made of dirt rose up from the ground with the intent to swat Seras down like a fly, but his efforts proved to be wholly ineffective.

The still very pregnant Seras broke down every hand that even came close to her with her aura alone, and it was very easy to tell that this battle was exciting her to the point of no return.

Dark scales the color of dried blood began to form on the left side of her body, and her eye color changed from a beautiful red to an illustrious yellow with black sclera.

"I think I just felt the baby kick! It’s so wonderful that it’s already a fighter just like it’s parents!" Seras said madly.

"Baby?!" Mammon cried.


Seras’ foot collided with Mammon’s bulbous red face and sent him flying back several feet, right at the feet of his army.

"Did you feel that, my little warrior? Mommy can kick too, see?" She said as she rubbed her belly happily.

Mammon pulled his bulbous body off the ground and looked around at all of his frightened subordinates.

"The hell are you lot doing?! Kill her, now!"

The members of army of greed took a single glance at Seras and immediately felt like they wanted to return home, but by now Seras was far too excited to even allow them to consider running away.

"It may be a bit of a bumpy ride from here my baby but I’ll try to make sure that you remain as comfortable as possible!"

Once she gave the child inside her stomach a proper heads up, she leapt back into the midst of battle and began cutting down demons left and right.

The army of greed was largely unprepared for such a fierce onslaught, and Seras reveled in the bloodshed as she tore them limb from limb.

Her manic laughter could be heard all the way at the gate where the rest of her family and army were still waiting, unable to take their eyes off the carnage in front of them.

"My queens... is Queen Seras not with child?" Absalom asked.

"No... she is." Lailah answered dryly.

"Then... should we not stop her from putting her body through such a strenuous ordeal?"

"Of course we should." Bekka said with a nod.


"But do you want to be the one to tell her to stop having fun? Or suggest that she shouldn’t take revenge on the man who called her fat?" Audrina asked.

Absalom and his siblings then witnessed Seras throw her spear over her shoulder and start using her claws to dig into the skulls of demons and rip their faces off.

Just as she promised she would.

"...I believe that a subordinate should stay in a subordinate’s place." Absalom decided.

Beside him, his two siblings nodded in agreement and decided not to interfere in this matter at all.

Everyone wanted to engage in this battle alongside her but... they were honestly terrified of what she would do if they got in her way.

Back at the battle field, Seras was having the most fun she’d had all week as she relished bathing in the blood of her enemies.

By now, the demons were all utterly terrified of both the aura she was giving off and the fearsome bloodbath that was on display, and they could no longer do anything but stand still in fear as they waited for their own brutal death.

’What a monster.... I was trying to avoid damaging the area but it seems like will be unavoidable.’ Mammon thought.

Closing his eyes, and ominous and dark power began to leak off his massive body and entered the ground beneath his feet.


The ground began to tremble violently, and it seemed like the city nearby was going to come crashing down, when suddenly a giant chasm opened up in the middle of the battlefield.

It was almost unfathomably deep, as even the molten red of the planet’s core could be seen.

Almost immediately, demons began plummeting to their deaths.

"My lord, why?!"

"Help me!"

"I-I don’t have wings!"

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Mammon found it regrettable, but he knew that the only chance he had of defeating Seras was if he sealed her within Dola itself.

Since he needed the vampire dragon to remain distracted, he had no choice but to use his army as bait.

He would make a new one once he took over Luxuria and more than likely it would be far superior to these sad saps he had in his army now.

When Seras saw the earth that was starting to open up beneath her, her first instinct was to sprout her wings and fly upwards.

But just as she prepared to do so, two large chunks of earth struck her shoulder blades and remained glued in place, preventing her from unfurling her beautiful red wings.


Seras fell into the chasm below, alongside the other screaming remnants of Mammon’s army.

Once the demon of greed saw that his opponent had fallen inside, he clasped his hands together to finish the sealing.

"I feel sorry for the child, but I will do what must be done!"

Mammon’s heartbeat was going at a thousand miles a minute as he watched the ground close up with Seras inside.

Only when the last crack disappeared did he let out a sigh of relief.

’True dragons... even a baby like this one is so troublesome.’

Wiping his red brow of sweat, he turned his attention back to the small army waiting for him at the gate.

’That’s... odd... I had thought that they would be more upset.’

While he was receiving hateful glares, they were mostly from underlings and not the Tathamets themselves.

It was almost as if they knew something he didn’t?


Out of nowhere, the ground suddenly began to tremble once more, and Mammon felt his heart drop to his feet.


Dust and debris flew everywhere as a horrifying dragon crawled up from the earth like a demon escaping the pits of hell.

After becoming a true dragon, Seras was noticeably much bigger and more terrifying.

Previously she was much smaller, standing at around fifty meters in height.

But after becoming a true dragon, she had shot up to around eighty meters.

The sight of her massive blood red body and horrifying black eyes was more than enough to cause even the most battlehardened of warriors to run away in fear.

Just like her husband, her wings were now large enough to blot out the sky overhead, and it suddenly seemed as though day had turned into night.

Seras was looking at Mammon with a gaze that could kill, and the demon unconsciously backed away in fear.

Her crazed and childlike voice began to echo within his mind, and even though she had not done anything special, he felt as if her voice would drive him insane.

’You... tried to end my playtime.... I hate it when people try to end my playtime!’

Finally, Mammon fell to his knees with tears of blood running down his hideous red face.

"Please.... Forgiv-"


- 2 Days Later

There is a certain story on earth that Abaddon was particularly fond of before he was transmigrated here.

In that story, there is a certain line of words that he did not understand upon his first read.

But as he battled Satan, these words would echo within his mind every time he was knocked onto the ground.

’He who hope is cast upon may never rest...’

’Until he accomplishes his duty...’

’Or until the earth hears his voice no more.’

Just because Abaddon and Satan had been battling for two days, doesn’t mean that they had been fighting back and forth all that time.

That was just the amount of time that Abaddon spent being mercilessly brutalized by the sin of wrath.

There was nothing that the dragon could do that Satan could not counter.

He was a monster with eons of blood and carnage within his wake.

Even though Abaddon’s hand to hand techniques were improving the longer they fought, he still lacked the raw power necessary to deal a decisive wound.

And when he would make a mistake, Satan would make him pay for it by abusing one of Abaddon’s biggest trump cards.

His regeneration.



Abaddon threw a powerful punch at Satan with one of his four arms.

Despite being enough to level a building, his blow was easily caught by his opponent.

Satan smiled madly as he tightened his grip on Abaddon’s arm and yanked hard, ripping it directly from it’s socket.

But instead of simply tossing it as he had done with his sister, he whirled it around before striking Abaddon hard across the face with his own limb, sending him flying.



As Abaddon listened to the manic laughter of his opponent, he clawed his way back to his feet while his upper left arm began to heal.

"He who hope is cast upon may never rest..." He repeated.

The memory of those that believed in him was all that was keeping him going.

Even if he lost all of his arms, his legs, and even his head, he would still continue to fight so that all of their hopes were not wasted.

"HOW WONDROUS!! NO MATTER HOW MUCH I BRUTALIZE YOU, YOU JUST DON’T BREAK! THIS IS EXHILARATING!!!" Satan said as he watched Abaddon regrow his arm without any issue.

Over the past two days, he had tried his best to torture Abaddon in every way imaginable, yet he always stood back up.

He was having the time of his life.

Wrath no longer even cared about fighting Lucifer for the throne.

Right now, this was all that mattered to him.


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