First Demonic Dragon Chapter 252 Demonic Martial Art : Vajrayaksa!

’That man is so stubborn... this is hard to watch.’

High in the sky above, Leviathan had not left her place from atop the beast that Abaddon had placed her on.

She had slipped into unconsciousness not long after he’d saved her, and woken up a few hours ago to find him in nearly the same predicament as the one she was in.

Satan was very cruelly beating him down, and she had yet to see her nephew put up a decent fight in all of the time she’d been awake.

As Leviathan watched Abaddon crawl his way back to his feet once again, she shook her head regrettably.

Abaddon had her thanks for saving her, but there was no way that she was going to risk falling into the hands of that lunatic brother of hers.

It was regrettable but... she was not the kind of person to sacrifice herself for others so casually.


Satan kicked Abaddon so hard that his foot actually travelled through his abdomen and came out his back.

Unfazed by the sensation of blood travelling up his esophagus, the dragon used this moment of close contact to strike his opponent with devastating body shots.

His four arms worked in tandem, attacking Satan’s liver, ribs, and sternum.

By shaping ice over his fists, Abaddon was able to create temporary brass knuckles.

With the additional use of his lightning to enhance his movement speed, he threw blow after blow with the intent to liquify his opponent’s insides.


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"More! Hate me more! Bring me more harm!" Satan applauded.

Judging by the small line of blood running from between his lips, Abaddon’s attack certainly did not tickle and he was feeling a bit of pain from it.

But still, it wasn’t enough.


A full force headbutt from Satan shattered Abaddon’s frontal bone to pieces, and sent shards of his skull all throughout his brain.

His eyes became unfocused as they rolled into the back of his head, and Satan took that moment to remove his leg from Abaddon’s torso.

"Do better, boy!" Satan demanded.

A hard kick to the jaw sent Abaddon flying backwards, and he landed squarely on his back.

This time, the dragon took much longer than normal to get up.

His vision was blurry and unfocused, and for a moment he could not even remember where he was.

’How long have I been lying here...?’

’It feels like a long time...’

’My body doesn’t feel tired at all, but mentally I am exhausted.’

’What was I doing here again...?’

The fog surrounding Abaddon’s mind slowly began to clear.

He began to remember everything about who he was and what he was fighting for.

But even after remembering, he took his time getting up as he desperately needed to come up with some kind of plan.

Magic did not work.

His strength was inferior.

While his combat ability had improved dramatically, he would need months before he was anywhere near Satan’s level.

He didn’t have that kind of time.

’Damnit... there must be something!’ His irritation and anger began to grow steadily, prompting Satan to let out a satisfying sigh.

"There is truly nothing quite as addictive as your hatred! The wrath of a true dragon is already so pure, but the rage of a primordial demon is even more tantalizing! This is all so rewarding!!"

Finally, Abaddon realized something that he had previously neglected.

Satan was feeding off his hatred.

The same way that he could feed off the sex and sleep of others with the sin of lust and sloth, the sin of wrath had been doing something similar.

Like a fool, he had been goaded into fighting this battle with no real end in sight.

’I’ve been so wasteful...’

Abaddon slowly sat up on the ground.

Satan had not moved from his position a few feet away, and he continued to stare at his nephew with a mocking smile, almost as if he was taunting him to continue.

’I will no longer do as you wish.’

Finally, Abaddon closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

Back when he still had his system, he was in the process of developing his own demonic martial art.

Even though it had since been deleted, he could still feel the knowledge lurking within his mind, requiring only a few simple steps to be completed.

After sparring with someone as talented as Satan for two entire days, he now had the level of martial understanding needed to complete it on his own.

As Satan watched Abaddon crawl back to his feet, he could not help but notice how different he now seemed.

The well of controlled hatred that was flowing from him before seemed to have been shut off.

’No, that’s not it... I can feel many emotions swirling from within him... What is he planning..?’

Abaddon spread his legs into a wide stance as he tucked his arms in to his sides.

’A technique? It is quite unlike anything I have ever seen before though.’ Satan thought curiously.

Abaddon’s third eye flashed open while his normal ones remained closed.

A single tear dripped from his black sclera and fell towards the ground.

"I am more than my anger, Satan. I will make you see that."

As soon as his tear made contact with the earth, he rushed at his opponent at the speed of light and unveiled his new technique.

"Divine Art of The True Demon : Vajrayaksa’s Aspects."

"The First Aspect: Sorrow."

Abaddon was projecting an overwhelming amount of sadness.

His fists began to glow with a depressing dark blue color, and he struck Satan with the intent to kill him.




Every blow Abaddon landed was more powerful than the last, and yet it was as if he was saddened by the fact that he was causing another living person this much harm.

Try as he might’ve, Satan could not deflect or avoid Abaddon’s punches.

The pattern of the attacks was so unorthodox and rapid, that he would either misinterpret their intended target, or Abaddon would simply slip away from his reach at the last second.

"The Second Aspect: Joy."

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Suddenly, a captivating and cheerful smile spread across Abaddon’s lips.

It was so bright and perfect that it could captivate any woman with only a single glance, and induce warmth in even the most ruthless of killers.

The joy emanating from him was so great, because it stemmed from multiple aspects of his life.

He was a very beloved man, with three adorable children and seven gorgeous and loving wives.

Should he not be grateful to be alive?

Should he not be overflowing with joy for the blessings he had been given?

Abaddon’s combat style did a complete one eighty.

Now both his hands and feet were glowing with a yellowish light, nearly as bright as the sun.

Instead of focusing solely on fist techniques as he did with the first aspect, he now alternated with kicks as well.

Performing a somersault into the air, Abaddon dropped a powerful axe kick onto the shoulder of Satan, and it easily dislocated his arm.

While still airborne, he whirled his body around like a corkscrew, and delivered a solid kick to Satan’s jaw.


’What!?’ Satan’s eyes widened in horror when he realized that Abaddon’s attack had actually hurt him quite a bit.

With every aspect he showcased he was getting stronger, and Satan was suffering even more damage.

"Hahahaha! The Third Aspect: Pleasure!"

Abaddon’s entire body began to glow a dull pink color.

Pleasure was a core part of his being.

It was the first of his powers that he had ever become proficient with, no small part in thanks to his wives and their extremely high sex drives.

Pleasure had given him a new life filled with love and affection, and now he would use it to protect that life that he so treasured.

Abaddon closed the distance between himself and Satan in an instant, and he immediately began throwing punches at the sin of wrath’s midsection.

’What... is this..?!’

Satan could feel that Abaddon’s blows had not stopped increasing in power, but now it was as if he could not feel any pain at all.

Only an overwhelming sense of bliss as if he was being massaged by the hands of god’s favorite stripper on the fluffiest cloud in creation.

It was so relaxing he felt that he did not wish to move from this spot for all of eternity.

Abaddon became a blur as he circled Satan, attacking every part of him.

The sin of wrath’s mind was so far into the clouds, he did not pay attention to the fact that his body was currently being destroyed.

Muscle fibers, bone, tendons, Abaddon’s blows were so powerful that they were reducing his opponent’s vital components into paste or powder.

Satan did not even notice that something was wrong until he fell to his knees, unable to stand up. "Huh?"

"The Fourth Aspect: Resentment."

The fourth and final aspect of Abaddon was his resentment.

It was probably the emotion he was most familiar with, as he had spent so much time resenting himself and his circumstances.

He resented the fact that he was still so weak, in a world where he had so much to protect and time was always against him.

He resented the opportunities he had wasted, the mistakes he had made, and the time he had spent at the mercy of others above him.

But even though he resented those things, he was man enough to admit that they had strengthened him, and made him the man that he was today.

Abaddon leapt backwards to put a large distance between himself and Satan.

As he looked at the still kneeling Satan, he muttered words that he never believed he’d say.

"Strange as it may be, I do not resent you... You have undoubtedly made me better."

Satan’s face twisted in confusion, but Abaddon did not bother to elaborate as he felt that there was no need.

With this, he would put an end to this entire ordeal.

Power began to converge within his fists.

First they glowed blue, then yellow, then pink, and finally a dark purple.


Abaddon threw out a punch with all four of his arms.

A mirage of four giant dragons left his fists, each of them the aforementioned colors that made up his most defining emotions.

Satan’s eyes finally went wide as he finally began trying to recover, and he released a barrage of insults at his opponent.



The explosion from Abaddon’s attack lit up the night sky, and carved an enormous trench within their battle field.

All around him, the conflict between his army and Satan’s came to a dead standstill, as they all looked around for the source of such a massive explosion.

The dragon fell to his knees, breathing heavily and trying to calm his screaming muscles.

Performing a martial art like that one for the first time was nothing short of exhausting.

’But at least... it paid off in-’


A massive pillar of hateful dark red energy erupted from the cloud of dust and pierced the sky overhead.

Across the entire continent of Samael, there was not a soul alive that could not feel this oppressive and horrible energy breathing down their necks.

Satan was... horribly disfigured.

His once handsome but roguish face was nomore, as half of his skull was visible, and his fiery orange hair had completely burned away.

One of his arms was literally hanging on by a thread as it desperately tried to heal and reattach itself.


Abaddon could do nothing but smile wryly.

He was out of tricks, and he was out of luck.

’He who hope is cast upon may never rest... until he accomplishes his duty.... or until the earth hears his name no more...’

Satan held up a single clawed finger that glowed with his ominous dark red power.

"Wrathful Arts: Lone Legion!"

The demon made a single thrusting motion with his finger, and the damage was catastrophic.


In the blink of an eye, Abaddon’s body was riddled with holes.

His brain, heart, lungs, they were all destroyed beyond repair.

What was left of his head was now permanently fixed with an expression of disbelief on his lips.

After a moment, he fell face first onto the ground, unmoving and un-breathing.

Abaddon Tathamet, the one known all throughout this world as an untouchable existence and monstrous being, had died.

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