First Demonic Dragon Chapter 583 The Death of Asgard : Part I

Chapter 583 The Death of Asgard : Part I


Abaddon bolted from the tree and rushed to catch Sif’s body just as she began to hit the ground.

Time seemed to run in slow motion as he lowered her onto her back gently.

His eyes kept darting back and forth between the large hole in her chest and the fleeting light in her blue eyes.

Shock was apparent across her face, but she was at least aware of his presence in the moment.

She was trying her best to speak, but no words would come out of her mouth.

However, he could read her lip movements well enough.

’I’m sorry…’

A horrendous situation like this had never made him want to laugh so much.

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Abaddon exhaled deeply; emitting a wave of aether from within his very lungs.

Color slowly returned to Sif’s cheeks as the hole in her body gradually closed up.

But Abaddon couldn’t take his eyes off of the area she was struck no matter how long he tried.

Sif was a minor goddess.

It didn’t take much to kill her to begin with.

But the amount of power that impaled her was like using a flame-thrower to get rid of a fly.

Who would want to harm someone like her in such a manner..?

"I have to know... Did you enjoy my leftovers or did I not leave enough meat on the bone for ya..?"

Thor sauntered up to the door drunkenly, but smartly remained on the safe side of it.

His left arm was a tattered mess, with only a few strips of sinew keeping it together.

But it was his other arm that broke Abaddon’s heart in a way that he didn’t know was possible.

Thor was holding Camazotz by one of his large floppy ears before dropping him at his feet; unmoving.

The bat god’s face that had always been picked on for being ugly, looked to have been smashed in repeatedly by a blunt object.

One of his eyes was smashed entirely and the other was hanging loosely from it’s socket- and all of the teeth in his muzzle had been knocked out.

Memories flashed in Abaddon’s mind.

Ones of the strange pet that had become his daughter’s beloved companion, and a friendly and positive face despite the way that Abaddon tended to treat him.

It was at this moment that he realized that he never before heard him complain about anything.

’My dear friend... I am so, so sorry.’

"You idiot!"

Michael pried Thor away from the doorway by his hair, and tried to salvage the mess this affair had turned into.

"He wasn’t supposed to harm her, Tathamet. He’s not himself right n-"

"Sod off, pigeon!" Thor gave Michael a hard shove and spit at his feet. "I am in no mood to have my words minced or my actions explained! The whore should have died a traitor’s death for all of the mud she slung on my honor!"

Thor wasn’t so drunk that he didn’t know how large the gap in power was between himself and Abaddon.

But to him, it didn’t matter.

Abaddon could not cross the threshold to harm him in any way.

Summoning the overlord of the abyss is not an easy thing to do by any means.

Several near-impossible conditions must be met first.

Energy from the death of not one, but 777 massive stars in synchronicity (all without magical or divine interference.) Several million sacrifices from those with impure souls; consisting of gods, monsters, and humans alike; and a few smaller stipulations added into the mix as well.

The only way for Abaddon or his armies to freely move about and exert all of their power without meeting those conditions is if they are trying to re-seal an eldritch horror.

Because this information had already been spread among the gods like wildfire, the thunder god was considerably less afraid.

And the liquid courage running through his veins only worsened his behavior.

"I must say, I actually pay you, bastard. If you knew where she put her mouth you wouldn’t even think about-"

"That is quite enough, Thor!"

"Don’t speak for me, bird!"

While Michael and the thunder god bickered uselessly, Odin emerged from behind them and inspected the doorway carefully.

"Such unique spacial magic... I’ve seen things like this before, but never with such a volatile place like the great abyss.Getting to and from places like that isn’t supposed to come easily."


"It’s a pity though, isn’t it? All of this convenience and you can’t even come over yourself. So I believe... now might be the time to make some negotiations... Unless the maker of dragons is so cold blooded that he has no interest in these helpers of his?"

Through his curtain of twin colored hair, Abaddon could see all of his wraiths that were bound, and Zheng who was still lying on the ground- to embarrassed to look him in the eye.

Abaddon lifted Sif into his arms and passed her to Nubia ever so gently.

She didn’t look at her father and she didn’t hear him speak, but somehow she knew what he wanted her to do.

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’Take her downstairs... And tell your mothers that I ...’

Nubia couldn’t see her father’s face through his hair, but she could see the glow of his eyes that were bright enough to put the sun to shame.

Abaddon barely touched her cheek with his fingertips before turning away.

At this moment, Nubia was petrified to learn that she couldn’t feel anything from her father.

Her empathic abilities were so strong that there was no sentient creature whom she could not read or understand.

But her father.. it was almost as if he had nothing left.

Abaddon began walking towards the doorway with somber, heavy steps.

Odin watched him approach with a regal calmness.

From everything he’d heard about Abaddon, he knew that he wouldn’t just leave his subordinates in Asgard like this.

Giving Odin the upper hand to make demands, or better yet, force the dragon into an unfavorable situation.

However, something strange happened in that moment.

Abaddon was getting oddly close.

Too close for comfort.

Odin took a hesitant step back as he raised his brow, only for Abaddon to keep moving.

At a certain point, Abaddon reached the threshold of the gate while Odin had stepped down from the porch completely.

Even Thor and Michael had stopped bickering, while Uriel looked on in horror.

"...You wouldn’t dare."

Were Abaddon in the right state of mind, he would have laughed in the face of her stupor.

But he wasn’t in the mood for laughter today.

Abaddon took one foot and moved it across the threshold.

Immediately, the sky overhead darkened as if it were the dead of night.

Demonic thunder rumbled across the realm as bolts of dark red lightning fell from the sky.

A glossy purple barrier seemed to have formed in the doorway between Asgard and Tehom; designed solely to remind Abaddon to keep out.

But he kept going anyway.

Pushing his body through the barrier was like forcing himself through a cheese grater, but with none of the cold relief to come with it.

His body felt like it was being torn into millions of pieces at every nanosecond and only being rebuilt when he crossed the other side.

But he never cried out.

Abaddon continued pushing himself past the barrier until both feet were firmly planted in Asgard.

"Eh..? He shrunk!"

Thor wasnt hallucinating from the mead, Abaddon had indeed shrank down a bit.

From his usual 7’6, he had come all the way back down to his former 6’5.

His body had reverted to his human appearance, minus the glasses. His short hair had returned to it’s famed red color, and the tattoos running below his neck were black once more.

The horns on his head were much shorter than normal, and his eyes were three ringed, with one being red, the other purple, and the last gold.

However, his changes were not only physical.

The difference in his power was massive. 𝚏𝗿𝗲ew𝐞b𝐧o𝚟𝚎𝗹.com

His formerly infinite magic power was all but depleted and would likely take hours to regenerate before he could cast so much as a single spell.

The physical strength that was almost immeasurable was back down to the level of a minor god at most.

He couldn’t summon an abyss walker even if he were to call it an Uber, and his elemental immunities had been reduced to partial nullifications.

Being forcibly suppressed like this was quite literally one of the most uncomfortable experiences Abaddon had ever undergone in his life.

It was like having the flu, a hang over, and a chronic migraine all while undergoing chemotherapy.

But Abaddon wasn’t by any means helpless.

He still had the love of the elements and his own dragon sins fully intact and undiluted.

To him, that was more than enough.

He kneeled beside a fallen Camazotz and reached to touch him before realizing that maybe he would be in too much pain for that right about now.

"Zheng, would you mind…?" When Abaddon finally spoke, he didn’t sound or feel like his usual self.

Zheng, who was completely unused to seeing his master behave in any way different from his normal banter, was terrified.

He pulled himself and all 25 of the wraith moons into his shadow before attaching himself to Abaddon and hiding.

"I don’t believe it… You were actually so bold as to come here." Michael said in awe.

Abaddon held out his hands and two armaments made of nightmarish black metal appeared in his hands.

In his left was a large greatsword, and in his right was a long spear.

"Asherah forgive me… because I will plunder this realm into ash if it costs me everything.’

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