First Demonic Dragon Chapter 584 The Death of Asgard : Part II

Chapter 584 The Death of Asgard : Part II

"It has been… so long since I’ve felt like this… so mortal."

Abaddon’s voice was empty and hollow, making it seem like he was speaking from somewhere far away instead of right in front of them.

It was mortifyingly unsettling.

Odin in particular was still trying to wrap his mind around the fact that Abaddon had actually stepped into Asgard of his own accord.

What made even less sense was the fact that he seemed to be intending to fight here.

"I took you for a smarter being… Surely you must understand just how unfavorable these odds-"

Abaddon took his tail and smashed the doorway into pieces; closing the way to his home.

"2..." he said ominously. "And 378.66 quadrillion."

"I… do not understand the significance of those numbers?"

"The amount of times that I have been killed, and the amount I have been erased from existence..."

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Abaddon stabbed his spear into the ground in a defiant gesture.

Even though he was smaller in stature, he was somehow no less physically imposing.

"Do you think I became conquest because of the creator’s favor…?

Because I only fight at my convenience…?

I am conquest because I am an inevitability. The loss of my power won’t change that."

"Big talk for a lizard the size of a human!" Thor pushed Michael aside and leapt into the air while gathering lightning onto his hammer.

Abaddon braced himself to attack immediately, as there was no way he was going to wait for a target to come to him.

He tightened his grip on his sword and prepared to lunge forward to meet him when suddenly both he and Thor were wrapped in golden chains and suspended in the air.

"Pigeons!!!" Thor bellowed angrily as he hung in the air.

"That’s enough." Uriel reaffirmed. "There is no need for any violence here today, since as you can see, he is quite helpless against us as long as he is out of Tehom. Let us convene the council without pushing the matter further."

"Fuck that! Release me now!!" Thor struggled against his chains, but Uriel held him firm while Michael held on to Abaddon.

"I said no." Uriel reaffirmed.

"You winged bitchhh!!!!!"

Odin ignored all of Thor’s rumbling and raving as he pondered over next steps.

It’s true... they had no reason to fight Abaddon now or at all.

Now that his power was so far beneath that of a primordial, they could effectively slap a pair of chains on him (as they already had) and drag him to the feet of the council.

The war was nearly done.

"I believe... that may be best." Odin nodded.

The All-Father turned around and pulled a palm-sized crystal orb out of his pocket.

Infusing a bit of magic into it, he watched as it began to glow brilliantly and the figure of Zeus could be seen sitting inside of it.

A rather timid and fearful looking nymph was being held hostage in his lap, and seemed to be staring at the all-father with pleading eyes.

...But Odin ignored them nonetheless.

"What are you contacting me for? I’m in the middle of something." Zeus continued to grope the young spirit and Odin pretended he couldn’t see a thing.

"Yes, yes, I see that. Listen carefully to what I am about to tell you..."

While Odin was informing the rest of the gods of what had transpired, Abaddon was oddly calm in his confinement.

He was never unaware of the fact that he had to get past Uriel and Michael somehow without primordial power, but he had been forced to deal with them sooner than he anticipated.

...Truthfully, he had a way out of this.

It was just a method that he quite literally never used because he found it to be beneath him.

But what use is a man’s pride within a grave?

If it meant he could get revenge for Sif and his people, there was quite literally nothing that he would not do.

And no level that he would not stoop to.

"..." Uriel’s eyes narrowed as she stared at Abaddon.

This situation was extremely disadvantageous for him, and yet he hadn’t moved a muscle to free himself.

From what little she had gleamed of his personality, he wasn’t the kind of man to just sit idly by while in confinement like this.

He should have at least been struggling a bit, trying to break his chains or something.

"Is something the matter?" Evidently, Michael had noticed that the way he was behaving was odd as well, and came over.

"I-I don’t..." Uriel slowly lost her train of thought as a line of drool spilled past her jaw.

Slowly, Abaddon’s tattoos became a warm purple-pink color.

Michael and Uriel were hit full force by a power that even they could not defend against.

Absolute Attraction.

To see him was to love him, to think about him was to desire him, and to be around him was to want to please him. (And be pleased by him.)

The archangels’ cheeks became pink, and they fell to their knees as their eyes became slightly watery.

How could they have been so blind?

This man... they never should have been trying to fight against him.

They should have been ingratiating theirselves to him, trying to worm his way into his heart and conversely, his bed.

"Do you love me?" Abaddon asked in a low voice, already knowing the answer.

""Y-Yes..."" the pair answered in unison and without hesitation.

""Do you lust for me?""

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"Release me."

Uriel didn’t hesitate to drop Abaddon as soon as he asked, and the dragon’s barefeet landed softly in the snow.

"Good dogs... Should I reward you?"

The pair felt their hearts skip a beat in anticipation; unconcerned with the fact that they had just been openly berated.

Thor finally realized that something had gone wrong- as he was the only one still in chains.

"H-Hey! What the hell have you done, dragon!?"

This in turn made Odin turn around, and it was at this point that he realized something unsettling about the situation.

’I couldn’t see him...!’

Odin’s vision spanned a complete 365 degrees, but Abaddon Tathamet was somehow like one big shadowy blindspot that obscured him from obtaining a perfect field of view.

And he didn’t even know how that was possible.

*Zeus* "Hey, what is happening!? I thought you said they had him contained!"

Unfortunately for the King of Olympus, Odin was stunned into silence.

*Zeus* "Useless! Hold him there, we are coming!"

Abaddon proceeded to pick up the greatsword that he had dropped on the ground and walked over to the pair of angels; their underwear growing more damp and crowded with every step that he took toward them.

"As I recall, you were quite content to sit and watch as Sif and my people were handed over to these animals... If you aren’t going to act when you see evil in front of you, do you even need eyes…?"

The sword in Abaddon’s grasp adjusted it’s shape and grew thick, barbed edges on both sides like a saw.

Methodically, he drug the blade across their faces and ruined their eyes beyond repair or recognition.

Because the two of them had fallen fully into the throes of Abaddon’s attraction, even the pain he caused them brought out a masochistic euphoria that was comparable to inhaling pure, unfiltered ecstasy.

The two of them fell ver with their eyes bleeding horribly; but with the largest and most delirious smiles across on their faces.

"Now, what do we say…?"

""T-Thank you for our reward...""

A sound like a blade cutting through the air was heard, and Abaddon raised his blade just as Odin came rushing at him with his brand new spear in hand.

The dragon held up the flat side of his blade to block his attack with ease and held out his free hand to recall his spear to his free hand.

He forced a gap in his opponent’s defenses by knocking aside Odin’s weapon and proceeded to unleash his own set of spear attacks- a flurry of thrusts targeting the norse god’s chest, legs, and head in quick succession.

But Odin was a god of war, and with his body untainted by the effects of nether, he was proving that divinities like that didn’t just fall into anyone’s lap.

He parried Abaddon’s blows swiftly with remarkable agility; at a certain point he even dropped low to the ground to throw out a leg sweep.

Abaddon hopped in the air to avoid the simple motion, but brought down his heavy ten ton sword onto Odin’s frame.

It should have been the end, but the nordic god was able to get his weapon up in time to defend.

Abaddon was always strong, but as of right now his strength was nowhere near the level that it was at before.

Still, the winds generated from his attacks threw the surrounding snow into disarray with every swing, and caused Odin’s arms to wobble just a bit.

But he remained confident that he could handle this trial without incident.

"I cannot wait to see how the prestige of my Aesir rises among the rabble when I slay you personally before the others think to arrive."

"More are coming...?" Abaddon did not seem surprised by this, nor did he seem panicked.

"You need not worry about them. This will be over long before they arrive."

"Such unfounded arrogance...None will escape erasure, and all of Asgard will fall for the harm that my people suffered."

"Big words from one who has already fallen so LOW!" Odin reversed Abaddon’s momentum and pushed him upward into the air while rising to his feet.

Abaddon was sent hurling up into the snowy sky, and Odin stabbed his spearhead into the ground; creating winged women made from ice who immediately took after Abaddon like trained bloodhounds.

Abaddon threw his sword and spear into the first two clones like bullets- impaling and subsequently shattering them.

In midair, he maneuvered his now, much smaller body so that he could land on the back of the third and ripped her wings from her back.

Kicking off of her as she plummeted, his foot drove through the head of the fourth before he finally landed on the ground once again.

Looking up, he inhaled deeply before spewing a tornado of dark red flame from his mouth.

The rest of the icy sculptures were vaporized instantaneously without even being able to get close.

As the flames ceased to burn, Abaddon held out his hands leisurely as his two weapons fell back into his waiting grasp.

Odin let out a mildly impressed whistle that came off as mockery.

"Wow… Now that was really impressive. Do you have any other tricks to show me?"

Abaddon’s tattoos temporarily turned bright green.

In an instant, several women made from black ice appeared around him in numbers that were double that of Odin’s.

The sin of envy flawlessly analyzes, copies, and amplifies any magical attack used against Abaddon- provided that he survives it at least once.

It doesn’t matter if he understands it, is incompatible with it, or has no mana to cast it.

Because Odin didn’t know that beforehand, and still remained unaware, he would end up making this battle much harder for himself than it needed to be.

"I see… Seems I can’t give you an inch, or you’ll take a mile. If this is what you are like now, I shudder to think about-"


After enough tugging to put even a middle schooler to shame, Thor broke out of his chains and rushed towards Abaddon like a meteor.

As if the scene from earlier had been unpaused, he brought a fully charged mjolnir over his head and attempted to bludgeon his adversary to death with it.

An explosion comparable to a nuclear bomb went off overhead, and a giant bolt of blue lightning struck the mountainpeak.

The battle between two gods was already pushing the limits of the mountains stability- but adding a third into the mix proved to be far too much.

The looming mountain began to crumble immediately after being struck by lightning, and all of it’s inhabitants were swept up in an avalanche.

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