First Demonic Dragon Chapter 603 An Easy Way to Lose Your Head

Chapter 603 An Easy Way to Lose Your Head

Straga had quite a large number of eyes around him at the end of his ’confession’ to Monica.

I mean... he was certainly the most obvious choice of the two siblings when it came to who to fight.

Thrudd was mowing down opponents left and right with her sword and calamitous lightening in unison.

And the third prince was just kind of standing there... talking to a girl.

Which would you pick?

Straga finally realized that he had a crowd of individuals around him and not just Monica.

He scratched the back of his head in embarrassment as he met the gaze of every single applicant seemingly waiting for him to finish.

"O-Oh... How long have all you guys been there?" His embarrassment was mortifyingly apparent.

"Whole time, my prince."

"We did not want to interrupt your vow of love... and it was nice to have a moment to catch our breath too."

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"I am pleased to see that you are already so mature despite being at such a young age. My boyfriend could certainly learn a thing or two from you..."

"Ehehehehe...." Straga was unprepared for this degree of embarrassment today and could only smile bashfully.

Evidently, Monica was still embarrassed by everything she had just heard and hadn’t raised her gaze from the ground.

Straga shook his head hard to refocus himself and regained his serious demeanor.

"Sorry folks, but intermission’s over! I am still your last obstacle and if you want to pass, then you must outlast me or scratch me. But I won’t make things easy on you just because I’m on a bit of a high right now.."

Straga cracked his knuckles and his eyes shone an even brighter gold.

At one second there was only one of him, but in the next there were an even ten.

Monica’s nose bled from the sight of multiple Stagas standing in front of her all at once.

Her mind was traveling back to the day where she heard Miss Yara talk about how Asmodeus used his cloning ability.

As someone with a closeted pornography addiction, her mind was envisioning too many different scenarios at the moment.

Straga sent his alternates after the individuals in the crowd using a time-tested mental division technique taught to him by his father.

Where Abaddon could create unlimited clones of himself now that he was a primordial, they would practically be made of paper mache.

But if he wanted real, powerful duplicates that also copied his immense power, he could only make eight; one for each of his heads.

Conversely, Straga, who was a 100-headed dragon, could split himself 100 times if he needed to.

But his ability to focus, and the length of time he could hold these different bodies, decreased with each one summoned.

With no more interruptions, Straga finally returned his gaze to Adeline and Monica who were still standing at the same spot as before.

"Sorry to keep you both waiting. Let me see how you’ve grown!"

Straga lunged forward at the girls with his fists up and a frenzied smile.

Monica had to take a moment to shake off her drunken stupor and dashed in to meet Straga side-by-side with Adeline.

"Should I be joining you in this!?"

"Why wouldn’t you?!"

"It just seems personal!"

"W-Well we probably won’t pass if you don’t!"

"Good point!" Adeline nodded.

Monica spun her three segmented staff around her body and swung it precisely at Straga’s left side.

He raised his arm quickly and caught the pole using his armpit; holding the weapon in place.

Adeline did a small jump in the air and transformed her hand into the large, oversized fist of a dragon and brought it down on top of lover boy’s head.

However, Straga was so strong that he only needed to raise his own untransformed hand to stop it cold.

In the moment where both women were immobilized and Straga was in close proximity to Monica, he once again forgot that they were supposed to be enemies.

"I really... want to kiss you right now."


"S-Sorry, it just slipped out!"

’By Vovin I am beginning to hate you both...’ By this point, Adeline was more than ready to go home, pass or fail.


Within the viewing room for the exam, commotion was prevalent as the Euphrates, generals, and royal family watched the individual spectacles on the monitors.

They were taking last minute notes, making final decisions, and evaluating the overall potential of this year’s new recruits.

Or at least... this is what most were doing.




"...He had to grow up somti-"

"You shut your dirty mouth!"

Abaddon returned to sitting quietly as Valerie straddled him and cried into his neck.

He looked towards the rest of his wives for some kind of marital aid, but he didn’t get very much help.

Or any at all really...

Lailah: ’Just let her get it all out.’

Erica: ’She needs this right now.’

Lisa: ’We’re all feeling a bit emotional, so just baby her until she feels better.’

’But I don’t understand why she would be?this upset...’

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Seras: ’Well how do you think you’re going to feel when your precious daughters start showing romantic interests?’

’I will be fine with it?’ He shrugged with an honest look.

Bekka: ’You know that there is a possibility for them to develop an interest in men too, right? Not just women like Thea.’

That single reminder filled Abaddon with unimaginable dread.

The tolerance he had built up when Thea got married came crumbling down like a house of cards.

’...I will kill them.’

All: ’No you will not!!’

To drown his sorrows, Abaddon called out to a young maid who was busy working in the room.


"Ah, coming!"

A bubbly, blue skinned dragon came running over nervously and bowed her head. "Y-Yes, God?"

"Could you fix me a drink...? Something strong if you don’t mind..."

Valerie raised her finger weakly. "Two please..." she asked with a small voice.

Mabel looked slightly worried. "Of course I will, but are you alright, my God...? It is 4 a.m. after all..."

"Am I alright...? I am now, but who knows how long that will last for..."

"Life is meaningless..." Valerie agreed without raising her head.

"A bleak horizon..."

"A bottomless abyss..."

""All is pain..."" The two sighed in depression.

Mabel was beginning to feel like she should call a suicide hotline...

’Have we come at a bad time...?’

Abaddon’s and Valerie’s hair was suddenly blown by a large gust of wind.

Once he picked the loose strands out of his eyes, he could see why the room had gone quiet.

Yesh had shown up with two blindfolded angels; Michael and Uriel.

But because nobody recognized them, and because they had just suddenly appeared within this place with no warning, every blade and pointed object in the room was pointed at them.

Mabel was actually the one who reached the intruders first, and she held two very long and sinister looking daggers to the throats of Yesh and Michael; while her tail was wrapped around Uriel’s neck.

Her earlier adorable shyness seemed to have vanished completely...

’My... Perhaps I should have brought a hosting gift or something... Oh that’s right, I did.’ Yesh joked.

A floating box with a baked good inside appeared in the air above his head instead of in his hands.

He was pretty sure if he so much as twitched then these Nevi’im were going to react unkindly.

Bekka’s eyes sparkled with noticeable joy and she leapt from her spot on the couch to snatch the box out of the air. "Sweet! You’re alright with me, old man!"

It didn’t take her long to open the box and start digging into it without an ounce of restraint. "You can let him go by the way, Mabel."

"Are you sure, goddess..?"

"Mhm. Pretty sure you’re only holding him there because he’s letting you anyhow. Want some of this?"

"I-I am working..."

"And? Who exactly are you working for, mind you?"

"...You, Goddess."

"Good girl, now come here."

Bekka proceeded to hand feed Mabel like she was a small dog.

Oddly enough, she wagged her tail like one too.

’Thank you.’ Yesh said sincerely. ’Now, do you mind telling them to stand down as well?’ Yesh gestured to the thirty something dragons in the room who had yet to drop their weapons even a single inch.

"They aren’t still checking for you, old man." Abaddon finally said. "They are waiting to hear what should be done with the two beside you. The ones who I specifically asked not to appear in front of me again."

Just the sound of Abaddon’s voice within the ears of the archangels was like a rain storm after a drought, a cheat meal after a year of clean eating, or a blowjob after a whole November of abstinence.

Were it not for the cleansing their mother had given them before they came here, the two were pretty sure they would have already made some very messy, embarrassing, shameful stains on the hardwood floors.


Abaddon met Yesh’s gaze head on even though he couldn’t exactly see his eyes.

But his sad, elderly tone was what started to make him crumble.


"Stand down, everyone..." he said begrudgingly.

"Are you sure, brother?" Kanami asked.

"No... but do it anyway."

Begrudgingly, the Euphrates put their weapons down, but took their time going back to their seats.

Almost like they were using their eyes to let the angels know they weren’t really welcome.

Michael and Uriel observed everyone in the room carefully and with all of the manpower here… they would surely have died if their father hadn’t been with them.

And the gag was that Abaddon and his wives didn’t even need to lift a finger to ensure their demise.

Because aside from the soldiers; there were a total of ten individuals in this room that were almost just as strong as them.


While the two remained secretly terrified, Yesh walked right over to Abaddon and his wives and sat among them.

’So, what are we watching?’

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