First Demonic Dragon Chapter 604 Even More Fallout…

Chapter 604 Even More Fallout…

"So, what exactly have you come here for? And with such unflattering luggage to boot…"

Abaddon and Valerie finally received their drinks from Mabel as the room returned to normal.

Valerie, heartbroken little mess that she was, turned around in her husband’s lap and held her glass with two hands as she took small, depressed sips.

’Adorable…’ Abaddon thought.

He kissed her on the cheek with no real physical provocation being required to set him off.

This resulted in her giggling similarly to how Straga had during the end of his confession to Monica.

Yesh ignored Abaddon’s first question and instead smiled at the way he behaved with Valerie.

’You are a very cute couple.’

"AHEM!" The rest of the wives pointed to themselves and leaned in closer to Abaddon.

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’I am referring to all of you, of course.’ Yesh clarified.

The girls nodded their heads in satisfaction.

’As for why we are here...’ Yesh began.

He clasped both of his children on the heads and made them bow in apology. ’These two are here because they wish to express their apologies over the unpleasantness that crossed between you in the past.’

Abaddon stared at the two archangels with rampant disinterest. "You mean you want me to fix them."

’...If you would be so kind.’ Yesh said honestly.

"You understand how that will work, right?" Abaddon clarified.

’...I do.’

"I see... Alright then."

Abaddon removed his hand from underneath Valerie’s shirt and held out his open palm.

His golden tattoos glowed a beautiful violet color as his powers activated seemingly on their own.

Uriel and Michael’s eyes rolled into the back of their head in response.

Their mouths fell open and a blob of what looked like a shining pink marshmallow escaped their throats.

The two magical masses flew towards Abaddon’s hand and he clenched his fists tightly; crushing them both.



The pair of angels clutched their foreheads in pain as they finally removed their blindfolds.

"What... did you do to us...?"

"That doesn’t sound very much like ’thank you’ at all." Abaddon yawned.

Michael patted down his chest like he was checking for something on his person and his face darkened in horror when he didn’t find it.

"M-My soul is-"

"Mhm." Abaddon sipped his drink that seemed to be the only thing keeping him awake at the moment.

’This was the only way.’ Yesh said sincerely.

"We could do nothing but lose part of our souls!?" Michael questioned loudly.

At the moment Michael’s voice became higher than a normal indoor level, a very long katana appeared next to his throat from behind.

It’s beautiful silver coloring was almost as serene as the woman holding it.

Black haired, kimono-wearing Kirina hadn’t taken her eyes off of the guests ever since they had shown up.

While she recognized Yesh from his occasional visits to their house, there was no way she was in good conscience going to allow anyone to yell at her precious son-in-law.

"Excuse me... Might I ask that you keep your tone hospitable when in the presence of our monarch? You’ll find that everyone here is a bit sensitive to disrespect in his presence. I will not warn you again."

As evidence of the fact that she wasn’t joking, Kirina pressed her blade against Michael’s neck ever so slightly.

A fresh new wound opened up on the archangel; this one nowhere near as unsightly as the one given by Abaddon, but equally unhealing.

’Curses...! I should have been paying better attention...’ Michael thought to himself.

"I... understand." He said begrudgingly.

"I am ever so pleased to hear it."

Kirina sheathed her blade quicker than the eye could follow.

She gave her son in law an innocent wink that said ’I’ve got your back’ and returned to her place on the other side of the room.

This left Abaddon smiling to himself discreetly.

It was nice to be loved.

"I must know..." Michael said, much more quietly than before. "Why have you taken part of our souls from us..?"

Abaddon’s face regained it’s usual bored and uninterested look. "There was no other way."

Michael and Uriel are beings just barely a step below primordials.

To properly subdue them during the fight in Asgard, Abaddon had to hit them with the entire weight of his attraction.

Not 50%.

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Not 70.


Anything less would have made them want him, but they wouldn’t have been obedient to his every word, and would more than likely just try to rape him or stick him in a bird cage within a basement.

But because he was so heavy-handed in the method in which he subdued them; his way of fixing them had to be just as severe.

Abaddon didn’t just take away the angels’ attraction to him, he removed a part of their souls and made it impossible for them to be attracted toanyone.

The nature of Abaddon’s very makeup is sexuality.

Therefore, those capable of feeling any sexual attraction at all will naturally have an immense affinity for him.

And since Uriel and Michael were already touched by his power, they would inevitably attempt to run back to his feet if even a little bit of capacity for romantic or sexual intrigue remained within them.

As he explained all of this to them, the archangels understandably looked horrified.

They weren’t sure if they were more afraid of his power to make them obedient dogs whenever they liked, or about the fact that Abaddon had so casually plucked out a part of their souls.

"I-I thought that my siblings and I did not have the capacity for such urges..?" Uriel asked shakily.

"You’re thinking about this from too crude of a perspective." Abaddon waived his and dismissively. "Sexuality is so broad and infectious that you don’t have to want to take your pants off to express it or be affected by it.

Your old man gave you the capacity to appreciate beauty in all of it’s forms. Stopping to admire a sunset is only a few steps away from the admiration of a man or woman who you consider attractive.

You were always capable, but likely never recognized it; or more likely believed yourself above it due to it’s more… sinful connotations."

Both of the children looked at their father with skepticism as if they were looking for him to confirm Abaddon’s explanation.

’You never asked.’ Yesh shrugged.

"..." Michael and Uriel were beginning to find that excuse real old.

Now that Uriel could look at Abaddon again, she met his gaze directly while clenching her fists.

"So... Do I have it right to say you have taken away our ability to perceive beauty entirely?"

"I can return the alternative to you if you like."

Uriel didn’t like it, but she had to admit that living like this was miles better than the disgraceful act she was putting on before.

"No, that will not be necessary... Thank you, and I am sor-"

"Spare me." Abaddon actually looked somewhat disgusted.

"Your words are of no consequence to me, which is why I didn’t even wait to hear them before fixing you. You want my forgiveness? Then you should stay out of my way.

The very next time that someone I love gets hurt because you decided to stand on the side of those children in the heavens, my feelings for your parents will not be enough to stay my hand again.

If you heed no other words I’ve said to you today, I believe it best that you take those to your graves… however far away or short they may be."

It ground Michael’s nerves to simply listen to such blatant threats and not react.

But what was he supposed to do??

Everything about this situation from the circumstances to the setting was infuriatingly disadvantageous for him.

He was stuck.

"We…will take your words into consideration." Michael lied.

Even if he had been forbidden from taking further action against Abaddon in the future, his prayers would always be on the side of whoever was trying to bring this monster down.

’Why don’t the two of you head home? I will finish up here.’ Yesh patted both of his children on the shoulders.

Unsurprisingly, both left without a second thought and vanished from the hostile situation quicker than they had arrived.

"…His mind is unchanged." Erica was closest to Valerie and Abaddon, giving her the freedom to steal her sister’s drink and run her fingers through his hair.

As a goddess of emotion, her ability to sense feelings wasn’t as strong as Nubia’s, but it was more than enough to read Michael like a book.

Though it wasn’t as if Abaddon hadn’t already guessed his feelings to begin with.

’I will correct my son in time, you needn’t worry.’ Yesh assured. ’He is just a bit stuck in his ways after the eons, but who among us is not?’

Abaddon wasn’t sure if that was the full extent of it, but he didn’t have enough caffeine in his system to expend brain power investigating.

"You had something else you wanted to say to me?" He suddenly asked.

Though he couldn’t make it out, Yesh smiled and nodded. ’You have done me a favor despite having no reason to. And I believe that deserves it’s own kindness in return.’

"You’re going to give me the answers to the math test I asked you for in 3rd grade?"


"A pity. That’s the one useful thing I could have utilized." Abaddon went back to drinking before Erica inevitably set her sights on his glass too.

Mid-swallow he noticed the consistency of his beverage change, along with it’s flavor and temperature.

Upon looking at his glass again, he realized that it was now filled with dark red wine.

’Better for the heart.’ Yesh said proudly.


’Alright, alright, I won’t keep you too long.’ Yesh changed the drink back instantly without a thought. ’I just believed that you should know of another universal change that you might not be aware of.’

Abaddon was already developing a headache and he hadn’t even heard anything bad yet.

"Oh goody… What the hell did I break this time?"

Yesh fought the urge to laugh.

’I wouldn’t say ’broken’ per se, but… are you familiar with the titanomachy?’

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