Hunter Academy: Revenge of the Weakest Chapter 234 53.2 - A Night Walk

Chapter 234 Chapter 53.2 - A Night Walk

"Sometimes it is just a change of heart that opens our eyes."

"I see."

Irina answered and nodded her head knowingly, but she couldn’t help but curse inside. What the hell is just a change of heart supposed to mean anyway?

It was not like people randomly started doing things out of nowhere. Something needed to happen for that.

And magic wasn’t a subject that one could easily touch and then get a grasp of it. Even though that girl Sylvie may be a little different, that doesn’t mean everyone could be like her.

No, in reality, people who were talented at magic were a lot rarer than people who were talented at combat.

After all, one needed to be very good at calculating, have good spatial awareness, and be knowledgeable enough to use spells.

In most cases, all those traits combined were very hard to find, making the mages a very valuable asset.

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Of course, that came with its own arrogance, but that was fine for Irina. In any case, because she refused to believe a composed guy like him would actually make a decision like that randomly.

As Astron continued to immerse himself in his studies, Irina’s curiosity got the better of her. She couldn’t resist the temptation to peek into the books scattered around his desk. To her surprise, the pages were filled with the basic blocks of magic, the very foundation of what she, as a mage, found second nature.

Her eyebrows furrowed in thought. ’Basic blocks of magic? Why is he starting from scratch?’

The basic blocks of magic were the theory for the starters, though most mages would rather skip it.

It is like the basics of swordsmanship, but most people tend to avoid those boring basics and want to start with the flashy techniques.

’He really is serious.’

And seeing him studying basic blocks was enough to convince that, this guy was really adamant on learning magic.


At that moment, an idea came into her head. Something that she could use at this right moment.

Her gaze shifted from the books to Astron, and an idea began to take shape in her mind. A mischievous smile played on her lips as she considered the opportunity that lay before her. 𝖋𝖗𝖊𝖊𝖜𝔢𝔟𝖓𝖔𝔳𝔢𝔩.𝔠𝖔𝔪

"Hey, Astron," she interrupted her voice casual but carrying a hint of excitement.

He glanced up from his studies, meeting her gaze. "What’s up?"

"I couldn’t help but notice you’re delving into the basics of magic," she said, feigning nonchalance. "Funny thing is, right now, you are standing right beside an expert in terms of basics. If you’re interested, I could teach you a thing or two about controlling those basic blocks."

Astron raised an eyebrow, surprised by her offer. "You’d do that?"

Irina shrugged, suppressing a smirk. "Why not? We’re comrades in this academy, and it seems like you could use some guidance in this magical realm. Besides, it might come in handy in your Hunter career, right?"

Astron considered her proposition, his usual calm demeanor masking any inner thoughts. "Why do you want to help?"

Of course, his first question was one filled with suspicion. This was him being himself, after all.

"Why not?"

"This is not a valid argument. Things don’t need a reason not to exist. They need a reason to exist. One is the prerequisite of another, and it is not the other way around."


"So, give me the reason why you may want to help me?"

"Again, you and your reasons. Is it that weird for me to want to help my teammate?"

Hearing her mention, the teammate seemed to hold his thoughts as he stopped for a second.

’Heh, got you.’

From all these continuous interactions with Astron, Irina knew one thing for a fact. It was, if you give him enough a logical reason, he would always let you close, and if not, then he would close himself in his walls.

This had happened way often, so she was sure about it.

Finally, he nodded. "Alright, teach me."

Irina’s smile widened, realizing that what she thought about him was correct. She inwardly felt a little happy at the fact that she could now turn the tables and make him indebted to her.

From the start of the academy, this guy had been the one holding the reigns and leading all the time, and she was getting tired of that a little bit.

And now she got the chance, and she was surely not going to miss it.

’Heh, you are playing in my palm.’

She smirked inwardly as she approached him, pulling her seat closer.

As Irina pulled her chair closer, she was ready to start. The books laid out the foundation of [Level 0] magic, the simplest form of magical manipulation.

Before delving into the practical aspect of teaching, Irina paused, looking at Astron with a thoughtful expression.

"Astron, do you know the fundamental difference between how a mage controls mana and how a regular Hunter does?"

Astron raised an eyebrow, intrigued by the question. "Enlighten me."

"Mages deploy everything according to formulas. It’s a systematic approach, following predetermined rules and calculations. But for general Hunters like you, it’s more about instinct and training, isn’t it?"

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Astron nodded in agreement. "True. We don’t cast spells; we rely on our skills, instincts, and, of course, the weapons we’ve mastered."

That was how the Hunters and Awakened, in general, worked. They followed the guidance of their traits and skills, coupled with their arts.

In general, most hunters were not even flexible since they wouldn’t learn the concept but rather memorize things.

Irina continued, "That’s where these basic blocks come in handy. They’re not formulas; they’re like the building blocks of a language. You assemble them as needed and adapt them to your situation. It’s more fluid and adaptable, which can complement your style as a Mage."

Astron absorbed the information. This was what he also already knew, but he didn’t want to disturb Irina’s flow by interrupting.

She clearly has her own way of delivery. Thus, he let her do as she pleased.

’It amusing to see her like that.’

He was also amused a little, though he would never admit.

"Let’s start with something simple, then," Irina said, flipping to the first page of the [Level 0] magic section.

Many different words were written there.







There were many others as well, but those were the ones listed on top of the page.

Irina pointed to the various words on the page. "These are the basic blocks for [Level 0] magic. Each one has a specific effect, but it’s how you combine and deploy them that creates the actual magic. Think of it like constructing a sentence in a language only mages understand."

Astron observed the words, recognizing them from his previous encounters with magical theory. The simplicity of the blocks appealed to his pragmatic mindset.

"To make these blocks work," Irina explained, "you first need a base—a material infused with concentrated mana psions of elements. This becomes the canvas on which you’ll paint your magic. The raw mana alone won’t do much; it needs direction, a path. That’s where these basic blocks come in."

Irina produced a small sphere of concentrated fire mana psions, each flickering with elemental energy. "This is your base. Now, pick a basic block and try combining it. Let’s start with something easy, like ’Rotate.’ Imagine what would happen if you apply this to the mana base."

Astron studied the vial and the word ’Rotate’ on the page. He focused mentally, picturing the concept of rotation and its application to the raw mana.

The book was already clearly explaining to him how to control the mana psions that were created. How to create those pathways using the circuits in his body.

Irina noticed the genuine focus in Astron’s eyes as he concentrated on the concept of rotation. "Now, let’s try it practically. Use ’Rotate’ on this pen," she suggested, pointing to a pen resting on the library table.

Without hesitation, Astron extended his hand towards the pen. His mind swiftly deployed the mental formula he had envisioned, and a subtle hum of energy surrounded the pen. Slowly, the pen started to rotate on its own accord, turning in a precise circle.

Irina’s eyes widened slightly, impressed by the immediate success. "Well, you catch on fast. That’s the essence of these basic blocks—they respond to your intent. The clearer your visualization, the more precise and effective the magic becomes."

Astron nodded, his calm demeanor undisturbed. "It’s efficient."

"Exactly!" Irina grinned.

’It is just the basics, though.’

The basics of magic were actually something that would be taught at the academy in the second year already since it was something that was crucial in the future, but Astron didn’t want to waste his talent.

However, the [level 0] magic was quite easy to master, so Irina didn’t put much thought into it. A mage’s talent wasn’t solely on the part of calculation or knowledge, but also in their comprehension and their innate mana talents and potency of their magical power.

For instance, Irina wasn’t necessarily the best calculator out there, but she was one of the strongest in her generation. That was because of her traits, her lineage, and her attributes, which all assisted her in that form.

Of course, she also had the instinct to control the magic in her flowing state of mind; thus, she was exceptional.

"Now, let’s explore another one. Pick any from the list and try it on a different material. Experimentation is key to mastering these basics."

As Astron delved into trying various combinations, Irina shared small tips and tricks she had developed over her own studies.

Surprisingly, Astron not only grasped these insights immediately but also incorporated them seamlessly into his practice. His innate talent for quick comprehension and application became evident as he effortlessly picked up on the finer points of mana control.

Irina couldn’t help but be impressed. "You catch on faster than I expected. Most struggle with these subtleties, but you seem to have an intuitive understanding."

Astron simply nodded, focusing on refining his control further. The library, once silent, now resonated with the hum of magic as the two delved deeper into the intricacies of [Level 0] magic.

As the night progressed, the moonlight filtering through the library windows gradually gave way to the soft hues of dawn.

Irina and Astron continued their study session in the quiet chemistry between the two growing with each second.

Eventually, the first rays of sunlight pierced through the windows, casting a warm glow on the books and the now- empty library. Irina stretched, feeling a sense of accomplishment. "Well, look at that. We’ve pulled an all-nighter."

Astron, while maintaining his calm demeanor, looked at the final result. "It was productive, at least."

Irina chuckled, feeling a newfound connection with her teammate. "Who would have thought we’d end up studying magic together in the library at the crack of dawn? You owe me one, don’t forget."

"I won’t," he replied, nodding his head. "If you need anything from me, just call. I will be there."

"….." hearing his serious reply, Irina’s smile widened. "I will use it well."

As they gathered their belongings and left the library, the campus had come alive with the activities of a new day. The solitude of the early morning was replaced by the bustling energy of students preparing for classes.

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