Hunter Academy: Revenge of the Weakest Chapter 235 54.1 - Archery Competition

Chapter 235 Chapter 54.1 - Archery Competition

"That certainly works well."

I mumbled after leaving the library. After seeing the improvements in my trait [Perceptive Insight], the first thing I did was, of course, to test it.

After all, things related to mana and magic weren’t that easy to understand and absorb as knowledge and put into practice.

Thus, I was just occasionally practicing them, especially the things that I found normally useful to myself.

However, now that I had such an ability, I knew things would get smoother from now on.

’Not a full mage, but not completely neglectful either.’

Not everyone could become a mage, and I knew for a fact that my talent didn’t lie in there. None of my traits were directed towards that occupation, as my class is mainly Weapon Master. Thus, I am someone who needs to utilize weapons in combat.

But that doesn’t mean learning spells are unnecessary. Contrary to what people think in general, magic doesn’t necessarily mean high damage output all the time.

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It is such a vast topic that countless different sub-areas are formed underneath it.

"Utility," I muttered, a thoughtful expression on my face. "That’s where the real power lies."

As I continued my stroll through the academy corridors, the magical essence in the air felt different to me now, as if I had gained a heightened awareness of its intricacies. Even the walls felt a little different.

’Certainly, the academy would use enhanced walls.’

Even though it was not common, there were times when the academy was actually under attack. At first, before Arcadia Hunter Academy was even established, some of the first academies in the human domain were wiped out because they were on the edge of the domain.

Their first thought was to make students counter as much of the experience as they could; thus, by putting them on the border of the wilderness, the students would actually be closer to the battlefield.

However, that came with its own disadvantage since those academics were also more prone to attacks. None of them survived, aside from a few, and now those academies are included among the most prestigious academies in the human domain.

’This is more than just a boost in perception. It’s like seeing the world through a different lens.’

Returning to my room to take a shower, I couldn’t help but consider the utility of magic in a combat scenario.

"Imagine," I thought, "augmenting the bullets with [Haste] and [Rotate]."

After all, in essence, the reason why the bullets were a lot more destructive than other weapons was not because of the innate speed they possessed but actually their rotation.

The angular momentum is quite a force itself, and the design of the bullets utilizes that aspect. After all, the preservation of momentum is the most important rule of physics in the case of collisions.

Of course, temporary body enhancements, [Reverse], [Clear], [Compress], [Spread], [Preserve]….

There were many others in the book, and now all of those are in my head. That alone itself is sufficient for the time being.

Just like that, I returned to my room…..


"It seems you have gotten a good rest."

In the same place that they met just three days ago, Sylvie once again stood before Astron.

"I did."

After the talk she had with Astron, she decided to take his advice seriously and talked with Jasmine about what had transpired in the Western Uxbridge.

Even though she felt something weird from Danielle, that wasn’t the case for Jasmine. Even with her own powers, she couldn’t feel any ill intent from her. Thus, her trust in Jasmine was deeper.

After her conversation with Astron, Sylvie heeded his advice and spoke with Jasmine about the events in Western Uxbridge. Jasmine’s response and support brought a profound sense of relief. As Sylvie stood before Astron once again in the familiar setting, she felt like a burden had been lifted from her shoulders.

"That is good to hear," Astron replied, acknowledging Sylvie’s presence. His gaze, as usual, was penetrating, but Sylvie sensed a subtle shift. It wasn’t the same stern scrutiny; instead, there was a quiet understanding that seemed to have developed between them.

"That talk with Jasmine helped a lot," Sylvie confessed, a genuine smile gracing her lips. "I feel like I can move forward now without carrying the weight of everything alone." The vulnerability she had shown during their training seemed to have forged a connection, an unspoken understanding that lingered between them.

’I wished you talked a little bit more though. Wouldn’t that help you as well?’

She couldn’t help but think deeply. She also wanted to listen to him, she wanted to know more about him and why he was holding such pain underneath.

’I will do it when it is the time.’

But she couldn’t ask, as the walls surrounding him were too thick. So she was waiting for the right moment. She also didn’t have the courage to ask right now anyway.

Astron nodded the slightest hint of approval in his expression. "If that is the case, I assume you are ready with the training today."

Sylvie nodded with a newfound determination, her eyes reflecting a seriousness that echoed her commitment to the training.

"Yes, I’m ready. Let’s continue," she affirmed, her voice carrying a resilience that hadn’t been present before.

Acknowledging Sylvie’s readiness, Astron moved beside her, standing in a calm and composed manner. He demonstrated the basic stance once again, his movements fluid and deliberate. Sylvie observed closely, absorbing the details.

"Start with your feet," he began, guiding her gaze downward. "Shoulder-width apart, remember? And the knees are slightly bent. This provides a stable foundation, crucial for balance and mobility."

Sylvie adjusted her stance, mirroring Astron’s posture. This time, there was a noticeable improvement in her confidence. Astron stood beside her, his presence providing a subtle reassurance.

"Good," he acknowledged. "Now, the upper body. Keep your hands up, close to your face. Elbows tucked in. Imagine creating a protective barrier. This is your first line of defense."

As Sylvie followed the instructions, Astron observed her with a discerning eye. He could sense a growing familiarity in her movements, a more intuitive response to his guidance.

"Now, let’s focus on relaxation," Astron continued, addressing the residual tension he had sensed before. "Being firm doesn’t mean being rigid. Find that balance between readiness and ease. You’re not just defending; you’re also prepared to counter."

Sylvie, absorbing his advice, consciously allowed her body to relax while maintaining the defensive stance. Astron could see a gradual transformation as if her body was beginning to integrate the teachings.

Astron stood beside her, making occasional adjustments with a gentle touch. His keen awareness allowed him to detect weaknesses and areas that needed attention.

This time, Sylvie was determined to not make any sound and not give any reaction. The last time, she was so embarrassed that she wanted to bury herself in a hole.

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In Astron’s mind, he sketched a mental map of Sylvie’s physique, noting the muscles that required strengthening.

He planned to tailor the training to address these specific needs, ensuring a holistic approach to her physical development.


"You have been training your body, right?" As the training reached its end, Astron asked.

"Yes. I had been running and doing some cardio training to increase my stamina."

Astron nodded in acknowledgment of Sylvie’s efforts. "Good. Stamina is crucial, but for what we’re working on, we’ll need to target specific muscle groups as well."

He proceeded to outline a detailed training regimen tailored to address the weaknesses he had observed during their sessions. Sylvie listened attentively, her determination evident in her eyes.

"For your legs," Astron began, "we need to strengthen your quadriceps and hamstrings. Squats and lunges will be beneficial. Start with bodyweight exercises and gradually add resistance as you progress."

He continued to provide detailed instructions for each exercise, explaining the importance of maintaining proper form to avoid unnecessary strain. As Sylvie absorbed the information, Astron could see her commitment to the training.

"Now, for your core," he continued, "planks and leg raises will help. Strengthening your core is fundamental; it’s the center of your balance and stability."

Astron’s guidance extended to upper body exercises as well, focusing on the muscles involved in maintaining a defensive stance. He emphasized the importance of a balanced approach, ensuring that no muscle group was neglected.

"As you follow this regimen," Astron advised, "pay attention to your body. If you feel any discomfort beyond the usual fatigue, don’t hesitate to modify or skip certain exercises. Consistency is key, but so is listening to your body."

After all, even though he created this regimen using his observations, that didn’t mean his eyes always showed the truth.

There were many times one would make a mistake thinking everybody’s muscles worked in the same manner. Even though in the molecular part, they were close, when countless blocks formed a complex structure, that would no longer be the case.

Sylvie nodded, absorbing the information and feeling a sense of gratitude for Astron’s dedication to her training.

’He did all that for me.’

The realization that he invested effort into creating a personalized regimen for her sparked a flicker of happiness within her.

"Thank you," she expressed genuinely, a smile forming on her face. "I appreciate the time and thought you put into this."

Astron nodded. "It’s essential to address weaknesses systematically. If you follow this regimen diligently, you should see improvements."

Encouraged by his words, Sylvie hesitated for a moment before asking, "If I have questions or need help with the exercises, can I come to you?"

Astron considered her request for a moment before responding, "Certainly. I’ll help when I’m available."


A small, sheepish laugh left her mouth as she couldn’t help but feel happy.


"Cough…I will leave now."

However, that soon turned into embarrassment as she left the place with hurried steps.


The weekend of the time soon came. The classes had already ended for the week, and the students were enjoying their campus lives.

However, not everyone shared that same sentiment and experience, as some of the students were busy preparing for something.

After all, for the Archery Club students, this weekend was something that was going to be detrimental to their future there.

Lilia, in particular, left her room with an air of annoyance on her face. The burden of the upcoming competition seemed to add a layer of irritation to her usual composed demeanor. As she walked through the campus, her mind was preoccupied with thoughts of the challenges that lay ahead.

’This is such a hassle.’

The Archery Club’s stringent standards and the looming threat of elimination were not sitting well with her. As the leader of Olympus’ Vanguard, she was accustomed to being in control, but the impending competition introduced an element of unpredictability that she found irksome.

’Why did I even agree to join this club?’

The question lingered in her mind, but deep down, she knew the answer. It was an opportunity to observe and potentially recruit talented individuals. However, the inconvenience of adhering to the club’s rules grated on her nerves.

’Whatever. I’ll get through this.’

As Lilia was about to leave her room, she coincidentally met Julia and Ethan in the dorm hallway. They exchanged greetings as Julia’s vibrant energy contrasted with Lilia’s visible annoyance.

"Hey, Lilia! Where are you off to?" Julia asked, her tone lighthearted.

Lilia sighed, rolling her eyes a bit before responding, "I have to go through some testing nonsense at the Archery Club. Apparently, they want to evaluate our skills or something. Such a bother."

"Well, it’s part of being in a club, right? Just think of it as a chance to showcase your skills."

"I suppose. But I have more important things to do than prove my archery prowess to a bunch of people."

Julia grinned, teasingly nudging Lilia’s side. "Come on, it might be fun! Plus, we get to show off how awesome Olympus’ Vanguard is."

"I’m not sure outsiders are allowed to watch these evaluations."

Julia raised an eyebrow, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Well, if they are, imagine the spectacle it could be! The mighty leader of Olympus’ Vanguard showcases her skills. It could be inspiring for others."

Lilia tried to dismiss the idea. "I’m not here to inspire anyone. I just want to get this done with minimal fuss."

Ethan, with a chuckle, added, "But it won’t hurt to have some fun while doing it, right?"

"Exactly! We’ll make it entertaining. Trust me; it’ll be a blast!"

Lilia, feeling a bit outnumbered, sighed in resignation. "Fine, but don’t expect anything extraordinary. This is just a formality."

"Yeah, yeah….Sure…."

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