Lunar Supremacy: The Original Alpha Chapter 148 Frozen Cavern

"Are we there yet? My feet are starting to fall off," Nathan asked, his voice filled with weariness. They had been walking for hours, and exhaustion was starting to take its toll.

"Don’t worry, we’re getting close. I can already sense it," Vincent replied, casting a reassuring smile towards his friend. He could tell that Nathan’s energy was still quite lively, and it seemed like he was just whining to spark a conversation.

"These fragments that you’re searching for, they will make you even stronger, right?" Nathan inquired, curiosity evident in his voice.

"Yup" Vincent affirmed.

Nathan paused for a moment before posing another question.

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"Then what will you do after you become stronger? The world seems quite peaceful now."

"That’s a good question, but for now, I simply want to grow stronger to protect you guys," Vincent replied, chuckling lightly. Although his response held a hint of lightheartedness, there was also a touch of seriousness in his voice.

"Your line is so cheesy, like a superhero from a comic book," Nathan teased, attempting to lighten the mood.

"Well, maybe I should start wearing a cape and a mask then," Vincent laughed.

"You already wore one , buddy. That cool half black and white mask of yours" Nathan rolled his eyes.

"Ah, the mask! Well, it does add a certain mysterious flair, doesn’t it? But it’s more than just a fashion statement. I used it to hide the true color of my eyes." he chuckled, recalling the distinctive mask he often wore when he was fighting.

"Yeah, yeah, Mr. Mask. But seriously, you always manage to pull off that cool, enigmatic vibe. Maybe you should consider a career in the entertainment industry after all this. You’d make a great superhero actor!"

Vincent laughed heartily at Nathan’s suggestion. "Who knows, maybe I’ll give it a shot. But for now, let’s focus on finding those fragments and making sure our peace remains intact. "

"You’re right, as always. Let’s keep going, Mr. Mask, and make sure your superhero dreams come true!"

With a shared smile and a sense of friendship, they continued their journey, knowing that their bond would always strengthen them, regardless of any fragments or challenge they encountered along the way.




Finally after an hour or so, they came across a hole deep in the mountain. The opening stretched about 20 meters wide, and its depth was unfathomable to ordinary human eyes. It seemed to descend into darkness, its depths shrouded in mystery.

In fact, this hole was located in a place that was very difficult to traverse. The only reason they found it was because of Vincent’s senses and his ability to navigate the treacherous terrain by transforming into a werewolf and carrying Nathan with him.

"This hole is too deep. I don’t think our rope will be long enough," Nathan expressed his concern.

"Let me check ," Vincent focused his attention, tapping into his unique ability to perceive the flow of energy around him. As he concentrated, he could sense a potent and cold power source emanating from beneath the hole they were standing near. The energy pulsated with strength and intensity, beckoning him to explore further.

However, as he continued to assess the situation. The realization weighed heavily upon him, knowing that he couldn’t bring his friend along on this particular endeavor. As much as it pained him to admit it, he understood that Nathan will only be a burden .

"Nathan, I want you to keep watch for me. I’ll go inside alone," he broke the silence.

Nathan’s initial instinct was to protest, to insist on accompanying him. But as he looked into Vincent’s eyes, he saw the resolute determination reflected there. He realized that his bestfriend had made up his mind for good reasons, and he respected that.

"Don’t worry, buddy. I’ll guard this place with my life. I won’t let anyone near this hole," Nathan joked, trying to lighten up the mood.

"Thank you," he acknowledged, appreciating his friend’s support.

Without further delay, he took a deep breath and leaped into the depths of the hole. As he descended, he relied on his keen instincts and enhanced vision to navigate through the darkness.

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His agile movements allowed him to utilize the protruding rocks as stepping stones, carefully making his way down. His eyes, capable of glowing in the dark, allowed him to discern his surroundings with remarkable clarity despite the lack of illumination.

The descent seemed endless, but he pressed on, driven by his unwavering determination and the anticipation of reaching the powerful energy source. He could feel the energy growing stronger as he neared his destination. It pulsed through the air, invigorating his senses and heightening his focus.

With each leap, he moved closer to the heart of the mysterious abyss. The path was treacherous, but his abilities and unwavering resolve guided him through the darkness. He knew that the fragments awaited him somewhere within this seemingly endless void, and he was determined to retrieve them, no matter the cost.

With each passing moment, the air grew colder, and the silence became more profound.

Finally, a faint glimmers of light began to appear. They danced and flickered in the distance, guiding him towards the source. The further he descended, the stronger the energy became, resonating with a power that sent shivers down his chest.


After what felt like an arduous descent, he reached the bottom of the seemingly endless hole. As he set foot onto solid ground, a sight of breathtaking beauty and profound significance unfolded before his eyes. The huge door in front of him was adorned with intricate ancient symbols and illuminated by a mesmerizing display of glowing patterns. The air crackled with an intense energy, as if the very essence of power resided behind the very walls of this extraordinary place.

"This place is more dazzling than the last one " he muttered to himself.

"But I need to be more careful because the monster here might also be stronger, " His mind raced with memories of his previous encounters, particularly the one in Puerto Rico where he had faced a formidable monster. He couldn’t help but wonder if this deep hole held another terrifying creature.

Determined to be prepared, he reached into his bag and retrieved the bombs he had brought with him.

"Better to be safe than sorry," he whispered to himself, carefully inspecting the explosives. He knew that if he encountered a dangerous entity, the bombs could provide a crucial advantage.

He couldn’t help but think about Lex and his team’s successful escape from his hands, utilizing modern weaponry such as bombs to their advantage. It was a testament to the effectiveness of advanced tools and strategies in overcoming formidable challenges. While he had his own set of unique abilities, he recognized the value of incorporating modern technology into his mission.

"I’m ready," He started walking towards the massive door in front of him.

As if responding to his presence, the door began to vibrate and slowly swung open, revealing a vast cavern within. This time, the cavern was adorned with pristine white crystals that emanated a chilling energy, casting an ethereal glow throughout the space.

Without wasting a moment, he swiftly moved towards one of the crystals and snatched it from its resting place. He could feel the intense coldness radiating from it, an indication of its potent power. Knowing that he had to be cautious, he instinctively hurled the crystal, releasing it from his grip.


In a burst of frigid energy, the crystal exploded upon impact, instantly freezing a small portion of the cavern floor. The sight of the frozen floor confirmed his suspicions. These crystals possessed a remarkable ability to manipulate temperature and freeze objects.

He marveled at the stark contrast between the crystals he had encountered in Puerto Rico and the ones before him now. The crystal he had discovered before had been a manifestation of pure energy, pulsating with an otherworldly power. But here, in this cavern, the crystals possessed a distinct elemental nature.

The chilling energy emanating from the crystals heightened his awareness, amplifying his instincts and caution. He knew that the creature lurking in these depths would likely possess the ability to manipulate ice and freezing temperatures, posing a significant threat to him.

With each step, he observed his surroundings, scanning for any signs of movement or danger. The air grew colder, and frost began to form on the walls and surfaces around him. The eerie silence was broken only by the distant sound of dripping water and the faint echo of his own footsteps.

Reaching a larger chamber, he paused to assess the environment. The cavern stretched out before him, its icy expanse glistening under the pale light. He could feel a subtle shift in the air, as if the very temperature was being manipulated by an unseen force.

And then he finally saw it.

His gazed was fixed upon the colossal serpent-like creature that was hanging from above. Its massive form coiled and slithered through a huge rock, scales shimmering with an otherworldly glow. The presence of crystals embedded in its body confirmed his suspicions that this creature, too, possessed a connection to the chilling energy within the cavern.

His mind raced, considering the best approach to confront a creature capable of freezing him to death. He knew that relying solely on his werewolf form and physical prowess might not be enough. He needed to strategize and make use of the unique abilities at his disposal, including the bombs that he had brought .

"This will be a tough battle " He muttered to himself.

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