Lunar Supremacy: The Original Alpha Chapter 149 [Bonus ]Serpent Breath

"Knowledge is power," he thought, recalling the wisdom he had acquired through his arduous life thus far. He had encountered various beings , each experience strengthening him and enhancing his understanding of the world. Armed with this knowledge, he devised a plan that would combine his werewolf strength, his attuned senses, and the explosive power of the customized bombs he carried.

Taking slow steps, he positioned himself strategically within the cavern, carefully planting his explosives in key locations. He ensured that they were easily accessible, allowing him to swiftly detonate them when the perfect moment presented itself

As the creature stirred, its immense form coiling and writhing with growing intensity, Vincent’s heart quickened. He could feel the weight of the imminent battle settling upon him as he observed the creature beginning to awaken. The frosty air thickened, casting an ethereal glow upon the crystalline walls of the cavern, creating an atmosphere charged with anticipation.

"It’s time," Taking a deep breath, he activated his werewolf form, feeling the surge of power coursing through his veins. His senses sharpened, allowing him to perceive even the subtlest movements and shifts in the creature’s icy domain. With precision, he launched one of the explosives, aiming to disrupt the serpent’s balance and momentarily distract it.


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The explosion reverberated through the cavern, causing shards of ice to rain down as the creature recoiled from the sudden assault. Seizing this opportunity, he swiftly closed the distance.


As expected, the creature emitted a menacing hiss, its icy breath billowing out in a chilling white gas. The frigid mist enveloped the cavern, creating an even more treacherous atmosphere. Vincent instinctively knew that he had to remain vigilant, as this new development posed an additional threat.

Anticipating the imminent danger, he swiftly evaded the creature’s freezing breath, narrowly avoiding the icy tendrils that emanated from its mouth. He realized that the battle was far from over and that the serpent-like creature was employing every means at its disposal to kill him.

As the creature adjusted its aim, tracking Vincent’s movements with precision, he recognized the need for a new approach. He swiftly assessed the cavern’s layout, searching for potential advantages. His eyes landed on a cluster of stalactites hanging from the cavern ceiling, their sharp points glinting with an icy sheen.

A plan quickly formed in his mind. He needed to turn the creature’s freezing breath against itself. With his werewolf agility, he deftly maneuvered around the cavern, expertly using the terrain to his advantage. As the serpent-like creature unleashed another torrent of freezing breath, he timed his movements meticulously.

With lightning-fast reflexes, he leaped onto a nearby ledge, narrowly avoiding the encroaching ice. As the creature’s freezing breath made contact with the stalactites, its own power rebounded, causing the ice formations to crack and shatter. Chunks of frozen shards rained down upon the creature, further weakening its defenses.

Seizing the opportunity presented to him, he descended upon the creature with unwavering might and relentless fury. His attacks were a blur of motion, infused with the raw power of his werewolf form. He targeted the creature’s vulnerable points, striking with precision and intent.




His energy claws tore through the air, leaving behind trails of ethereal energy. With each strike, he aimed to shatter the creature’s scales, hoping to weaken its defenses. But to his surprise, the creature proved to be far tougher than he had anticipated. Its scales, hardened by years of survival, resisted his onslaught.

Realizing that his current approach was ineffective against it, he quickly leaped back, ensuring that he had successfully drawn the creature’s attention. Frustration simmered within him as he assessed the situation. He needed to find a way to gain the upper hand and overcome this durable opponent.


Fortunately, it appeared that his attack had successfully drawn the creature’s attention. The serpent, enraged by the intrusion upon its territory, slithered towards him with killing intent. Its massive form loomed over him, its icy scales gleaming under the pale light of the cavern.

Seeing the creature giving chase, Vincent formulated a risky plan. He lured the creature towards a strategically placed bomb, its detonation specifically designed to be triggered by his powerful roar. This bomb was a unique creation, tailored to his abilities and designed to maximize its impact.





The explosion reverberated throughout the cavern, causing the very ceiling to tremble and fall down. The force of the blast sent shockwaves rippling through the air adding to the damage inflicted upon the serpent.

Amidst the chaos, Vincent’s agility and heightened reflexes allowed him to effortlessly dodge the cascading rocks. His werewolf instincts guided his every movement, ensuring his safety in the midst of the chaos.

As the dust settled, a scene of destruction unfolded before him. The creature lay battered and weakened, its massive form crushed by the weight of the fallen rocks. His plan had worked, albeit with unforeseen collateral damage.

Taking a moment to catch his breath, he approached the fallen creature, its icy powers subdued and its once-mighty form reduced to a feeble state. He felt a mix of relief and sadness as he observed the creature’s plight. Despite their intense battle, he couldn’t help but empathize with the creature’s struggle for survival.

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"Cease your aggression! I implore you, why do you seek my demise?"

Vincent’s eyes widened in astonishment as he heard a male voice emanating from the massive creature before him. The language it spoke was not English, yet he could understand it clearly.

He couldn’t help but feel a mix of curiosity and caution as he processed the unexpected turn of events.

"You can speak?" he asked, his voice laced with both surprise and wariness. He remained vigilant, ready to defend himself if needed, but also intrigued by the notion of conversing with the very creature he had just battled.

"Indeed, I can comprehend your words," the serpent responded, its voice carrying an air of authority and ancient knowledge. "But I urge you to reconsider your plan. Killing me may not yield the outcome you desire."

Vincent’s brows furrowed as he contemplated the serpent’s words. Despite the creature’s previous display of power and its icy nature, there was an unexpected air of reasonableness in its voice. He couldn’t help but wonder if there was more to this encounter than met the eye.

"And why should I trust you?" Vincent questioned, his voice steady but filled with skepticism. "You were prepared to freeze me to death just moments ago."

"You’re the one who attacked me first,!" the snake protested, its voice filled with a mix of anger and confusion. "I was just living peacefully in this cavern when you decided to throw something in my face."

"I.." Vincent paused, taken aback by the snake’s unexpected response. He hadn’t considered the possibility that the creature might have been defending itself rather than posing a direct threat. But it was too late to back down now.

"Well, you can’t really blame me either. You’re a giant serpent! Did you expect me to initiate a conversation with you first? Besides, I’m sure you’re only talking now because you lost." Vincent’s response carried a hint of defensiveness as he retorted,

The serpent’s large eyes bore into Vincent’s, thinking that he was an unreasonable person. Though frustrated by the situation, the serpent realized that it needed to engage in a civil discourse in order to survived .

"You must understand, powerful one," the serpent began, its tone tinged with a mixed of sadness and flattery. "I am not inherently evil or driven by malevolence. My powers are tied to the very essence of this cavern, to the balance of nature itself. It was self-defense that drove me to unleash my icy abilities against you. But that need not be our only interaction."

Vincent’s initial skepticism began to waver as he listened to the serpent’s words. He couldn’t deny the possibility that there might be more to this creature than met the eye. Perhaps there was a chance for a different path, one that didn’t involve death.

"And what do you propose we do then?" Vincent asked cautiously, his curiosity piqued. He held his ground but remained open to the prospect of an alternative resolution.

The serpent’s gaze softened, as if acknowledging Vincent’s willingness to entertain a different course of action. It uncoiled slightly, its immense presence seeming less menacing now.

"Let us seek understanding instead of conflict," the serpent suggested, its voice carrying a note of hope. "There are secrets within this cavern, something that can help you become stronger."

"Wait, It’s not inside your body ?You don’t have the fragment with you ? " Vincent asked .

The serpent’s eyes gleamed with amusement as it responded to his question.

"Ah, the fragment you seek. No, I do not possess it. But fear not, for I can offer you guidance. Deep within this cavern lies a hidden chamber, concealed by ancient enchantments. It is there that you will find what you seek."

Vincent’s eyebrows furrowed in curiosity as he questioned the serpent’s decision.

"If you knew the location, why were you unable to retrieve the fragment yourself?"

The serpent’s gaze turned introspective, and a tinge of sadness flickered across its reptilian eyes.

"I, too, have long desired the power contained within that chamber," it confessed. "But alas, the door that guards it remains sealed by ancient magic, impervious to my attempts. My evolution in this cavern granted me intelligence, but it did not bestow upon me the means to unlock that which lies beyond."

"So, we shall help each other," The snake proposed, a glimmer of determination in his eyes. "Together, we can find a way to breach the seal and retrieve the fragment. With my knowledge of this place and your godlike abilities, we stand a better chance of success."

Vincent’s discerning gaze met the serpent’s, a glimmer of suspicion in his eyes. He knew there had to be more to the serpent’s motivations than a mere desire for survival.

"What do you seek to gain from this alliance?" he inquired, his voice laced with caution. He understood that every pact had its terms and conditions, and he wanted to ensure he fully comprehended the serpent’s intentions.

The serpent’s response came swift and resolute, its voice tinged with a mixture of longing and urgency.

"Free me from the confines of this accursed place," it implored. "For millennia, I have slumbered within these cold walls, my freedom restrained by ancient enchantments. By aiding you in your quest, I hope to break free from this prison and see the world."

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