My Servant System Chapter 981 980: From Peace to Violence

Chapter 981 Chapter 980: From Peace to Violence

"It is odd to be seeing our actual home passing by in the distance... knowing that we aren’t returning to it anytime soon is quite the feeling, really. I wonder how everyone is doing back home? How well they’ve been since we left, how they’ve grown..."

Jahi let out a sigh as she stared out the window, looking over the rolling hills and peaceful, serene landscape that we had come to know and love as home, its beauty still so breathtaking even to this day.

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"It is a shame we haven’t been back in so long, but alas, what are we going to do? There is no need to disturb them simply because we wanted to pop in and check on them..."

"Yeah... but still, it’s been a long time since we were at home, within our bedroom, eating from our kitchens, making love in our bathroom... Though I suppose we can now do it in Anput’s bedroom, in her bathroom~?"

The Jackalkin just smirked at that, nodding and rubbing my thigh as she said "There’s more than a few places I wanna take you all... Jahi has a few, Kat has a few, Leone has a few... though honestly, there are a couple that are risky, and a couple that are safe and scenic~! One of them is going to have to wait though, until life settles down and we can think about making some babies!"

That caused the Demoness to perk up instantly as she leaned forwards and asked "Oh? What is this place that you hold so important? Is it a culturally significant place or is it more personal?"

The interest in her eyes and the way I saw that Leone was leaning closer as well made me chuckle, though when Anput gave my thigh a squeeze and began to trail her fingers up and down my pants, I raised a brow and met her heated obsidian gaze.

"It’s a tad odd, but it’s both. It’s a place that was apparently blessed by a fertility Goddess to create the oasis that is there now, and it is also the place that my parents believe I was conceived at; they said the atmosphere and passion they felt there hasn’t been matched by anywhere else, and if Mom says that..."

She chuckled softly and moved her hand towards somewhere rather intimate, drawing a slight moan from my lips as I continued to stare at her, wondering what exactly she was hoping to accomplish with this.

"Then that just means there is something special about that place. She’s usually got the emotional range of a teaspoon on the best of days, especially for the brighter, more peachy emotions of life. So if she said that this place made her feel passionate and riled up enough to get Mother with child despite a few complications, well~!"

Grinning at me, Anput leaned over and gave me a kiss as she whispered "Then I think I’ll take my chances there of all places when I want to put my pups in you, Kat... From dawn to dusk and then to dawn again, I’ll make love to you for that singular purpose..."

She just suddenly smacked that area and made me gasp as pain coursed through my body, amusing Jahi enough to snicker as she watched us from the other bench, though she said "Now you have me thinking I need to actually plan out elaborate locations and situations for when we can finally settle down. I was just planning on stealing away the herbs that you all have to take and doing something like last night..."

That made us all chuckle and roll out eyes at her, and I replied "I would hope you do something special for the ’beginning’ of that portion of our lives. But also, do remember that there is a good chance Anput and I conceive together before we do with either of you, and that there is a low chance that either of you manage to conceive with anyone thanks to your incredibly potent genes."

"I know, I know... well, that isn’t for a long time, so maybe we can pray to that Goddess of yours for some assistance hm? See if she has any ideas on how we could conceive easier. But if she doesn’t, that’s fine too. I’ll be enjoying the daily ’risks’ far too much to give a damn~!"

We all smiled at that, knowing that each of us would find that thrill of being off any medication at all to be addicting to the extreme, and it was something that sent shivers up my spine already as I imagined those days, wondering what it would be like and just how sweet those rewards were going to be.

Though she also brought up an excellent question, and it made me open up the System Shop as I began to browse the items for sale, using the keyword ’Fertility’ to see if there was something useful for the future.

I did that all whilst the other three chatted about locations and ideas that would be special to them, and specifically what they would try to do for the others individually, which was rather amusing to think about; the family tree that we planted would be extremely elaborate and complicated if we all went about it the way they wanted, and that... was fine with me.

[Potion of Lesser Fertility : Increases libido moderately and chance to get pregnant by a minuscule amount. 30,000 SP]

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[Libido Ring : This ’spiked’ ring increases libido drastically and increases the potency of seed by a moderate amount. 100,000 SP]

[Lust Arts: Seeded Cauldron : Turns the user into a cauldron for seed and ensures that they become pregnant, however it is with a child conceived from all participants, and it boosts their stats by 10% at the cost of 5% of the cauldron’s stats. 1,000,000 SP]

Just a few of the options were enough to raise intrigue, and I had to admit that I was curious to see if I could manage to combine all effects together on all of my partners, and how they would react to that last one in particular.

My thoughts were filled as we began to gradually switch from grass to sand, and chatting with my lovers whilst we observed that change was immaculate, even if one of us was native to these sands.

That was what made it all the better, and we were soon introduced to the other change that was less scenic and more... cultural not even an hour into the journey from the Empire’s border into the Sultanate.

As the grass shifted from green to yellow and then to dirt, before finally switching over entirely to sand, we were assaulted by the heat and blinded by the suns golden rays, and as we traveled deeper into the sands of the Sultanate, a peculiar rumbling caused Leone, Jahi and I to sit up and look around, on guard and wary of whatever was about to happen.

Conversely, Anput was relaxed as she leaned back into the seat and stared out the window, watching as the various guards closed in on us and formed a protective ring around the carriage.

"What is that? Anput, are we..?"

"We’re fine, we’re fine... This is what they get paid for, and it shouldn’t be..."

Trailing off, she stared at the sands for a little longer before nodding her head and cracking the door slightly, allowing her to listen to whatever the guard beside the door said.

"Ah. Yes, it’s fine. It’s only a baby Worm, perhaps a stunted adolescent at ’worst’. Par for the course in the Sultanate. Just sit back and relax~! They’ll take care of it."

Closing the door a few seconds later, Anput took a deep breath and continued to watch what was happening outside, directing our attention towards the desert as she said "Over there, you can see the shifting sands right? How its vibrating and moving around? The Worm should be emerging right about... now."

As soon as she said it, a giant, fleshy monster exploded out of the sand and let out a deep roar, its circular head opening up to reveal a fanged maw that was drenched with saliva and caked in old blood and other organic liquids; each fang was longer than my arm, whilst the monster’s flesh was leathery and wrinkled from its lifestyle below the sands.

Rising into the air and looking down at the carriage, the Worm roared again and began to fall towards us, its towering cylindrical body rushing towards us, threatening to flatten us into the sand and turn us into a meat paste.


Jahi was staring at the monster with narrowed eyes as it drew closer, the Demoness leaning off the edge of her seat and showing a clear urge to leap out of the carriage and onto the sand so that she could fight this monster, but Anput leisurely sat there and waved her off, once more saying "It’s fine. Watch."

As it drew closer to the carriage, the Worm suddenly found itself suspended in the air as multiple different pillars of earth rose from the sand and skewered its body, stopping it from crashing onto us and allowing the warriors to pick it apart at their leisure.

Arcs of wind and balls of fire joined the pillars as the warriors swiftly butchered and burnt the monster in front of us, allowing its segments to fall to the sand lifelessly as golden blood painted the area in a metallic sheen.

"See? Nothing to worry about!"

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