My Servant System Chapter 982 981: Welcome To The Sultanate

Chapter 982 Chapter 981: Welcome To The Sultanate

The number of Worm attacks reached almost a dozen by the time we reached the depths of the Sultanate, and each of them were dealt with that same brutal efficiency as the first one was hours ago, their bodies left to decompose atop the golden sands or be picked apart by the vultures that we saw circling overhead, following us as we went so that they could partake in a free meal.

Each time they attacked us, the warriors instantly formed a defensive ring around us and ensured we were protected before turning their blades towards the outside threat, all whilst we sat within the comfort of the carriage, not needing to lift a finger at all to help despite being more than capable ourselves.

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After hours of traveling and hours of chatting, flirting, and thinking, we arrived at the capital of the Sultanate, a city of many names, but the one that Anput seemed to prefer was "Welcome to Muqai Al-Maedin, city of metal forged warriors loyal to a single banner! Also known as... my home."

The dunes around us were similar enough to the hills back at home; rolling and creating a complex landscape that helped lead down into the metallic walls that shone brilliantly beneath the descending sun, the silvers and golds of the wall reflecting out into the world and very clearly letting everyone know where they were.

It was like the city itself was saying ’come and take a look’, only to smirk at you as you inched closer and saw that its shiny exterior was laden with sharp blades and adorned with clear warnings for anyone arriving with bad intentions.

"Each blade inlaid into the wall was taken from an invading army, a defector, or anyone else with ill intention towards our home. Each one is a reminder that our ’City of Metal’ has withstood many attacks and that it will withstand many more, be they from inside or from outside. They are the ’fangs’ that scare away any hoping to attack, so to speak. But once we are inside, you shall be witnessing the wonderful culture of the Sultanate in all of its glory!"

Anput grinned at all of us as the carriage rolled down the sandstone brick path that led into the city, our carriage ignoring the line of other carriages that were waiting to enter and drawing many eyes, though those eyes were swiftly diverted when they saw the ’Death Jackals’ roaming around us.

Opulent carriages made from foreign woods and ornamented with luxurious metals all waited in a line to enter, their drivers wearing keffiyeh’s that protected their heads from the sun and their faces from the sands should they need it, whilst some wore kavuk’s - the larger, more layered turbans that could be decorated or used to display wealth, amongst many of the other meanings they had.

Tanned skin that glistened like bronze was complimented by dark, midnight black hair that was barely visible beneath their headdresses, whilst their physiques were displayed thanks to the more revealing style of dress within the Sultanate, though some wore the long robes - called thawbs - that covered everything.

Whenever the men or women looked towards our carriage to see why we were allowed to pass them and ignore this long line, their darker faces blanched slightly as the black clothed Death Jackals sauntered around us, looking away quickly as they saw the elite warriors escorting this one single carriage.

"Are your people usually... afraid of your warriors?"

The question from the Demoness made Anput chuckle as she shook her head, the Jackalkin showing great pride and joy in being able to show off her home to us after so long of having lived within our ’home’ of the Empire, and seeing her like this was a contrast to the sight of her on the carriage ride back to the Empire naught but a week or so ago.

"No, not of our standard warriors or even the other caste of elite warriors - the Dune Striders or the Magi - since they look at them the same way your people look at your Legionnaires. With reverence and respect, admiration and gratitude. Here, we love the strong, worship the strong, and shower them in lavishness and praises so that they might remain strong, or get stronger.

The difference is a simple one; the Death Jackals are stronger than everyone else, and they are my Mom’s personal soldiers. They are the... cream of the crop, the best of the best. Even the people of the Empire look away when they see a Knight, do they not? Such greatness is to be worshipped... but only from afar, and from privacy. They are above everyone else, and so they shouldn’t be worried about anyone else."

That was something that she said like it was natural, and whilst I could understand it - the idea of looking upon someone so powerful whilst you were someone so weak was a scary one, since one misstep on your part could lead to consequences you weren’t ready to bear - and even was able to accept it, Jahi seemed slightly conflicted on it whilst Leone didn’t seem to like it, if her frown was anything to go by.

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"I understand it sounds harsh and elitist, but these are the ones who are entrusted with the lives of everyone. They are the assassins of any upstart imbeciles, they are the blades that sever the lives of any outside force that wants to attack us, they are the ones who maintain this peace. And they do it with a brutality that ensures there will be no repeat anytime soon. To the common people, the Death Jackals are like reapers; bad luck and an ill omen if you try to get close to them. It isn’t a title given to them loosely, after all; they wear death like they wear their masks."

"But to have your own people be afraid of you? Is that truly something to be proud of?"

Leone’s more friendly and people oriented style of thinking was always a direct clash of Anput’s more arrogant and elitist point of view, and this was a clash that was inevitable between them, since the Jackalkin beside me saw nothing wrong with this healthy layer of fear inside of her people’s hearts whenever they saw these elite warriors.

"Even I have to admit that being afraid of your own protectors is... a tad extreme."

The Jackalkin only chuckled though as she shook her head and gestured outside, towards the gate that was growing closer and towards the dozens of people that were being shepherded inside by the normal warriors of the Sultanate.

"That fear ensures order. It reminds them that there is something terrifying close by, something that lives amongst them and something that they need to be aware of. Living so nearby to these warriors makes it difficult for our people to feel true fear against any of our enemies. After all, when we have someone at our gates, that is the time that the fear of the Death Jackals is turned into reverence at a profound level. What could get past them, the ones who walk with death? Why should we be afraid when we have them on our side?

You view it as extreme, but it has served us well for many, many years. A healthy dose of fear to remind you that whilst you might be important to the Sultanate, there is something dwelling within Muqai Al-Maedin that is more important. It quells any idiotic thoughts and unifies more than it divides. Besides..."

As we rolled into the city, Anput grinned as she pointed out the window, directing our attentions towards the other carriage that was being stopped, the dozens of crates and multiple people being searched and investigated by the guards.

"The Sultanate is harsher than the Empire by a mile. The various oasis around the Sultanate only thrive because of our warriors, and as such we are owed some of their wealth for providing protection. We keep them safe from the Worms, from the monsters, from outsiders, and they give us goods. Some of these people, these merchants that owe us for the protections we provide... they need that reminder more than ever."

A shout and a swift, unceremonious punch to the jaw of a portly man made me blink in surprise, while Leone’s frown deepened as she watched the man drop to the ground whilst the guard unsheathed his sword, shouting at the fallen man.

"Not giving the proper tribute and displaying your wealth openly like that... some people need to understand we work together to maintain peace. In the Empire, you can get fat and lazy on power earned generations ago. You can be a humble farmer who worked up into something more, and so long as your farm produces and your taxes are paid, you are given leeway to do what you want. Here? You have exact requirements, and we know them. You know them. Not meeting them whilst wearing gaudy rings, having three slaves, an armed guard and arriving in a carriage painted gold?"

Anput snickered as she watched the man try to get to his feet, only to be kicked back down as the soldier pointed his blade at the crates, which looked to be three quarters full at best.

"You’re going to be reminded that we work together, for everyone’s benefits. Your tribute to the Sultanate is set in stone each year, and failing to meet it warrants that fear being founded. Badr! Remind our friend here, hm?"

Closing the door after giving the order, Anput smirked as she felt the carriage slow down, and we watched as a Death Jackal nodded and dismounted, her lithe body exuding a coldness that seemed foreign within the heat of the desert, and it was felt by everyone, including the merchant who watched her approach with wide eyes, his entire body shaking as she inched ever closer.

The harshness of the Sultanate was shown to us in full once more, and the stark contrast in mindset between the Empire and the Sultanate was made crystal clear as Anput just watched the man from afar with a smirk... and so did everyone else, pity in their eyes as the man was lifted to his feet by someone he had never wanted to meet.

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