One Wild Night Chapter 886 New Chef

Chapter 886 New Chef

Exactly six days after Mia left Ludus, Jeff’s heart pounded as he approached the imposing gates of Henry Rosewood’s mansion.

Three days had passed since his meeting with Tom, and today, he was finally here, in the lion’s den.

He adjusted his round-rimmed glasses which was perched on the bridge of his nose, that made him look nothing like the Jeff who shared an apartment with Mia.

As he pressed the intercom button, he couldn’t help but feel a surge of apprehension. This was dangerous, but it was a risk worth taking for Mia.

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A crisp voice answered the interview, and Jeff introduced himself as the new chef from EliteHouse Inc. Moments later, the heavy iron gates swung open, and Jeff walked up the long, winding driveway, the grandeur of the estate reminded him of the power and control Henry wielded.

Even though his heart was pounding a frantic rhythm against his ribs, he put one foot in front of the other until he got to the main door.

Necessity, had a way of trumping fear. He needed to see Mia. He needed to be with her and to make sure she remained okay until Henry was taken care of.

He was glad that Tom’s plan had worked out, and now he was here finally just as he had promised Mia. He couldn’t wait to set his eyes on her again.

He knew that he would probably never get a chance to talk to her, but for now seeing her and preparing her meals was enough for him, Jeff thought as he rang the doorbell.

Inside the house, Diana paced around the bedroom she shared with Henry, clasping and unclasping her hands as different thoughts ran through her mind, putting her in a state of anxiety.

It had been three excruciatingly long days since she had been strong-armed into the blackmail scheme by an unknown person.

Who was blackmailing her? How did he know something that even Henry didn’t know? How much did he know? Was it even a male or female? What did the person want? Was she at risk of being exposed? Should she just wrap up things quickly and escape before she was exposed and things become messy?

Just when she had thought her plan was going smoothly, they had thrown a wrench in her plans and now she had no idea what to do.

Every moment felt like a tightrope walk, a constant state of hypervigilance. Today, however, brought a new wrinkle the supposed "new chef," was due to arrive.

Perhaps she could try to see if he had some business with the blackmailer? She mused and then shook her head.

It didn’t make sense that the blackmailer would have any say regarding who the agency would send to the house. Mr Henderson was a very principled businessman hence all the elite families trusted him when it came to the domestic staff assigned to them.

The doorbell’s chime echoed through the mansion interrupting her thoughts. Diana, her heart pounding really fast, smoothed down her blouse and hurried towards the door.

Diana opened the door, her eyes narrowed as she appraised him, suspicion etched on her face. "You’re from EliteHouse Inc.?" she asked, her tone clipped.

"Yes, ma’am," Jeff replied, keeping his voice steady and polite. "I’m the new chef."

"And your name?" She asked, stern faced.

"Josh Davies," Jeff said with a polite smile.

With both arms crossed, and a frown marring her face, she studied him for a moment longer before stepping aside to let him in. "Come in."

Ignoring the disquiet churning in his stomach, Jeff stepped inside the cool, echoing foyer, his eyes sweeping over the surroundings. The unfamiliar scent of wealth and privilege hung heavy in the air

He could feel Diana’s gaze boring into his back as he walked, and he wondered if she suspected anything.

Diana led him through the labyrinthine corridors, his pulse quickening with each turn.

"Wait here," she instructed, "I’ll get Mrs Rosewood," Diana said before walking away, leaving Jeff alone in the living room.

Jeff forced himself to relax, trying hard not to let his gaze dart around the space in search of hidden cameras.

Without knocking, Diana barged into Mia’s room, and she froze, her eyes widening in shock at the sight before her.

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Mia, who was in the process of changing her clothes when the door swung open had her back to the door, revealing the hideous scars marring her back.

Knowing that the cameras in the room were likely recording everything, Diana resisted the urge to ask Mia any questions about her scars and quickly composed herself.

"Vanessa," Diana said, her voice surprisingly calm. "Come downstairs. The new chef is here."

Mia turned to look at Diana as she adjusted her dress. In the days since she returned with Henry, she had become used to both Diana and Henry barging into the room, and she really didn’t care.

She had no reason to bother about them walking in however and whenever they wanted, when she knew that there were cameras in her bedroom and she was always being watched.

"A new chef?" she asked, confusion in her voice. "I didn’t know the previous chef was leaving."

Diana shrugged, avoiding Mia’s gaze. "Something came up, and the agency sent a replacement. Come on," she said, not wanting to answer any questions.

That morning after she received the message from the blackmailer, she had thought about the best way to get rid of the chef and had finally told Henry that she didn’t feel like eating the meals prepared by the present chef anymore. That she wanted him to be changed so she could eat something different for her and their baby.

Henry had surprisingly agreed without question or doubt and had asked her to inform the agency that they needed another chef.

Mia followed Diana downstairs, her mind racing. Was it what she was thinking? Was it possible that Tom and Harry had found a way of getting Jeff in even when she had been unable to do anything to help the situation?

Jeff’s breath hitched in his throat as he watched as Mia enter the room, her posture stiff, her eyes distant.

As they reached the living room, Mia gave Jeff a once over. At first glance she didn’t recognize him. Her heart plummeted with disappointment, but when she perceived his familiar scent, she looked again, more closely, and her heart nearly stopped when she realized he was the one.

His disguise was impeccable. A blonde wig and round-rimmed glasses transformed him into a completely different person. He had also completely shaved off his beards which had been a neat trim for Bryan’s wedding.

Jeff’s heart skipped a beat as his eyes met Mia’s, and he almost smiled when he saw the way her eyes lit up after the flicker of recognition.

He quickly masked it, maintaining his professional demeanor as he looked down politely while Mia observed him.

Diana spoke first, her voice sharp. "Vanessa, this is Mr. Davies, the new chef."

"Hello, Mrs. Rosewood. It’s a pleasure to meet you," Jeff said, his familiar voice flooding Mia with warmth.

Mia nodded, her mind whirling with questions. "Well, welcome aboard, Mr. Davies."

"Thank you, ma’am," Jeff replied smoothly, bowing his head slightly.

"I do hope you won’t cause any problems. The last chef was quite efficient and I hope you will be so too. Focus on your duties and the reason you are here and refrain from doing anything that might be misconstrued wrongly," Mia said, her voice devoid of emotion.

"I will do my best ma’am. I have a lot at stake so I can’t afford to make any mistakes and lose my job," Jeff said and Mia nodded with approval.

Diana watched the exchange closely, and resisted the urge to roll her eyes. She could see that Mia was trying so hard to act like the tough lady of the house.

Was she doing that because she didn’t want the new chef to know that she didn’t have any authority in the house? Diana mused as she cleared her throat to get both their attentions.

"It will interest you to know that while Mrs Rosewood might be the lady of the house, I am the one you will answer to. Do not give me any reasons to kick you out," Diana warned, taking charge again, and Jeff nodded.

"I suppose you’d like to see the kitchen and your living area. Come with me," Diana said as she led the way, and seeing that Diana had her back to them, Jeff gave Mia a subtle wink before following Diana.

Mia’s lips twitched with a smile, so she pressed her lips together to keep herself from smiling as she watched them go.

She had no idea how Tom and Harry had made this happen, but she will forever be in their debt.

She knew there was no possible way to talk to Jeff and ask him any questions, but his presence here told her that she was not hopeless.

Even though she couldn’t do anything because of Diana, Tom and Harry were handling things, now all they had to do was play their parts perfectly to outwit Henry Rosewood.

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