One Wild Night Chapter 887 Tourists

Chapter 887 Tourists

Harry lounged comfortably on the hammock swing, its gentle swaying matching the rhythm of the waves crashing on the nearby shore. The morning sun cast a warm glow over the resort, highlighting the lush greenery and pristine beaches.

He glanced at his watch. Nearly half an hour past their planned departure time but Jade was still busy getting ready.

He peered into the suite, and shook his head in amusement when he saw her meticulously applying makeup after she had spent almost an hour agonizing over the perfect outfit for their sightseeing adventure.

They had agreed to spend the day sightseeing outside the resort. The anticipation of exploring new places should have excited him, but a nagging worry lingered in his mind.

He was supposed to be excited about this trip and proposing to Jade, but a gnawing uncertainty had taken root in his chest since his last episode with Jade.

Needing a distraction, he took a deep breath, savoring the salty air, before pulling out his phone from the pocket of his shorts to call Tom.

The line rang twice before Tom answered, "Whats up, Buddy?" Tom’s voice came through, cheerful and relaxed. "Missing me?"

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Harry chuckled, as he rose and walked away from the suite. "You know I can’t breathe without you," Harry said and Tom chuckled.

"Yeah. I’ve always known that. You love me so much you just had to be with someone that shares same blood with me. You’re obsessed," Tom said and Harry laughed despite the knot of unease in his stomach.

"How’s everything going over there?" Harry asked curiously.

Tom’s tone shifted, becoming more serious. "Everything is good. What’s up? Everything going smoothly?" Tom asked, detecting a hint of something in Harry’s voice despite the joke.

"Yeah. Everything is great. Just soaking up the sun while waiting for Jade. I wanted to check if Jeff arrived at Husla as planned. Is he at Henry’s now?"

"Yeah. I talked to him yesterday," Tom replied. "He’s in the house now and has seen Mia. Everything’s going according to plan."

Relief washed over Harry. "That’s good to hear. How did Mia seem?"

"Jeff said she looks like she’s holding up. He’s only worried about the other lady in the house. He is worried she might cause problems for him," Tom explained.

"She wouldn’t dare…"

"Yeah. That’s what I told him too. I asked him to act like she doesn’t exist and keep an eye on things as planned," Tom said and Harry nodded, glad that things were going smoothly.

He was very invested in this since he had been the one who offered to help Mia, and she had directly asked for him help.

"How is the proposal plan coming along?" Tom asked, a hint of excitement in his voice as he shifted the conversation.

Harry hesitated, staring out at the shimmering ocean as he contemplated whether to tell Tom or not since Jade was his sister. After a moment he decided to just confide in Tom, since Tom was his best friend and also Jade’s elder brother, so he was sure that Tom would give him his honest opinion without any form of bias.

"Actually, I’ve been having second thoughts about it," Harry admitted.

There was a pause on the other end, then Tom asked, "Second thoughts? Why? What’s going on? I thought you were excited about proposing to Jade."

Harry rubbed his forehead, feeling the weight of his thoughts, "I was," Harry admitted. "Don’t get me wrong, I still very much want her to be my wife. I love her with every fiber of my being…"


Harry sighed, "But I’m worried that getting married to her right now might not be the right step. She’s not ready for it and I don’t think that’s what she needs."

"What do you mean?" Tom’s voice took on a concerned tone.

"She’s still dealing with the insecurities and trust issues from her last relationship. She’s not over the hurt yet and some times it just crops up," Harry explained and went on to tell him about her reaction when she saw him having coffee with the event planner.

Tom frowned, "Do you think those insecurities won’t improve after you’re engaged or even married? I mean, by then she should feel more secured in your relationship, right?"

Harry sighed, running a hand through his hair. "She said so too, but I don’t know, Tom. That’s not a risk I want to take. I love her, but I don’t want our marriage to start with these unresolved issues. If she doesn’t work through her issues first, our marriage could suffer. I need to find a way to actively help her deal with the emotional baggage."

"Is it that bad?" Tom asked, knowing that if Harry was worried about it, then it was cause for concern.

Harry sighed. "Yeah. She gets anxious and insecure, especially when it comes to other women. She doesn’t always trust me, even though I’ve never given her a reason not to. Even though I try to understand her, it sort of hurts when she does that. This whole thing makes me regret ever respecting her relationship in the first place instead of making a move back then," Harry confessed.

"I understand. Do you want me to talk to her?" Tom offered.

"Are you a therapist now? Who is taking care of them company now that you’ve switched career?" Harry asked dryly and Tom chuckled.

"Big brother to little sister," Tom said and Harry shook his head.

"Nah. I’m not talking to you as her brother. I’m talking to you as my best friend. Besides, when we talk about it, she is logical and all of that. But when she is faced with it, logic flies out the window and her emotions take over. That’s what I need to deal with," Harry explained.

Tom was silent for a moment, then spoke with conviction. "Maybe you should still go through with the engagement, but push back on the marriage plans until she gets some therapy. It might give her the confidence and reassurance she needs to work through these issues."

Harry considered Tom’s words. "You really think that could work?" He asked, since he too had thought of it but wasn’t sure.

"Yeah. It’s worth a try. After the proposal you can tell her there will be no wedding until she gets professional help and you can proceed with the wedding after you see improvements. And if it helps, you could go with her for couple counseling."

Harry considered this, feeling a flicker of hope. "That might work. I just want to do what’s best for her and for us."

"You’re a good man, Harry, and you both deserve to be happy and secure in your relationship." Tom said warmly. "Take it slow and do what’s right. She will appreciate your patience and understanding."

"Jonas, we are going to be late!" Jade called out to him from inside the suite.

"Thanks, Tom. Gotta go now."

"Anytime. Take care and enjoy your day," Tom said before hanging up.

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Harry pocketed his phone just as Jade stepped out onto the balcony. She looked stunning in a light summer dress which fluttered in the breeze and a smile lit up her face. "Ready for our adventure?" she asked, her eyes sparkling.

"Absolutely," Harry replied as he went to join her by the balcony, "You look too pretty. Let’s take some pictures before we leave," Harry suggested as he picked up his digital camera which he had brought with him on the trip.

Jade eyed him. "Aren’t we a little behind schedule because you spent so much time on your phone." Her voice held a mock accusation.

Harry chuckled, the sound warm and rich. "Yeah. Sure. We are behind schedule not because you took an hour to find the right outfit and another hour to get ready. It’s my fault for talking on the phone while waiting for you to get ready," Harry said with a nod as he raised the camera to his eye level.

"Touché," Jade admitted with a grin as she struck a playful pose, with both hands extended palm up in front of pouted lips as though she was blowing him a kiss.

Harry’s grin widened as he captured the image, then another and another, each frame bursting with her infectious energy. Finally, with a satisfied click, he slung the camera around his neck.

Jade’s eyes sparkled as she took him in. "You don’t look like the Harry Jonas of I-Global right now," Jade said with a grin as she admired him.

"Really? What do I look like?" He asked as he picked up his backpack before locking the door.

"You look more like a photographer. A tourist photographer," she said as she took out her phone from her sling bag.

"I’m the son of my father after all," he said and Jade smiled.

"You know, I forgot about that for a moment. You’d have made a fine photographer. But being a boss suits your more," she said and Harry raised a brow.

"You think so?"

"Yeah," Jade said with a nod.

"Let’s take a selfie," she suggested and then looked back at the suite.

"We left our hats and sunglasses," she said, wanting to return inside to get them, but Harry shook his head.

"They’re with me," he assured her as he opened the bag and took out their matching straw hats and sunglasses.

"You’re too perfect for me Jonas," she said, slipping on her hat and adjusting her sunglasses, and Harry did the same.

A playful glint returned to her eyes. "Now, let’s capture some memories for social media, shall we?" She leaned in close, phone poised, and snapped a picture.

The flash momentarily captured the joy sparkling in her eyes and the love in Harry’s gaze as he smiled at her.

"Let’s make a funny face," Jade suggested and Harry raised a brow.

"For social media?" He asked and when she nodded he shook his head, "No, thanks."

"Why not?" She asked with a frown.

"How will the staff at the company take me seriously if they see photos of my funny face online?" He asked and Jade giggled.

"For crying out loud, Jonas!" She hissed playfully.

"I’d rather make a serious face," he said, pulling his brows together like an angry bird, and Jade laughed as she captured that.

"Let’s get going else we are going to spend all day snapping pictures of ourselves," Harry said as he took her hand.

"Just one more. One more," she pleaded, but Harry ignored her as he pulled her along until she broke into a giggle and followed him.

Instead of taking the resort’s private car, they decided on a more immersive experience by boarding a tourist bus with an open roof.

They settled into their seats, the excitement of the day’s exploration evident in their smiles. As the bus rumbled through the city, Harry wrapped an arm around Jade, pointing out various landmarks and sharing the little trivia he knew had read about them.

They shared laughs over street performers’ antics and marveled at the intricate architecture of old cathedrals as the bus wove through bustling markets, historic buildings, and serene parks, each stop revealing a new facet of the city’s charm.

Harry did his best to capture as many pictures as he could, some times taking snapshots of Jade when she wasn’t looking.

At one stop, they disembarked to explore a vibrant market. The air was filled with the scent of exotic spices and the sound of vendors calling out their wares.

Jade’s eyes lit up as she browsed through colorful stalls, picking up handcrafted jewelry and sampling local delicacies.

Harry watched her, feeling a surge of love for her despite his worries about her feelings of insecurity.

"You should have a taste of this. It’s divine," she said, raising a local delicacy to his lips.

Although Harry wasn’t exactly interested in eating something he didn’t know, seeing how she was bubbling with childlike enthusiasm, he took a bite.

"Isn’t that the best thing you’ve tasted?" She asked and Harry shook is head.

"Not at all. That would be you," he said and chuckled when Jade gasped and looked at the vendor with a blush on her face to see if she had heard Harry.

"Harry Jonas!" Jade scolded, making him laugh even more. Moments like these reminded him why he loved her.

"You asked a question, and I answered," he said simply and then pulled her close, "Having fun?"

Jade nodded, her cheeks flushed with excitement. "This is place is so beautiful."

They continued their tour, the bus taking them to a picturesque viewpoint overlooking the city. They stood together, taking in the breathtaking view of of rooftops and winding streets below. Jade rested her head on Harry’s shoulder, a contented sigh escaping her lips.

As they boarded the bus again for the final leg of the tour, Harry’s mind returned to his conversation with Tom. He knew that their journey together wouldn’t always be easy, but moments like these gave him hope.

He resolved to go on with the engagement and to talk to Jade about his concerns, to be open and honest about their future and to find a good therapist that would counsel them as a couple so he could know the best ways to help Jade.

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