Reborn as the Princess’ Knight (GL) Chapter 33 Rainbow Sheep Of The Family.

Chapter 23: Rainbow Sheep of The Family.

Kein’s POV

After the jousting competition a week has passed on my stay here and finally I finished my commission from the Duke. I grinned at how proud I am of this.

The color was consistent, beautiful, smooth, and I fully captured what kind of family Vincent has.

A warm loving home, even if there’s some hidden secrets on the side I could tell they love each other dearly.

The canvas was taller than me, and I needed a chair to paint at the top part of it which was honestly troublesome. "Meaning I can’t wait to fucking grow up and get taller!"

"You’re awfully rowdy this morning, Lady Kein."

"AH WHO GOES THERE?! OH VINCENT MY HEART STOPPED MAN! DON’T DO THAT!" I held my chest and asked my heart to be still.

Vincent laughs, "By don’t do that do you mean, sneaking into my own home?"

"Well technically even if it’s your own home there’s also this thing called knocking." I talked back to him as he invited himself to look at the canvas. I nudged his side and wiggled my eyebrows waiting for some sort of praise because I mean- come on? Do I deserve it?

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"Ahem so, what do you think?" I showed him my work and I felt my pride getting bigger as after the jousting tournament I’ve been feeling more relaxed and happy these days.

I wonder how Rose and will we ever coincidentally bump into each other again?

"E-Eh... I don’t know where you even get that?! Wait, I thought I could use this game to know what your favorite food is to make it for you!"

I smile remembering her words to me. I can’t believe she even thought of cooking for me which was honestly sweet but I doubt I’ll find the right ingredients for sinigang here.

"Kein, it’s wonderful. You never seem to disappoint me." (Lord Vincent) smiles somehow rather forcefully as he takes a moment to himself to look at the canvas once again. "We look... happy."

"Aren’t you guys happy?" I ask him.

Vincent didn’t answer but he just sits on my bed. Oh no, I smell problems and as his loyal friend and savior I need to get to the bottom of this! "Hey Vincent, you can talk to me about it, you know." I told him as I sat beside him, I can already feel that he’s tired from something but I don’t know what it is.

Lord Vincent sighs, "I have already caused enough trouble for Lady Kein, including the lengths of cheering me up with Nigel... that fashion show was rather fun."

I smile bitterly as he’s taking on a lot of things at once. "There there, I’ll always be here if you need someone to listen to when you can’t handle it anymore. It’s okay to ask for help sometimes because its no trouble for me at all."

"Thank you, Lady Kein." (Vincent)

He thanked me sincerely as I gave him a small pat on the back. "Now, we ain’t done talking about your feelings yet. I have to ask what happened between you and Lenard. You know what I felt back then at the jousting tournament?"

Vincent looks away embarrassed as I crossed my arms, "I felt like someone’s kid whose parents are having a lover’s quarrel-"

"However we are both boys-" (Vincent)

"Did I stutter?"

Vincent awkwardly scratches his chin as he asks, "Wait boys can fall in love with other boys?"

I stopped for a moment and looked at him like wait what?! "You- Don’t know- What same sex love is?"

Vincent shakes his head and my heart stops, "Oh my um… we’ll be here for a while."

I explained to him the other sexualities. This might come off rather sensitive and taboo in this kingdom apparently, but since it’s Vincent I think he’ll understand.

"I have never heard of that... nor have I possibly come across it in any books." (Vincent)

Well no wonder, because those books are very rare and I don’t think you’ll find them in a noble’s library.

Hell, I haven’t seen any yuri or yaoi books here actually. However, I remember my cousin, Lenard, showing me one yaoi novel- but he said it was smuggled from [Spivanto]. The kingdom where I know same sex love is allowed.

I should ask Lenard if he can smuggle me some Yuri books next time.

I take out a small paper chart from my [Storage Ring] pasting it into the wall. I forgot I had this in here- I also took out a graphite pencil as my pen.

"Well, firstly because I think you have never caught interest in it and I should explain a few basic things to you." He sits down, posture up keenly listening to my every word. "First we have the Lesbians. These individuals are girls who like girls as well."

I draw the letter L then I went to G, "The symbol G here means Gay. These are boys who like boys."

"The B is for bisexual. These can go to both genders, these are the people who both like the same gender."

"T is for transgender, these are people who transitioned and the best example I have are people who feels like they’ve been born in the wrong body. A girl turns into a boy and a boy turns into a girl. Oh right, remember Madam Prisha?" I stop writing on the chart.

"Yes, the one who owns the beauty brand company [Magicare]." (Lord Vincent)

"Transgenders or non-binary people, can use a different pronoun aside from he and she. Another pronoun to use is ’they’." I explained to Vincent as he nods.

"Question- what is non-binary and how is it different from transgender-?" (Vincent)

"Transgender, or trans, is an umbrella term for people whose gender identity is different from the sex assigned to them at birth, while non-binary is an identity embraced by some people who do not identify exclusively as a man or a woman." I write my words at the board, hoping to explain everything I can easily for Vincent to understand. "Non-binary people may identify as being both a man and a woman, somewhere in between or as falling completely outside of these categories."

That is according to what I was taught and known where I was from on earth. Everyone’s definition of it was different, especially online.

Vincent holds his head as if he’s having a migraine, "T-This is a lot- but I can continue."

"So… asexual, these are people does not involve in sexual activity, feelings, or associations; nonsexual. They’re alrightwith just being friends with everyone." I smile widely knowing Vincent is not shunning me out for explaining these. "You know I’m glad you listened to Vincent. I doubt any other noble would’ve just found me foolish as such."

I told him. Vincent looks at my chart board again, organized and well written. "Lady Kein... perhaps... do you think I might be... trans... while I don’t mind men’s clothing... I-I... I can’t stop thinking about girl clothes and how nice it feels to wear them." (Lord Vincent)

I almost choked on my saliva, "I think you need to undergo procedure before we label you transgender for now- I mean... Do you want to be a girl? Vincent?"

Vincent stares at me softly, thinking of his answer as he ruffles his delicate light blue hair in frustration. "I-I don’t know! Maybe?!"

I purse my lip, maybe explaining to a person from isekai would be a bit difficult and to accept things like these exist and now they’re even doubting their own. I feel horrible but I’ve had a couple of experiences with students like him. I have to try my best and support Vincent for whatever he will be in the future.

I pat his shoulder softly, "Vincent. You know, there are people who just enjoy crossdressing not needing a transition. You have all the time to decide, and I know people who matter to you will accept you for who you are."

Vincent stares at me bewildered, "You know all of these- meaning are you somehow a part of any of the group you mentioned as well?"

Asking the right questions huh. So direct, I laugh softly as I nod. "Yeah, I’m what you would call a lesbian. I like other girls too. I never felt any romantic feelings when I see men."

Vincent scratches his cheek for a bit before speaking again, "I-I know someone who likes girls too. I thought it was just admiration- fixation- but now that I’ve looked more closely. She felt romantically towards the person she liked. Is she a lesbian too?"

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"Lesbian or she might be bisexual." I answered and Vincent nodded. I swear we’ve been nodding a lot but this is a nice talk.

Usually when it’s between me and Vincent things always go somehow. Deep and sensitive. While I don’t mind clearly he has never talked to someone else about these things. "What did you say when you found out your friend likes girls too?"

Vincent looks at me and then smiles, "I supported my friend on chasing that person she liked because I know the person her highne- I mean the person she admires now is definitely a good person."

"Ohhh! I wish I could meet her! Then maybe I’ll have another lesbian friend with me!" I excitedly yelled as Vincent and I went into bursts of laughter.

"Maybe someday, Lady Kein. I will take note of that." (Vincent)

I nod, "I might’ve missed more other sexualities because if I explained them all it’ll take more than an hour of lessons to do."

Vincent rests his head on his knees, "C-Can I ask you a question?"

"Yeah go ahead, Vincent."

Vincent opens his mouth hesitantly stuttering, "H-How did you know you liked girls? You’re younger than me but you sound so- sure. I can’t wrap my head around it."

Well, Vincent. If you’re already in your near 40s you’ll probably go on a weird rollercoaster ride of trying to find yourself and now that I’m in a new life- where my sexuality never changed even if my body changed. I guess the soul is still the same but I can’t tell him that.

"For me, when I look at boys and try to imagine them holding my hand. It didn’t feel right but when I tried imagining myself with a girl holding my hand and doing things that lovers might do. It felt so right and that’s where it started suspecting."

Technically it was the truth, back in high school I went into a co-ed school. It was a public school where I found my other friends always gushing about boys but I just stood there like- oh! Have you seen how cute this idol is gosh! She has such a great figure I wanna marry her!

My other friends just looked at me differently and then asked, "Are you perhaps gay?"

"Oh shit I am." I replied, covering my face in embarrassment. My friends didn’t treat me any differently, they were actually supportive of it. I didn’t have any other family on earth other than my distant relatives who I rarely even contact.

No one in my family was like me. At least that I know of, I was the first one to come out. Basically I can flex by being the rainbow sheep of the family and using that one meme.

In every family there’s always a gay cousin. I’ll go, "Wait I don’t have a gay cousin- ohhhh shit I’m the gay cousin-" I giggle remembering that. I miss the memes.

"Can I try?" (Lord Vincent)

"Try what?"

"To know if I like girls or boys-" (Vincent)

"Sure no harm in trying. Close your eyes and think of a girl holding your hand first. How do you feel?" I narrate the whole thing to Vincent as he closes his eyes, trying to relax his mind as his eyebrows furrowed.

"I can see myself marrying a girl..." (Lord Vincent)

Ohhh nice. "Now try imagining yourself with a boy. Does it feel right or does it make you uncomfortable?"

Vincent focuses his mind once again as he looks so serious thinking over this. "I-I... also don’t mind it?"

"So you don’t mind if you get paired with both?"

Vincent looks at me in a panic, "I-I don’t mind them both- what am I?!" (Vincent)

He definitely looks like he’s breaking down. Oh no, stupid Kein! Maybe this was a bad idea but- I mean he wanted to try- "Vincent it’s okay! You’re still human. If you’re comfortable with being with both a girl and a boy. You’re bisexual basically."

Vincent looks at me with fear in his eyes as he asks, "Is this normal? Have you ever felt fear feeling this way? What is this?"

I patted his back, "When I first found out about my sexuality I was also confused but take your time. It’s normal and it’s okay. We can drop this topic off if you want and you know, talk about other things."

I tried comforting him as he tried his best to recover from the sudden realization of his sexuality. It can be scary for people who didn’t know they could even feel this way and I know I’m partially at fault but- I hope he’ll be alright.

Vincent decided to talk about work instead and what we’ll do when I leave his mansion. Right- I don’t know a place where I could stay in for now because Aunt Haren’s mansion is horrible.

The Yulien estate, that place was hell. While there’s a nice river near it, it was still hell.

He calmed down after a few minutes as we decided to also play some chess. "I didn’t know you played Lady Kein."

"You never asked, noble boy."

I moved my black piece knight near his king. Just one more move and I can win this-

Knock! Knock! Knock!

Someone knocked on the poor as they opened it, the doors squeaking a little. "Miss Kein and young master. You have a visitor for the evening."

It was Nigel, he introduces himself as I look at Vincent weirdly who shrugs, "Vincent were you expecting someone?" I ask.

I reached out to grab my coffee on the table as I moved my knight to where I claimed my victory, "Checkmate by the way." I sipped my coffee as Vincent went back to looking at the board anxiously.

I grin, all those chess lessons went into good use after all.

"Nigel has distracted me. You have been blessed by luck today, Lady Kein." (Lord Vincent) muttered but he’s actually pouting on that. I mean losing to a ten year old girl might be a hit on the pride and fun fact-

The real Kein was known to have no advanced education. Thankfully, I’m glad I can read and write words here.

In any case Vincent looks more relaxed than before which is good. I’m glad he’s processing it all slowly, I hum sipping my coffee for the second time as I comfortably wait for Nigel to continue.

"Nigel, what is the matter? Is it an important guest that I should take matters into my own hands?" (Vincent) asks , a little mad. Still bitter from losing apparently.

Nigel nervously answers, "Yes... it’s someone from the Royal Family. Their carriage has just arrived and is waiting down below."

Vincent stands up from his chair almost knocking off the chess board from the table. My feet supported the table as Vincent yells, "The Royal Family?! Why are they here?! Unannounced too?!"

Oh man. I wonder what kind of shit Vincent got into to get a random visit from the Royal Family unannounced.

"Aw man~ Good luck Vincent~ Don’t die okay~" I teased him as he panics around my room.

Ah~ now this is fun to watch. I’ll just relax myself with my cup of tea and some plate of sweets. Time to finish my coffee-

"And... the royal family member seems to want to speak with the traveling artist as well-" (Nigel)

"PFFT-" I spit out my coffee at Nigel as I stood up from my seat. "HEY WHAT DID I DO?! I DIDN’T DO ANYTHING TOWARDS THE ROYAL FAMILY."

Nigel stares at me like a statue as the coffee drips from his hair. OH. I AM SO SORRY NIGEL. "NIGEL I’M SORRY! HERE HAVE A TOWEL."

I gave him a towel and Nigel gratefully accepted. Oh what did I do now?

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