Reborn as the Princess’ Knight (GL) Chapter 34 Lilies.

Kein’s POV

"Hey Hey Hey! I don’t wanna go!" I told Vincent as I held myself onto the door frame. "I haven’t done anything illegal or something offending to the first princess! I swear!!!"

Vincent grabs the back collar of my clothes and pulls me, "Well she’s in the manor and she’s down there looking for you! You have to meet her!" (Lord Vincent)

I don’t budge, "Come on can you just tell her I’m not feeling well or something?!" I pleaded with my nails digging into the doorframe leaving scratches.

"If you... haven’t done... anything wrong! Then you’re fine to meet up with her! Come on, Lady Kein, you mustn’t keep a member of the royal family waiting! Mother and Father should already be down there greeting her by now!" (Lord Vincent) pulls me a little harder and I shake my head.

"Vincent! Okay I know this sounds bad but she made me drink some truth serum on our first meeting and I feel horrible after that! Sure she’s sweet a few moments after but I developed some trauma over it!"

Not lying, another reason other than not wanting to bother the first princess when she told me, ’You can write to me anytime as long as you have that seal.’ is because I was afraid.

I could’ve used the princess for my shampoo experiment such as asking for funds or materials for it but... I fear that she might not give me a truth serum next time but a poisonous one.

I still have the royal seal on my [Storage Ring] but good lord. One time is enough to meet a member of the royal family, that’s for sure.

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"Nigel! Carry this fool!" (Lord Vincent) gives up as he lets go of my collar before Nigel scoops me up.

"No! No! No! Nigel let me go!" I pleaded but he was too strong! Nigel I thought we were having some bonding here! You betrayed me!

Vincent looks at me before patting my head, "Don’t die okay? Good luck, Lady Kein."


Vincent waves walking behind us as Nigel carries me. "Forgive me, Miss Kein but I cannot disobey the young master’s orders." (Nigel)

I crossed my arms, "Nigel I thought we had something special. All of it was apparently a lie."

"A thousand apologies, I’ll deliver sweets to your quarters later as my sincere apology." (Nigel) placed his charms and offered food as a sign of apology.


Nigel, you manipulative bastard.

Ahem, "Nigel, you are forgiven if you give me some cakes but Vincent isn’t."

Vincent rolls his eyes at me as I stick out my tongue at him, "Lady Kein, I pray to the light that you won’t act like that in front of the princess-" (Lord Vincent)

"Yeah I won’t! Reputation and stuff got it."

After all, I’m already a person close in my 40s mentally, acting like a child because well why not? Might as well have fun making trouble when I have the chance. It’s fun.

Nigel puts me down from his arms once we see the princess’s figure. Vincent faces forward to me as he pats both of my shoulders, "The first princess must not be offended. Please be careful. If you get into trouble I’ll do everything I can to get you out of it."

Vincent smiled at me reassuringly but I don’t know if that’s just heartwarming or should I be offended that he’s already assuming I’m going to get in trouble the next few minutes with the first princess- "Vincent, I promise. I will try not to cause trouble for you this time."

I gave him a confident look and a thumbs up, my eyes shining as I went down the stairs. I’m already regretting this already.


As I walked down the stairs slowly, I could see the first princess’s gaze on me. Half of her face being covered by a shawl as well, understandable because she’s after all a princess.

This kingdom only gives rare exceptions to take off the shawl. Meaning only when it’s necessary, one’s beauty must be kept hidden only for your family or yourself.

Her light gray eyes reminded me of someone but- then again it must’ve been my imagination. I know all the [Light Magic] users have gray eyes... but she in particular seems to be pulling me into this deep abyss.

It feels like it’s never ending. "Greetings to the first princess, your highness."

I kneeled. Forgetting that I can’t curtsy because well- I’m wearing pants right now. I look up to see the first princess’s eyes as I stare at the Duke and Duchess behind her smiling, and perhaps a little confused as to why on the sudden visit?

"Greetings to you as well, traveling artist. Please, call me Princess Cecilia like I’ve told you before." The princess smiles under her shawl, as I awkwardly scratch my back.

"Um. Princess Cecilia? I don’t mean to offend but why are you here?" I ask.

The Duke stared at me in bewilderment as he sweat dropped but he hid his expression quickly with his serious face, "My~ If only her highness had told us early of her visit I would’ve prepared some exotic sweets our chef makes." (Duchess Viviana) must’ve felt the awkward air around us and tried lifting up the conversation.

"My, how wonderful. I was hoping to talk to the traveling artist about business and it cannot wait." (Princess Cecilia) cheerfully walks up to me closely and smiles. "I have a matter of importance to discuss with her."

Wait business? Did we ever have something like that- I only wanted to paint her once! Then I give up after that! "I uh-"

Duke Wolford cuts me off as he forces a smile, "Certainly, your highness. My private gardens are yours if you wish to use them."

Um- Do I get a say into this?! Can I say no and just play chess with Vincent? Please? Get me out of here...

Duchess Viviana nods agreeing with her husband as she happily leads us to the private gardens herself leaving the Duke to go in the other direction to which I’m guessing he’ll be continuing to his duties.

The Duchess put her hand together as she stared at the both of us curiously. "Splendid! You two are actually acquainted! It’s adorable!" (Duchess Viviana) scurries enthusiastically as she makes her way to another direction.

I didn’t know what to do so... uh like a normal person. I followed the Duchess as the Princess stuck to my side, her personal maid following behind her. "Duchess Viviana, you and your flattery as always. I never bore of them."

Duchess Viviana crosses her arms and pouts, "Have you responded to my letter of engagement with my little Vincent? You know he’s really a sweet little boy under all that cold tough exterior like his father!"

I sighed, she’s not wrong about that one. Vincent is indeed sweet but now I can’t help but see him as one of the Mama’s boy because of the Duchess.

Princess Cecilia laughs sincerely before looking at me, her eyes fixated as she grabs a fan from her side opening it, "Perhaps I’ve already taken interest in someone else already. Forgive me, for taking this long to respond."

She already has someone in mind huh? Lucky her.

"Surely, her highness must see this person of very high standard. Perhaps it is a prince from the neighboring kingdom?! Oh my!" (Duchess Viviana) asked, completely forgetting that she has other guests too- this is really getting more awkward at the minute.

Even Princess Cecilia’s maid is staring at me weirdly. Please, stop- get me out of here.

"Duchess Viviana, may you tell me what kind of sweets you will serve us later?" (Princess Cecilia) changed the topic as the duchess answered without stopping.

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Vincent no offense but your mother is one hell of a chatterbox- He really takes after his father definitely. "Oh my! How about you two tell me how you met? My curiosity just simply cannot stand still you see-!" (Duchess Viviana)

Honestly the short version would be, I wanted to paint the first princess because I couldn’t stop thinking about her all those days. Giving me inspiration that itches my hands to move, to draw- and so I begged Vincent to grab me an audience with her and here we are.

She thought I was secretly an assassin and made me drink some truth serum on my drink and somehow she told me to send her letters from time to time.

I didn’t want to write her letters because she actually scares me a little and besides what do I even write to her about?!

Urgh. How come kids in this world are somehow already this mature and scary?!

"We met when I asked her for a painting commission. She did well, I was very impressed by how she captured my essence on a once blank canvas." (Princess Cecilia) sang praises of my feats but- something in her story was at amis.

"Wait you didn’t commission me- I begged you to be my-"

Princess Cecilia laughs, as I gave her a confused look- "Oh dear, has your memory gotten foggy? I asked for a commission. I was really impressed by how well you executed it, traveling artist." (Princess Cecilia) explained, staring at me down.

If my mind is not playing tricks on me it’s like she’s telling me to shut up- Ah yeah she’s telling me to shut up right now.

"Oh! So that’s how the both of you got acquainted! Mn! Mn! What a sweet story!" (Duchess Viviana) claps, feeling joyous for us being acquainted.

I sighed, feeling a headache coming in. If Duchess Viviana knew there were guards and an incident where they have mistaken me for an assassin it would’ve been rather scandalous huh.

We arrive at the garden as Duchess Viviana opens the white gate. "Welcome to our pride and joy at the entire mansion. Please feel comfortable doing anything here, I’ll be back with a maid with your sweets."

Duchess Viviana leaves as she closes the gate behind her but I couldn’t care less about that, " This is even bigger than what I imagined."

I walked around the tall wall bushes as there were lily’s everywhere. They were somehow glowing even under all this light. It captivated me, the flowers reminded me of home.

I reached to touch one of them as suddenly a small little creature came to push my hands away. "Huh?"

I looked more closely as I realized it was a small... pixie?

It was talking on a helium face red mad as it shook its head. The pixie was wearing a dress made out of leaves but it was colored white.

I think she’s mad because she must’ve thought I was going to pluck them- "Oh um, I’m sorry are you taking care of these flowers?"

The pixie nods as she crosses her arms on me. Oh no I made a cute pixie angry at me.

Honestly, I know Tinkerbell is a fairy but this pixie is awfully reminding me of her when she crosses her arms and turns away from me.

"She’s cute isn’t she?" (Princess Cecilia) walks up to my side as she lifts one of her finger up as the pixie lands on it. "It’s been a while, little one. I certainly hope your flowers will bloom beautifully as always, Mirabella."

The pixie named Mirabella had an adorable figure and a baby face. Her little silver hair glowing as her wings fluttered leaving some sort of light glitter behind before they disappeared as well. "Mnhmm, do forgive my friend for not knowing that the garden is off limits to flower plucking until it’s actually the right season to pluck." (Princess Cecilia) giggled as she apologized to the little pixie for me.

Agh, I felt guilty that the princess was speaking on my behalf, "Um, but I wasn’t going to pluck them- I was just going to poke them."

Mirabella the pixie lands one of her hands on her waist. I could recognise that sassiness from a mile away. Is she somehow related to tinkerbell? Oh right, Tinkerbell is a fairy I forgot.

"Mirabella says it’s fine. She was just worried because that flower is called [Crystal Lilies]. It’s still at their maturing age, all of the crystal lilies here are connected." (Princess Cecilia) smiles at Mirabella, seeming more relaxed than before as she points at the flower. "If you pluck one flower and if they are not fully matured. You’ll not only kill the flower you plucked but the rest of them as well."

Oh my god so if I pluck when they’re not fully matured I’ll kill the rest of them too?! I looked at Mirabella quickly and bowed to the Asian way of apologizing to show you how sorry I am!

"I apologize to Mirabella I didn’t know! Even though I wasn’t going to pluck it but yeah... almost did ahem." I sincerely told Mirabella as she pats my blonde head before flying away.

"Oh my. Mirabella said, you’re forgiven because you’re cute." (Princess Cecilia) looked like she was expecting something from me but I just sighed in relief.

"Oh... whew that’s better than her calling a pixie army on me. Don’t underestimate the rage of pixies. The Harry Potter movies taught me that."

"I may not know this... Harry Potter individual but he has taught you well to not underestimate the rage of pixies." (Princess Cecilia) carries on to walk with me into a marbled table and chairs.

Oooo comfy. As expected of the noble family who have rock chairs but it’s so fancy you’re going to doubt is it even made out of rock? Because damn it’s so soft. What kind of marble is this?

"So traveling artist. How have you been?" (Princess Cecilia) conversed first asking a question.

Oh right I forgot I was with a princess, so much for furniture testing. Ahem, okay Kein, make no trouble, be good, be polite, and do not offend her.

I cleared my throat as I answered, "I’ve been doing fine. How about you? Also you know you can call me Kein, just like how you let me call you Princess Cecilia."

She seemed to have tensed her body for a moment as she looked away for a second, "K-Kein..."

The way she stuttered to call my name. It surprised me. "Yes, Princess Cecilia?" I ask as she covers herself with the fan again opening it and somehow- is it just me or does that look cute?

Princess Cecilia sighs as she finally meets my eyes looking down at my hands frowning, "Your... wrist. Are the burn marks still there? Are you feeling alright? No recent accidents you’ve gotten yourself into again? If you do, tell me so I can heal them." (Princess Cecilia)

"Wait, were you worried about me? Is that why you um... tried finding me?"

Princess Cecilia sighs as she closes her fan with a lot more force, "You haven’t written a thing to me after all. I was devastated, I didn’t know where your permanent address was so I couldn’t write first. I was surprised to hear that you’re taking commission for Duke of Wolford."

"Yes, a family portrait actually. I worked hard on it all week with hardly any sleep because I’m afraid procrastination might bite my buttocks when I’m not looking." I told her and she giggled.

"I see being an artist has its usual pains and problems. Procrastination is indeed a common one they face." (Princess Cecilia)

Oh Princess Cecilia let me tell you. Procrastination is a fucking bitch.

"Oh yeah didn’t you have a personal maid in tow with you?" Now that I mention it she’s not anywhere near huh. It’s only me and the first princess in a garden full of lilies isn’t this weird?

"I have told her to stand guard near the gate until Duchess Viviana comes. I would much rather prefer to have you on my own if it’s alright with you."

"Wow um how very straightforward of you." I replied not expecting her answer.

I scratched my back awkwardly as I laughed. She sounds like a yandere or something else right now but nah I just think it would be awkward if anyone catches me being casual with the princess. "Well then I guess then I’m yours for the day, Princess Cecilia."

Well other than that, she actually remembered the burn mark that I had and was worried for me. How sweet. I guess the first princess is a kind person inside after all. Maybe spending the day with her today won’t be that bad.

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