Reincarnated As Karna With System In Mahabharata Chapter 21 Mother’s Lullaby & Journey Ahead

Chapter 21 Mother’s Lullaby & Journey Ahead

"Maa (Mother), why do we need to leave? What is happening?"

Radha sighed and took Karna’s hands in hers.

"I am not allowed to disclose the details, But I can only say that your destiny is elsewhere. I am sorry my-dear Karna," "Please forgive your momma." 2

Karna was taken aback by his mother’s words. He had always trusted her guidance, but the idea of leaving the kingdom and the unfolding events behind left him conflicted. However, he could sense the sincerity in his mother’s voice and knew that she had her reasons.

"Maa (Mother), I trust your judgment. If you believe we must leave, then I will follow your lead. Our bond and our safety are of utmost importance. Please know that I stand by your side, no matter the circumstances."

Radha Maa’s eyes welled up with tears, touched by Karna’s unwavering support and trust. She embraced him tightly, cherishing the love they shared.

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"Thank you, my dear Karna. Your understanding and resilience fill my heart with pride. We will face this uncertain path together, and I promise to protect you with all my strength."

"Well, At least tell me where we are going. Who is going with us?"

Radha Maa paused for a moment, collecting her thoughts before answering Karna’s question.

"We are going to Vrindavan, And we will be accompanied by a Bhrata (Brother) Vivek and Bhrata (Brother) Avinash and their family, And us(Karna, Radha Maa, Adhiratha). We will leave in 3 days."

’Divine-Insight’ gets activated automatically.

’V-Vrindavan, like Krishna’s Vrindavan? Hmmm, Athena, I have a theory about this.

As Karna’s ’Divine Insight’ activated, he felt a surge of knowledge and understanding it flowing through him. His mind began to piece together the fragments of information and make connections.

’I think it’s because of Star-Child Bloodline’s effect, World Love Me Quite Literally. What do think, Athena.?’

[Indeed, Host. The Star-Child Bloodline seems to have a profound effect on the world around you, drawing connections and shaping events in unexpected ways. The choice to go to Vrindavan, the land associated with Lord Krishna, may hold deeper significance than it appears. It could be a place where your path intersects with divine forces, guiding you towards your destiny.]

Karna nodded, absorbing Athena’s words. He knew that his journey to Vrindavan would bring forth new challenges and revelations. The presence of Uncle Vivek and Uncle Avinash, along with their families, would provide support and strength in the days to come.

"Thank you, Athena, for your insights. I will remain vigilant and open to the signs and messages that come my way. Together with our companions, we will navigate this uncertain path and uncover the truth that awaits us in Vrindavan.’

"Karna my son, You should eat something and rest of tonight."

"Yes, Maa (Mother). I will take care of myself and rest. We have important days ahead of us, and I need to be prepared. Thank you for your concern and love."

Karna and his mother shared a meal, cherishing their time together before the upcoming journey. Afterwards, Karna retired to his room but Radha Maa (Mother)’s voice sounded from behind.

"Karna, my dear, before you rest, there is something I want to give you."

Karna turned around, curious about his mother’s words. Radha Maa approached him, holding a small bundle wrapped in cloth. She gently placed it in Karna’s hands.

"This is a memento, a symbol of our love and strength. It has been passed down through generations in our family, and now, I pass it on to you."

Karna carefully unwrapped the cloth, revealing a pendant in the shape of a sun. The golden metal glimmered in the light, and Karna could feel a faint energy emanating from it. [Image Here]

"This pendant has been with our family for ages. It is said to hold a protective aura and symbolizes the strength and resilience of our lineage. Wear it always, my dear Karna, and let it be a reminder of our bond and the power within you."R

Karna’s eyes glistened with gratitude as he held the pendant, feeling its weight and significance in his hands.

"Thank you, Mother. I will treasure this pendant and carry it with me as a symbol of our love and the strength of our family."

Radha Maa smiled, her eyes filled with pride and love for her son.

"Maa (Mother), A-Ah can I ask you for something? You can say no If you don’t want to do it."

"You can ask me anything my precious, Ask what you want?"

"C-Can you sing me Lori (Lullaby) like before?"

She caressed Karna’s cheek gently.

"I thought you didn’t like my Lori (Lullaby) so stop doing it, But I am glad you like it."

"Let’s go to your room."(Radha Maa)

She held Karna’s hand and started walking toward his chamber. Upon reaching it, walked towards the bed and climb it while saying,

"Come, my dear, Lay down and close your eyes."

As he laid down to sleep, "Here place your head on my lap." "I’m going to start okay."

Radha Maa (Mother) started singing a lullaby which was actually a song from the Bollywood movie ’Maharaja’, The song’s name was ’Jab Tum Aa Jate Ho Samne!

Her voice was so sweet and beautiful that the original singer look dusty in front of her. Karna was also shocked when he heard her singing this song as Lori (Lullaby).(A/N: This is one of my favourite emotional songs If you like some other song then you can imagine it here.)

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Karna didn’t know when sleep took over him. But Radha Maa (Mother) completed the song which she was singing with closed eyes and her hand caressed Karna’s head gently.

Then she kept staring at Karna’s face for some time And left the room quietly.

[Next Day]

The sun rose over the horizon, casting a warm glow across the land. Karna woke up, feeling refreshed and ready to face the day ahead. He looked at the pendant his mother had given him, still holding it close to his heart.

After freshening up, Karna made his way to the common area where Uncle Vivek and Uncle Avinash, along with their families, were gathered. They exchanged greetings and shared a light breakfast, discussing their plans for the journey to Vrindavan.

Karna noticed that everyone seemed to be in high spirits, despite the uncertainty that lay before them. It was evident that their bond as a group had grown stronger, united by a common purpose and the trust they had in one another. 𝑓𝘳ℯℯ𝔀ℯ𝓫𝑛𝑜𝓋𝑒𝓵.𝘤𝘰𝓶

As they prepared for their departure in three days, Karna felt a mix of excitement and apprehension. He knew that their journey would bring forth challenges and tests, but he was determined to face them head-on, drawing strength from the love and support of his newfound family.

Throughout the day, Karna spent time organizing his belongings and making sure he had everything he needed for the journey.

In the evening, as the sun began to set, Karna found himself drawn to a nearby garden. He walked among the blooming flowers, their vibrant colours bringing a sense of tranquillity to his heart. The gentle breeze carried with it a feeling of reassurance as if the world itself whispered words of encouragement.

Karna took the tower out of inventory and placed it on the ground.

’Athena, Let’s go to the tower!

[Entering The Tower of Trials...]

Karna closed his eyes and took a deep breath, feeling the familiar sensation of entering the Tower of Trials. As the world around him transformed, He opened his eyes to find himself standing at the entrance of a grand tower, Its magnificent structure reaching towards the sky.

’Athena, Use that Tower Key.

[Using the Tower Key...]

Athena summoned the Tower Key, a mystical artifact that glowed with a soft, ethereal light. Karna took hold of the key and willed it to activate after which a soft light shone all around, A portal opened in front of Karna.

Karna stepped through the portal, entering the Tower of Trials. Inside, He was greeted by towering trees just like before but energy or air itself felt heavier than before.

Karna took a moment to adjust to the atmosphere inside the Tower of Trials. The heavy energy in the air felt palpable, like a weight pressing down on him. He looked around, observing the towering trees that surrounded him, their branches stretching toward the ceiling of the tower. "Athena, do you sense anything unusual about this place?" [Yes, Host Energy Is much denser than before, And I think there might be boss level monster here.]

Karna nodded, His senses heightened as he remained alert. He knew that within the Tower of Trials, Unexpected challenges awaited him, and he needed to be prepared for whatever lay ahead. For which he directly summoned Divine Axe Rhitta in his hand.

With Divine Axe Rhitta in hand, Karna proceeded cautiously through the Tower of Trials. Every step he took seemed to echo through the stillness of the surroundings.

The dense energy in the air made it difficult to see far ahead, But Karna trusted his instincts and the guidance of Athena.

As he ventured deeper into the tower, Karna’s divine senses sharpened, allowing him to perceive subtle shifts in the environment. He could feel the presence of a powerful entity lurking nearby, its aura radiating strength and danger. Karna tightened his grip on Divine Axe Rhitta, ready to face whatever awaited him.

Suddenly, a low growl echoed through the air, followed by rustling sounds in the distance. Karna’s gaze sharpened, and he could make out the silhouette of a massive creature moving among the trees. It was a colossal beast, with sharp claws, gleaming fangs, and fiery eyes.

Karna braced himself, preparing to engage in battle. He knew that this encounter was no ordinary test; it was a true trial of his abilities and resolve. With the pendant his mother had given him still hanging around his neck, he drew upon the strength of his lineage and the bond he shared with his companions.

The creature lunged towards him, unleashing a powerful attack. Karna swiftly dodged, evading the creature’s claws with agility and grace. With a mighty swing of Divine Axe Rhitta, he retaliated, striking the beast with a force that reverberated through the tower.

The battle ensued, with Karna and the creature locked in a fierce clash of strength and will. Karna’s determination was unwavering, fueled by the love of his family and the desire to protect them. He fought with all his might, employing his divine abilities and strategic prowess to overcome the monstrous foe.

As the battle raged on, Karna’s connection to his Star- Child Bloodline grew stronger. He could feel the energies of the world responding to his actions, empowering him with a surge of divine might. With each strike, he channelled his ancestral lineage, merging his mortal existence with the divine essence within him.

Finally, after a gruelling battle, Karna delivered a final blow to the creature, causing it to collapse with a resounding crash. The dense energy in the air dissipated, and a sense of tranquillity filled the surroundings. Karna stood victorious, his chest heaving with exertion.

As he caught his breath, Karna took a moment to appreciate the profound experience he had just endured. The Tower of Trials had tested his physical and mental fortitude, pushing him to his limits. Yet, he had emerged triumphant, proving his worth and further unravelling the mysteries of his destiny.

Karna’s heart swelled with pride at the acknowledgement of his achievement. He knew that his journey was only just beginning, but this victory affirmed his growth and determination.

He collected the rewards and stored them safely in his inventory, grateful for the additional resources that would aid him in the trials ahead.

"Athena, let’s return to the outside world. We have much to prepare for our journey to Vrindavan."

[Exiting the Tower of Trials...]

Karna stepped out of the Tower of Trials, leaving behind the heavy atmosphere and returning to the familiar surroundings outside. The evening had arrived, casting a warm glow over the landscape.

He took a moment to reflect on his experiences within the tower, the battles fought, and the bonds forged. He knew that his companions, Uncle Vivek and Uncle Avinash, would be proud of his accomplishment. With their support and the love of his mother, Karna felt invigorated and ready to face the challenges that lay ahead.

*To Be Continued*

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