Reincarnated As Karna With System In Mahabharata Chapter 22 An Injured Lion’s Cub

22 Chapter No.22 An Injured Lion’s Cub

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Karna stepped out of the Tower of Trials, leaving behind the heavy atmosphere and returning to the familiar surroundings outside. The evening had arrived, casting a warm glow over the landscape.

He took a moment to reflect on his experiences within the tower, the battles fought, and the bonds forged. He knew his companions, Uncle Vivek and Uncle Avinash, would be proud of his accomplishment. With their support and his mother’s love, Karna felt invigorated and ready to face the challenges ahead.

[One Day Left]

As the first rays of sunlight painted the sky with hues of orange and pink, Karna rose from his bed, eager to seize the day. He knew that he had only one day left before his next adventure, and he wanted to make the most of it.

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Karna proceeded with his morning rituals, performing them with utmost dedication and reverence. He washed his face, brushed his teeth, and recited his prayers, seeking blessings and guidance for the day ahead.

After completing his morning rituals, Karna decided to take a walk outside to clear his mind and connect with nature. He strolled through the nearby woods, listening to the gentle rustle of leaves and the melodious songs of birds. The tranquillity of the surroundings helped him find inner peace and gather his thoughts.

A faint cry pierced through the calmness, Catching Karna’s attention. He turned his head towards the source of the sound and noticed a wounded lion’s cub lying helplessly on the ground. The cub’s whimpering tugged at Karna’s heartstrings, and without hesitation, he approached the injured animal.

Karna knelt beside the cub, his eyes filled with compassion. Carefully, he examined the cub’s wounds, noting that they seemed to be caused by a thorny bush. Gently, he reached out and began to remove the thorns, one by one, from the cub’s paw.

As Karna removed the thorns, he noticed that the cub’s paw was bleeding more profusely than he initially thought. Concern etched across his face, but he remained determined to help the injured creature.

’Athena, Give me that healing potion fast.’

[Roger That, Host]

Karna’s request echoed in his mind as he waited for the potion. Moments later, a small vial materialized in his hand, emitting a soft golden glow.

Karna carefully uncorked the vial and poured a few drops of the healing potion onto the lion cub’s wounded paw. Almost instantly, The bleeding began to subside, And the cub let out a relieved sigh.

With a gentle smile, Karna continued to tend to the cub’s injuries, Using his knowledge of first aid and the healing properties of the potion. As he worked, He reassured the cub, Speaking softly and offering words of comfort.

As Karna finished tending to the lion cub’s wounds, he noticed that the cub’s breathing had become steady and calm. The healing potion had worked its magic, soothing the pain and bringing a sense of relief to the injured creature.

Carefully, Karna lifted the cub and cradled it in his arms, making sure it was comfortable and safe. He decided to find a suitable place for the cub to rest and recover, away from any potential dangers.

Karna walked through the woods, searching for a secluded spot where the cub could find peace and tranquillity. Eventually, he came across a small clearing with a soft bed of moss under a towering oak tree. The gentle rays of sunlight filtered through the leaves, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere.

With great care, Karna laid the lion cub on the mossy ground, ensuring it was sheltered from the elements. He looked down at the cub with a mix of tenderness and admiration, grateful for the opportunity to have helped it in its time of need.

Knowing that the cub needed time to rest and recover, Karna decided to keep a watchful eye from a distance, ready to offer further assistance if required. He settled himself on a nearby rock, allowing himself to become one with the surroundings and silently offering his support to the cub.

As the hours passed, Karna found solace in the stillness of the forest, listening to the gentle whispers of nature. He contemplated the interconnectedness of all living beings and the importance of showing compassion and kindness, even to those different from ourselves.

As the sun began its descent, casting a golden glow over the landscape, the lion cub stirred awake. It blinked its eyes sleepily, its gaze meeting Karna’s. A moment of understanding passed between them, a silent acknowledgement of the bond that had formed in their encounter.

With newfound strength, the lion cub slowly got up and tested its paw. It seemed to have regained its vitality, thanks to Karna’s care and the healing properties of the potion. The cub took a few cautious steps, gaining confidence with each stride. Karna watched with pride, knowing that he had played a role in the cub’s recovery.

[Image Here]

Feeling a sense of fulfilment and accomplishment, Karna approached the lion cub slowly, offering a hand for it to sniff and familiarize itself with his presence. The cub responded by nuzzling against his palm, a gesture of trust and gratitude.

The lion cub looked up at Karna, its eyes reflecting a mixture of vulnerability and curiosity. Karna could feel a connection between them, a silent understanding fostered by their shared experience.

With his ’Voice Of All Things’ Boon to communicate with animals, Karna focused his thoughts and reached out to the cub’s consciousness. Through the voice of things, he spoke to the cub, understanding that the cub could understand him in return.

"Hello, little one. My name is Karna, and I’m here to help you. I saw you were injured, and it seemed like you got caught in a thorny bush. How did that happen? Are you lost or separated from your family?"

The lion cub regarded Karna for a moment before a soft yet sad, telepathic voice filled his mind.

"I am grateful for your kindness, Karna. I don’t have a name yet because I am still young, My family bought time for me to flee from a group of hunters. T-They killed them, and I escaped in the chaos. But I got caught in the thorns and couldn’t escape. Thank you for saving me."

Karna’s heart sank at the cub’s words, feeling a sense of pang sadness for the loss the cub had experienced. He understood the pain of losing loved ones and the longing for family and companionship.

With empathy in his eyes, Karna responded to the cub’s telepathic voice, his thoughts carrying warmth and reassurance.

"I’m so sorry for your loss. Losing family is a great sorrow. You are safe now, and I will do my best to protect you. You may not have your family with you anymore, but I promise you won’t be alone. I will be here for you, and together, we can find a new home where you can belong, grow strong and thrive. You have a courageous spirit within you, and I believe in your resilience."

The lion cub’s gaze softened, gratitude shining through its eyes. It seemed to find solace in Karna’s words, finding comfort in the thought of a new beginning.

"Thank you, Karna. Your words give me hope. I trust you, and I am ready to go with you."

Karna smiled warmly at the lion cub, his heart filled with a sense of purpose and determination. He gently reached out and stroked the cub’s fur, feeling a connection between them grow stronger with each passing moment.

"Come, My friend, Let’s go to your new home."

Karna said, his voice filled with a mix of excitement and compassion.

With the lion cub by his side, Karna made his back to home.

’Athena, What can do for this little one? Any idea?’

[Host, You can use Familiar Contact on him. And make him your familiar, Which will benefit the cub too.]

Karna considered Athena’s suggestion. Familiar Contact would allow him to establish a magical bond with the lion cub, making it his familiar. This bond would bring certain benefits to both Karna and the cub, strengthening their connection and enabling them to support each other.

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’Okay, Athena use it.’

[Using Familiar Contract Scroll...]

[Host, Say This Lines With Me.]

With a sense of anticipation, Karna extended his hand towards the lion cub, his palm facing upward. He focused his thoughts on the intention of establishing the familiar bond, calling upon the magical energy within him.

"Dear lion cub, ""I offer you my hand and my heart. Let our spirits intertwine, forming a bond that transcends time and space. With this bond, we shall walk together, protect each other, and grow in strength and understanding. Will you accept this connection and become my familiar?""

As Karna spoke these words, a warm glow enveloped his hand and spread to the lion cub. The cub regarded Karna for a moment before lowering its head and gently pressing its nose against Karna’s palm, accepting the offer.

A surge of energy coursed through Karna’s body as the bond solidified. He could sense the cub’s presence in his mind, a constant companion and source of support. The familiar bond would allow them to communicate telepathically, share their strengths and abilities, and work together as a unified force.

[Congratulations Host, For establishing the familiar bond with the lion cub. The bond between you and the familiar will deepen over time.]

Filled with joy and gratitude, Karna thanked Athena for her guidance and assistance. He knew that this newfound bond with the lion cub would bring him great strength and companionship in the adventures that lay ahead.

With the familiar bond established, Karna and the lion cub continued their journey back home. They walked side by side, their connection growing stronger with each step. Karna couldn’t help but feel a renewed sense of purpose and determination, knowing that he had found a loyal friend and companion in the cub.


As they approached the familiar surroundings of his home, Karna’s heart swelled with anticipation. He couldn’t wait to introduce his new companion to his family, who had always supported him in his endeavours.

Opening the door to his home, Karna was greeted with warmth and familiarity. His Mother-Father, Uncle Avinash and Uncle Vivek were gathered in the living room. Discussing some details of their journey to Vrindavan.

As Karna entered the room with the lion cub by his side, his family’s conversation came to a halt, and all eyes turned towards him. The room filled with a mixture of surprise, And curiosity as they took in the sight of the young cub.

His mother, with a concerned expression, spoke up first.

"Karna, what is this? Where did you find this lion cub?"

Karna approached his family, his face beaming with excitement.

"Mother, Father, Uncle Avinash, Uncle Vivek, I found this cub in the woods. It was injured and lost. I couldn’t leave it behind, so I tended to its wounds and saved its life."

Uncle Vivek, always the one to appreciate the wonders of nature, stepped closer to get a better look.


"A lion cub! What a remarkable find, Karna. You’ve shown great compassion and bravery in saving its life. But what do you plan to do with it?"

Karna glanced at the lion cub, his voice filled with determination.

"I’ve established a familiar bond with this cub. He has become familiar, and I want to take care of him, provide him with a home, and help him grow strong. We can support each other on our future adventures."

His father smiled warmly, pride evident in his eyes.

"Karna, you’ve always had a special connection with animals. I believe this bond with the lion cub is meant to be. We’ll support you in this endeavor and ensure that both of you have a safe and nurturing environment."

His mother’s initial concern transformed into a soft smile.

"Karna, I’ve always admired your kind heart. It’s evident once again in your actions. We’ll make the necessary arrangements to accommodate the lion cub, and together, we’ll ensure its well-being."

Uncle Avinash, who had been observing quietly, nodded approvingly.

"Karna, you’ve shown not only physical strength but also strength of character. I do not doubt that this bond between you and the lion cub will bring great benefits to both of you."

The lion cub, sensing the warmth and acceptance in the room, approached Karna’s family cautiously. Karna gently stroked its fur, reassuring the cub.

"It’s okay, little one. They’re my family, and they will be your family too. You are safe here."

"It’s all well and good, But what about his name?"

Radha Maa (Mother) spoke up, a twinkle of excitement in her eyes.

"Yes, a name is important. It will be a reflection of his identity and his place in our family."

Karna pondered for a moment, looking into the lion cub’s eyes, searching for inspiration.

*To Be Continued*


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Suggest me a good Indian name for our ’Little One’

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