Release That Succubus Chapter 427 427

Chapter 427 Chapter 427

"Well yes I did say that." Bruce said and although he wanted to say mire he was unable to do so as Zach was quick to cut him off.

"Well you see that is exactly my point. You said that everyone is anxious and upset however they all seem to be happy and they all greeted me with respect. The only person that seems to have a problem with all of this is you. it isn’t all of the worker that are having trouble. Only you are." Zach said to him adamantly.

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"It isn’t just me that has doubts. The rest of the Smiths are having doubts as well." Bruce said to him surprised that he would try to play that card on him.

Zach quirked a brow as he raised his hand before gesturing towards the lively factory workers where some of them were whistling a tune as they worked and most of them were chatting happily.

"Look at them. Do they seem unhappy to you. And for the Smiths. I have spoken and interacted with the Smiths and they all seem perfectly relaxed and content. Unlike you they know that I will do what I have to do in order to protect the family. and so they have no doubts in me." Zach said to him with a pointed look on his face.

"Are you really trying to compare how much I value this company to how much employees would." Bruce asked and he watched as Zach nodded his head.

He couldn’t believe that Zach would say something like that. "you can’t honestly believe that these people are interested in the betterment of the Smith family. They don’t care about it and they don’t care about it. The only thing that they care about is them making more money. Bruce started to say.

Zach shook his head as he tsked before a small frown made its way onto his features. "no that isn’t right you are wrong." he said to him firmly.

"Think about it they are some of the highest salary earners who are making much more than the standard. Do you think that they are truly going to care about the company falling apart. All they are going to be worried about is if they are going to get paid." Bruce?said to him honestly.

Bruce watched as Zach remained quiet as he didn’t say anything at first and he knew that he had to admit the fact that he was right. He couldn’t help but smirk at him as he continued.

This might have been one of the only times that he was going to be allowed to say his mind and get his point across and so he knew that he would have to use the opportunity wisely.

"You think that they care about our future. If you do then you must be not as smart as I and everyone else thinks you are. They truly don’t. if I was making the same money as they were of curse I would be happy as well. I wouldn’t question you and I will always have a smile on my face." He said to him firmly.

And his words were the truth. He was barely making it by and he knew that their own content didn’t come from a place of truth but kt was one where they cared about their own status.

If he was making as much as they were he wouldn’t hesitate to follow Zach’s every word and he would never dare to question him at all.

He knew that Zach is smart and that he already knew this and so what confused him and what he didn’t understand was the fact that he was telling him something so obvious.

"But I knows that you were already well aware of that. So how about you tell me what is truly going on instead of you to pretend as though you are simply oblivious to everything." Bruce said to him harshly.

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"Well our workers are happy. Like io said and that is the most important thing. It doesn’t matter where their source of happiness ids m\\but the most important thing is that they are." he said to him.

Bruce furrowed his brows at his words as he found himself confused but his constant incessance that the workers were happy.

"And what does that have to do with anything." Bruce said to Zach.

Zach hummed before he began to speak up again. "well what I am trying to show and explain to you is that our workers are happy here. however Candice’s workers aren’t going to be very happy." Zach said to him and Bruce couldn’t help but furrow his eyebrows in confusion as to why.

"And what is the reason why they would be unhappy." he asked him. He watched as he shrugged his shoulders at him. "well she isn’t a very nice person and I assume that she isn’t very nice to work with. Plus I know that she isn’t paying them as handsomely as we are and plus they are being force d to work over time in order for them to be able to meet up with her production needs as well as her outrageous demands." He explained to him.

Bruce nodded his head at him in agreement and he did known how tough her working conditions would be for them to be able to meet up with their demands they were going to have to work over time and that would put much strain on the workers. however Bruce struggled to understand how this meant anything.

"But what does that have to do with anything." Bruce asked him and he watched as Zach let out a sigh as he slouched his shoulders slightly. It annoyed him that he had to explain everything.

"Imeans that they aren’t going to be putting in all of their efforts to ensure that they are able to put out the best products that they possibly can." He said t him as he tried to explain to him what was going on.

"Well yes that is true that they are going to be unhappy but that doesn’t change anything. Because it isn’t then that get to decide the prices it is the Brown and Davis families and it isn’t as though they are going too stoop working for them simply because they don’t like the working conditions. They don’t have a choice in the matter and they knew for a fact that they have to carry on and continue to go through with it no matter what." He said to him.

"That is where you are wrong and that is what you are yet to understand. The people at the top may be the ones who decide the prices but they aren’t the ones ion power they aren’t the ones who have the real control." Zach said to him and Bruce couldn’t help but look towards him in confusion as he wondered what he was talking about,

"then if they aren’t the ones that are in power and they aren’t the ones making the final decisions then who is it. Bruce asked him.

Zach hummed as he turned his attention towards the workers that were down below. Bruce watched as they continued to put in their all and continued to go hard at work.

Despite everything they did continue to have smiles plastered on their faces which was something that was hard to come by these days.

"The people that determine the outcome of the market and the ones that are in charge of the industry in the long run are the workers. That is why the employers are supposed to treat then with kindness and care because in the end they are the ones who are able to make or break the market, if they are happy then your company will be sure to flourish even if at one time it may seem as though it is falling apart. But we aren’t just looking at the small picture we are looking at the much bigger one and you know that in the end your workers will vouch for you and they are going to remain there for you." Zach said and Bruce couldn’t help but nod his head at him as he knew that there was a level of truth to his words.

"And what about those who treat their own workers badly." Bruce asked him suddenly and he watched as he let out a sigh form his lips before letting out a tsk sound as he shook his head at him in response.

"Well let us just say that although they knew that they can’t do anything about it right now and they know that they Can’t do anything to fight off their employers that are oppressing them. They are aware that in the long run that they are going to come to the realization that the market is in their own hands and they are going to grow fed up with their working conditions and that is why it is going to come a time when they aren’t going to continue to work that way and they are going to revolt." Zach said to him.

"But this is just wishful thinking. You can’t be certain that all of this is going to work out in your favor in the long run." Bruce said to him as he was still slightly unsure about Zach’s plan. It wasn’t that he didn’t have faith in was simply that he wasn’t sure how this was going to all turn out in their favor.

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