Release That Succubus Chapter 428 428

Chapter 428 Chapter 428

"That is what you don’t understand. With Candice making more and more money right now it makes her chances of failing much stronger. she is starting to grow an ego and she is growing more and more confident in herself.?She seems to that she is invincible and so because of that she is going to try and grow her exports and her business even more." Zach said and Bruce furrowed his brow as he still struggled to understand how thins was going to be of benefit to them in the long run.

Zach let out a sigh from his lips., "If she is growing her business then if means that she is going to need to increase her production even more and if she is doing that then it means that she doing to have to work harder in order for her to be able to get access to even more workers. But the workers aren’t going to want to work under her if they come to learn about the working conditions and how unhappy the ones who are currently under her are." Zach said and Bruce nodded his head at him.

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"Well she has to keep her prices high if she can’t get any more workers and that would mean that she can’t continue to produce large amounts of sugar and it means that in the long run although she wants to out produce us as she won’t be able to meet up with the market demands and soon enough she is going to have everything seamlessly falling apart around her and there is nothing that she can do about it." Zach said to him and he stood there as he listened to him intently.

He was surprised by Zach’s train of thought and he had never considered it that way. He didn’t know why that hadn’t come to his own mind,.

"That is great and all but that still doesn’t change our current situation. We still aren’t making sales and she is still making a lot of money. So I guess what I am trying to say is that even if she is short on workers her problem is that she is making much more customers than she can handle. Well let us just say that there is a part of me that wishes we could have that problem."

"But instead it seems as though we are having the opposite problem. We don’t have customers and I don’t see how her making more money is something that we are supposed to be happy about. In fact I think that we should be discontented by it." he said to him and his tone was slightly raised.

"Well that is what you don’t know because I had already worked with Sarah earlier and she was able to buy out the rest of Candice’s available products in bulk at a much lower price. And that means that she is going to have to start up production again because at the moment she doesn’t have products that are on the market." Zach explained to him.

"And what does that mean for us." Bruce asked him once more.

"Well for the two families as well as Candice they have lost a lot of money since Sarah had bought everything at a much lower price. They think that they are being tactical and smart and that by doing so they are able to get ahead of the market and to push the Smiths out of the industry." he explained to Bruce who nodded his head.

"And now the eyes of the people have turned away from the Smiths. But despite that we are still not completely crumbled. I know that people believe that the Smiths are out of the industry and are at a crisis point but despite that we still maintain some form of financial stability. Candice has managed to spend a lot of money on the business because she is certain that she will be able to keep it afloat and that she will have more money. Coming in soon enough. But she had failed to take into account the workers and their own feelings about it all. However, despite what it may seem are able to pay our workers’ wages and still manage the accounts of the family. Although we have suffered a few blows we haven’t been entirely destroyed and there is still a bit of hope for the family." Zach said to him in reassurance.

He had to give it to Candice that she was smart but she was allowing her ego to get the better of her. It was making her to make some mistakes and also forcing her to be short sighted. There were things that she was. Overlooking and she was going to know soon enough how bad of an idea that was and she was going to find out in the long run that it wasn’t for her own good and int wasn’t going to end swell.

"So we have somewhat of a stable financial chain and I am not saying that is la bad thing but again how does that come to be in our favor." Bruce said to him.

"Well you see I have come to learn that the thing that all of you have in common is the fact that you are focused about the money,. You look at what our company is lacking in finances and she does the same. That is why she thinks that we are falling apart. but money is something that is more than what you have in your assets. We have a plan in place that is going to make sure that our industry isn’t shaken and it continues to remain steady." Zach said to him.

Bruce gulped as he looked over at him and he couldn’t help but notice the small smile that was on his face.

He had to admit that he was anxious and he couldn’t help b tew slither of uncertainty however the way that Zach said it had him rethinking his initial doubts.

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"But you see the trying with Candice is that although her industry is now bigger and it seems as though she has a lot more customers and there are a lot more people that are flocking towards her market. On the inside her market is a crumbling oner and it is anything but steady. In fact on the inside it is falling apart." He said to Bruce.

"Their company may seem steady to you now but it is much like a house of straw. It isn’t heavy and it isn’t able to stand its ground. All I need is a small gust of wind and I will be able to bring it crashing down. But I know that I can’t rush into it. I have to think about it tactically and not let my emotions get the better od me." Zach said as he stopped before turning his attention towards Bruce and giving him a pointed look.

Bruce couldn’t help but feel his cheeks burn up at is words as he turned to look away from him for a moment.

"I will have to sit and wait and not over react and when the time comes and everything is right then that is when I will attack and I will strike accordingly." He said to him firmly.

"That is great and I do have to admit that it does ease some of my concerns to know that you do have some form of a plan in place but what is your follow up plan. After all of it is over then what happens. What do you plan to do after you are able to take down their company and you are sure that you have the Smiths as the soul producers back at the top of the sugar industry once more." He asked him.

"Like I said it is all about them." Zach said to Bruce as he gestured towards the workers.

Zach didn’t say anything again after that as he turned around to leave. Bruce looked towards him in confusion at first as he found himself unable to understand what Zach meant.

They made their way all the way back to. Zach’s office before they stepped inside. "l know that you want to use your workers to help but how exactly are you going to do that.

Zach cleared his throat before he began to speak up again. "well first of all I think that we need to hire more workers." Zach said and Bruce widened his eyes at his words.

"You can’t be serious. We are struggling with the ones that we have." Bruce tried to say to him in angst.

"Yes I know and that is why I want to continue to pay them art the current salary that we are paying the others." Zach said to him as he seemed to completely ignore Bruce’s concerns.

"I don’t think that is going to work. I have looked at our books-," Bruce started to say. However Zach shook his head at him in response not wanting to hear the rest of his words and what he had to say.

"I don’t want to hear that. I know that you can do it and so I need you to find a way for you to make it work." he said to him adamantly.

Bruce gulped as he sighed in frustration before he ran a hand through his hair. What Zach was asking from him was something that was almost impossible.

"Is that all that you want or do you have anything else to add to your grand plan."

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