Star Eater Chapter 581 - 581

Chapter 581: Chapter 581

Thana’s Point of View

The Crimson Wasteland

Arthur Pendragon had taken root in my thoughts. Once more did I feel his magic across the realms, and now he’s made contact with not only Undine, but supposedly Obsidian as well. How many Aridians did that make now? What about Selari? He’s been going in and out of the Hollow Forest, so had he met her? Why was no one else doing anything about him!? Did Galdur know?

Then there was Klasteris... It was odd that Mordred had created the kingdom among the Floating Stone Forest. While sealed away, Theia still remained, but magic power had been spiking from the area. Was it Theia herself or something else entirely? The thoughts of the kingdom brought old memories to her mind.

My mind blurred as I sat upon my throne with my eyes shut with my chin resting on my hand. Flashes, images, smells, screaming... All memories. Memories that were acting up. Whether that was at night in my dreams, or when I tried to rest during the day.

Angry bellows could be heard, causing me to flinch. "Save her!" A familiar voice called.

Twitching, I was locked in a memory. "My Queen!" Tor called as he swirled around me.

They watched as my hands came up to my face, which was more skeletal than flesh and bone. "Enough!" I screeched as my fingers trembled as I moved toward one of the nearby vats. "Leave me!"

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Three remained. Tor, Flare, and a lone male researcher who used to aid me in the past as the others fled the room. The fire demon, much weaker then, towered beside me in a protective manner. Tor made sure no one else would interrupt us with his shadows while the researcher, a simple Elf, fidgeted worriedly.

Blood lined the room, the walls, tables, doors, and floors. It was a place for my experiments, and now here I was. Experimenting on myself, trying to save myself from the injuries inflicted upon me by Mordred. The only light emanating in this windowless dungeon was a reminder of the deeds I had committed down here. A green glow came from the vats as I struggled to my feet by climbing up the class.

"Fix this..." I ordered in a whisper.

The no name – I’d long since forgotten it - researcher’s lips thinned. "That will be difficult."

My magic flared as mist wrapped around the Elf, who was only good for his longevity, thrashed as I wrapped a hand around his throat with a snarl. "Fix this!"

He kicked futilely as he struggled to speak. "You’re in no condition!"

I could hear his breathing hitch as my grasp tightened further. "I will turn you into nothing more than another Ghoul if you don’t!" My threats did little to the man who activated his magic.

"Pleaaaathe!" He wheezed out in a pleading tone. "Merthy!" There was none as he directed his magic at me.

Squeezing, a sickened crack rang out through the room before his magic went dark. Dropping him, my eyes stared at the clearly collapsed throat and indents where my fingers were seconds prior. One last wheeze left his lips before all the light faded from his eyes.

Standing on shaky legs was a mistake as I stumbled. Flare quickly propped me up as I seethed. "My army is in ruins..." I hissed out. "All my forces scattered, vying for their own little piece of the Wastes, and I’ve been reduced to this awful husk! A mere shell of what I once was. All because of Mordred!"

"Clearly he is not some surviving Aridian like we suspected, and he’s not a True Demon like Lorelei either." Tor commented.

Pushing from Flare, I took some manner of instrument from a nearby table and threw it at him. "I know that!" Given how the entire room was practically coated by him, it was impossible to miss, not that he was in any danger due to how weak I was. "Mordred is something new. Something foreign. How long has he been here watching all of us? Does he have any ties with Davost or her father?" Frustrations mounted as my strength failed me. Flare picked me up carefully as he tried to care for me to an irritating degree. "It doesn’t matter right now. He should be dead anyway. What of the Royal Family?"

"Rudnurth has taken control of the Royal Family and abandoned our agreement entirely. It’s possible this is what he was aiming for from the beginning." Tor informed me. "He quickly consolidated power from what I’ve seen, and with no one to challenge him, he will likely carry on in Mordred’s stead, albeit towards his own goals."

Flare quickly continued. "Rudnurth has left Elias to his own kingdom, likely afraid of a confrontation with his brother."

"Elias should be under our control!" I snapped angrily. "Why hasn’t he done anything?!"

Shadows shifted throughout the room as Tor spoke. "Elias and Elincia have both infected by your designs, but there seems to be a small miscalculation. Neither have been turned fully and seem to be still in control." He then added, "Although, how long it stays that way is a mystery. Demons have been implanted in them, but magic is difficult to subvert even when in complete control and with training. It’s possible it may take them time to seize control from their hosts."

Nodding reluctantly, I leaned back into Flare. "What of our forces in The Crimson Wasteland? Are we still in control?"

"We are. I was quick to act, and while most of our forces have been destroyed, we’ve started over from far less than what we have now." Tor stated. "Lorelei and Fluffy have both made us adaptable. Mordred wasn’t expected, but we will recover in time." The mass of shadows then sent her a meaningful glance. "That is, if you will as well."

My teeth clenched as I spoke through them. "Move everything to our fifth site. Your loyalties are confirmed from just being present, but I do not expect that to carry over to all in my forces." I huffed in an irritated mood. "My body has all but been destroyed. Move Lorelei as well. I’ll need her blood to recover."

Flare seemed to flinch at that as he held me. "That doesn’t seem wise, my Queen. Her blood could kill you."

"I’m already dying. If we do nothing, all of this will have been for nothing." Reaching up to Flare’s face, if you could call it that, I patted it. "Do this for me, and I will make you stronger than you could possibly imagine." My attention shifted to Tor. "Make sure you save our livestock as well before any others can think to claim them."

"As you command, but if I may," Tor looked confused, "Your safety is more important. Why would you want us to divide our attention to such lowly creatures?"

"Mordred took away my army. Everything I’ve spent building up for the last several centuries to a millennium was eviscerated in a single day, a single battle at that." A grin came to her lips. "Don’t you think it’s only fair for his people to provide me with another?"

Flare, the brute, spoke next. "How will they give us an army?"

Both paused at the look that came to her face, as if it was one that could be only described as feral. "Breed them." A weak laugh left my lips. "Breed them again and again. Over and over until we have more than enough for our experiments and can create a new army. Their loyalty will be to me and me alone."

"That would take quite some time..." Tor pointed out.

"Generations." I replied. "That’s fine. We have time. Once they’re bred to a more acceptable number, we can continue making Ghouls as we like."

"And what of Mara?"

"Take her with us. There’s no use for her right now, but that might change in the future. Aridian blood is valuable regardless of how weak it is." I waved weakly at him. "Encase her hands in Demon Stone restraints, I don’t want any magic out of her, and keep her away from Lorelei."

"At once." Tor bowed and left.

Flare moved carefully through the room as the shadows dispersed. "Flare," I called to him.

He bowed as well as he could to me while I was in his arms. "Yes, my Queen?"

"Once we’ve moved, I want you to procure other subjects."


"Dragons, Zugal, Humans, Seafolk, Dwarves, and the others. There are so many different races. I think it’d be a shame if we only kept our horizons set for Humans and Elves, don’t you?"

"As you command."

The memory faded as my eyes snapped open. Flare was before me in my throne room, but he did not hold me, nor did he look the same. No longer was he a regular demon to be dismissed so easily. He was now one of my Lords, and as such, his form had become stronger as foul magic emanated from him.

"My Queen," Flare bowed low, "I bring news."

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"What news?" I asked back as I had yet to move.

"The prisoner is moving."

"..." That got me to lean forward, now more attentive, eyes narrowed. "Explain."

Flare kept his head down. "Drevas has informed us that she has been making noise beside his quarters when he goes to and from the testing arena."

Standing, I ignored him as my wings spread and I flew through a hole in the architecture. Swinging back around to the lower part of the palace, demons bowed as I landed and stormed by. Others ducked back into their rooms or hid as I made haste to the dungeons.

A familiar figure stepped in front of me. Blocking my path was a dangerous game to play, but the one playing it was one who seemed to thrive on the attention it gave him. "My Queen." He mocked with a fanciful bow.

"Get back to your quarters, Drevas. Who let you out?" I demanded with narrowed eyes.

His features were hidden by the light, but I could easily make out the smile that came to his lips. "I’m simply waiting for you in case you need my help since I was on my way back from one of your tests. More dead kids. Same old, same old."

One of my eyes twitched. "Go back to your quarters, Drevas. Now." My magic started to come to life as he merely held up his hands.

"As you command."

Drevas disappeared around a corner, and I continued my walk to the cells. Once I reached them, my feet carried me further past them. I only paused when the dungeon seemed to shake and creak. My eyes narrowed as I came to a door at the end of the hall. Made of pure Demon Stone, impenetrable to even me, I used my magic to summon a key made of the same material.

Once in place, the door creaked open slowly. No prisoner was inside the immediate area. That was a good thing. Moving over to a cellar door, I flipped it up and looked down into the depths of the dungeon. Stepping in, my wings quickly spread to slow my descent. Red stone glowed around me as it gave off an ominous light that it always did.

Touching down, the sound of chains filled my ears as I watched the prisoner adjusting herself. "My," Lorelei called, "I’m surprised to see you here, Usurper."

"What are you doing?" I demanded.

One of her legs came up to a crouch as she twisted very slightly. "Merely stretching." Glowing white eyes locked onto mine as blood dripped down the chains keeping her fastened to her cell. "Have I upset you?" Then she titled her head slightly, but not much due to the collar keeping her head in place. "Do you need some more of my blood for your experiments?" She inquired mockingly. "Here," Lorelei spat out a wad of blood that landed on my cheek. "Take it."

The blood ran down my cheek to my neck as I stood there. "What are you doing?!" My tone became far harsher.

A smirk came to her lips. "Why, Thana, you seem tense... Is something wrong?"

Lorelei didn’t flinch when my hand squeezed her cheeks together making her lips purse. "What are you doing!?" I repeated once more.

Chuckling, even through her pinched skin, she replied smartly. "Amusing myself at the moment. I take it things haven’t been going to plan as of late?" Glaring through narrowed eyes, I let her go. "So forceful." Her wrists twisted as new blood came from the semi-permanent wounds on them. The Demon Stone was set into her skin to prevent her from using any of her magic. "Maybe I wanted someone to converse with?"

Bloodied armor, white hair tinted red, and skin, dried blood specifically, that was what I associated with Lorelei. White hair, two horns that curved down her head, behind her ears, and to the bottom of her chin decorated her head. Two sets of ears, not unlike mine, protruded from the sides of her head. Cracks formed along her skin, and like most True Demons, they formed around her eyes. Skin showed by her hips as her attire had not changed in over a thousand years. It never did. The only thing that did was how bad her smell was.

"You’ve gone centuries, millennium even, without socializing with myself or anyone else. Why the sudden need for conversation?"

"Whose Arthur Pendragon?" The question caught me so off guard, so by surprise, that I didn’t notice the growing smile on her face. "Someone causing you trouble besides Fluffy?" Before I could ask how she even knew that name, Lorelei continued. "I’ve been hearing Drevas speak about him. I was curious about that boy, but I’m more curious about the one he speaks of."

"He’s no one!" I snarled.

Her brow raised almost mockingly. "You sure about that? I’m not sure how I feel about someone else causing you so much trouble..."

Grabbing her hair, giving it a rough yank, caused her smile to dip. "Don’t you worry about it. Pestilence and Credo have been talking with him, but I plan on finding your brothers again in due time, and if they all group together, that’s even better for me." She didn’t flinch when I pushed her head against the restraints. "Makes it easier to kill them all. Maybe they’ll even be confident enough for a rescue mission?" I mocked in turn. "How long has it been, Lorelei? Do you even remember the last time you saw your brothers before they abandoned you here?"

"Abandoned?" Lorelei repeated with a laugh. "Is that what you’ve thought all this time?" My magic slowly started to gather in anger as she continued. "No. I told them to leave. Why keep all of us imprisoned here when they can be free?"

"This world is a prison for all of us. Yours is just a little smaller than most." I sneered as my lips peeled back.

"Oh, boo-fucking-hoo." She called. "You Aridian’s are in prisons of your own making." Her eyes looked her up and down before rolling her eyes. "Most of you, anyway. At least you get a view. Tell me, how is Galdur?" A sharpness came to them as they started to glow.

There would be no reveal as to why she was moving against her restraints. Lorelei wouldn’t come forth with answers willingly, and torture meant very little to the Demon, especially given how often I’ve taken things from her. For a moment, there was a flash behind her as she glared at me, and I could’ve sworn I saw her in her prime with Tor at her beckoning.

Without warning, I struck her across the face. Her neck sprung back, but not very far given the chains. Lorelei’s gaze came back to me, and I watched as her tongue ran across her bottom lip where it had split. "I’ll take that as he’s still not talking to you."

My wings spread once more as I left her prison and closed her cellar, locked her prison door, and made the key vanish. Storming down the corridor until I came to an adjacent wing where guards were posted, my magic knocked them away as the door flung open. Inside was Drevas who was lying on his cot with his eyes closed.

"Did you speak with her?"

"With who?" He asked back.

"Do not play games with me Drevas, or I will make sure you never come into contact with Arthur Pendragon." I warned him. "Did you speak with the prisoner?"

"Of course not." Drevas answered while his eyes remained closed. "She might’ve overheard me though." He shrugged. "I get tired sometimes coming back from the arena. Killing those kids really takes it out of me at times." His mocking, after Lorelei’s, irked me.

Shaking in rage, I took a deep breath to calm down. "Are you unsatisfied with your role here?"


A lie. "Would you like to be escorted somewhere else? Maybe be given some free time? Do you need new books? Tor would gladly spar with you if that’s what has you so upset..." Sometimes, giving an inch was better than taking a mile away from someone without any freedoms. "Does it pain you to kill those kids?" There was a small flinch. "Tell me what you want, and if it is reasonable, I can see about making a few concessions for you."

Drevas didn’t look at me, but he did answer. "I want Mordred." His tone was cold. "I want Arthur Pendragon."

"You are not the only one who wants him, Drevas. Keep that in mind." I told him. "Do you work, stay focused, and in time, Arthur Pendragon will be nothing more than a memory."

Rolling over on his cot, placing his back towards me in a dismissive manner, he spoke, "You thought he was just a memory once before. How can you be so sure he won’t come back again?"

Without another word, I exited the room, and looked at the guards. "Has he made any unusual comments or aggressive actions?"

"None, my Queen." One nondescript guard told me.

Teleporting away, I ended up back in my throne room. "Flare," He was still waiting there, "Double the guards around Drevas and I wanted my Demons Lords taking rotations around Lorelei’s cell. Everyone can pitch, everyone except for Tor. I don’t want him near her."

"As you command." Flare quickly left, and the words reminded me of those exact same words he said to me all those years ago.

Perhaps I’d been too harsh on him... Looking out a nearby window, my reflection stared back at me, and for a moment, only a moment, it changed. Inside the glass wasn’t my beautiful Aridian self, but a horribly mutated skeleton that looked more dead than alive. My eyes ripped away from the scene as I returned to my throne. Perhaps I was just fooling myself...

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