Star Eater Chapter 582 - 582

Chapter 582: Chapter 582

Cassidy’s Point of View

Outskirts of Helmsforth

"Ah miss Arthur." Austin suddenly said as we were walking.

What could I say to that? "He’s busy." Was my weak reply. "Arthur has been doin a lot lately."

My brother snorted. "That’s puttin it mildly. Fighting demons, high elves, and now in diplomatic talks with the dwarves."

"And druids."

"And them."

A sigh left my lips. "Arthur’s got a lot on his plate. Ah know he isn’t around as much as he would like to be, and ya know he hates doin all this."

"Ah still remember him livin with us for a bit. It was nice."

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He probably enjoyed having an older male role model around. Not that I was sure Arthur was the best person to look up to, but he was great with kids, despite how he treated those succubae. I also didn’t know how to feel about him threatening Arceana, not that I agreed that she should continue to rule, it was just a weird feeling.

A flap of wings from overhead caught my attention and I looked up to see Greigh and Ziah land in front of us. "Greigh! Ziah!" Austin rushed up to them. Ziah smiled and hugged him while Greigh merely shoved him playfully. "What’re ya two doin here?"

Ziah replied playfully. "You mean why are we heading to Arthur’s?"


She shook him with a smirk as she spoke. "Brat."

Greigh eventually answered. "We’re here because Aydalia asked us to speak with Marina. She’s currently occupied and requested our help since we have closer ties to Arthur than some others."

My brow rose slowly at that. "Ayda and Rennal mentioned that they had business in the upper crust. Is there a problem?" I questioned.

Ziah shook her head. "No. They’re holding a meeting of sorts with some of the nobles. Rennal was taken as a bit of a formality so her father wouldn’t be needed." The Zugal answered. "The three of them are meeting with Duke and Duchess Leiflan.

"Hmm." I hummed out.

"Everyone has been so busy as of late. Do ya think things will calm down soon?" Austin inquired.

Crossing his arms, the Zugal Captain shrugged. "It’s difficult to say. One would hope things would calm down soon. Unfortunately, I doubt it. Too much is going on in the world today and I think that’s why Arthur is pushing so hard for this summit of his." Greigh glanced at me. "Speaking of, has Breeze returned from the Dragonlands yet?"

"Not yet." My head shook slowly. "Ah’m sure he’s okay though. Arthur wouldn’t’ve sent him if he couldn’t handle it." I peeked at Austin for a moment before smiling a bit too brittlely, which the two Zugal instantly caught on to. "Have either of you seen or heard from Floyd?"

Austin groaned. "He’s been busy too! Priestess Arceana apparently upped his training."

The two Zugal frowned at that as they shook their heads. "Sorry, Cass. Floyd has been at the Temple for the most part. Sherry is apparently really missing his help at that Rainy Helm."

"We could help!" Austin cut in quickly. "Sherry’s great!"

"No." I told him firmly. "Ah’m not havin ya around a bunch of drunks." Running my hands down my face at his pout, I sighed. "Ah’ll talk ta her. See if we can help with somethin else." My attention turned back to Greigh as we started walking to Arthur’s again. "Do ya know why Aydalia is meeting with the Duke and Duchess?"

"I was hoping you’d know. Or Marina." He added after a moment.

Ziah smiled as Austin took her hand. While he was getting older, he was still such a sweet boy at times. "I’m sure it’s nothing too serious." The sergeant commented.

Aydalia’s Point of View

Middle-Upper Rung

"Well," Luthi began when we arrived as her maid escorted us to her and her husband, "This is a surprise."

Drewes smirked as his wife stepped out from her closet and closed the door behind her quickly. No doubt so none of them could see inside, but he was clearly amused by her action. "We weren’t expecting you, Lady Aydalia. Nor your daughter or Lady Rennal." He motioned for us to sit down on some of the nearby furniture, white couches with exquisite detail, with a table in between. "Please join us." With a snap of his fingers, a few other servants appeared with snacks, tea, and other pleasantries for most nobles talks.

"We apologize for dropping in without prior warning." I gave a curt bow at that for the rude behavior, which was unbecoming of a noble, but this was important. "However, we came here today on important business."

"You must." Luthi commented as she took her husbands hand as he helped her sit. "I have never known you to arrive in such a manner without it being an emergency of sorts."

"Whether that be an immediate one, or one in the near future, you have always been quite succinct when speaking with us." Drewes used his magic to assort the snacks and drinks to us as Lady Rennal looked out of place. This was a little higher than her usual get togethers. "Should we assume that this has to deal with your daughter, Lady Ayda, and Lady Rennal?"

"That is not the case." I answered honestly as I took a sip of the prepared brew. "They are here to give weight to my words, more so than you probably care for, but I would like them here regardless."

Both the Duke and Duchess frowned at that alongside the two with her. "We have always given weight to your words, Aydalia." Luthi pointed out. "Unless you feel we have wronged you somewhere?"

Shaking my head, I replied. "Never. You two are close friends, and while some may have considered us rivals at some point and time, I assure you, that I have never once felt that way." Placing the tea saucer down, my hands came to rest on my lap. "That is why I am here. Due to our friendship."

The husband and wife exchanged a glance with one another. "I see." Drewes said as he adopted a more serious expression. "Very well then. Why are you here, Aydalia?"

"For the future."

The elven male leaned back at that. "The future, you say?"

"Yes. A very difficult future lies ahead of us, and I need your help." Was my response.

Luthi had one of her treats as she smiled. "What could be so difficult after the those demons attacked? It seems to me that we have stopped another enemy of Lestrania. Well, Sir Arthur Pendragon has. Surely that’s something worth celebrating." She then grabbed her husband’s hand and gave it a squeeze, which made him smile.

I quirked a brow. "Celebrating?" My tone seemed to grab their attention. "You really believe this is a time to be celebrating?"

Both nobles looked at one another before Drewes answered. "Yes and no. We understand the loss of your husband, and your own scars, that came from recent events, healed or otherwise." He gestured to my hair which was still quite short and not even an inch in length. "However, we figured it be best to perhaps celebrate this victory since some of us...." He paused as he looked at Luthi and rubbed her hand with his thumb in return before looking at me. "Are lucky to be alive."

Slowly, I nodded. "Yes, being at deaths door can be rather frightening." A sad smile came to face as I spoke. "Especially when you have such a lovely wife you’d have to leave behind."

Both winced. "That’s not what he meant, Aydalia." Luthi exclaimed.

Closing my eyes with a sigh, I spoke. "I know. Things are still fresh for me despite how I act." After a moment, my gaze returned to the two nobles. "This was just the beginning, Drewes, Luthi. Arthur believes war is coming, and I’m sure you heard about what happened in Vithari. Arthur is preparing for war."

Both looked horribly alarmed, and he even stood as he spoke. "Peace reigns! Who would even face us? Our neighbors to the North? The Dragons?"

To my surprise, Ayda answered. "Do you remember the banquet?" Looking at the married couple, my daughter tapped my finger on the cup in her hands for a moment.

Luthi answered first with a wince. "I think everyone present would be hard pressed to forget such an event." She said as she gently pulled her husband back down to sit at her side.

"Do you know who it was that attacked us?" I questioned further.

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The couple looked at one another in confusion. "They were demons with a petty need for revenge, were they not?" Drewes inquired. 𝒻𝑟𝑒𝓮𝔀ℯ𝓫𝓃𝑜𝓋𝑒𝘭.𝑐𝓸𝓶

"Mmh." I said as I thought about their answer.

Luthi leaned forward with her head in her hands as she spoke in a haunting tone. "They weren’t just there for revenge, were they?"

"A war happened thousands of years ago." Ayda stated simply as she ate a cookie and handed a few to Rennal who looked more and more out of place. "The same people who led their respective forces all those years ago have returned with newcomers making themselves known. Arthur wishes to conduct a summit of sorts for the world’s leaders to make them aware of the danger lurking in the shadows."

She had known the priestesses were trying to keep word from spreading despite Arthur’s more vocal opinions. Elincia specifically was trying her best to keep things under wraps. The most recent example would be Arthur and Arceana’s falling out, but it didn’t surprise me that this was just one more thing.

"Arthur believes we are heading for another war. One that will determine the very fate of Crevalis itself."

"That cannot be true!" Luthi said in a panicked tone as she looked across us wildly for someone to claim otherwise. "It would be impossible to conduct a war of that scale. Where would the enemy forces even come from? They have no foothold in our realm."

Drewes nodded in agreement. "The Crimson Wasteland is separated from us. Gates between the two are almost nonexistent."

Rennal, for once, pitched in. "Then how do you explain the fact that the demons were able to walk into, not only Lestrania or Helmsforth, but the Temple itself, unabated?"

Luthi’s lips formed a thin line as she thought on our words. "Peace is over, Drewes, Luthi." I told them firmly. "Arthur has confirmed she is alive and active in our world. She was behind the attack on Dwardew." One of my fingers went up. "The Demon Queen placed that monster in the Middle Ocean to separate us from our allies." Another finger. "Her forces were sent to the Temple that resulted in my husband’s death and my almost permanent disfigurement." A third finger. "Ghouls were patrolling our borders in the Hollow Forest before we even knew they were there."

My daughter then said, "Once might be considered an accident. Twice, a coincidence... But three times?"

Drewes ran a hand over his face. "Three times is a pattern."

"Not to mention the fourth example you’ve given." Luthi huffed. Her fingers came to the side of her head in thought as she leaned back slightly. "Then, is it safe to say that you think they’ve been probing us for years?"

"I think it would be safe to say that we should be glad Arthur Pendragon arrived when he did." Rennal replied honestly as she kept in a proper pose.

Ayda nodded in agreement. "Quite. Without him, it seems likely Lestrania would have fallen some time ago."

My eyes hardened as I continued. "Arthur is far busier than I have ever seen him. He is also keeping things from us." Everyone looked at me. "I’ve seen his memories of the past, his fight against ’Thana’, and how it ended. In my opinion, I think he’s trying to hide how bad our odds are in this war."

Rennal paled at that, but my daughter hummed in agreement. "Most likely."

"Truly?" Luthi pressed.

Activating her magic, Ayda summoned a journal. "This was written by The Great Sage himself. In it, he speaks of the Demon Horde of old. How powerful it was. Several comparisons are drawn to combatants of the past, all of which seemed to be far stronger than we are now, which leads me to believe that we have grown weaker over time." She shrugged as she saw our looks. "It is to be expected in vast spans of peace. None of us have seen a real war, battle perhaps, but war as depicted in this journal? No."

"You would not come here to break our spirits or tell us we are likely to die in some war that has yet to even start." Drewes began as he leaned forward with his elbows on his knees. "Clearly, you have something in mind. Does Arthur need us? Did he send you?"

"He did not." I answered truthfully with a small shake of my head. "I am here of my own volition. However, he is partially the reason why I’ve come. Arthur Pendragon is starting some manner of project that requires an absurd amount of manpower and gold." My eyes met his. "My recommendation is that you offer your support in this endeavor." Before they could ask, I continued. "I have no idea what it is, but he referred to it as a ’chance’ and to me, that’s a good enough reason to support him."

"So, you wish for our financial support?" Luthi inquired as her hand moved to her chin in thought. "Gold comes and goes, but I would feel more comfortable knowing what this project of his is."

"As would I. Unfortunately, he did not tell me, and it is not just gold I am after. I want you to get the nobles in line. Start funding our military, invest in Arthur, bolster our defenses, and support him against the Priestesses if needs be."

"And needs must." Ayda commented after me.

Drewes sighed. "This is all very possible, but what am I supposed to tell the noble faction if we know nothing ourselves?"

Ayda and I were both surprised when it was Rennal who answered. "You know that Arthur built a wall around Helmsforth with several watch towers, his train, and secured our defense by moving the barracks near the outskirts for a quicker response should it be necessary." Her lips seemed to thin as she continued. "He’s done nothing but defend this city, our kingdom, and our homes. All without complaint, with no thought to the cost, and with little to no thanks from a majority of the residents who reside here."

All true. "She’s right."

Rennal then resumed. "He’s rescued our allies in the East. Saved them with no reward that we know of. Arthur has driven off the Demons time and time again. What more does he have to do by himself?"

Luthi and Drewes considered her words. "You make a valid point, Lady Rennal." The Duke admitted. "My wife and I will see what we can do, but first tell me this, do you think there would be any chance of peace with the Demon Queen? Perhaps we could speak with her? What does she even want from us?"

My daughter spoke in a sour tone. "To turn us into Demons seems the most likely reason."

Both the Duke and Duchess were stunned at that. "What...?" Lady Luthi whispered back in shock.

"Those Ghouls Arthur has faced, and those other Demons that infiltrated the Temple, all of them were once one of us. A human, elf, dwarf, or zugal, and all were experimented on until they became something than what they were originally." Ayda answered.

"What of the Priestesses?" Drewes inquired. "With them, surely we could-"

"I fear that the Priestesses pale in comparison to Sir Arthur." Rennal interrupted coldly. "I’ve seen them battle, and Arthur treated them as nothing more than children." She said with a scoff. "Our so-called rulers were batted aside like they were nothing by someone who battled against the Queen of Demons and their fight ended in a draw with both horribly wounded. What good do you think they’ll be when she comes for us?"

None of us were ready for the venom that seeped into her tone as she spoke. "Forgive her. The Priestesses have been... addled," I said unsurely, "as of late."

"Right..." Drewes said a little unsurely.

Luthi held up a hand to get our attention as she waved it weakly. "Drewes and I will start consolidating the nobles’ finances if we are able to, but are you sure this is what Sir Arthur needs from us? There were some rumors going around that he resigned from his position as a Knight of Lestrania and the Human General."

Ayda shrugged. "It would be hard to say what Arthur needs. He comes up with ideas that no one else does, acts on them when he wishes, and then continues on despite others being still invested in the previous topic. You can imagine how maddening it was when he created that metal contraption he calls a train that is still be extended across Lestrania as we speak." A sigh left her lips. "No doubt it will soon be the preferred method of travel if he was right in its capabilities."

"Just another example and reason to follow his lead." Rennal pointed out.

"Indeed." I said with a nod before turning back to the two. "I also have a warning for you, Drewes, and I wish for you to spread it."

"Oh?" The male elf let out in a small amount of surprise. "A warning, you say?"

"Do you have any spies watching the Pendragon Estate on the Outskirts?" I inquired.

He leaned back at that as his eyes closed. "Hmm. Maybe?" Was his answer before turning to his wife. "Did we station any spies near Sir Arthur’s home?"

A finger came to her lips as she pondered the question. "Probably?" She offered with a small shrug. "Sir Arthur was a sudden arrival, given hefty titles, killed a noble, and is quite powerful. I have yet to receive any news about his home, though, so perhaps not."

"Or your spies are dead." Ayda pointed out. At the couples’ look, she explained. "Arthur has had several spies around his home." She tapped near her eyes. "He can see them even if they’re hidden, and given the state of affairs right now, he’s been rather brutal with his methods of removing undesirables. If you had any spies watching him, and they haven’t checked in, they’re probably dead."

"That does seem likely." I agreed. "My warning was to stay away from Arthur and call back anyone you might have observing him. He’s on edge, as you can imagine, and I’m sure you can agree that spying on him serves no purpose at this point."

"Except to irritate him." My daughter added. "Last people who did that were slaughtered horribly. A few of the children inside the estate told me stories of Arthur’s rampage in their tunnels. Pray that he refrains from doing the same to you and anyone else invading his privacy."

"This isn’t a threat. It is to help you." I said softly to Drewes and he nodded slowly.

"We will look into it. Among our own forces and any other factions that might be keeping an eye on him. To help if nothing else."

I bowed slightly. "You have my thanks. Arthur is gone for the moment, but he should return within the week. If anything comes up, please send for me, or by all means come by to visit. I doubt Arthur would send you away..."

Luthi sighed. "But you never know. We will do our best to keep in touch. Thank you for coming today, Aydalia. It was nice to see you." She stood and hugged me when I followed suit. "I am glad Arthur was able to help you." The Duchess whispered.

"As am I." I whispered back.

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