Survive in the parallel world, please! Chapter 51

Chapter 51: Don’t fall for your slave, please! part

Veronika was kneeling bare chested in front of Ryu. It has been so long since she took care of a client she already forgot what she was supposed to do, but her body remembered it. The gross feeling of a man’s thing in her mouth, the forceful movements of their hips as they tried to push deeper than she could resist, yet she had to endure it so many times over the years.

Despite being already on her knees, she regretted talking to the client. Even if it was to save the two new girls, she didn’t want to serve the man in front of her. She wouldn’t mind if it was Bob, in fact, she may have enjoyed it.

Yet, there was nothing she could do. One of the most important rules at the brothel was that they couldn’t reject a client, as long as he had the money they had to provide any kind of service they wanted.

Ryu was standing in front of her, with his pants still on, she couldn’t see his face nor did she care. He wouldn’t even spare her the humiliation of having to undress him, but it wasn’t his fault either.

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She was the only one to blame and she knew it. She should have taken Bob’s proposal, she knew Bob was kind and caring, if she had said yes she would already be with him.

Her heart ached for a second thinking on Bob, on how he would lean on her breast and caress her hips. On how he would embrace her without showing any sexual desire, it was the closest thing to love she had ever experienced and the only body contact she had actually enjoyed in years. Every time she comforted him, it was as if she was actually comforting herself after so many years of suffering.

A cold hand reached for hers stopping her advance.


“Do you not find me to your liking mister client?”

She said trying to hide her relief as best she could.

“That’s not it, you’re beautiful and any man should consider himself lucky to be in my position. But, you see, I came for something different”

Ryu’s voice sounded embarrassed, making her flinch for a second. It wasn’t unheard of men having all sorts of kinks and he already said he wanted to use her mouth, so if he didn’t want what she thought her reality could be a lot worse than that.

“I need advice from someone more experienced in this matters, I just need to talk”

He continued. Veronika felt as if a weight had been lifted from her chest, the relief she was experiencing almost drove her to tears ‘I’ll send a message to Bob as soon as possible to tell him I’ll come with him’ she thought.

“Tell me handsome, what’s the matter?”

“I’m sorry, but first, could you please cover yourself up?”

He was a man after all and couldn’t help but feel attracted to a woman as beautiful as her. Despite being old for this line of work, her age didn’t matter at all to him. She quickly put on her dress and sat on the bed, patting the spot next to her. Ryu sat where she indicated and sighed.

“I’m having trouble with some girls”

He said.

“You can tell me anything you like, no one will ever found out about it, we keep much darker secrets in here”

Ryu proceeded to tell him about everyone. Helena was his first crush, she was so cute and at the same time so appealing to him that if it wasn’t for her personality he would have already chosen her. Anne, the girl who treated him poorly at first but later on she showed him another face that led them to become close. And lastly, about the situation with Rina.

Veronika would nod every time Ryu provided a piece of information that could be important for the case, but remained in silence until he let out everything.

“Oh sweetie, you’ve had it rough haven’t you. There are two obvious solutions, the first one would be to be with them all and the second one would be to reject them and have fun at the brothel. But if you didn’t do any of those I suppose that’s not what you want”

Ryu nodded silently.

“What is it you want then?”

“I don’t know”

“That’s the problem then, how can you solve your situation if you don’t even know what is you want”

“Wow that was helpful!”

Ryu sneered.

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“No, but I’m being serious. You focus too much on what others think on what they want. You even complained that they didn’t think about your feelings, yet, you do the exact same thing. If you cared for your own feelings you would’ve just accepted whatever they had to offer with a smile.

Even if you found love at first sight, you wouldn’t know unless you give it a chance. My advice to you is to be a little bit more selfish, try different things and don’t be so dense. Enjoy whatever life has to offer you and, when the time comes.

You can only regret the things you do, but if you do nothing your life will be empty”

Veronika’s words reached Ryu, it was as if his eyes were finally open. There were many important things he needed to accomplish in order to thrive in this world, but would any of that matter if he didn’t enjoy living his own life.

For a split second he thought on relieving himself with Veronika, since he had already paid for her services. But there were many girls waiting for him at home.

He didn’t make a decision, he didn’t make a life choice, he just realized that he was missing on his life by being too worried about things that were supposed to feel natural.

“Thank you miss Veronika, I won’t forget what you did for me today. I may pay you a visit some other day”

“you’re welcome mister Ryu, but I don’t think there will be a chance for that”

Ryu would’ve been concerned for her well being, but her face held a genuine smile.

Everything Veronika told Ryu was also applied for herself. She worried too much about others, when no one but Bob has ever worried for her. She never felt that she deserved to be loved as a woman, her body was tainted, yet Bob worshiped it like a temple.

Ryu left the room in a hurry, as if he was being chased by a jackal. He wanted to go back to the tavern as soon as possible and sort things out with the girls, so he walked as fast as he could without running when he bumped into madame Bianca being followed by the two skinny girls with reddened eyes.

“Good evening madame Bianca”

“Evening mister Ryu, I’m glad to see you’ve been enjoying our services. If you don’t want your lover to find out you can use any of the side entrances we provide to our customers”

“As a matter of fact, I did enjoy my time in here, but I’m afraid I don’t have the time to come in here as often as I wanted”

“That witch is overworking you to the marrow, cant you see she’s taking advantage of you?”

Ryu nodded at madame Bianca’s word as a grin was painted on her face.

“Are you, perhaps, interested in acquiring some slaves? I’ll give you a discount for these two, they haven’t been here for a week and they’re already bad for the business”

Her line of thought was that, since the freeze was coming they would die anyway at the dungeon, she may as well earn some coin with them. After the freeze, if they survived, she could always buy them back from Ryu if she needed more slaves to fill the quota. Though she didn’t think it’d be possible since they were completely useless.

They lost their first client and they cried in front of the ones that came after without even performing their duty. Also, they were so skinny she doubted they would survive at all.

Ryu was dumbfounded but since she was, in fact, selling them cheap, he took the chance and left with them after making the paperwork. He took the signed documents with him and because it was a small deal with only a few silver coins involved, madame wouldn’t even care to wait and just send them on their way.

Ryu opened the tavern door and got inside holding each girl by the waist.

“Go wash yourselves and we’ll talk later”

Both girls giggled and did as Ryu told them.

Anne, Helena and Rina were downstairs waiting for him, they’ve been there moping the whole day and drinking beer, so they weren’t at their best.

“What’s the meaning of this Ryu!?”

Said Anne aggressively.

“Its meaning is none of your business”

He replied coldly and went upstairs to see Sera.

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