Survive in the parallel world, please! Chapter 52

Chapter 52: Don’t fall for your slave, please! part

“How could he do this to us?”

Helena melted over the table.

“Its kind of your fault, isn’t it?”

Rina shrugged.

“What do you mean by that!? are you on his side now?”

Anne was starting to get mad at her.

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“Of course I’m on his side, as you should’ve been from the start. Are you so dumb you can’t realize you pushed him too much? First, both of you tried to seduce him, yet none of you would actually care for him nor give him what he needed. You cared more about beating the other than you cared for him”


“I know Rina, but what can we do now? he probably spent the whole day getting laid with many girls at the brothel and now he even came back with two of them!”

Anne started complaining but ended up raising her voice in anger.

Even Ryu, who was upstairs, heard that and chuckled mischievously. He was in front of Claire’s room and he knocked on the door, she opened the door and let him in.

“Thanks for coming mister Ryu”

Claire bowed slightly

“Don’t mention it, but please just call me Ryu”

Sera had been expecting his visit, she had followed his instructions, but she didn’t feel much better. She stood up in front of the bed just like last time and took off her patchwork dress.

She was as skinny as the first day, since not much time had passed, but something different drew his attention. She was completely covered in bruises and small wounds. Her torso looked like a rotting fruit and her right arm had a nasty swelling.

He intended to use his consider skill, to see how many health points she had left, but when he noticed the bruises he was so shocked and enraged, a different skill triggered.

Killing intent 1%

Sera embarrassed herself in front of Ryu as she lost control of her bladder. A powerful instinctive fear took over her emotions as tears started to flow silently from her eyes. She couldn’t move a muscle nor she could say a word, the pressure she was feeling prevented her even from rational thinking.

Ryu snapped out of it when he saw her reaction, so he went ahead and held her tightly.

“How did this happen!? who did this to you?”

“I- I just wanted to save you”

She managed to stutter as the horrible sensation disappeared as if it never existed.

Thanks to his calm mind passive skill he managed to go back to his usual self, despite feeling an unstoppable anger and a boundless sadness that would have otherwise made him cry a river.

Ryu left headed to the storage room to grab some medicinal herbs to treat, at least her arm. But what he found instead were two beautiful girls butt naked cleaning themselves.

He was in a hurry, but couldn’t avoid checking their bodies as he went in and out the storage room with what he needed.

Eiri and Kairi giggled as they didn’t mind it at all and just kept on washing themselves properly.

He passed through the tavern again and went upstairs, and the girls in there followed him with curious eyes.

Once he was back at Claire’s room he asked Sera to eat before he started the treatment, since it will deplete her stamina completely. Then, he chewed on the ring herbs, a mild medicinal plant that should be effective enough for the swelling on her arm.

The pain receded almost immediately, but her arm was still swelling.

“I’ll check you again tomorrow morning, if it doesn’t get better I’ll find another way. Claire, if she gets a fever don’t hesitate to get into my room, I’ll leave the door open”

Claire bowed at Ryu and Sera tried to do the same but she was feeling groggy already. Instead, she fell on the bed and started snoring softly in what could be considered funny, yet both Claire and Ryu were too worried to laugh at all.

He was so tired he just went to bed.

Later that night, a small creaking sound could be heard waking Ryu up. His sleep was light because he was expecting Claire to come inside if Sera’s condition took a turn for the worse. He was just about to get up when he felt someone get into bed with him.

When he tried to see who it was, he couldn’t activate his night vision skill no matter how much he tried.

The girl next to him just lied down on his chest, unmoving. He didn’t know who it was, but since Mochi didn’t get startled it must be someone it knew from before.

He could tell it wasn’t Helena nor Rina, since it would have been impossible for them to hide the size and quality of their femininity.

Instead of getting aroused by the feeling he just fell asleep again holding whoever it was with his arm.

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Morning came and he was surprised to see it was none other than Eiri by his side. She was already awake.

“Good morning master”

“Good morning Eiri, what are you doing here?”

“I’m here to serve you, in case you needed me”

“I didn’t order you to do that”

Ryu said whispering by instinct.

“I know, but we want to serve you nonetheless”

Only then did he realize that Kairi was on the ground with both knees on the floor.

“Good morning master, would you like me to take care of that?”

Kairi giggled as she pointed at what seemed to be a tent forming in the blankets making Ryu blush.

“No, but I appreciate the offer”

Ryu sighed. He didn’t want to take advantage from someone in a lower position than him, that meant he couldn’t be with slaves nor employees. And if he had to choose between Anne and Helena, who were his companions, the other one would be angry. The only other choice would be Sera, but she was his patient.

After talking with Veronika at the brothel he made up his mind and thought he’d just have fun and do whatever he wanted. Only after a night’s sleep he realized he didn’t feel like getting laid so much as he wanted to not feel lonely. Because after sleeping tight with Eiri next to him he felt completely refreshed.

He got out of bed and both girls wouldn’t take their eyes out of him. He was shirtless, they had seen a fair share of shirtless men, especially on the spring festival, yet none of them had a skin as smooth as Ryu’s. Also, most men were hairy and muscular, even the skinny ones, yet Ryu was just skinny. He looked more like a woman into their eyes, but they kept their thoughts to themselves.

When he went downstairs the smell of freshly baked bread was coming out of the kitchen, when he got inside he found Claire was already cooking. The bags under her eyes showed that she didn’t get any sleep.

“Is Sera ok?”

He asked and Claire just nodded.

“Don’t worry, she’ll get better after getting some rest”

Ryu said as he put a hand on Claire’s back comforting her. If he had done something like that before the bar fight she would’ve certainly believed he was trying to take advantage of her, but now she trusted Ryu completely and let herself be comforted by a the simple gesture he offered.

When he came out of the kitchen Anne, Helena and Rina were already sitting in there. There was only one spot available to sit since they moved out all the other chairs, forcing Ryu to sit in front of all three of them.

“We made an agreement Ryu”

Anne said before he got the chance to say hi.

“Do you like miss Rina?”

Helena asked

“I don’t know yet”

Anne and Helena looked at each other and nodded.

“We decided that we will back off from trying to seduce you and we won’t intervene in any way... As long as you stay out of the brothel”

‘What gives you the right to make decisions in other people’s life?’ was what he wanted to say, but didn’t get the chance.

“The main problem is that Rina remains a slave, but we have a solution. We will buy her debt from you, this way you both will be free to do whatever you like, until she manages to pay off her debt. Of course, since we’ll be taking a risk by forwarding the money, instead of 3 gold coins she will own us 6. This means she will have to work in the tavern for a while”

“Are you ok with this Rina?”

“Of course I am! I was the one who gave the idea to raise the amount of the debt, it’s the only way I could make the deal fair. Usually a slave wouldn’t even have the chance to buy herself back, so this works in everyone’s favor”

“This way she will be free to refuse anything you ask of her, but she won’t be free to run away with the money. All we need to do is send a signed contract to the mayor and it should be all settled”

Helena nodded as she handed Ryu a letter they prepared beforehand, the only thing missing was his signature which he happily provided.

“Now, I heard you’ve been misbehaving Ryu... How can you go to the brothel while dating a girl?”

Rina joked in her usual upbeat tone

“Actually, I didn’t do anything... I just needed to hire Anne’s and Helena’s replacement”

Everyone at the table was in shock, the very reason they cracked their heads devising this solution was because they didn’t want Ryu going to the brothel. Not only because it would’ve been expensive, but also because being so close to madame Bianca would have been dangerous. Anne and Helena sighed, yet they didn’t regret their agreement. For the first time they were thinking on Ryu’s well being instead of their own.

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