The Great Demon System Chapter 296 - Beef

Chapter 296: Beef

Moby stood quietly on the moving walkway still taking in everything around him. The walkway was moving so fast that what felt like ages away now was in his face, making him stare at the glowing city below him.

That was when he felt a small tug on his legs as they were about to reach their destination. And, when he looked down, it was Hikari just like he expected, a mixture of nervousness and fright on her face. He was so confused on why she was acting in such a way, he wanted to ask her but with the quietness of everything around him, that would only make him stand out even more.

For now, he simply had to deal with it. He chose to ignore her, taking a deep breath as they entered a tunnel most likely leading towards that massive building they saw in the distance. The tunnel showed various lights of different colours, along with the flag of every single country in the world before they all exited onto a metal platform.

And, in front of them were the massive front gates of the school that led to that same building they saw from very far away.

The sight was truly grand, even the clearly rich and arrogant kids around him could not help but stop and stare at the building with their breaths almost taken. That was when he noticed another tug on his legs, snapping him out of his moment.

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If he said that he was not getting annoyed he would have been lying, but for both her own and his sake, he had to endure.

The next wave of students was coming in and he had to move out of the entrance and enter the school.

He left Hikari behind yet used his devil’s hand to once again chug her along with him without grabbing any more attention his way.

As he stepped through the front gates, he noticed that the ground underneath his feet changed from its previous black metal to what seemed like normal, orange rock that could be found anywhere on earth.

As he walked, he looked around him and found the massive bulletin board that was in plain sight, and was probably where the classes were listed.

As he and Hikari strode through the front yard, or more like expanses of the school, he could not help but notice the other students around him.

The area was still fairly quiet.

Most of them were all alone, reserved, keeping to themselves; they were all in an unknown place where they knew no one, and knew no one around them’s strength after all. It was a place of competition and they did not want to make enemies so early on.

However, there were already people on the other side of the spectrum, choosing to be as outgoing as they can, conversing in groups to make new friends and potential allies.

It was truly black and white.

Moby belonged to the former. He did not want to go out and talk to new people since he found it hard to trust people like them. The only person he can rely on and somewhat trust in this new environment was HikariYami, and that was why he had to make her keep him on his good side.

Yet, after they found their classes, he did plan on talking to her about her odd behaviour.

As he walked by, he could not help but notice sparse glances his way. They were so faint to the point that he could barely detect them. Yet, he knew what he felt. He expected as much from a student body filled with people around his level and higher.

After what felt like an eternity of walking, he finally reached the massive crowd around the large bulletin board that had all of the students’ names electronically etched on them in alphabetical order which made it easy to find.

’Moby Kane… Class 3-E…’ He mumbled in his head, taking a mental note. And, while he was at it, he also found what Hikari Yami’s class was, finding it to also be 3-E, which was quite fortunate and extremely lucky.

When he looked at her to see her expression, her nervousness was slightly fading away and was replaced by a smile, like it was a hurdle she had been scared of yet finally overcame.

He looked at his watch and noticed the time, [9:09 am], which was 6 minutes away from the starting event, enough time for him and Hikari to converse about her odd issues.

Luckily, even in the midst of the crowd that most likely noticed who he was, nobody approached him. Nobody seemed to be stupid enough to start a fight on the first day of school and give themselves a bad reputation, especially with all the staff wat—

"Hey cunt! I’d recognize your face anywhere! You’re Moby Kane! The kid that the news wouldn’t stop sucking off! I had a feeling I’d find you here!"

The sudden shouting drew everyone’s attention towards them, making a circle form around them with clear whispers from the crowd from people who recognized his name.

Luckily, Hikari was not caught in the mess and was watching from the crowded sidelines with open eyes.

There, in the middle of the circle were two men, one of whom being Moby. The other man was of similar stature, his lean muscles seen from his student uniform, his short, orange hair looked slick yet messy at the same time and his moderately handsome face bore a smile like that of an excited predator.

"Should I know you?" Moby spoke with a sigh, clear annoyance on his face.

"No, I don’t expect you to know me… BUT! That doesn’t stop me from introducing myself! I’m Rigrit Oswald. That’s all you need to know… And, I am here to put you in your place!"

From his attitude and demeanour, it was very hard to know who he was and what was his ranking in society. At times he seemed like a rich noble, and at others, he seemed like a country bumpkin, a poor kid, or possibly even a fellow orphan...

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"Hmmm?" Moby raised an eyebrow. "Why is that? Do you have something against me? Is it because seeing an orphan from a poor family like me thrive and go big places in life makes your blood boil? Or, is it something else? So many people at my old school were simply jealous of my fame and wanted to beat me to bring me down and push themselves up. So, tell me, Rigrit. Are you jealous too?"

Yet, as soon as Moby finished his speech, he heard a loud *Ding* coming from his watch. And, as he looked down, he noticed what was written on its screen.

[ Student Rigrit Oswald has challenged you to a 1 vs 1 duel. Weapons are allowed and time limit is 3 minutes. ]

"I don’t feel like answering for myself! Just accept the duel and let’s let our fists do the talking!"

"But, you said weapons are allowed..."

"You know what I mean! Just accept the damn duel pussy!"

The crowd around them was quiet, yet the whispers became more and more frequent, with looks of excitement on their faces.

"I refuse this fight!" Moby’s answer seemed to have caught everyone by surprise.

"WHY!? Are you really a pussy then!?"

Moby bore a look of calmness despite his opponent’s outrage, yet, he could not vail his annoyance to the ones with a keen eye.

"I don’t care, call me a pussy all you like. But, think about it like this… I know nothing about your powers or ability, and you know everything about mine since I was on national TV. How would that be a fair fight? Knowledge is key in battle. And besides, I think starting a fight on the first day of school is not a good idea."

The crowd that was previously in outrage suddenly realized the circumstances of the fight, even though many of them were in understanding before. It all made sense after all.

"W-why you!"

In that instant, Moby felt pulses of energy emerge from Rigrit’s body.

’What the hell!? Is he really about to attack me!?’ He thought, instinctively taking up a defensive stance, ready for whatever unknown attack was going to come his way.

Yet, that was when a massive gust of wind erupted from out of nowhere, and in the next instant, there was someone else in that circle surrounded by the crowd.

He seemed almost like an angel swooping in from heaven, his grace was immaculate. He landed with two feet on the ground, around his same height and a hand tightly grabbing Regrit’s shoulders.

"Calm down boy, now is not the time for this… The opening event is about to start…"

His soft, almost child-like face was white as snow, bearing a handsome, almost shining glow. His golden eyes were keen and bore a certain radiance and calmness to his look. His short hair was completely silver, not from age but as a natural colour, flowing nicely to the bottom of his eyes.

"Let go of me pu-" Rigrit roared before meeting the man’s golden gaze, with slight sweat running down his face, knowing at a simple glance that he was no match.

"Tch! Fine! You’re saved this time Kane…" He scoffed and walked away, shaking the man’s grip from his shoulders, the crowd making a path for him.

’Who is this guy?’ Moby thought, extremely interested in the man ahead of him. When he tried to listen in on the crowd around him for insight they seemed to be just as confused as he was. Many people here seemed completely unknown due to their families hiding their identities and secrets for elite school and he seemed to be no different.

"Hey! Thanks I guess but you really didn’t have to do that. He was really no threat to me,"

That was when their gazes met, and Moby felt a small jolt and an odd feeling in his stomach and lurched heart looking into his golden eyes… He did not know what it was or how to describe it, it was not fear. It was something unlike he ever experienced in his life…

And, just as quickly as the man came, he also left, jumping up from the crowd like a flash with a deep sigh and a slight look of hatred.

’Avilia… Did you… Feel that?’


’Yeah… I did… My sensing powers have been really wonky ever since I was put in this necklace, but there is definitely something off about that man…’

That was when their conversation was cut short by the school bell that echoed in all of their ears, followed up by the loud screaming of a woman coming from the top of the school building, grabbing everyone’s attention to up above.

"Greeting Students! I will be your new principal! Rayna Davis! And welcome, to the Alexander Davis School of Elites!"

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