The Great Demon System Chapter 297 - Date in The City

Chapter 297: Date in The City

’Rayna Davis… DAVIS!? Is that just a coincidence or is she related to the great Alexander Davis himself,’ Moby thought before the woman above spoke once more.

Her pitch-black hair waved in the wind of the towering school, her smile was long and wide, showing her almost sharp, pearly-white teeth, her smile almost reaching up to her blood-red eyes that bore a glint of excitement. She wore a military coat of all white along with black pants, not too tight and not too baggy yet enough for everyone to see her clearly voluptuous and endowed figure. On her arms was a red Katana unsheathed from its scabbard, hanging on her neck, her right leg stepping on the very edge of the building with her white boots.

"Welcome, to planet Ilios! Where you will be spending most of your time in the coming year! I won’t be holding you kids off for long! I’m sure you’ve already heard all the rules so many times already that hearing it again would break your spirit! Today is the first day and is meant to be a happy day! So, you should enjoy it! You will have the entire day to yourself! I don’t care what you do! Screw around, train, explore the city, whatever! Just know that classes start tomorrow! You will be given your dorm rooms shortly! If you don’t want to deal with the BS of living with more than one person like in regular military school then you don’t have to! BUT! If you want to for some reason live with other people, please let a staff member know and we will set that up for you! Now! With that all out of the way, you kids are free! Go make some friends! scram! AND DON’T CAUSE TROUBLE ON THE FIRST DAY! OR ELSE! bye!" Rayna yelled out with an upbeat smile that still bore a hint of oddness and seriousness that shook everyone down to their very core.

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As soon as She left from the top of the roof, the entire crowd was silent, with wide eyes, sweat on their skin and their jaws almost to the floor. But, then suddenly, they began to talk, and seemingly all of them had the same thought in mind.


She was completely unlike any of them expected. Most likely, all of them, in their heads assumed her to be a serious, hardened warrior that was not tolerant of any joke. However, what they got was a hot, upbeat tomboy that seemed to like some fun but would not hesitate to tear their heads off at any moment’s notice.

They were honestly not sure which was scarier…

For now, they all decided to follow orders, especially while they were the most watched on school grounds.

Around him, he noticed the previously quiet crowd that kept to themselves were trying to start conversations with people, forming alliances and friends early on to survive in this warzone. Yet, Moby seemed to be disinterested. It was not like anyone would want a friend like him anyways, with his reputation, he would only bring them trouble.

With a sigh, Moby strolled in the midst of the glancing crowd and reached the quivering Hikari.

"Hey, do you want to go explore the city?"

"..." There was a slight moment of silence as she looked up at him with shaky eyes. "Yes, that would be lovely…"

Together yet far away, Moby using his devil’s hand, they walked out of the school grounds with seemingly no problems and used one of the various teleporters that led to the city below.

The city was of average size and did not house normal people. In the city, nearly every single citizen belonged to the family of someone in the military. At times, the military would promise soldiers protection of their family in return for their service and this was where they were all sent, one of the most secure cities in the human empire, overseen by some of the strongest soldiers that resided in elite school.

The citizens would there live a normal life, yet be sworn to secrecy if they ever wanted to exit. And, the city functioned as a place for students to go, explore, relax, and have a normal life while they attended school. It benefited both parties.

Knowing the identity of the people he will be seeing around him made Moby more self-aware of how he should speak and act. Not that he was going to act rudely anyways. However, he was certain he could not say the same about many of the arrogant students.

Although most people in the school were fairly rich, for the odd expeditions, the school did give out some money for students to use in the city. There was also another currency system that Moby knew all too well also. One that he wanted to focus on since amassing enough points would allow him to purchase very specific things in the school which included information, armour, weapons, and more.

Moby and Hikari both stepped on the teleporters and were immediately transported to the heart of the city that seemed indifferent to any other, flashing lights, flying cars and towering skyscrapers as far as the eye could see. Yet, there were still the simple "mom and pop" shops and fairly quiet areas to be found all around.

As they walked around in the streets, it was hard not to get lost in their unfamiliar environment. So, they resorted to using the GPS system embedded into their watches to navigate the city.

As they walked, they could not help but notice how multicultural the city around them was. There were buildings of different styles and traditions on every corner and it was also reflected in the faces of the citizens and pedestrians, most of their faces being very different, just like all of the students at school. It was to be expected due to the military being a unified force yet it was still rather shocking to actually see.

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Eventually, their rather quiet yet loud journey led them to a restaurant that served drinks. It was in a more quiet area of the city and had a nice atmosphere under an umbrella so it was a perfect place to talk.

There, at one of the tables sat Moby, an iced tea in front of him and a slightly less nervous Hikari, her feet not even reaching the ground from her seat, a lemonade in front of her.

Moby had many things on his mind, including that golden-eyed white-haired man but, he decided to focus his entire attention on Hikari in front of him.

"So, you wanna talk about why you’ve been acting like this?" Moby spoke, casually taking a sip of his drink before glancing at Hikari who was looking at the ground and waving her tiny legs.

"T-to tell you the truth… I’m- I’ve never actually been to school before… I’ve never made any actual friends and I’ve been a social outcast my entire life… The only real friend that I ever had other than you was my sister and Emilia who took me under her wing… But, you know how that ended… I did everything for the sake of our friendship and I found it so fun to do… No one in the world mattered for me other than her and Yami...? She was the only person to ever show me kindness but it turned out that she only wanted me for my power… Nobody really cares about me… They all want me for my power…"

She took a moment of pause before she nervously looked up at Moby with puppy eyes, twiddling her thumbs.

"Moby... You don’t just want me for my power… Right?"

"Of course not! I like you for you! Not because of anything else!" Moby’s voice was firm yet he was lying through his teeth, such was the power of the poker face he had honed throughout his first year of school.

"Thank you… It’s been hard for me to trust anyone ever since Emilia… I kinda hung onto you out of shock and desperation to not be alone but I’m glad that I did," She looked up and smiled brightly.

"Of course! You can always count on me!" Moby continued like it was nothing. Yet, he could not help but feel slight guilt.

"You said that this is the first time that you ever attended school… How is that?" Moby could not help but ask, which made Hikari take a deep breath and respond.

"Well… Throughout the school year, have you seen me other than when we first met and at the graduation?"

"No… I haven’t now that I think about it…"

"That’s because the military was keeping me a secret… Since I trust you, I’m gonna tell you everything... This is top secret... The only people that know about this are higher-ups in the military and Emilia Reid..."

"Okay, thank you for trusting me," Moby nodded with a serious expression, making Hikari nod back and take a deep breath before she spoke.

"I’m sure you’ve heard of demon children right? It was a rare condition that occurred in every 1 in 100,000 babies… It was a very real thing, I don’t really remember what happened, but, according to my orphanage, as soon as my parents gave me my ability, they discovered I was a demon child and immediately put me up for adoption."

As Hikari continued speaking, her voice began to become shakier and shakier and her eyes began to well up in tears.

"And, for as long as I could remember, I was in Ringel’s Orphanage for the Special". Even amongst kids that were supposed to be just like me, I could not make any friends, only enemies. I was shunned, called a weirdo, and beat up every day with the caretakers not even batting an eye and looking at us like some animals. Not even the people who came to adopt a child took a second glance at me other than a look of disgust. I was all alone…? No one in life, nothing at all to live for… I cried and cried and cried for days, months… or was it years? I have no idea… At that point, I had lost all perception of time… That was when…"


She took a small pause, her tears now running down her face like a waterfall, taking a deep breath before she continued.

"That was when the only shining hope in my life came… Or, more like the endless abyss of darkness… The person I care for and trust the most in the entire world… Yami… My sister…"

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