The Great Demon System Chapter 35: A False Sense Of Joy

Chapter 35 - A False Sense Of Joy

As soon as Nathan saw Jayden, he felt like his body went into autopilot.

He could not control his actions anymore. He ran over to Jayden with lustful eyes and Jumped on the bed aiming to fall right on top of her.

"Don’t get too hasty!" Jayden screamed in a disgusted manner, putting her hand out blocking him from his head so he doesn’t land on her.

Through Nathan’s distorted vision, it was like Jayden looked like an angel or goddess telling him that she wants to take it slow and steady.

Jayden immediately noticed that she went out of character and fixed herself up.

On the phone, she would always have a hard time trying to not cringe and feel disgusted.

She did not want to insult her one and only friend, even if it was to a dead man. But, Moby pushed her on saying he doesn’t care and he knows she does not actually mean it and that it will all be with it in the end:

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"It’s ok! I know you don’t actually mean it! Just bear through it for now. In the end, it’s all going to be worth it! We will give him such a huge sense of false Joy and happiness before we violently rip it out that it would be so hilarious and cruel at the same time!"

Other times, she tried so hard to keep herself from laughing that a little giggle would always come out no matter how hard she tried to suppress herself.

Right now, she was having one of those cringe and disgusted moments.

She worried that she might have messed up the plan and ruined everything.

’Fuck! I think my stupid ass might have blown our cover! We should switch to plan B immediately!’ Jayden said to Moby telepathically.

As soon as they were about to prepare for a switch of plans Nathan suddenly spoke.

"I am here as you requested my love! When will we have sex?! I can’t wait!" Nathan said with a lustful and impatient gaze.

’False alarm! He’s retarded! I think he might be so completely head over heels in love with me that he didn’t even notice anything off,’ She said to Moby with a mental sigh.

"Not so fast Nathan my love. Before I accept you, I need to know if you are worthy and strong enough to protect me! I will need you to fight someone of my choice to prove your strength and love for me!" Jayden said in a sexy voice.

"Of course Jayden honey! I have no problems proving my love to you! I shall defeat anyone in your name no matter the strength! I promise you that I am more than capable of protecting you and I shall prove that to you very soon dear! Now, where is the sorry chump that I have to defeat?" Nathan said with clear passion.

"Your opponent is right here." She said pointing at Moby who was standing next to her.

Moby had been standing beside Jayden the entire time but Nathan was not able to notice him. He was way too focused on Jayden’s beauty to even pay attention to anything in his surroundings.

From the moment Nathan got into the room, Moby was trying his absolute best not to burst out laughing. Avilia was dying of laughter in his head which made it even harder for Moby to hold it in. Luckily, Moby somehow suppressed his laughter and even managed to wear a solid poker face.

"Him!? I thought you threw this fucker out?!" Nathan asked with a surprised expression.

"I decided to keep him for an extra day just for this special occasion. If you can’t even beat my previous pet, then what kind of man would you be to me?" Jayden said in a serious tone.

"Honey, with all due respect, I don’t believe beating up an F class weakling like this would prove my strength at all. Please reconsider! I can take on much tougher chumps than this reject!" Nathan said spitting at Moby.

Moby casually dodged the spit and said.

"What?! Are you too pussy to fight me? Because that’s all I hear!" Moby said with a laugh.

"Shut up bitch! Don’t you remember what happened to you the last time you decided to fuck with me?!" Nathan said getting in Moby’s face.

"I am happy to know you think it will be such an easy task. if you are able to beat this "weakling" then I will be all yours!" Jayden said, emphasizing her body.

"Say no more, my love! This loser will be crying on the ground kissing my feet begging for my forgiveness in no time!" Nathan said with confidence.

As soon as he said that, Jayden burst out laughing seemingly out of nowhere.

Moby’s face started to have a slight hint of red on it from him trying to hold in his laughter. Avilia started laughing harder than ever making it nearly impossible for Moby to maintain his poker face.

’This shit is too funny!! I can’t hold it in much longer!’ Moby thought.

Nathan did not at all find it weird or out of character that Jayden was laughing so hard. He thought she was laughing trying to imagine the scene that he just described. He was admiring how cute she was while doing so with a creepy smile. It was like he was completely brainwashed by her charm.

Nathan also mistook Moby’s slightly red face as Moby starting to get angry and embarrassed which put an even bigger smile on his face.

"My mansion has its own battle arena. The fight will be done over there. I can’t have you guys fighting in my room." Jayden said while still giggling as she has yet to fully recover from her previous burst of laughter.

"It’s fine by me dear! It’s not like it would change the outcome," Nathan said with an arrogant snarl.

"Miss Jayden, will it be ok if I stay here for a while longer to better prepare myself for the battle? I promise I will follow you guys right away after I’m done. It won’t take too long," Moby said with a calm looking face that was redder than a tomato.

"Very well, but don’t take too long," Jayden said while leaving the room with Nathan.

As soon as they left the room, Moby immediately started laughing his ass off rolling on the ground in hysteria. He did not even wait for them to go far, laughing as soon as the door was shut because he knew that the room was completely soundproof.


"Heh, what a fucking pussy right? His face was completely red from anger and embarrassment. I must have been a little too mean to him, hurting his feelings!" Nathan said to Jayden with a loud laugh.

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"Oh, yes of course! He’s definitely a pussy!" Jayden said with an awkward smile.

The whole way to the Arena, Nathan was looking at Jayden with the eyes of a predator which made her feel almost uncomfortable enough to cut off his head right here and now.

When they finally reached the Arena, Nathan’s eyes fell upon something other than Jayden’s body.

It was still small compared to the school’s arena but it was still huge being the size of half a football field. Instead of the blue accent of the school’s arena, this one was purple. There were also around 250 seats surrounding the whole arena with a protective bubble protecting the stands just like the one in the school.

’I knew the house looked huge on the outside but I didn’t realize that it could fit an arena this size!’ Nathan said, staring at the arena in awe.

Nathan and Jayden sat on the bench beside the main arena stage making small talk waiting for Moby to finally arrive.

Nathan kept on trying to flirt with Jayden the whole time and even went in for the kiss a few times. Jayden managed to dodge all the kisses and managed to hide her disgust behind her poker face.

"It’s already been over 5 minutes! You sure he’s even gonna show up?! I scared the shit out of him! He definitely pussied out! The last time we met…" Nathan said, telling her the story of how he tortured Moby laughing and making jokes trying to make himself look cool.


After Moby finally calmed himself down, he finally left the room and ran straight to the arena.

The whole time, Jayden kept telling him things like.

’Hurry up he’s getting so annoying that I might just accidentally kill him,’

So, Moby ran to the gym at full speed not holding anything back.

’Hold on a bit longer! I’ll be right there! Moby said to Jayden in a serious tone.

When Moby finally reached the arena, it was worse than he anticipated.

Thanks to his enhanced hearing, Moby was able to hear their entire conversation.

"And then after the 7th fingernail, he started to…"

Nathan was bragging about how much pain he had caused Moby and was trying to lean closer to her and kiss her multiple times.

When Moby used their mind link to read Jayden’s emotions, he felt such immense anger coming from her that it was almost drowning.

’How the fuck is she hiding all that anger?!’ Moby thought

Jayden was able to bear how Nathan actually thought he had a chance with her and she thought it was hilarious every time he said that he could beat Moby but, what she could not stand more than anything is how he was insulting and bragging about torturing her only friend.

"I’m sorry for being so late!" Moby said pretending to be tired from running

"Oh, it looks like Moby is finally here! We can now start the fight!" Jayden said standing up and heading towards the stage.

"Wait! But I’m only now getting to the good part! Nathan said in disappointment.

"It’s ok! You can tell me the rest after the match is over!" Jayden said with a cute smile.

Both Moby and Nathan stood on opposite sides of the stage waiting for the signal to start.

Nathan took a fighting stance while Moby just stood there doing nothing.

"Why are you just standing there smiling like a retard? Did I scare you too much for you to even move?!" Nathan said with a loud laugh.

Moby just stood there with a cynical smile that quickly turned into a sadistic laugh.

’Has he gone crazy?! He must have lost his mind knowing that he has no chance to win and that I’m going to beat the shit out of him,’ Nathan thought with a confident smile.

Jayden raised a gun in the air about to signal the start of the match.




"Start!" Jayden said with a distorted devilish grin.


Well, boys, we did it! We got second place in the contest! The contest will end in a few hours and we did so well! I never expected to get this far with this novel to the point that I get 2nd place! I only started this novel for fun one day and it evolved into something many people like and support. it’s so unbelievable that it makes me feel underserved of all this love and support!

It might sound like I’m overexaggerating but I promise you I’m not!

You guys did all of this! if it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t be here writing this chapter right now!

Thank you so much!

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