The Great Demon System Chapter 36: Toying With Prey

Chapter 36 - Toying With Prey

Before the match even started, Moby had already used his inspect skill on Nathan:


Name: Nathan Johnson

Race: Human

Ability: Level 3 Earth

Power Level: 2520

Hp: 100/100

Mana: 39/39

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Strength: 75

Agility: 61

Endurance: 77

Intelligence: 39

Mind: 0


’Heh, the low intelligence stat is very fitting to his actual intelligence,’ Moby thought with a little chuckle.

As soon as the match started, Nathan surrounded his hands with metal from the ground creating makeshift metal boxing gloves enveloping his fists.

The earth ability is not only limited to manipulating rock, it is able to manipulate any metal, mineral, or rock.

Also, using and manipulating existing earth will lower his mana consumption by a lot than if he were to instead create his own. And, due to Nathan’s low mana capacity, that is what he opted for.

Nathan rushed at Moby with full speed laughing like a maniac the whole way there.

Moby was still standing there smiling, seemingly unphased by the speeding Nathan heading his way.

Nathan threw a heavy right punch aiming for Moby’s head as soon as he reached within striking distance.

As soon as Nathan felt that his fist was about to make contact with his opponent’s skull, Moby simply moved his head sideways in a manner akin to him stretching, dodging the attack in the process.

Nathan’s fists hit the air as he ran right past Moby’s position.

’What the fuck! How did I even miss it! I swear my fist was just an inch away from his face a moment ago!’ Nathan thought in shock.

When he looked back at Moby, he could see him stretching his neck, arm, and legs as nothing happened.

’Was he really that lucky!’ Nathan thought in disbelief.

His opponent only had a power level of 800, it’s physically impossible for him to dodge even if he sees the attack coming, his body would not be able to move fast enough.

Nathan decided to forget about what happened as he concluded that it was just extreme luck.

Nathan rushed at the still stretching Moby once again.

But this time, instead of one strong punch, he opted for a barrage of jabs and kicks.

Moby just casually dodged every incoming attack with his eyes closed while still doing his stretching motion.

’He’s so slow and his attack pattern is so predictable! It’s pathetic!’ Moby thought with a chuckle.

Even with his eyes closed, Moby could still use his "Energy Sense" and his advanced senses to predict where Nathan’s next attack will go.

Moby was doing this because he wanted to see how long Nathan will play the "He’s just getting extremely lucky" card before figuring out what is actually happening.

’What the fuck! How are none of my attacks connecting! It’s impossible! No one no matter how strong can so nonchalantly dodge my attacks with their eyes closed! He must be the luckiest man on earth! I can’t be embarrassing myself like this in front of my love Jayden!’ Nathan thought in anger.

At this point, Nathan was still holding back on using the full extent of his earth ability because he thought he would have defeated Moby too quickly which would have not been fun at all.

So, he decided to use a bit more of his powers to shift the tides in his favour and teach Moby a lesson about what happens when you provoke him.

On one of Nathan’s punches, a bunch of metal spikes extended from his glove which headed straight towards Moby’s eyes at immense speed.

’If he doesn’t want to open his eyes and see me then I’ll make him blind! That will teach this fucker!’ Nathan thought with a sadistic smile.

As soon as Moby felt the attack coming. He was finally forced to open his eyes and actually dodge. Then, he counter-attacked by ducking under his attack, punching Nathan in the chest making him fly several meters in the process.

Nathan coughed a small amount of blood on the ground and was forced to go on one knee as a result of Moby’s previous blow.

"What the fuck! How is he so lucky! No! It can’t be luck! It’s impossible! The only explanation must be that he is somehow cheating!’ Nathan thought, gritting his teeth in anger.

"What the fuck! This is bullshit! You are clearly cheating! Either that or you are just the luckiest man on earth!" Nathan bellowed with anger and annoyance.

"I guess I’m the luckiest man on earth then," Moby said with a loud laugh that made Nathan’s face turn completely red out of anger.

"Let’s go!! Beat his ass! I want to see him beg and cry like a baby!" Jayden said, cheering from the sideline.

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As soon as Nathan heard Jayden’s voice, he immediately calmed down and regained his motivation with renewed resolve.

’Jayden is cheering for me! I can’t disappoint her now! Watch me as I tear this loser into shreds and prove my undying love for you!’ Nathan thought getting up and taking a fighting stance deciding to not hold anything back anymore.

Little did he know that Jayden’s cheering was not aimed for him at all but was instead intended for Moby.

Nathan surrounded his whole body in metal armour and created a large metal spear, holding it firmly in both arms.

"Alright pussy! So far I was holding myself back in order to not immediately kill you! But now! I’m not holding anything back anymore! You will regret this moment for the rest of your life! Watch me Jayden, my love! This poor loser will be wishing he were dead real soon! Trust me!" Nathan said with confidence.

Jayden gave a cute chuckle as soon as he said that, which Nathan took as a sign of her accepting his words.

Nathan rushed at Moby much faster than before. He formed many different Metal spears in the air and launched them at Moby with incredible speed.

Moby jumped and dodged the incoming spears.

As soon as he landed, he noticed that his feet became sunken into the ground making him unable to move.

Suddenly Moby had a fearful and panicked expression on his face as he tried his hardest to free his legs struggling with no avail.

"I got you now you little cunt!" Nathan screamed with his tongue out like a complete lunatic thrusting his metal spear towards Moby’s chest.

Suddenly, Nathan’s spear stopped in its tracks stunning him from the sudden and abrupt stop. It felt like he had struck a mountain instead of a person.

Moby had stopped Nathan’s attack by holding his spear with 2 fingers.

He started laughing like a madman as he snapped off the tip of the metal spear only using those same 2 fingers.

"Sike bitch you thought!" Moby said with a fiendish laugh.

Nathan had instinctively backed off from Moby as soon as he noticed that his attack had no effect.

Moby walked out of the binds that were holding his feet like they were not even there and slowly approached Nathan.

"Stay the fuck away from me!" Nathan bellowed with a hint of fear in his eyes.

Nathan tried to bind Moby’s movements, sucking his feet into the metal ground once again but Moby just walked right out of it like it was not even there.

"Don’t get any fucking closer!" Nathan screamed now with intense fear.

Nathan began using every binding technique he knew to constrain Moby’s movements with no avail. Then, he started throwing a barrage of metal spears at Moby which resulted in him either dodging or easily deflecting the attack.

Moby was slowly walking towards Nathan wearing a sadistic smile, giving off such an intense aura and killing intent that it made Nathan’s legs immediately fail him, making him land ass first on the ground with a horrified expression.

Nathan was now completely out of mana. He had tried every trick in the book to try and win but it all ended in utter failure. He had no more hope of winning. He now knew that he had no chance of victory to begin with, and he was only being toyed with like a predator playing with its prey before a meal.

"! What the fuck are you! You were supposed to be weak trash! How are you this strong!!" Nathan cried out in horror.

"Weak trash huh? Why don’t you check again?"

When Nathan checked Moby’s watch to see his power level, his nether regions had suddenly got all wet as a yellow liquid was flowing down like a river from under him.

"3..3...3… 3570! Impossible! I checked your power level right before we started and it clearly said 800! No one can suppress their power level like that!"

"I’ve heard that line many times before at this point but it never gets old!" Moby said with a laugh.

"I...I give up! Please! Just let me leave! I promise I won’t tell anyone about what happened here, just please let me go! I will never mess with you ever again! I promise!" Nathan said kneeling his head on the ground.

"Hahaha! Don’t you remember when you said that I would be the one to grovel at your feet! Oh, how the tables have turned!"

"And about your question. Let me think about it for a second… Fuck no! Now, why the fuck would I let you go now! I will make you pay 1000 fold for all the shit you made me go through! I will torture you many times harder than how I tortured your goons! You better be prepared!" Moby said squatting down to Nathan’s eye level giving him a dark twisted smile.

"You… You killed my whole gang! It was you who destroyed my gang!" Nathan said, trying to crawl away from Moby as fast as he could.

"Jayden! My Love! This psycho is gonna kill me! Please control your pet!" Nathan screamed out like a mad man.

"Now why the fuck would I ever help a fat, disgusting, greedy pig like you over my only friend?!" Jayden said from behind him with a chuckle.

"D...dear…?" Nathan said with a stream of tears running down his face.

"Why would someone like me ever possibly like a filthy donkey such as yourself. Don’t you get it? This was planned! I nearly vomited every time I was forced to say that I liked you. And, every time you would stare at me with your lustful eyes like I was some doll it made me want to kill you on the spot!" Jayden said spitting on his face in disgust.

"But, I’m glad I didn’t! The expression on your face has made the entire experience worth it!" She said with a distorted laugh.

As soon as Jayden said that, Nathan felt like his entire world was crumbling right in front of him. The last few hours which he thought was the best time of his entire life was no more than a lie, a fabrication, just to see him suffer.

Any shred of previous hope, dignity, joy, or will he had to live, had just gotten cruelly ripped out from his soul leaving him with nothing. He was like a dry, empty, hollow husk of what he used to be.

"We can’t have you lose your emotions now, can we? We haven’t even gotten to the fun part yet" Moby said, staring at Nathan’s dead eyes, holding him by the hair with a disappointed expression.

"Let’s start nice and easy just like how you did with me!" Moby said with a smile.

Moby grabbed a finger and broke it in one swift motion.

As soon as he felt the pain, life came back into Nathan’s previously dead eyes. Tears started running down his face once again as he screamed a terrifyingly loud scream of pain.



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