The Great Demon System Chapter 48: Taking The First Step

Chapter 48 - Taking The First Step

Moby was a little sad that his assumption of what the surprise was going to be was wrong. This further proved to him that Jayden does indeed not see him as a sexual partner at all which further depressed Moby.

However, Moby has yet to throw in the towel.

’I’ll get her to like me someday…’ He thought, pushing those thoughts to the back of his mind.

What is in front of him right now was far more important than his weird fantasies because it is very much real.

When Moby saw all the money, his eyeballs nearly popped out of his eye sockets from surprise. He was so excited that he can now finally buy equipment from the shop. It will greatly help them during the exam.

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" much is in here!" Moby exclaimed.

"I think around $100,000," Jayden replied with a smile.

"How did you get all that money!? I thought you had already spent all your money on clothes!?" Moby asked.

"Well… why don’t you take a look!" Jayden said, pointing at the closet she had just come out of.

Moby nodded and slowly approached the room. The room was pitch black, but, due to Moby’s enhanced vision, he could see as clear as day.

But, what he saw was so surprising that he had to turn on the lights just to be sure he wasn’t dreaming.

"YOU SOLD ALL YOUR CLOTHES!!" Moby exclaimed.

The room was huge, being almost the size of Jayden’s actual room. It was filled with empty clothes hangers and shelves that lined the entire room.

"Wait, why didn’t you just store all your clothes in a storage ring? It would be much easier, " Moby asked.

"I wish… My parents only gave me a medium grade dimensional storage ring and it wouldn’t be able to fit even a fraction of my clothes, " She replied with slight annoyance.

"Anyways. Did you really sell all your clothes just for me? I thought you loved your clothes and wouldn’t want to lose them for the world?" Moby said with a shocked expression.

"I just wanted some of that cool magical equipment you promised! There is nothing more to it!" Jayden said, turning away trying not to show her face.

"Also, it’s not even a big deal. None of my clothes give any advantages in combat. I had been experimenting more with my doppelganger powers and I had figured out I can do this." Jayden said, still facing the other direction.

Suddenly, Jayden’s school uniform turned into a beautiful long red dress then turning into a casual crop top and jeans before turning back into her student uniform once again.

"With this new power. I have no need for all my clothes! I can limit my doppelganger powers to copy and use clothes instead of both clothes and body. This works on any clothes that I have already laid eyes on."

"It has the same conditions as when I transform into another person or creature. This ability doesn’t copy an equipment’s magical properties and only copies the appearance making it perfect for instantly wearing all my non-magic clothes with but a wave of my hand!"

"The clothes cannot be duplicated as they will disappear as soon as they are taken off. This new ability also means I can go shopping without actually using any money! I can just look at something, save it to my memory, and then I can wear it whenever I want, free of charge!" Jayden explained with a smile.

"That’s amazing! It’s like you and your demon powers were made for each other!" Moby exclaimed.

’That’s because they are… a demon transformation answers to a person’s inner desires and personality at the time of their transformation,’ Avilia said.

’Wait… Really!?" Moby replied.

’Yes, didn’t you think of how it was odd that a manipulator who liked to toy with people’s emotions turned into a doppelganger or how a girl who has been alone her whole life, wanted to take on the world all by herself and trusted no one turned into a necromancer, one of the best solo classes with minions to control?’ Avilia explained.

’Shit! That’s true! I should have figured that out long ago!’ Moby said, feeling stupid at himself.

’Wait! If what you said was true… Why did I turn into a regular demon with no specialization? Does that mean I had no personality or desires? That’s impossible! I know my desire was only to get stronger! So why!?’ Moby’s brain went into turmoil.

’I wouldn’t worry too much about it if I were you! All your questions will be answered once you evolve! That’s all I can say without ruining the surprise!’ Avilia said with a cute chuckle.

’Avilia and her surprises… it better be something good’ Moby thought with a sigh, trying his best not to worry about his future.

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"Sooooo… what do you think of my surprise?" Jayden said, fiddling with her fingers, snapping Moby back into reality.

"It’s amazing! The best present I could ask for! I promise to get you something cool!" Moby said, giving Jayden a hug.

Moby was still a complete novice when it came to women and matters of love. So, he didn’t know if this is a good or a bad thing to do. He didn’t want to creep her out or overstep his boundaries in fear of ruining their friendship. But, he decided to take the risk anyway seeing that it is the perfect opportunity. He can do so, under giving the excuse that he got a little too excited because of her present.

Jayden was very shocked when she saw Moby hugging her. She was not expecting it at all. Her face immediately became flushed red with metaphorical steam coming out of each ear. The hug was not very tight and gave off a more gentle and tender feeling that made Jayden almost cry from joy.

Moby was unable to see her face as his head was past her shoulder. He was happy to see that he was not immediately pushed away by her.

He used his mind link to read her emotions to see how she is feeling, just in case.

’Extremely happy’ he thought.

’I guess that’s a good sign…’ Moby nervously thought.

This was indeed one of the happiest moments of Jayden’s entire life, probably second to her turning into a demon and meeting Moby.

As she was about to hug him back, a sudden knock came from the door.

"Hey, Jayden, Lord?! Are you in there? Abby said, using her mind link to communicate with both of them.

Jayden and Moby immediately let go of each other looking away in embarrassment.

"Sorry, I got too excited, your present was truly amazing," Moby said, trying his best at damage control.

"No, don’t be… it was... nice... I didn’t mind at all," Jayden said, playing with her long dark blue hair.

They had both misunderstood each other. Jayden thought that she was overreacting as it was only a friendly hug. She still has many insecurities about her self, fearing that Moby still sees her as a slut or a whore and he would never want to be with her after she had tried to **** him in the past.

Moby was still a little disappointed that she did not return his hug and that it did not show up as "aroused" or something along those lines instead of "happy".

’Luckily, she probably only saw that as a friendly hug and nothing more. It probably won’t ruin our relationship, I’ll win her over... eventually... ’ Moby thought, breathing a big sigh of relief.

’MY LORD! ANSWER ME! ARE YOU OK! DID SOMETHING HAPPEN!? ANSWER ME!!’ Abby said in a worried voice using their mind link once again.


"NO, NO, NO, NO! I promise you that I’m fine! I’ll open the door for you right now!" Moby said in a panic.

"I’m so glad that you’re okay my lord! For a second there I thought that something had happened to you!" Abby said, breathing a heavy sigh of relief.

Moby immediately left the closet and opened the door letting Abby inside.

When she entered the room and looked at both Jayden’s and Moby’s slightly red faces, she couldn’t help but wonder.

"My lord, did I miss something important in my absence?" She asked with curiosity.


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Sorry for the uneventful chapter I promise we are near the start of the next arc I calculated only 4 more chapters until then!

Also, im really bad at writing romance plotlines. This is the first time I ever attempt writing something like this. This chapter might seem a little chiché. I’m really sorry and apologize in advance.

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