The Great Demon System Chapter 49: Shopping

49 Shopping

Also! I have made a few changes to the "Novice Demon Katana" and the full set bonus!

I have also renamed the "Shop" tab to the "Crafting" tab as it makes more sense!

Now, enough with my rambling...


"Oh ya! Look at this fat stack of loot! We will now be able to get good magical equipment for the exam!" Moby said, showing the suitcase full of money to Abby.

"Oh! That is amazing my lord! I have always wanted to try out some magical equipment!" Abby said with excitement.

"Don’t we need to deposit this money to the bank? I need to buy some things online with them," Moby asked Jayden.

"You see that machine in the corner? It’s linked to my bank account. All you need to do is place the money on top of it and the money will be immediately transferred to my account. I had just recently taken them out of my account because I thought that physically showing you all the money would be a much cooler reveal to my surprise." Jayden replied.

"That’s great! Let’s deposit them all now!" Moby said, holding the suitcase and walking towards the depositing machine.

He picked up all the money and placed it on the flat white surface of the machine.

Then, suddenly, all the money disappeared.

Then, a message screen hologram with a notification noise popped up in front of Moby.

[ Transfer Complete! ]

[ $100,239 has been transferred to your account ]

[ Your account balance is now $101,503 ]

’Damn! That’s a lot of money!’ Moby thought with a smile.

"By the way, Jayden, how is the video doing?" Moby asked with anticipation.

"Are you talking about… "that" video my lord?" Abby said with a chuckle.

"The very same!" Moby replied with a smile.

Moby and Jayden had already shown the humiliating video to Abby while they were retelling their story to her the day prior, at the mansion. She found the video so hilarious to the point of pausing the video every few seconds to roll on the floor laughing and hyperventilating before hitting play again only for the cycle to repeat. The cycle lasted for the rest of the video where she finally got the time to properly breathe. It was by far one of the funniest things she had ever witnessed.

"It currently has 10 million views and growing!"

"That’s great! That should be an extra $10,000. Right?" Moby asked.

"That’s fine! 100 grand will be more than enough for what I’m doing!" Moby replied with a smile.

"By the way, what is this secret website you speak of? I’m really interested.

"Well… I kinda lied… it’s not really a website. I can instantly craft equipment by just having the materials. It’s part of my demon powers. I have a bunch of blueprints of weapons and armour alike in my head that I suddenly received. I am able to instantly craft the equipment in those blueprints when I have the materials in hand. I promise they will be good equipment that costs much cheaper than regular magic equipment of the same strength and quality." Moby explained.

Moby still didn’t want to tell his servants about the existence of the system and this is the best excuse he can come up with.

Technically, he wasn’t lying to them

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"That is amazing my lord!" Abby said with a smile.

"Wait... if I am a doppelganger, and Abby is a necromancer… Does that mean you are a craftsman!?" Jayden exclaimed with a chuckle.

"Fuck No!" Moby immediately retorted, making her laugh.

"Anyways, where is your computer. I need to buy a few materials," Moby asked, ignoring her laughs.

"It’s in the other corner of the room," Jayden replied, regaining her cool.

"If you want to buy materials, go to Qbay.crom, there are always many good prices there. My account is already logged in so feel free to buy whatever you want." Jayden explained.

Moby nodded and went to the big computer sitting in the corner of the room. He has never seen a computer this advanced in his entire life.

As soon as Moby turned on the computer, he immediately went on Qbay and browsed for the best prices for all the materials he needed.

To make one full set of novice demon gear including the katana, he needed 19 Naga Scales and 1 Ignuim jewel.

The total cost for all those materials according to the system should be $29,000.

On the website, he found that the prices that were listed on the system were not entirely accurate, some materials cost more than listed on the system while others cost less.

The total ended up being $30,172 instead of the $29,000 he expected to pay.

Moby then concluded that the prices listed on the system were all just an estimation of their true value. He needed to not completely rely on the system’s prices as the market value of certain materials always fluctuated.

All items we’re currently in Moby’s cart. He has never done any online shopping so he asked Jayden some things he needed clarification on.

"So, After I do place order, how long will it take for the materials to arrive? Moby asked.

"It shouldn’t take any more than a few seconds," Jayden replied.

"Wait really? How?" Moby asked with a slightly shocked expression.

"You see that huge white pad beside the computer? That’s a teleport pad. All the things that you ordered will immediately be transferred there. Normally, your order would be teleported to a delivery service in your area and the package would then arrive in 1 day at most. But! If you’re cool like me and have a teleport pad like this one in your house, your order will be immediately sent straight to the teleport pad instead of the delivery service!" Jayden enthusiastically explained.

"Wait? So can people buy personal teleporters in their houses?" Moby asked.

"This type of teleporter does not work on living things and is completely different from the teleporters you can find at teleport stations that teleport humans. Those ones are a lot more expensive than this one and can only be owned by the military, government, and people with special permissions." Jayden replied.

"Good to know…" Moby said, taking a mental note of what she had told him.

When Moby clicked on the "Place Order" button, the teleporter instantly shined a bright light and a huge cardboard box appeared seemingly out of nowhere.

The box was fairly light compared to its huge size. It was fairly easy for Moby to pick up the huge box and place it in the middle of the room.

The box was filled with black scales that had a hint of purple, and 1 small black rock.

’The scales must be the Naga Scales and the rock must be the Ignuim jewel. The scales are much bigger and lighter than I expected, ’ Moby thought.

Naga Scales can come in many different colours. Moby decided to buy purple and black Naga Scales for his set of equipment to complement his purple "Eyes of Sin".

"My lord, don’t take this the wrong way, but, Naga Scales are considered just scraps, they are way too light and weak to be made into any good armour. They are mostly used for decorations instead of armour creation. That’s why they are so cheap, " Abby said, slightly concerned about her master’s decision

"It’s ok! When I infuse my demon energy into the armour, it will be much stronger!" Moby replied with a smile.

Moby went to the crafting tab of his menu screen and went over to buy the "Novice Demon Shirt".

[ Do You Want to Craft a " Novice Demon Shirt"? ]

[ Yes ] [ No ]

’Yes,’ Moby thought.

[ Please Customize The Appearance Of Your Item ]

’Wait… what the fuck! I can customize how my equipment looks!’ Moby thought in surprise.

’Yes, you can, since you are crafting this, it is only natural that you can pick its appearance. However, the appearance has to look somewhat reasonable to be crafted with the materials you provided. Don’t worry, changing the appearance won’t have any effects on the stats provided.’ Avilia explained.

Moby inwardly nodded, understanding everything Avilia had just told him.

Moby decided to go with something plain-looking as to not make it seem like magic equipment and as to not attract unwanted attention to himself.

When Moby finished customizing his " Novice Demon Shirt", 3 Naga Scales suddenly disappeared. Then, a slight purple glow appeared in front of his hands before a black and purple leather jacket appeared in hands that looked the same as the one he customized.

Both Abby and Jayden looked at Moby in surprise, shocked at what they just witnessed.

"Thats amazing my lord!" Abby said while enthusiastically clapping.

"Damn, thats impressive!" Jayden said with her mouth wide open in shock.

Moby nodded and smiled back at both Abby and Jayden before saying

"There is more to come!"

Moby then crafted every single piece of the equipment in quick succession, this also included the katana.

Naga scales are a very special kind of scales as they can be ground down into a leather or silk-like material.

As soon as Moby received all his equipment, he immediately put the armour in his inventory and equipped it on his body in one swift motion.

Moby’s new equipment consisted of a tattered deep purple silk-like scarf that wrapped around his neck reaching down to the middle of his back, a black hooded leather jacket with hits of purple lines and a purple pattern, black leather gloves that opened up at the fingers, black leather pants with a deep purple colour that lined the stitching, and finally, black leather boots that followed the same design as the pants. The boots had a completely black sole and the top of the boot connected up to his pants, making them seem uniform. (Think of the novel cover but with a little more purple,)

The sword was a normal looking black katana with a purple tip and purple hilt along with a pitch-black scabbard that wrapped around his waist.

He also wore a dull-looking black ring that wrapped around his right index finger.

His armour looked very generic and bland which is exactly what he was going for.

The armour’s stats are the following:


Novice Demon Katana

+30 strength

+10 Mind

Special Effect: +5% attack power per every consecutive hit. (blocked hits also count as long as the attacks are consecutively chained)

Cost: 4 Naga Scales (4000 dollars)



Novice Demon Scarf

+10 strength

+10 endurance

Cost: 3 Naga Scales (3000 dollars)


Novice Demon Shirt

+10 endurance

+5 strength

+5 Agility

Cost: 3 Naga Scales (3000 dollars)


Novice Demon Gloves

+10 strength

+10 endurance

Cost: 3 Naga Scales (3000 dollars)


Novice Demon Pants

+10 endurance

+10 agility

Cost: 3 Naga Scales (3000 dollars)


Novice Demon Shoes

+10 endurance

+10 agility

Cost: 3 Naga Scales (3000 dollars)


Novice Demon Ring

+30 mind

+30 intelligence

Cost: 1 Ignuim jewel (10000 dollars)


Full set bonus:

Demon based skills and abilities are 5% more potent.


In total he gained:


+55 Strength

+25 Agility

+50 Endurance

+30 Intelligence

+40 Mind


This totals to 200 stat points and a +1600 increase in power level since the mind stat does not count towards increasing one’s power level.

The equipment also gave a 5% potency bonus to all demon related skills and abilities which is really useful.

After wearing the armour, Moby’s new stats were:


Name: Moby Kane

Race: Lesser Demon

Level: 21

XP to next level 1,000/10,000

Power Level: 6,080 (4,480 + 1,600)

Hp: 120/120

Demon Energy: 143/143

Demon Energy regeneration: 77 Demon Energy/Hour

Strength: 176 (121 + 55)

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Agility: 161 (136 + 25)

Endurance: 123 (73 + 50)

Intelligence: 143 (113 + 30)

Mind: 70 (30 + 40)

Available Points to distribute: 0


As soon as Moby wore the armour, he felt like his entire body got lighter. A sudden surge of energy rushed into his body. He felt much stronger than before. Just like he expected.

’I thought that I might gain a new skill in mind or in another stat just like how I gained my "Lesser Mind Control" from getting 30 in mind. Does this mean that I can only gain new skills when my base stats reach the requirement and it does not include my stats with the armour?’ Moby asked Avilia.

’A brilliant deduction! You are indeed correct! I wasn’t planning on telling you about this one but it seems like you figured it out by yourself!’ Avilia said in a proud tone.

’So, my extra points in mind only serve to increase the chances that "Nightmare" is successful while also increasing the time my enemy is paralyzed. I guess it’s not that bad,’ Moby thought.

"So, How do I look?" Moby asked for his friends’ opinions on his new equipment.

"It looks really bland. The only thing that kinda looks cool is the black sword. However, knowing you, I have a feeling like you did this on purpose," Jayden replied.

"I would have to agree with Jayden my lord, I know you would want me to be honest and hold nothing back in my criticisms," Abby added.

"Perfect! That’s what I was going for!" Moby said with a smile.

"Hmmm… That’s pretty smart," Jayden nodded, now understanding Moby’s intentions

"Ohhhhh!!! I see!! My lord made his equipment bland on purpose as to not attract too many suspicions! As expected of my lord!" Abby said with a smile.

"Your power level increased by 1600! Thats as good as low tier magical equipment!" Jayden exclaimed as soon as she noticed Moby’s new powerlevel.

’Low tier equipment? Is that supposed to be good?’ Moby thought.

"Ummm… is that supposed to be a good thing?" Moby asked with a confused look

"YES! Even the lowest quality of low tier equipment usually goes for at least $100,000! If we are able to sell and mass produce this armour, we will be swimming in cash!" Jayden explained.

After Moby heard what Jayden said, he could not help but have a greedy look on his face and a big grin from ear to ear.

But his plans came to an abrupt halt.

’Sorry to rain on your parade. But, the equipment that you can craft in the crafting tab is demon exclusive armour. They would give no benefits at all to humans making them worthless to sell.’ Avilia explained.

As soon as he heard that, Moby’s greed filled thoughts immediately disappeared being replaced by immense disappointment.

When he told both Abby and Jayden about what Avilia just told him, they both had the same look of disappointment on their face.

"Jayden, can you please explain to me all the tiers of magic equipment?" Moby asked.

"Sure thing!" She replied enthusiastically.

"The tiers go as follows, from weakest to strongest, no tier: 0 - 1,500 power level increase, low tier: 1500-5,000, medium-tier: 5,000-10,000, high tier: 10,000-15,000, god-tier: 15,000+."

"medium-tier equipment is the highest level equipment available that is permitted to be sold to the public while the high and god-tier equipment is reserved for high ranking military personnel, important members of the governments and powerful guilds. High-level medium-tier equipment could be worth billions of dollars." Jayden explained.

"Wait? What are guilds? This is the first time I heard of such a thing," Moby asked in confusion.

"Guilds are a group of people that explore other planets and hunt magical beasts to sell and make money. Some of the really important guilds even rival the military’s influence in some cases. Most people that graduate with a high power level usually either continue working in the military, work in the government, join a good guild, or create a guild of their own. The low power levels get stuck with the lower end jobs like restaurant workers, taxi drivers, and jobs along those lines,"

’Damn! Why did we not learn any of this at school yet? Leo has been teaching martial arts for over a week now. This guild thing sounds really interesting. I might consider creating one once I graduate.’ Moby thought.

"Anyways… can you make me a set of gear now! Make it something really cool! Also, instead of a sword, give me 2 daggers!"

"My parents were going to send me a pair of low tier equipment for the exam but, I think I’d much rather use yours!" Jayden said, excitedly.

"Say less! It shall be done!" Moby replied with a smile.

This time, Moby decided to buy black and deep blue Naga Scales, the same colour as Jayden’s hair instead of purple and black. He decided to do this in order to compliment her blue hair.

Moby checked the crafting tab once again, searching for daggers that were within his budget.

After a few seconds of searching he finally found this:


Novice Demon Daggers

+30 strength

+10 Agility

Special Effect: Daggers that are thrown can be immediately teleported back to their owner’s hands.

Cost: 4 Naga Scales (4000 dollars)


’Perfect! Moby thought’

He then created the full set of novice demon equipment including the daggers and gave them straight to Jayden.

Jayden immediately put the equipment on by putting them in her storage ring before equipping them onto herself.

"WOW! This looks so good! I love this! Thank you so much!" She said, admiring her outfit then smiling at Moby.

Jayden wore an elegant deep blue silk scarf that reached down to her knees. She wore a tight blue and black sleeveless leather that felt really flexible which had an elegant design to it. On her hands, she wore a pair of scaly blue and black gauntlets that covered her arms up to her elbow. She wore a very short silk dress instead of pants revealing a lot of skin. For footwear, she wore a pair of scaly boots that covered her legs up to her knees. Instead of a plain black ring-like Moby’s, the ring’s jewel is instead imbedded into her right gauntlet giving off the same effect as if she was regularly wearing it.

Her weapons were black daggers with ancient-looking blue runic writing inscribed on each one. The daggers hung around her waist in an elegant looking black sheath, one on each side.

She looked like a true assassin.

"I have a surprise for you! Try throwing your daggers!" Moby said with a smile.

"Why?" Jayden asked in confusion.

"Just trust me!" Moby replied, still smiling.

"Fine then!" Jayden said, throwing both daggers at a wall.

The daggers just bounced off the wall, leaving a small crack, and then fell on the ground.

"Nothing happened?" She said in confusion

"Try imagining them teleporting back in your hand," Moby said, still smiling.

"Like this?" Jayden said, as both daggers suddenly appeared back in her hands.

"WOOOOWWWW!!! That’s crazy! I’ve never seen a weapon that could do this! Is there a limit to this?" Jayden asked with evident surprise in both her face and voice.

"Nope, as long as the dagger is out of your hand, you are able to instantly call it back whenever you want without a cost!" Moby replied.

"Thank you so much! I’m sure this will be very helpful during the exam!" She said with a cute chuckle.

Moby used his inspect skill on Jayden to check her new power level while wearing the armour,


Name: Jayden Griffith

Race: Lesser Demon (Doppelganger)

Ability: Level 4 Shadow

Level: 25

XP: 10,500/15,000

Power Level: 8,470 (6770 + 1700)

Hp: 120/120

Mana: 210/210

Demon Energy: 200/210

Strength: 232 (177 + 55)

Agility: 247(212 + 35)

Endurance: 158 (108 + 50)

Intelligence: 210 (180 + 30)

Mind: 55 (25 + 30)


"Jayden, I have an important question to ask you, if you were to use your doppelganger powers to change your clothes while you keep the equipment on, will the effects of the armour remain?" Moby asked with immense curiosity.

"I have no idea, I’ve never thought of that… let me give it a shot!"

Moby thought that the change of clothes is just an appearance change as it will maintain the properties of what she is actually wearing.

He is now trying to put his theory to the test.

Normally, magic equipment is not allowed at school because it brought with it many uncertainties. That is why all students are forced to wear their student uniform when they are at school or on school premises. The only exception to this rule is during practical exams.

The use of storage rings is also forbidden on school premises except for people with explicit permission. The school has a magic crystal that blocks the use of them except for the ones that are authorized. This is to avoid people bringing in things such as bombs or anything dangerous or illegal to school. However, Moby’s inventory still works, despite the crystal being active at all times.

If what Moby thinks is true, then Jayden would be able to wear her demon equipment even at school without being noticed or caught. This will give her a huge advantage over others without even being discovered. Even if they examine her equipment, they would only find it to be normal clothes as they do not work on non-demons.

"There!" Jayden said, now wearing her student uniform.

Moby used his inspect skill on Jayden only to find out that her power level stayed the same as when she was still wearing the demon equipment.

’Da fuck! That’s broken! I wish I could do something like that!’ Moby thought with a hint of jealousy.

After he said that, he could hear a small chuckle in his head. probably Avilia laughing at him.

Moby explained to Jayden about his strategy of always having her demon equipment on, even at school by using her doppelganger powers.

"That’s crazy! How did I not think of that! I’ll be sure to do it! Thanks for the advice leader!" Jayden said with a smile.

"Anytime!" He replied.

"Ummm… My Lord. Will you be making an equipment set for me as well?" Abby asked nervously.

" Of course! I would never leave you out!" Moby said with a smile, trying his best to comfort her.

"I am very thankful my lord. If possible, make it how you want. It would be an honour to wear something you had made personally for me," She said with a deep bow,

"By the way, what kind of weapon are you most comfortable with?" Moby asked.

"I have no experience with any kind of weapon my lord, I would love it if you were the one to choose a fitting weapon for me" She replied with an even deeper bow.

"Sure thing!" He said, opening his crafting tab once again.

He started browsing through the many different weapons he could craft before he stopped on one that really caught his eye.


Novice Demon Scythe

+40 strength

Special Effect: 10% of total damage per hit dealt to an enemy will be healed back to the user (10% life steal).

Cost: 4 Naga Scales (4000 dollars)


’What better weapon than a scythe for a necromancer?’ Moby thought with a smile.

’If this ability also works on her minions, she would be able to heal by just killing her own summons! I need to test this out later today when we go to the cemetery,’ Moby thought.

Moby bought all the required materials, to craft Abby’s equipment. But, this time, he bought black and red Naga Scales. Moby thought that the colour red would look good on her, that is why he went with that.

Moby created Abby’s new equipment and handed it over to her.

She sucked the equipment into her storage ring and immediately equipped it. She only had a low-grade storage ring which can only hold up to 2 meters cubed of storage.

She now wore a long hooded, long sleeve black jacket that went all the way down past her knees. Under it, she wore a small red crop-top along with a small tattered skirt. She wore black leather gauntlets that connected to her long sleeve jacket. Around her neck, was a short red scarf that went down to her elbow. She wore long black leggings that reached all the way up to the top of her thighs still leaving a little place where some skin was exposed. For footwear, she wore black boots with a subtle firey red pattern on it. The black novice demon ring looked like an actually fancy ring this time rather than it being plain looking like Moby’s.

Her scythe was huge, standing at over 6’8 making it a full foot taller than Abby who stood at a respectable 5’8 and over 1 foot compared to Jayden who was a full 2 inches shorter than Abby standing at 5’6.

The scythe’s handle was super thin but still allowed her to have a sturdy tight grip on it. On the large thick black blade, a few subtle red fiery accents can be found unlike the runic writing found on Jayden’s daggers.

She looked like a true personification of death.

Her new stats are:


Name: Abby Ried

Race: Demon (Necromancer)

Ability: Level 4 fire

Level: 30

XP: 0/30000

Power Level: 11,000 (9300 + 1700)

Hp: 150/150

Mana: 280/280

Demon Energy: 280/280

Strength: 366 (301 + 65)

Agility: 233 (208 + 25)

Endurance: 211 (161 + 50)

Intelligence: 280 (250 + 30)

Mind: 80 (50 + 30)


"Ummmm… my lord, I don’t mean to be ungrateful, but… why did you choose the colour red?" She asked nervously like she was slightly uncomfortable.

Due to her experiences with her parents, she started to hate the colour red. The colour that symbolized her family. She was forced to wear her normal red clothes when she was outside because she did not want to alarm anyone about anything and it would be weird to see a Ried not wearing red. So, she forced herself to wear it to avoid unnecessary troubles and questions. She had also thought of dying her hair to a colour other than her natural red. But, she would not be able to do it as it would be seen as a clear sign of rebellion towards her family which would not end well for her.

"Well… I just thought the colour red looked good on you and fit you well," He replied with a chuckle.

"Thank you… my lord… I will take those words to heart," She said with a smile as a single tear was seen flowing down her right eye.


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