The Primordial Record Chapter 860 Come Forth My Children

Chapter 860 Come Forth My Children

?If killing the minor Immortals that entered his Domain did not alert his enemies to the inherent dangers that were present in his Dimension, then the disappearance of a Demon King would do the trick, and they would not know what to expect. This should buy him a little time to push events forward.

He expected that there were extremely few methods to destroy a Demon King, and those of equal powers in the Great Abyss would have surely sensed the disappearance of such an esteemed figure. There were a limited number of such valiant powers in the Great Abyss, and the death of a single one would shake the Great Abyss.

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He suspected that most would believe that the Demon King was trapped because he was not truly dead but sealed. It was the reason he did not go out of his way to kill the Demon King at the moment. Unlike any Immortals that he had slain, killing a Demon King would cause so much commotion that he feared it might attract the attention of a Primordial.

It was a delicate dance to find the right balance between causing just the right amount of damage to be effective and not overdoing it and outplaying his hand

With the inevitable descent of his enemies into his Dimension, he would first need to set up his defense and then plan how he should handle the chaotic essence flooding his Dimension. If he wanted to win this war, he could not be held back by such a crutch.

At this moment too much of his consciousness power was focused on filtering the overwhelming amount of Aether flooding his Dimension and separating them from his Primordial Seas.

He could not pursue the issue of his defense and concentrate on finding the solutions to this problem at the same time. It was a good thing that as a Dimension, he had residents, and all of them would arise to defend their home when he called for them.

"Come forth my children."

His voice rippled through his Dimension. Rowan’s consciousness assumed the form of a gigantic golden eye that was as large as a star. With the expected birth of his physical body, he loathed to assume any humanoid form at this time, if he was going to appear before his children in his true body, then his form would be one that would no longer change.

At this time, they would all have to see one of his eyes.

His call pierced through his Dimension and shrouded the tens of thousands of worlds that had been born inside him. He could see that his children had been preparing for war for thousands of years.

He had given Eva access to his three Chambers, and she had not disappointed him. She had copied the features from the most powerful weapons and armor he had gathered and with Knowledge Well she had taken the best parts from those weapons of war, and using Hollow Forge, his armory was filled with unique weapons that would shake creation.

Although all his worlds were kept in a state of peace, martial might was respected as one of its foundations, and he had birthed mighty warriors and heroes without numbers. They heard his cries as a glowing pillar of white and blue light slammed against the surface of all his worlds.

Like ants, his children raced towards the pillars of light, entering it, and being transported before him. Even though they were in haste, they still matched with singular intent and harmony, their discipline born from having Angels as teachers.

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In the blink of an eye, hundreds of millions of beings were arranged before him, their numbers stretching deep into his Dimension, the bright light of his Astrolabe flashed as millions of beings kept adding to their number until they reached half a billion, and still, his children were arriving, drawn from every world he contained.

The most powerful among them, all their preparation for the day they were called for the defense of their Primogenitor and their home.

Rowan was not an entity that craved the suffering of others. His Worlds were powerful, but they were also a paradise that could never be found in a normal material universe. His children came to defend him as well as their home.

At the front of this army wrapped in cold darkness and purple fire was the Lady of Shadow Eva, her presence was not loud, but it was everywhere, weaving through the darkness and complementing his light.

Rowan immediately felt a large amount of the load he was holding fade away as she took charge over a large portion of his Dimension, aiding him in filtering the great amount of Aether flooding into his Dimension, and by her side was the smiling figure of Lost, who after all these years remained a child.

He had a necklace made from large beads, each of these beads was the compressed essence of the Lost Flames. Due to certain complications in this Omnipotent Aspect, Lost could not grow stronger, and he made do with gathering his essence and compressing it with the knowledge he learned from the Great Sages.

On the other side of Eva was Diane, who after all these years had become a fully actualized Spell Weaver of the Seventh Weave controlling a Power that was similar to that of a God King. She was the shiny star amongst Rowan’s children, catching up to the strong and exceeding them and everyone else.

Of all the Spell Weavers, she was the strongest, reaching heights in a short four thousand years that had stunned his myriad worlds. As the handmaiden to the Creator, her light was further enhanced, and in her golden armor, she glowed like the sun.

Standing beside Diane was Maeve whose green wings were open wide and shimmering with emerald lightning bolts and a shell-shocked Circe, whose eyes scanned behind her as millions of powerful beings were added to the army.

More than ever she questioned her presence in the midst of this Divine Army, the power she felt erupting behind her kept growing until her heart stopped beating in fright, and she could only watch in shock and horror.

Cradled in her arms was the sleeping Lightning Kirin, who was no longer black but now snow white, with large Runes of lightning on her forehead.

This was the vanguard of Rowan’s army, Eva presence was a firm rock that everything revolved around, and behind them were the three Great Sages from the Mountain and Sea Realm, their bodies which formerly contained vast amounts of their homeworld essence were now different, over the thousands of years they had begun exchanging their essence for Rowan’s golden Eruption ability.

The Three Great Sages, Han Li, Ni Tian, and Sparrow now had a golden glow surrounding their body, as his Eruption essence pulsed inside them, creating images of both destruction and creation.

They assumed their full stature, standing hundreds of miles tall, but their presence could not overshadow the Lady of Shadow whose darkness continually grew until it created a massive rune that expanded with the arrival of every soldier. Their feet rested on the massive purple rune that throbbed with power, imbuing everyone who stood upon it with the strength and fortitude to stand before the might of Rowan’s gaze.

With the Will of the Lady of Shadow, all of Rowan’s children would be able to stand before their creator.

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