The Primordial Record Chapter 861 By The Creator’s Will

Chapter 861 By The Creator’s Will

The Great Sages looked at the expansive Dimension in awe, but their gaze could not help but fall on the Eye of Rowan. The power they could sense from inside of it was terrifying, vast, and boundless, and they knew that they were lucky to be here.

This was a power that was worthy enough to fight for and to die for.

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Rowan scrutinized these Sages, it would seem that his Eruption ability from his Ouroboros Bloodline was more in line with the Cultivators from the Mountain and Sea Realm for they alongside his children of the Ouroboros pulsed with this power.

There were already twelve gods born from this bloodline and they stood beside other powerful members of the Mountain and Sea Realm. Previously there were three, but with the onset of the war, those that had been holding back their realm decided to break through.

Rowan’s single eye shone in satisfaction as his children exceeded a billion in number and more were still being added. The defense of his Dimension was no longer a fool’s hope.

The majority of his army came from the Mountain and Sea realms followed by his Children of the Ouroboros from the thousands of worlds he had seeded. The gods he created from the bloodlines of Trion were behind and they swallowed in awe before the majestic sights ahead of them.

They knew their new master was a powerful figure, but knowing and witnessing this power was something else entirely. The weakest members of this army were them, and they were all gods!

When Rowan’s Children reached more than a billion, the Dimension shook as the lights from Astrolabe increased in intensity, and from it, the massive beasts and Spirits born from his bloodline who had inhabited all of his worlds began to appear. Like their humanoid relatives, they all exited in an orderly fashion, like a true army.

Their sheer numbers crushed the billion humanoids that came before them and their sizes were colossal. Billions upon billions of beasts and spirits of the earth, air, water, fire, and thousands of diverse elements, of all shapes and sizes appeared, and the lights of Astrolabe were shining so brightly that its glow filled more than a hundredth of his Dimension.

Standing in front of this enormous army with their number nearing tens of billions was a gigantic white dragon the size of a moon, Vraegar. Rowan smiled internally, this dragon knew how to make an appearance.

Vreagar was hungry for fame and the recognition of his father, and for the past four thousand years, he had not relented in his efforts to grow strong, and with the strength of his back and the sharpness of his claws and teeth, he had conquered all the beast in the realm and he was granted the title of their ruler. The Dragon God.

Vraegar’s mighty head looked around, smiling when he saw the size of his armies compared to those of Eva; he spread his wings that were so massive they could hold hundreds of worlds on it and he roared.

The sound wave traveled for millions of miles, crossing across endless armies of Rowan, ruffling feathers, scales, and armor. Boosting the bravery in the hearts of everyone and imbuing them with his unique gift of plunder.

Anyone with his gifts would not only harvest the lives and vitality of those who they fought, and there was also a chance to steal their wealth and resources, regardless of where it was hidden. As a tiny dragon, Vraegar had even stolen from Rowan, and as a Dragon God, his rascal traits had multiplied to the extent that they became part of his powers.

Even Eva dreaded fighting this dragon, for its gift of plunder was so annoying, that it could anger anyone to death. When it seemed as if the gathering had reached its peak…

There was a loud trumpet and above his armies, millions of Celestial Suns appeared.


Celestial flames rippled through the ranks of Rowan’s children as millions upon millions of Angels, the weakest among them being Archangels appeared overhead, with wings spread wide and glowing like stars.

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They all held spears of flames and their armor radiated such great Celestial Light that it illuminated the billions of Rowan’s Children, creating a diorama where the darkness of Eva’s Rune was below the army, and the Celestial light of the Angels was above them.

A weight settled on the entire Dimension and then,


The massive Celestial Suns of his two Powers appeared and painted his entire army in a shade of scarlet. Creating a trifecta of colors, white, red, and black.

Their gigantic form appeared beside the eye of Rowan and they bowed to him before they rose up to their feet and their voices rippled before the gathered army.

"All Worship The Creator!"

The sound of the army falling to their knees resounded throughout the Dimension.

Except for Eva who Rowan had told never to bow to him, nevertheless, she bowed her head before his glory, and her eyes twinkled. Lost did not bow, he was attempting to climb on the bodies of the Powers and he was failing, his body was reported to a random part of the Dimension anytime he reached a million feet near the Powers.

If the Powers noticed this rascal, they gave no indication.

If Rowan had the eyes of a mortal, he would be sure that he would feel them tearing up. He was no longer a mortal, but his feeling of joy and satisfaction rippled out from his eyes and it touched every one of his children, and they could no longer hold back the fervor in their hearts.

As one, they slammed their right hand to their chest, "BOOM!!," Then they cried out their love to the Creator,

Malik frowned and wanted to stop the rabble but he was nudged by his brother to allow it. The cool voice of Nakir entered his consciousness, "Leave them be brother, it is a good thing they stand before the presence of the Creator. It will be the greatest honor in their life, let them savor it."

Malik sighed in irritation, "But their voices… There is no melody or rhythm to it. Their uncultured screeching is an affront."

"On that brother, I agree with you, but you can also hear it, can’t you? Even in this rabble, their love is pure, they would gladly lay down their lives in defense of this Haven."

Malik’s gaze swept through the Dimension, "It is a paradise alright, even if it is the beginning of one, the promise is here. They would fight for it, for I know no other Creator who would give any boon to his children without asking for everything in return."

Nakir smiled, "Although I admire their optimism, don’t you think it is time to show them what a true cry to the Creator is?"

Malik was silent for a while, "No, let us give them this day, the battle ahead is long and hard, and when it is over, it will be the voices of Angels that signal its end."

"By the Creator’s Will," Nakir whispered.

Malik also whispered, "By the Creator’s Will."

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