The Villain’s Story Chapter 266 [266] Heartbreak[2]

I...failed as a brother.

As I saw her body laying on the hospital bed...I couldn’t...I just can’t.

Her already weak and small frame looked even smaller against the stark and sterile surroundings of the room... Her skin was unnaturally pale, she was as skinny as a stick. Each breath she took was shallow...and it was a labor to even take a breath. A blanket covered her body but even that was useless. Her body still shivered despite the warmth of the room.

The machines surrounding her hum and beep in a disturbing and eery harmony. A Symphony none would like to hear. Wires and tubes snake around her body like the tentacles of an alien being, monitoring her vital signs and delivering medications. But all for naught. just to delay the inevitable.

I...Fucking failed.

I can’t...I can’t.

The atmosphere feels like the entire world is crashing down on me. on my shoulders.

She lost her health.

She lost her hair. Her lovely smile...her playful attitude.

And I wasn’t even there to save her...Just drowning in peace and solitude that was given to me after a while.

"...What did you find out?"

I said, asking the only person in the room with me.

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"Her condition is worsening day by day. The curse has evolved and is torturing her every second. I tried to heal her. I’m not that skilled. So I recommend having her checked by one of Twilight’s best healers...But I don’t think that will do any good. It’s a miracle she was able to live for so long as the curse inside her body is destroying her. To my knowledge, there isn’t anyone on Earth that can heal her. All they can do is Delay the inevitable... She...will die soon."

Elaine Parker, one of the best healers there was, even despite her low rank said that...

"I’ll...give you some time."

She left the room after saying that.

And Now I was alone, with the one person I cared most about...about to die.

She was breathing heavily, Each breath she took, the pain on her face...I can’t take it.

I gripped my hands as hard as I could. Blood seeped out from my claws digging into the skin of my palms.

[Dragon Eyes (?) has been activated.]

My eyes glowed an Astral Hue, I couldn’t stand the thought of having to look at her weak body, knowing that I could have prevented it....But I did.

I examined her with my own eyes, the eyes of a Dragon. Hoping.

Praying. That there has to be, there must be a way.

There needs to be a way!


[Name:Samantha Peccator(8)]

Race: Human (Cursed by A demon)


Strength: G

Endurance: G

Agility: G

Mana: F


Charm: B(Currently E)

Affinity:Water(Supreme), Light(Superior)

Skills: None


Note: The body is in pain and is dying due to a demon’s curse. It is recommended to end it painlessly quickly.

The host is in severe pain.


And then I lost it.

I tried not to, yet my face didnt listen. It morphed and turned into an ugly piece of shit that tried his best to hold back his tears. I tried my very best to not cry but all for naught.

I tried...I tried to be mature but I just couldnt.

The tears still came out. Drop by drop, followed by snot, and then cries.

I tried...I tried...


"...Is there truly no way?"

Sabrina asked as she stood outside the room. Along with Alice, Kazikato, and Elaine.

She looked towards Elaine...But all she received in response was denial.

"No. Not on this Earth. A very high-ranking demon cursed her long ago. I don’t know the specifics but the only way to cure her is of two ways. We get a healer that is ranked above the demon to cure her...Or find an Elixir strong enough to dispel the curse. Like an Elven tear.

None of them are available."

Her words were like the final judgment of a Judge, Unchangeable and Undeniable.

And Painful.

"An Elven tear has the least likely chance to be present on Earth, and even if someone or some family did have it. They wouldn’t give it even if Alan was willing to be their slave for all life. It’s just far too precious. And...from my estimations, the rank of the Curse is SSS or somewhere along that line.

There is no healer on Earth able to cure that. There isn’t even any SSS ranked awakened to my knowledge, Forget a Healer."

"What if we got an Elven tear through an Elf? Some do exist here...on Earth as nomads so it should be poss-"

Alice was interrupted by Sabrina.

"An elven tear is something even high Elves can’t easily get access to. And No High elf would willingly be on Earth."


The truth was cold and hard.

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Alice looked towards Kazikato, who had his head down.

’He must be feeling bad...’

She thought. It was Kazikato who raided the mall. Maybe he felt bad because he didn’t finish it in time and as a result, this happened.

Meanwhile, Kazikato was conversing with Ariel. No practically begging her.


he asked but got a cold hard reply.

[No. Do you even know what a true Elven tear is? These humans don’t know what they are talking about.

It is a magical elixir possessing healing properties unrivaled by any other substance. A legendary brew that is the treasure of the Elven race, closely guarded by Centuries. Even the current king of dragons, Aloaris does not know of it’s recipe. That is how precious it is. Forget about high elves, Even royal elves have a hard time getting it!]

It is beyond even Legendary!]

She hit him with the cold hearted truth.

[Thats a lie.]

Said kazikato, he knew she was somewhat lying. it was as if it was a sort of instinct.

[...Can you just give something else to me? Something weaker than an elven tear but enough to cure Boss’s sister?]

[Kazikato, Have you forgotten?]


[We are dragons. Dragons of ’Death’. The energy of life is repulsive to us. I don’t carry around Medicinal elixirs because of that. Their very energy is repulsive to our existence.]

Oh yeah...he forgot about that.

[Even if I did have one...The Laws of Casuality and this goddamned curse will deny my transfer of it to you.]

Kazikato sighed as his head gradually got lower...

He blamed himself for this.

And then it happened. A pressure that made them unable to move.

All emanating from the room Samantha was in. And Alan.


[A few moments back]

At his lowest point, at the lowest point of his mental fortitude his voice was heard.


Alan’s eyes, which were leaking blood due to his rage became alert as he heard ’his voice’.

"Fuck off...Or else."

[Or else what?]

James taunted him.

[You can’t do anything to me.]

A cold hard truth, one after the other.

Alan was on the brink of crying, and this bastard appeared.

He appeared when he was the lowest.

The world turned red, strings came everywhere.

[You are inside the domain: Puppeteers Stage.]

He could not see this message, his head was still drooped down.

At his weakest point, when he could not resist the strings came and attacked him. When he didnt care about life, about the world. The strings attached to him.

He could see...a face in front of him. A Face that creeped him out...Horrified him.

Samantha’s soulless, eyeless maggot-infested face in front of him... An illusion created by ’him’

She wasn’t dead yet...what is this?

He wondered...but his voice, his illusions told him other things. 𝔣𝖗𝖊𝖊𝖜𝔢𝔟𝔫𝔬𝖛𝖊𝔩.𝖈𝖔𝔪

[You did this.]


[You could have stopped this.]


Alan’s face he saw his very sister’s face in front of him, reanimated as she terrified him.

Horrifying this was...His already frail mind breaking apart.

[Don’t you want revenge? You can still save her.]

And then he begged tell him how.

He begged that vermin. But could he blame? Nothing worked for him. He couldn’t figure out the spatial coordinates to Elvenheim to get an Elven tear. he couldn’t even beat Ezra...the only chance he was able to give to obtain one...he fucked that up as well.

He grabbed his head as a severe headache came to his mind.

[The power of the phoenix...give it to her for now. It possesses enough power to ward off the curse for now and help heal her.]

And he did as was as if he somehow knew how to do this...


[And get revenge... Don’t you think that it is suspicious? A normal monster suddenly turning into a chaos being? someone was behind this...No?]

His beautiful astral eyes vanished. The astral hue they emitted replaced by a Teal Hue.

[Rip and tear them to shreds...Until you find who it was. Do anything to even get a lead...and once you find the culprit....]

’Alan’ stood up.

[~Take your sweet revenge~]

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