The Villain’s Story Chapter 267 [267] Villain.

What makes a villain?

Have you ever asked yourself that question?

What makes a villain is a complex and multifaceted concept explored extensively in the literature and other storytelling mediums. Essentially, a villain is a character who opposes the protagonist or hero in a story. However, the qualities that make a villain effective vary depending on the story’s context and the audience’s expectations.

A critical trait of a villain is their level of malevolence. A truly villainous character is often portrayed as evil, cruel, or sadistic, taking pleasure in causing harm and suffering to others. They may have their own motivations for their actions, which could be power, revenge, or a twisted sense of justice. Whatever their reasons, a villain’s actions are typically seen as morally reprehensible, and they are often depicted as irredeemable.

Another trait that makes a villain impactful is their level of competence. A skilled villain is often a worthy adversary for the hero, making their defeat all the more satisfying for the audience. Whether through physical prowess, intelligence, or cunning, a competent villain poses a real threat to the hero and the outcome of the story. But all of these are just the qualities of a villain

But...What gives birth to a Villain? Have you ever asked yourself that?

What makes it so that someone decides to be Evil? There have been some individuals that have just been born with a psychopathic nature. The so-called Psychopaths from birth who just want to see the World Burn. Their mind is so malformed that they do anything to give them some sort of pleasure, some sort of Recluse. Some sort of ’Salvation.’ The pleasure they will do anything to obtain.


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But then that is just a predestined Villainy, A fate set from birth.

They are not Villains. Just Mentally ill patients that don’t need help but death.

So...What makes a villain? What gives birth to a true Villain? What makes it so that someone steps on the Path of Evil?

The world around them, is the answer. The environment they are in. The odds they are against!

Every day, hour, minute, second. It is the card they are dealt by life that makes a person...A Villain.

But what is a Villain defined as? Perspective matters of course. They may be doing something good for everyone, but what if the entire world is full of batshit crazy monkey’s that don’t understand his goals and ideals? He will label himself as a hero, a savior. But they will call him a villain.

Isn’t it so fun to read stories, documentaries like this?

In the end, A Villain is forged from the circumstances he is in, just like a hero is.

They are two sides of a coin. In every story of a Hero, there is a Villain. ’His’ Villain.

Possessing an ideology different from the hero’s. And an ironclad will oppose him. Birthed from the world. That is an interesting villain, that is a villain with depth, character...a TRUE Villain.

Not necessarily do they have to be Evil to be labeled as such...I just Misunderstood sometimes.

Take Our dear little Aranus for Example. He was dealt an insanely bad card from Birth.

Life was just going well for him. Until the Abyss noticed his Talent. It did everything to get a hold of him. No matter what. It first enticed him, coerced him when he was at his lowest point...and then GAH!

It grabbed ahold of him and ’never’ let go. But can you really blame it? The power that Aranus could possess. The latent potential in him that was so great it could topple the very order, the very rules of this UNIVERSE! It was just too enticing to let go. To just glance at!

He was perfect, his soul and body...were the perfect vessels for the element of Chaos!

The power, the affinity his soul and Vessel possessed...Was just far too great! No one could utilize the Element of Chaos better than him! He alone was the one most suitable for it! The one who could truly unlock its potential. Better than even the Abyss himself. So it must have him! IT MUST! So it did. It went to great lengths to obtain him! Tricking even a Supreme Dragon, the King of the Chaos Dragons that was still ’sane’! The only Sane Chaos dragon.

And just like that, VOILA! It had them both in the palms of its nonexistent, dark hand!

And just like that, Aranus became the Villain...the one being that brought the entire Universe on the brink of Extinction...not once...not twice!. Not even thrice! Haha! But FIVE HUNDRED FUCKING TIMES! HAHAHA! Isn’t it fucking Hilarious?

But can you say he was a Villain? No...He didn’t want that fate. he was just controlled. Controlled to destroy. Turned into a Puppet. So can he truly be called a Villain?

Well...yeah but not a true villain. Just a Misunderstood one. So there’s no fun in that.

But then take me as an example. I’m a villain. I too was forced into this life by the very same World! By the motherfuckers, bitches, bastards absolute pieces of shit of the world that brought me into it. In the end...You could say I am the Bland type of villain. The one that is like so from Birth.

I’m a fucking Psychopath, and I like it. Yeah, my circumstances did contribute but who gives a damn? I know I’m broken but who gives a fuck?

It’s not the perfect villain. Not the true villain I wanted to be. Just the Mentally Ill kind. The one from Birth. I was born into a family of Psychos...So I just became one to match the environment! Hehe!

Kekeke...But I’m a perfectionist! Someone who needs to...Who Must see it!

I need to create it!

And so I made you!

My dear little soul who goes by the name of Alan. A Moniker. A name not his own.

Like the most skilled potter handling the most delicate piece of clay, I will mold you into the Perfect Villain, One formed by his surroundings, the world around him alone. A Perfectly good soul turned evil!

Like the greatest Blacksmith handling the greatest metal. I will forge you into the most perfect villain...

Like the most well-versed Musician...I will make you my final, my greatest Symphony!

Like the greatest artist, I WILL MAKE YOU MY MASTERPICE!


Wouldnt that make an interesting story?

A story, so intriguing, and so satisfying that all will beg for more!

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With the final line of his mental defense, the bloodline of the Pheonix now gone...Nothing is left to stand in my way!


I will the perfect villain, a story which is Perfect.

That would make the perfect story...

Don’t ’you’ agree?


No one could move...Sabrina, Elaine, Alice, and even Kazikato could not move.

As ’he’ Exited the was Silent. No one could move at all. Just the pressure he was releasing was so suffocating that they couldn’t even move a single damn inch. Just fearful...

Fear had engulfed them...The sound of their hearts beating was like the sound of a drum. That was how much they were afraid.


He silently moved along the Hallway, the sound of his rhythmic footsteps creating a symphony that was unsettling...just unsettling.

Sweat poured down their faces...they couldn’t even look at him.

Kazikato...was afraid. Forget the others.

He was the one guy that caused Alan to be seriously injured, fighting for his last breath except for the Sword Saint.

HE had done that! A feat none could easily accomplish. Especially at their age.

But now? He didnt dare to make a single move. Not one.

[Don’t move. Just let him go.]

Ariel’s voice resounded in his mind. And he did not dare disobey.

[None of you, even together can kill him now.]


The sound of the door closing was rhythmic to their was the sign that told them he left.

They all took gasps of breath. previously they didnt even dare to breath in his presence.

What was happening...? No what is about to happen? she collected herself...thought.

’Those eyes...that teal color... I saw that before.’

Alan’s eyes were different. They were not the Astral blue eyes she was fond of seeing. But now they were Teal. A color entirely different from the Eyes she was fond of.

Something...about that color was off.

It was...disturbing to say the least.

"No way..."

They turned their heads to Elaine...who had opened the door to Samantha’s room.


As they all looked inside, wanting to see what was wrong that shocked Elaine.

And they saw Samantha, still lying on the bed, connected to the countless machines...but now she was Different. That pale complexion was gone, the painful look was gone.

She looked healthy now... Entirely different from the near-death appearance she had before!

What..? She was still in a coma...but this was just Miraculous.

"How...did this happen?"

Elaine questioned as she examined Samantha...But then everyone shivered...

A wave of mana...Alan’s mana swept over them. Over the entire building...No the entire city.

"Mana sense..."

Sabrina remarked...And then all gulped.

...Hell was about to run loose.

And they could do nothing to stop it.

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