Transmigrated as a Ghost Chapter 1014 1014 Clash Between Gods

Chapter 1014 Chapter 1014 Clash Between Gods

’What the?!’

His face warped in confusion, Marcus could not make heads or tails of what had just occurred. One second, he was about to be stomped into oblivion, and the next a giant blast of dark red energy had consumed his attacker.

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Immediately Marcus was able to identify the attack as being destruction magic, but it was on a scale far grander than anything he had ever seen before. Other than just a few centimeters around him, everything was blotted out by the dangerous magic that would vaporize him if it so much as grazed him.

Thankfully, whoever had launched this attack did not seem to want to harm Marcus. The magic was clearly bent around him, and the caster had already saved his life by stopping the mysterious man without a status from killing him.

’Looks like I got lucky. There is only one person I can think off that could do this, so I can just leave the rest to her.’ Marcus thought, letting all of his tension release.

When the wave of dark red energy finally dissipated, the rift in space above Marcus widened, and as he expected, the Administrator walked through it.

Just like the last time he saw her; she was in the visage of a young girl with brown hair and looked to be around the age of fifteen. It was a very normal appearance for the being that oversaw the world of Mirrion, but Marcus already knew that this was just an avatar she used here and not what she truly looked like.

"Sorry I took so long to arrive. Thank you for holding things down for me. I’ll take it from here." She said, wearing an apologetic expression as she looked down at Marcus.

The Administrator then turned her gaze towards the intruder with a look of intense animosity.

Following her eyes, Marcus saw a giant cocoon made of silver threads. Despite having been swallowed by the Administrator’s destruction magic, the man that had invaded Mirrion had managed to protect himself.

Quickly the threads began to unravel to reveal the man without a status. He was mostly unharmed, save for his missing leg. However, it was not the Administrator’s attack that had caused this injury, the man himself had sliced off the leg in order to escape her grip.

"My, that was a rude way to greet your brother. Especially since it has been so lon-"

"SHUT UP!" The Administrator yelled, cutting the man off. "Don’t you dare call yourself my brother! We have not been a family for a long time! Now you are just another monster I need to destroy!"

After her outburst, the Administrator leapt towards the man that claimed to be her brother. As she closed in on her target, a cascade of flames swirled around her body and gave her the appearance of a blazing comet.

In response, the man swiftly moved his fingers and hundreds of threads moved as he willed. These threads sliced through the air like whips and assaulted the Administrator as she charged.

Most of the threads were burnt to ash when they touched the fires around the Administrator, but a few connected with her and sliced into her body.

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Nevertheless, she shrugged off the minor injuries and continued until she crashed into the man that had invaded Mirrion.

An enormous explosion of fire rocked the area when she impacted, and it looked like a small star had suddenly come into existence.


Watching the blaze rapidly coming his way, Marcus was certain that he would be swallowed by it and incinerated.

Yet, when the flames reached him, a barrier appeared around his body and warded off the intense flames that consumed everything in their path.

When the power behind the attack finally started to fade, Marcus could see that the earth around him had become molten and it looked like he was in the middle of a volcano.

The only thing in the vicinity that had survived the Administrator’s attack was the Tower of Heaven. It seemed to have some sort of invincibility just like the other special dungeon did.

"Whew. I see that your fiery temper has not lessened with time. I glad that you are not using your true body or that attack certainly would have killed me." The man said, nonchalantly wiping off some soot that had landed on his clothes.

Other than being a bit dirty, he was none the worse for wear than before the Administrator had launched her attack. In fact, his missing leg had finished healing, so truthfully, he was now in even better shape.

The Administrator, however, did not care to banter with the man, and moved onto her next attack immediately.

Giant pools of boiling water the size of small lakes appeared around her. Each of these lakes swiftly sprouted thousands of serpent heads and began lashing out towards the invader in a ceaseless barrage.

At the same time, while the man was busy dealing with the Administrator’s water magic, the very sky itself split open like the maw of an enormous creature. All that could be seen within this rift in space was an endless black void, and there was no doubt that whatever it swallowed would be cast into an endless realm of nothingness.

The man that had kept his cool so far, finally lost his composure as the rift in the sky moved down to swallow him. He knew that he would be in trouble if he was caught up in this attack.

Reaching out in front of him, he gripped the same golden string he had used three times during the battle against the members of the expedition squad and plucked it once again. As the beautiful sound of the golden thread rang out, reality warped, and the Administrator’s spells vanished.

"So, you’ve retained all of your powers here, even if they are diminished." The Administrator spat.

"Yes, unlike you, I am using the abilities I have cultivated over a long time weakened though they may be. I wonder if you can truly beat me with the borrowed powers you are taking from this world’s system."

"It is true that this body is using the skills inherent to Mirrion, but I made sure to handpick all the best ones. This is my world, so of course I made sure to grab some abilities that could counter you whenever you decided to rear your ugly head." The Administrator said, wearing a vicious grin.

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